Our first solid spoiler for Chuck season 4 is here, courtesy of Ausiello! The title of the season premiere is “Chuck vs. the Anniversary.” Anniversary of what? And for whom? Speculate away!
Note: the season 4 premiere date has not been announced, but we suspect it will be either September 20 or September 27 on NBC. The season 3 on DVD or Blu-ray
will be released September 7 in the U.S.
Updated 07.15.10: NBC just released their fall premiere dates, and contrary to previous rumors, Chuck season 4 is confirmed to debut on Monday, September 20 at 8/7c. See you there!
It will be slightly ahead future and its the anniversary of Papa B. ! And it’ll show whats been happening 😛
You know for sure?
I cannot wait! 🙂
hey there!
my guess is mom anniversary or…once zach birthday is in september, they may have some cool party for him 🙂
anyway, chuck is back! 🙂
Ooooo 😀 maybe Charah will get ENGAGED! *crosses fingers*
How would that be an anniversary?
He will take her to the resteraunt where they had their first date (in the pilot) and propose on the anniversary of when they first met.
E! Online is looking for nominations for their 2010 Golden Tater Top Awards – there are several categories that would fit Chuck very nicely such as Best Comedy, Best Couple etc.
Onec they have nominations they will be starting the voting in a couple of weeks.
I guess I should read things a little more carefully, you have mentioned the tatertop awards in the Tubey Award post.
oh no. i think that’s pretty lame.
Three Guesses:
1. Anniversary of Chuck and Sarah’s First Date (Either the Pilot or the first episode of Season 2, which was titled Chuck vs. the First Date.)
2. Anniversary of when Bryce sent Chuck the Intersect.
3. Anniversary of when Chuck and Morgan became friends.
Or all three in one, would be great!
All three i would put down too but could be also Devon and Ellie got married was well. I can’t wait to find out!
Um … that can’t be right if we believe the Chuck-verse time line is pegged to ours (which seems to be the case). That would put Ellie and Devon’s wedding sometime in late May (perfect month for a wedding) or early June in our reality.
I don’t think Ellie and Devon got married in September since they did it in the finally of Season 2 which puts it sometime in May which is the logical choice. Nice thought though
April 27th, 2009
I definitely like the idea of #1 – it is the first time they met and had their first fake date in season one and first real date in season two!! That would be so cute!!
Yes, after thinking this makes the most sense! This is gonna be so great! I love the scenes in the first episode, where they meet, she asks him out and they go on a date! Everything in these scenes is awesome: body language, the dialogue and especially Morgan’s reactions!
vick-e-vayoh, vick-a-vick-e-vayoh.
Anniversary of this moment:
Sarah: “Yes, I’m not sure I’m able to receive calls cause I never got one from you!”
Morgan: “MAAAAN!”
S.: “That is if you’re free!”
M. “Oh, he’s free, he’s got nothing but time on his hands, he is very available!”
– Chuck looks at him –
M.: “What’s that XEROX-machine, sir? Yeah, I’m on it!”
This is definitely one of the best moments ever!
i definitely love that scene, to0! oohhh… the more i can’t wait for season 4!!!!
Man now i gotta go watch the pilot again …lol
Well, if the premiere is on September 20th, it would be the ninth anniversary of President Bush’s speech to Congress declaring the “war on terror.” The new baddies in the show could be planning a celebration.
Aces, you crack me up! Although, I see Casey getting on board with this one!
Yes that does sound like something that Casey would celebrate.
I think maybe is about mothers day.
I’m going to go with the third anniversary of the day that Sarah walked into the Buy More and into Chuck’s life. My second guess, since I’m usually wrong with my first, is the wedding anniversary of Mama and Papa B, since she is going to become an important topic in season 4. Third guess: both of the above since they love dual implications with their titles. Since they faked a lot of us out with their “Ring Part 2” title, maybe we’ll get an engagement when we least expect it: s.4/ep.1.
The reason it was the ring part 2 was because the ring part 1 was the wedding but also was when chuck discovered the ring part 2 was the death of the ring
I’m guessing it’s the anniversary of the day when Mama B. left the family. After all the last thing we saw in the finale is that Mama B. is still alive. No doubt that will be the new mission for season 4 and the only thing that will convince Ellie to allow Team Bartowski to reboot for another epic season.
I agree with you Donovan.
I agree with this theory as well.
please correct me if im wrong, but didnt momma b. walk out on chuck and ellie in october and thats why they celebrate mothers day then? (Then being the day they learned to take care of themselves).
yep, kelle, that’s their own version of Mother’s Day. and i agree with Donovan, to0! Mama B wouldn’t be the last frame for the Season 3 Finale for nothing!
it’s maybe :-
1. anniversary chuck work at buy more
2. anniversary between chuck and sarah
3. anniversary for their mom
4. ??????
Would be nice if it’s sarah’s anniversary and chuck ask her to get married at same time
Spoilers already? It hasn;t even been a month since the S3 finale. Someone’s getting fired…
Given the theme, Mother’s Day makes the most sense. That was episode 5 in season one, so it’s about a month early though.
This show tends to follow a “real” time line so Chuck and Ellie’s special mother’s day celebration wouldn’t fit. I’m thinking it’s the anniversary of the day Chuck and Sarah met and he fixed her phone. Given Sarah’s cluelessnes about being in a normal relationship Chuck will probably be the one to remember, not Sarah. He’ll set up something special and she’ll wonder what its for… then the baddies interrupt.
nice plot… i’d like that a lot! very ‘chuck’
Cant be
They got married April 27, 2009
The show stays to the calender.
Just saying
I don’t think it’s “Mother’s Day” because I recall that episode came out in late October of the first season, and they even referrenced the strangeness of the timing by calling it “Mother’s Day in October” or something to that effect. So the 1st episode of season 4 will be one month too early for that.
Correct. It seems to point to:
1-Chuck’s birthday (according to Chuckverse and Vs. The Intersect, Chuck’s birthday is at the end of September.
2-Chuck and Sarah’s anniversary of their first meeting (the beginning of their love story, so to speak, a bit like the day Mary B. left Chuck and Ellie behind, and that they celebrate in October). Since they became a couple very recently (in April), it would make sense if it’s the first time they celebrate the anniversary of their first meeting now.
Or both!
Well it would be the day the intersect was inplanted if it was his birthday
september’s the month of everything chuck and sarah
his birthday, their first date, them started to work together
I think you’ve all done a good job guessing, but S&F usually like to throw curve balls. Look for something that you would never expect.
I totally agree with Agent52 about S&F throwing curveballs – they usually say one thing and mean something totally different. I do agree that there will be multiple anniversaries covered – as this has been their MO for so long. Am totally stoked about S4 and can hardly wait for more “spoilers” as they say at hints to future story lines.
Knowing Chuck and titles, it’s probably going to be referencing a few things. I think the anniversary of when M.B left and Chuck and Sarah’s first date will both be the “anniversary”.
Usually, Chuck follows real time dates. If that’s the case, I wonder how they’ll explain what has been happening during the jump in time from the season 3 finale and the September start. Obviously Chuck has been carrying out Orion’s work and keeping it a secret for months.
Maybe it’s the anniversary in which they even forgot to include in the 3rd season the wrist computer papa bartowski gave chuck at the end of season 2.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some guesses:
>chuck and sarah became boyfriend-girlfriend
>ellie and devon’s wedding
>ellie and chuck’s “mother’s day” thing
>papa b’s death
1-Chuck and Sarah became a couple = April
2-Ellie and Devon’s wedding = April
3-Ellie and Chuck’s “Mother’s day” = October
4-Papa B’ death = May
The only anniversaries that are in September are Chuck’s birthday, and Chuck and Sarah’s first meeting.
Well at this point I have to quote:
– Wow, we actually look like a real couple.
– Well, we are a real couple, we’re just a different kind of couple.
SO you can say that after their first date, Chuck and Sarah start with the whole “faking”, but actually are together as a couple since Episode 1 or 2 (despite all these setback, they always stay together). So it can be the anniversary of this moment, even if they only become an official couple finally in April.
The above-quoted dialogue is from “the Sandworm”, the Halloween episode in season one.
I hope there are no misunderstandings, I only used this quote to show that more or less Chuck & Sarah have actually been together since Episode 1, even if the dialogue excerpt is from “Sandworm”!
Good point. Thanks for the clarification.
The Ma Bartowski storyline is the best support for the title, but it might be interesting if they blended a series of anniversaries together. The anniversary of when Chuck met Sarah, for example. It could be the anniversary of the creation of the first Intersect and how it began to destroy Chuck’s family — we’d finally see Ma and Pa Bartowski together. Or it might have something to do with Sarah or Casey — when Sarah’s mom left, for example, or when Casey “died” and became a spy.
I’m really excited about the Ma Bartowski storyline. At the very least, we might see Chevy Chase again as Chuck begans to read through all those files in the basement and start to fill in the missing pieces.
Remember, the Chevy Chase character died at the end of S2
Flash backs. Chuck could read through those files and the have flashbacks. Remember, Papa B and Roark worked together for some time. That’s how Roark stole his ideas.
Did he? I don’t recall seeing a body.
Yep, Roarke was locked up in the Castle after Casey’s team caught him at Ellie’s first wedding. The guy Casey assigned to guard him was an enemy plant, and put two rounds in his chest at close range while the rest of the team was playing poker.
Robert and Agent52 summed it up real well. There are only two events that could be realistically celebrated as an anniversary. If not, it will be something we’d never expect.
The first anniversary of the Buy More exploding? They can celebrate with a new grand opening?
Also- just because the episode is airing in September…it doesn’t mean the episode also takes place that month. I know they try to time the holiday, but the episode would make sense if it was Chuck and Ellie celebrating their mother’s day tradition. It would set up nicely for Mama B’s return.
I think it’s Chuck’s birthday. After all, he is turning the big 3-0!
No, no, he’s turning 29! Zach is turning 30!
How old is Sarah in the show?
A year older than Chuck apparently.
This is actually uncertain, because I always thought that she was 28 like Chuck. It was also written for quite a time on Wikipedia (before it was actually written that she was 28, there was only the infromation of her being between 29-32(?)).
Chuck: 18 September 1981
Sarah: 30 November 1979
So that makes Chuck 29, and Sarah 30 (almost 31) at the start of Season 4 (if they still follow real-time as in the past seasons).
Didn’t somebody write about this recently?
He flashed on her in Episode 2 from Season 1 but it was unclear if it was her cover id or her real identity.
Season 2 was the ten year reunion of Sarah’s highschool (Go Cougars!) Most people are 17-18 at the time of graduation, that would put her at 27-28 in season 2 (Depending on how late in the year her birthday is). Season 3 she would be 28-29, season 4 29-30.
I’m going for 29 like Chuck :)!
Chuck says she’s 28 in “the Delorean” (Dec.2008), so she’ll have turned 30 by this coming December.
One referrence for her birthdate is her “Alanna Truffaut” ID card in “Helicopter”, but that date may be as false as the name. The only other referrence I recall is in “DeLorean” where Chuck acknowledges that she is entitled to a personal night off, as she’s single and 28 years old. That episode aired 8 December 2008, so we can assume that by some time prior to this coming December she will have turned 30.
In “the Delorean”, Chuck mentions that it’s understandable for her to want a personal night out because she’s single and 28 years old. That episode was aired in December 2008, so we can assume that at some time prior to this coming December Sarah will have turned 30.
I’m thinking that it may have to do with his mom since at the end of S3 there was that scene at the end of the episode having to do with Chuck finding the underground headquarters that his father left behind and then mentioning his mom. So, I’m guess that she might show up on their anniversary. Either that, or, chuck goes on a mission and ends up finding his mom……
Well I know that we have all been waiting for chuck to ask Sarah to marry him but if you ask me that isn’t going to be for a while. Although chuck is ready to marry Sarah I still think that Sarah isn’t ready to marry chuck even though she loves him.
I have 3 guesses for the ‘anniversary’:
-the grand opening of the new buy more
-chucks birthday/meeting sarah
-mama b’s birthday (we haven’t had specifics on this one yet)
It would be nice if it were Sarah’s birthday but that would be a long shot-perhaps the reference to her first name “Sam” will be addressed-except for Shaw’s comment it has never been referred to again, which I always thought was strange. Hope Chuck does not decide to become a hermit like his Dad–maybe it is the anniversary of when his Dad broke off communications or left (or when Chuck & Sarah found him). Could it be the anniversary of when Chuck broke the necklace?? Some of Chuck’s spoilers are so misleading that it could be anything–the main thing I want in season 4 is for Chuck and Sarah to stay together, work together and possibly formalize the relationship.
I agree. I will not be happy with this season at all if Chuck and Sarah are no longer together. We already had the awkwardness from their previous heartbreak in season 3 and I don’t think these characters could live through that again. As for The anniversary, it could mean anything. Maybe it has something to do with Casey and Alex…
It would be a cool story line though if Chuck or Sarah were kidnapped for a few episodes.
They were already kidnapped in Chuck vs. The Pink Slip though. Of course it was only for part of the episode and Col. Casey got to use the chain gun. It’s. . .awesome seeing how much joy Col. Casey gets from his toys. = )
Hmm, I think you might have something here. Mama B left in October, Chuck broke the necklace a bit earlier, so… possibly September…
Since he has the missing part of the bracelet (left by Papa B in ther lair), it could really be the anniversary of the day he broke the bracelet, that Papa B told Ellie that she should protect Chuck and that there was nothing in the world they couldnt fix together. This talk from Papa B is the real beginning of the special relationship Chuck and Ellie nourish untill today.
He might use the anniversary of this event to tell Ellie everything that is going on.
Well done Larry 1234!
Well, it’s one of three things if you ask me…
1. The anniversary of Chuck and Sarah, whether celebrating when they first met, had their first date, or *in a real big leap forward* a year after they became official boyfriend and girlfriend.
2. The anniversary of papa and mama B’s marriage.
3. Or hell, it may just be the anniversary of when the Buy More exploded. Setting the story a perfect year later, and perhaps setting up the reopening of the new buy more.
Wait, is that the actual premier date? where did you hear this?
The premiere date has not been announced.
I read this on IMDB: Chuck vs the anniversary, airing date Sept 13, 2010…
I do hope so!!
if it actually is the anniversiry of when chuck and sarah met, wouldn’t it be funny if instead of chuck remembering the day they met, it was actually sarah. Then chuck would remember after she got pissed at him cause he didn’t remember, and then maybe he works it out with beckman to where she sends sarah and casey on a “mission” where casey is totally in on it, as chuck is the “mission” and he proposes to sarah at the buymore remains, possibly in the spot where they first met. maybe a little slow dance with the music fromt their 1st stakeout playing in the background….wow i am a serious chuckaholic, and i can’t be happier about it :)) thought anyone??
Hey, this would be a typical sitcom storyline, but it would be awesome! Also this would be actually a pretty big step forward for Sarah as a character, because I don’t think that she thought in that way before, so I think this storyline would suit Ellie more!
But if they did that:
They could use also “Fresh Feeling”(Eels, unexpected Break-up) or “Into Your Dream”(Foreign Born, the dance) as songs. I kind of think that it’s sad that they don’t use songs from former episodes that often, except of course “Private Eyes”(1st stakeout). There are so many great ones! 🙂
I hear what you are saying with reusing songs from past episodes. . .but at the same time there are so many great songs out there that they haven’t used yet that I’m sure they are wanting to use.
They used the song “Living a Lie” by Daniel Zott in 2 different episodes during the last season, in ep 3.3 and 3.8 🙂
that’s a great one, natalie! getting mushy over the idea…
There are a few items that I must write on.
1. I don’t see why anyone would consider a birthday as being an “Anniversary” I have never considered it that other than yes it happens once a year unless you happen to be born on that one day of the year on leap year then technically you only have a birthday once every four years. To me, it’s Birthday not Anniversary. . .so I therefore knock out any idea that Chuck vs. The Anniversary would have anything to do with anyone’s Birthday.
2. It is possible that they are going to go with the Anniversary of Chuck and Sarah meeting at the Buy More/their first date. But at the same time I’m not quite sure that the writers would use something like this for the premier of Season 4, could be wrong of course.
3. If the writers agree with me that birthdays are not anniversaries then it leaves only the two possibilities of the Anniversary of Chuck and Sarah meeting and the day that Chuck broke the charm bracelet, (Possible anniversaries that we are aware of).
4. There is the high probability that the episode is going to be an anniversary that we will have no clue what it is until it is unveiled since there is so much left to the imagination still on the story line of the show. Could be something with Casey and Alex, Chuck and Elly, Chuck and Sarah, Chuck and Morgan, Cpt. Awesome and Elly. . .the list goes on and on.
5. There was a comment about there already being a spoiler for Season 4 and that someone was probably going to be fired. . .I think another possibility is the key. I wouldn’t put it past the writers to have leaked this on purpose to be able to see what The Chuck Fans think about the title to get some ideas of what they could actually bring to the episode.
In conclusion I’m sure that Chuck Season 4 will be Awesome and of course with my ideas above I could be full of it whatever the illusive “it” actually is.
So from one Chuck fan to all the Chuck fans. What do you think about my ideas on Chuck vs. The Anniversary?
I like 4 and 5 is awesome (smelling conspiracy vibe all over the place :))! Would be pretty funny if they would do that but I don’t really think that the writers need us to write an awesome episode! If they did that, Chuck would be probably one of the most interactive shows in television.
3 MONTHS TO GO, I (AND NOBODY) else can wait!
Indeed. The writers don’t need our input to write EPIC! episodes, but I wouldn’t put it past them to do so to excite the fan base even more. They did have the frame thanking the fans after all.
@ Mel: Are you going to do another awesome, very long report in one of the next podcasts about Comic-Con, similar to the Wonder-Con-episode?
Longer, and with special guests. 🙂
S2,E18: You guys are awesome!
I got it! It’s the Anniversary of the Intersect blowing up with CIA Director Graham. . .(wait. . .that’s a wee bit morbid isn’t it) haha
It will be the second anniversary of the day that Chuck first met Mr Colt.
Mr. Colt! I miss that guy. haha
“‘Cause I assume you find me imposing. Don’t worry, you can be honest. I’m going for imposing.”
“…and enough ammo to take out Arnold Schwarzenegger…”
Don’t think that it is actually humanly possible to take out Arnold Schwarzenegger. . .although I suppose if anyone could do it. . .it would be Col. Casey!
“Your compound is currently surrounded by twenty-three infantry troopers, sixteen snipers, seven heavy gunners, four demolitions experts and enough ammunition to orbit Arnold Schwarzenegger.â€
You know what would be great as a scene?
There are always these funny scenes where Chuck & Sarah each individually prepare for their date or mission (First Date Season 1; second First Date season 2; Sarah and Carina/Chuck and Morgan Season 3), and now that they’re living together they’re helping each other this time (He helps her with her dress, she helps him with his shirt or tie)!
And then Morgan enters the room (No, that’s just a weird side joke, so forget it)! 🙂
But of course, first Chuck would have to figure out, how he’s gonna be a spy again , now that he’s “quit” (if you ask me that’s not gonna be a problem at all, it will even probably happen right in the season premiere)!
This may be something for a new thread, but what do you guys and dolls (gotta love that musical) think about how Chuck will go about being a spy again without bringing on The Wrath of Ellie?
Ellie has mentioned, as has Chuck, that being a Bartowski carries with it certain obligations. This dedication of oneself to the service of humanity brought Ellie to the medical profession, and she will recognise that the CIA is Chuck’s outlet for such service. She will also see that it is an essential component of his relationship with Sarah. It bought them together, and keeps them together. Now that Ellie is in the loop, she will learn much of what Chuck and Sarah went through to get where they are. And because she is supportive of their relationship, she will support the life that they chose for themselves as a couple.
I guess Col. Casey could brain wash Ellie like he did to Lester. . .haha
Speaking of Col. Casey. . .has anyone else noticed that he went from Major to Colonel. . .is it just an oversight to call him a full bird or is he actually a Lt. Col. but they just call him Col. since it’s easier. . .if any of this makes sense.
Edit: Did General Beckman make him a Lt. Col. or a full bird Col.
ooooo i like the way you think!! what would also be funny is if sarah begins helping chuck with a tie or something like that, and then asks him something like “how the heck did you get ready for our previous “dates” if you can’t even put a tie on by yourself?” 🙂 those kind of scenes are funny and cute
And then he helps her to put on all those little belts with the little kifes! 🙂
Man, that would be awesome!
I mean knives! Starting to make mistakes from all the mental similing 🙂
Chuck never wears a tie (except at the fake funeral of Bryce), so this would be even possible!
exactly!! oh boy that would be so cute. then their date gets interrupted by Mr. Colt haha
Maybe she can show him how to tie a bow tie the way Bryce did, and he can throw away his clip-ons.
Okay, what’s a clip-on?
A “clip-on” is a tie that is perma-tied and has a clip that you can clip onto your shirt. You never have to tie it just clip it on and go. They make clip-on’s with bow ties as well.
Okay, thank you! I will look out for one :)!
Personally I’d use a clip-on bow tie but not a clip-on tie. The bow ties have two clips on either side rather than just the one in the middle for a tie. But I suppose I should stop talking about ties since it is a wee bit off topic. haha
Watch “the Breakup” (s.2/ep.3) for the scene where Chuck and Bryce are putting on their ties together in front of the same mirror and Bryce talks about Chuck “letting the lines get blurred” and falling for Sarah. Watch Chuck watching Bryce tie the bow, and then Chuck glancing with embarrassment at his own clip-on.
That would be soo cute! I can already picture that scene. It kind of remindes me of te honeymooners scene when they are standing together in front of the mirror just staring at eachother. What if they kind of recreate that scene with them holding eachother in front of the mirror while trying to get ready for the same date! 🙂
Don’t you think it would be super cute If it does end up being Chuck and Sarah first meeting!?! And Chuck sets up something super cute for Sarah!! 🙂 <3 but we haven't really put other characters into consideration. We all love chara action and we all love their super cute love moments but we just got a new part of the team Alex! What if it is Casey and Alex's moms anniversary of when they first met?!?
All I know is that te first ep. of S4 better be EPIC and have many Chara cute moments!' 🙂
Chara forever!
Morgan and Alex! I hope that Alex will become part of the regular cast! We need someone fresh!
Um yes! Morgan and Alex Is going to be crazzy this season! I hope that Alex stays as a regular member of the cast! 🙂
I’m surprised that no one has coined Morlex or Algan yet (not as kool as Chara is it). . .although I guess for good reason, Col. Casey and his extensive knowledge of Afghanistan Goats may find anyone who even thinks such a thing. . .uh-oh, I may need to go into hiding now. . .
Well, it is not sure if they will be/are together in the next season. Casey can be VERY protective, so watch out, Morgan!
It will be an interesting dynamic to see. Because (at least in my mind) Col. Casey has some respect (may not be a whole lot) for Morgan (Morgan vs. The Tiger – Morgan vs. The Thumbs).
And then there’s going to be this kind of “taking to the prom” -scene, where Casey plays the cautious father. Old traditional values-vibe 🙂
Can’t wait for more on Col. Casey, Morgan and Alex. . .part of me wants this Anniversary to be something to do with Alex but I don’t see how it could be since Alex wasn’t introduced in Sept.
And you are right on target with the old traditional values from Col. Casey. It’s every dad’s job to protect their daughter. Primal Instinct to a T.
Hey Moe, I think you just created a spin-off to Chuck: Morgan. First Two Episode Titles
1. Morgan Versus The Tiger
2. Morgan Versus The Thumbs
and the brand new episode…
Morgan Versus The Over Protective Dad
Man i wonder why there waiting until sept. 7 to release the season 3 blu ray kinda close to the season 4 release……cant wait for either
It’s better than getting it after the season starts like the season 2 dvd.
The season 2 DVD came out January 5; season 3 started January 10.
DVDs for TV shows that are still on the air are typically 1-2 weeks before the new season begins. It takes advantage of the network hype for the new season, and adds extra hype for the show because the DVDs are coming out. Synergy, baby!
But still it was pretty late, I mean Season 3 comes in September and Season 1 also came out around that time. But I guess, if you see it from the commercial side, it’s different.
Mel, I think releasing the last season’s DVD so close to the debut of the new season eliminates the possibility that I can recruit new viewers and get them up to speed on the story so far by sharing my DVDs with them. It sort of ruins things by having them begin to watch season 4 live simultaneously with watching seasons 1-3 on DVD. The show’s fans have this rallying cry about recruiting new viewers, so it’s unfortunate that we don’t have this valuable tool at our disposal!
There are still episodes online at nbc.com I think they have ep.1, ep.14-ep.19 online still. And there are probably other websites out there that have all of season 3 up. So, in the absence of the disks you can always send your friends to the websites to get caught up on the third season.
This could work, especially if they have greater success than I do when trying to watch the show on nbc.com. My experience is one of frustration, where it plays faster than it loads, leading to constant standstills while I wait for the feed to catch up. That would try their patience rather than win them over. Give me a DVD any day.
I recorded all but the first 3 episodes of chuck off my antenna onto my computer… Still plan on buying the blu-ray though! >:)
hmm, chuck vs the anniversary, thats tough. there are a couple things that it could mean. in fact, some titles for chuck are pretty elaborate and have a double-meaning or a deeper meaning. be that as it may my best guess would be the anniversary of his mom leaving him and ellie. that was, i think october 7th, at least sometime early october which means for that to work they would put the premiere on that date or whatever day was closest to it. when we know the date of the premiere, we will be able to narrow down the possibilities, but for now, lets ponder some more. chuck premieres are probably nearly impossible to predict at this point, from the standpoint of the other premieres. last premiere had a couple insignificant changes that meant nothing (chuck being fired) because they got repaired. also, they brought what happened during the time they were gone to us. but the premiere before that was different. it just went forward and launched chuck into a new situation, but still bringing the past to present with the cypher thing. so all we know is that were going to be linked back to when chuck learned of his mom. wether it does that through flashback into summer or by flat out saying nothing happened and chuck did quit, though im more sure of the first choice. other than that, we dont know what will happen in the premiere. what will happen with jeff lester and the buy more staff and store? what will happen to sarah and casey (well im sure we know what will happen with sarah, to some extent)? until we get more information, we cant make more than a few plausible predictions.
I am sure it is not Sarah’s birthday but Chuck needs to celebrate Sarah’s birthday–also the day she moved in with him—seems like he rarely does anything special for Sarah—The Sam thing also needs to be addressed.
“seems like he rarely does anything special for Sarah”
You’re joking, right? “I brought you pizza, no olives.” “I brought you a burger, extra pickles.” “I set up this stakeout to mimic our very first stakeout, right down to the food and music.” And the list goes on.
Yeah, wee need Sarah’s birthday or something like that, her not-existing little sister(two little blonde lobsters) 🙂
I was hoping to see a showdown over the whole “Sam” thing, but now I feel they’ve probably dealt with it as much as they intend to. When Sarah gave Chuck her Spy Will, she gave him far more personal info about herself than the one name she divulged to Shaw. That gesture should placate Chuck (and the viewers). Presumably she’s going to need to pull a marriage license at some point in the future, which would provide an opportunity for the viewers to learn her name, as well as date and year of birth.
I think the whol Sam thing didn’t bother Chuck. Chuck just wante to know get real name but didn’t want to pry too much. The only time Chuck has really wanted to pry deep into sarahs past was on Chuck vs the cougars. But I think he is okay with just knowing he name….and he also knows that Sarah hates her past, so bringing it up might cause some tension.
No offense to anyone out there with the name Sam. . .but I think that Sarah Walker is the best possible name for Sarah, or perhaps Sarah Walker-Bartowski/Sarah Bartowski. Sam just doesn’t seem to fit, but then again it could be because we went almost three whole seasons knowing her as that.
I do agree with you.like seriously Sam and Jenny just dont fit. Sarah Walker or Sarah Bartowski!!! 🙂
Mrs. Sarah and Mr. Chuck Walkertowski! 🙂
I think he got to know Sarah as Sarah (or maybe he doesn’t like the name Sam) and he won’t change her name now, that’s like a completely different person. He doesn’t need to know about her past that much, because he changed her and she changed him yada,yada,yada (This can be endless).
“‘Cause as much as you don’t think so, I know who you are… A girl I’d like to share a cheeseburger with!”:)
I read on Twitter that the premiere was on Sept. 13th. But that was from Twitter so who knows? 😛
The source is IMDb, which may or may not be correct. We’re waiting for an NBC announcement before we get too excited.
Now I’m gonna bring something up that already was brought up in Chuck Vs The Podcast Ep. 19. What if there was a way created so that Ellie would also get an Intersect in her head? Do you see that as a possibility?
I actually don’t think that’s going to happen since we’ve got everybody involved somehow in this whole spy thing (even Awesome) but of course it would provide some interesting storylines or opportunities. Two people with Intersect 2.0 and a horde of spies.
An intersect that gives only super-physical abilities without containing information.
I don’t think it would play out well. The show needs to have one person with the intersect because if there were multiple people (other than season 3’s finale) have the intersect it subtracts from Chuck. Of course it worked with the finale because it was Shaw and he was the nemesis. Also with S. Bartowski dead Chuck is the only one with a govenor.
Here is another absurd theory, Chuck gets killed but is regenerated similarly like Bryce and Shaw beofre him. The only problem now is he doesn’t have the intersect anymore!
For something absurd:
Chuck gets whacked but is regenerated like you said, doesn’t have the intersect anymore but when he died the intersect was somehow transferred over to Sarah because she was holding him when he died. He stays at home now eating cheese puffs and she goes out and does all of the world saving missions with Col. Casey.
hmmm. . .I think that we need Chuck back soon so that we don’t go crazy with the absurd ideas. haha
or it is transferred to Morgan instead Sarah and Chuck has to stay home in the Cave like Oracle in Batman.
The intersect in Morgan’s head?!are you crazy!? 😛
And then LESTER downloads the RING Intersect and takes over world domination!
(This is getting out of control, we need news)!
Negative. . .we need Chuck!
Isn’t the Ring’s Intersect the same information that’s in Chuck’s Intersect?
Don’t forget to vote here every week, there are new (pretty funny)categories released!
Fantasy time: Casey’s daughter Alex has been a CIA agent all along (which should just about kill poor NSA Casey) and her waitress job in the pie shop was a cover like Sarah’s Wienerlicious and Orange Orange gigs. She was pretty good with the self-defence when Casey tried to abduct her. She and Morgan could be an up-and-coming spy couple, ably mentored by Chuck and Sarah.
Bryce’s “death” and Bryce’s real death about 3years and 1year plus the intersect and chucks birthday
Its probably the anniversary of when Chuck became a “spy”. Now that I’ve thought about it more. I think we are overthinking it! Haha
Perhaps a return of jill? which would be awesome to spice things up.
Or mama B will return or maybe its just sarah and chucks Anniversary of when they first met. Possibly the Anniversary of the intersect 2.0
Hmmm. . .that would be interesting if Jill showed back up. I’m sure that Col. Casey would either ghost her or arrest her. (It would be great for him to ghost someone again. It’s been too long since he’s had the taste of blood. . .that we know of anyways) haha
Jill escaped in “the First Kill” and hasn’t surfaced since. Maybe she hasn’t got over Chuck yet and comes back to reclaim him, leading to a showdown with Sarah. I could really enjoy that!
Me too. I think a jealous Sarah would be something new… We are only used to seeing jealous Chuck! Even tho we have seen a jealous Sarah a few times
The big difference this time is that Sarah would be defending what she has openly acknowledged to be hers, not just doing her job and protecting “the asset”.
I don’t think she was ever just protecting the asset tho…she’s always loved him…like web he was with Jill and Sarah watched them kiss…her face just dropped.
I think that will be Chuck’s birthday and Eli’s present will be the reinstatement of Chuck at the CIA or something like that because Chuck is no longer a spy … 🙁