Friday Five: Characters We’d Like To See Again

Chuck has had some dynamic characters come and go over the last 3 seasons. Some we were glad to see the back of, some we thought still had some story to tell. Here are the five characters I’d most like to see again:

  1. Bring back Cole Barker!

    Manoosh Depak: We met Manoosh, played by Fahim Anwar, in episode 3.06, “Chuck vs. the Nacho Sampler”. Brilliant but greedy, he built his own Intersect then tried to sell it at Weap-Con. I’d like to see him break out of whatever top secret bunker he’s in and seek revenge on Chuck for burning him.

  2. Jill Roberts: Don’t shoot me! She already came back once, but Jill’s (Jordana Brewster) story still feels unfinished. Is it petty to want her to come back and see Sarah and Chuck all loved up? She claims to know that she gave up a great guy, but I want her to see it firsthand. I think it would be good closure for Chuck, too.
  3. Cole Barker: Speaking of closure – season 2’s testosterone-to-burn super spy from MI6 was pivotal in showing Chuck that he has what it takes to be a real spy. As controversial as he was at the time due to perceived feelings between Cole (Jonathan Cake) and Sarah, he was an engaging character who seemed to care about Chuck reaching his potential. Wouldn’t it be nice for him to get paired up with Team Bartowski again and see just how far Charles Carmichael has come?
  4. Jack Burton: In episode 2.10, “Chuck vs. the Delorean”, Sarah’s dad, played by Gary Cole, gave us a tantalizing glimpse into Sarah’s past and how she came to be the Sarah Walker we know and Chuck loves. But come on, only one episode?!? We need more Papa Burton!
  5. Harry Tang: The CIA whisked the Tang (C.S. Lee) off to “Hawaii” in episode 1.08, “Chuck vs. the Truth”. I want to know if “Hawaii” was actually Hawaii or if he’s been stuck in some cubicle doing data entry for the last 2 years. I vote for the latter.

That’s my list. Who would you welcome back to the show and why?

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  1. agent_chuckles

    i agree with everything except Manoosh.It’s good to have Jill back so that we can see if Sarah will get jelly(bwahahahaha*choke.eep.furball*).Anna should be back too!!

  2. Jack Burton, yes! He’d be my top pick. Honestly, even without them being “love interests” again, I’m so over the whole topic of outside love interests that I never want to see any of ’em again. lol Characters who have some glimpse to offer us into the history of characters we care about though (like Papa Burton) I would love to see again. Carina also fits the bill, and Kathleen and Alex as well.

  3. 1. Carina Miller
    2. Cole Barker
    3. Alex McHugh
    4. Jack Burton
    5. Bryce Larkin (Flashback to Stanford Period/Bryce-Orion Conversation)

  4. Jack Burton, Harry Tang, and Anna Wu for sure. I’d add Laszlo for the same reason as Manoosh, plus I think he’s more dangerous.

  5. Carina, she has been there before C/S were a couple, now that they are, she can play dr morgan. Also, a short Alex Morgan Carina triangle would be a lot of fun

  6. i want to see rowan montgomery come back, he was cool 🙂

  7. I have to say that I don’t miss Tang at all. I would, however, like Carina back (if only to see her reaction to Morgan “Cobra” as part of Team B). And I’ll second Roan too – he was hilarious.

  8. 1. Carina Miller
    2. Rowan Montgomery
    3. Jack Burton

    These 3 would be my choices (Anna Wu seemed so “out of place” in 3.16) …

  9. WHAT? No Roan? Now that Sarah and Chuck are a couple, perhaps John Larroquette is less necessary as a catalyst for romance, but he’s definitely my favorite guest star the whole series and he deserves another assignment. Given that he and the General have a past (and we know that the General does have an active social life given that hilarious remote from her kitchen last season!), that’s at least one angle to play.

    And in my hope that the revamped writers’ squad will dedicate themselves to returning Sarah’s character to her original S1-2 appeal in S4, I wouldn’t mind seeing Gary Cole come back as her Dad. Obviously, this show is becoming quite the family affair with Ellie now in the know and Casey’s daughter in the mix, so when you think about it, an experienced con man wouldn’t be terribly useless in this crowd.

  10. malediktmanson

    Sarah’s mom & her little sister, Graham, Laszlo Manhovski, Papas Bartwoski & Burton, !Dr. Dreyfuss! 🙂

  11. Gringo Chuck Fan

    Well – there have been sooo many interesting and engaging characters who have popped up – and then dissappeared:
    The Asia secret agent – from Sizzling shrimp.
    Carina Miller – incredible dynamics within most of team Bartowski.
    Great history with Sarah – entanglment with Casey – object of Morgan’s affection.
    Stanely Fitzroy – now that Chuck has his own facility – he’ll need a security expert!
    Rowan Montgomery – it would be really good for him to show up again – even if just briefly
    Stanford – although not a person – I think that there is still some unfinished business or more information to uncover on Campus.

  12. 1. Jack Burton
    2. Roan Montgomery
    3. Carina Miller
    4. Cole Barker

  13. Although I didn’t care much for Carina in the Wookie, I completely changed my mind watching Three Words. Love her now (and Wookie too)!
    Seeing Anna again in the Tooth made me realize that I actually miss her. Furthermore I was excited to read that Alex will be back, ’cause I really liked her in Subway – but that’s already a done deal.
    Jack Burton, Roan Montgomery, Harry Tang (Genius!), Manoosh – all great.
    Cole Barker on the other hand – no thanks, I always thought he was kind of sleazy (all those oiled up topless scenes while hitting on Sarah…ugh). Jill – why not? She was definitely an interesting character. Boy, too many great characters to choose from. Not easy…

    I guess I’m going with:
    1. Carina
    2. Jack Burton
    3. Roan Montgomery
    4. Anna
    5. Harry Tang

  14. “That Lou girl” could cater Chuck and Sarah’s wedding (if Subway allows it)
    Tyler Martin could provide music at the reception (if Jeffster! allows it)
    La Ciudad could come back for another Tango
    Roan Montgomery could take credit for Chuck’s success with Sarah
    Carina, Kathleen and Ilsa Trinchina could compete for Casey
    Craig and Laura Turner could still have something to teach Chuck and Sarah
    Mr Colt could still go for imposing
    49-B Alex Forrest could still have a purpose, but I’m not sure what
    Sylvia the seductress (“Suburbs”) could have survived the download
    If the dead could live: Sydney, Alexis White, Mauser, Bryce Larkin,
    Ted Roarke, Papa Bartowski

  15. I liked Tommy, but my feeble memory is telling me he was killed, so…

    1. Mei-Ling Cho (Sizzling Shrimp) tag-teaming with Sarah
    2. Manoosh Depak, now with his head on straight and helping Team Bartowski
    3. An even more psycho Lazslo Mahnovski after escaping (again)
    4. Roan Montgomery – bring him back often! Any excuse will do!
    5. Well, if Alex is coming back, shouldn’t her mother show up somewhere? I want to see how Kathleen and Casey reconcile their past, even if it’s a one-and-done deal. Don’t need/want romance (actually, they should be too far apart now for that and Casey should be free to tomcat a bit as new eligible characters come and go) but just to work out what happened and come to terms with it. Then Alex and her dad can work together without recriminations
    6. Naturally leading to Ilsa Trinchina, but just a short visit, maybe to cut Casey loose once and for all

  16. 1. Carina
    2. Carina
    3. Carina
    4. Jill
    5. Jack Burton

    Oh, and I’d have to include Carina as well!

  17. Dylan Anderson

    I think that manoosh was a great one episode character
    here is my list

    1 Jack Burton (would be Alex but we know she is back0
    2 Carina Miller
    3 Harry Tang
    4 Roan Montgomery
    5 Cole Barker (only if they go to england and work with him)

    Sorry to say this but i believe anna is gone for good with the return of caseys daughter.

    • I have to agree with you about Anna. I thought she was going to be a regular once she returned in the Tooth. Now I don’t see how they would be able to bring her back. I wouldn’t mind. I’m glad Alex is going to be returning next season. She was easy to warm up to, and like most of us, I can’t wait to see her and Morgan try to keep a relationship secret from Casey. That will be downright hilarious as hell.

  18. I would like to see them bring back:
    1. Jack Burton
    2. Graham, I know that would have to be a flash back but after watching the pilot again, I have a feeling that Sarah thought of him as more of a father figure than her real Dad. If you notice Graham calls her Sarah instead of agent Walker. They could play it where her Dad says something and she contrasts what he said to something Graham told her.
    3. Carina
    4. Colt from First Date
    5. Roan

    • I still think the voice on the phone that told Mama B to move sounded like Graham. I know he got blown up in season 2 but so did Papa B and he came back.

  19. 1. Carina
    2. Jill (I feel there needs to be a Sarah vs Jill fight at some point)
    3. Jack Burton/Bryce (couldn’t decide)
    4. Harry Tang
    5. The Awesome’s

    This is excluding Alex, who we know is coming back. I would only accept seeing Cole Barker again if -as someone has already said- they go to England for a mission and, if possible, he is killed during it.

  20. Rather than Cole and Manoosh in the top 5 I would put Carina and Fulcrum/Ring agent Vincent.

    I know Vincent supposedly died during the Air Strike of Colonel, but I the guy is invincible – he has survived being shot, blown up in a helicopter and being runover by a car. I thought he was the best villain the show has ever had. So have him back hunting Orion (now Chuck) again.

  21. Well, I think that all of you guys are forgetting about a memorable character: Merlin. I mean the dude has his own pages and groups on facebook. Other than him
    3.Shaw( I know everyone hates him but wouldn’t it be great if he Chuck needed his help with something so he voluntarily takes him out of prison, Shaw helps but in the end steals his governor and runs but Chuck catches him.)

  22. 1.Jill (because i want that she see chuck and sarah together haha )
    2.Jack Burton

  23. 1. Rowan Montgomery
    2. Carina
    3. Faroosh
    4. Heather Chandler
    5. Jack Burton–if only to walk Sarah down the aisle…..

  24. 1. Jill- She needs to see Sarah and Chuck together and realize how inadequate she is compared to Sarah and their love. Plus Sarah needs to kick her ass.
    2. Roan
    3. Carina
    4. Jack Burton
    5. Cole Barker

  25. Christopher Yang

    **Some S3 spoilers and fun speculation**

    1: Jill Roberts: I agree that the story line seemed unfinished. Mainly the sense that it could go somewhere pretty awesome. First I thought she might

    (selflessly) herself when Chuck and Sarah went rogue. Then season 3 finale I thought she’d be a surprise returning character along with Papa Bartowski.

    IMO a big redeeming moment would play out wonderfully for her, and being totally happy for Chuck. We need to laugh not cringe after every turned corner.

    2: Papa Bartowski via flashbacks: I think the back from the dead is overdone. But why not that, as long as it has a hell of a happy ending. Possible

    Mama B at Chara wedding, with huge surprise Papa Bartowski making it. Big pipe-dream I know, but would be very effective. The situation alone would be

    wonderful, even without him being alive… maybe he planned something brilliantly before he died so he could be there symbolically.

    3: Alex: Every scene she was in was gold and she’s the only one that has kicked the crap out of Casey. Oh how I love that moment in so many ways. Big

    bonus is that she thinks very highly of Morgan.

    4: Carina: This could setup a possible love quadr-angle-whatever, that would be comedy gold. Morgan/Anna/Carina love triangle is what I originally

    wished for S3. The possibilities of this just make me smirk. Geniuos. Yeah Anna Wu didn’t make the list, but would be close at #6.

    5: Jack Burton: Love the character and loved the episode he was in. Sarah needs some love and no one could convince her how much she’s worth then her

    ol’ Pop (roots speak loudly).

    • Christopher Yang

      Eck… wish I could edit. Something terrible happened to the formatting copying from notepad. Sorry about the readability.

    • It seems a bit of a long shot to bring Jill back since she was Fulcrum, unless they reveal that Fulcrum was just a smaller part of The Ring. Also it seems (to me anyways) that everything has been tied up with her, unless Col. Casey is itching to get the ring that Chuck gave her back since the tax payers did pay for it.

      Alex will be back thanks to a spoiler and you forget that Maj. Casey (at the time) ran away from Sarah in the Wienerlicious, and more recently got mollywhopped by Ellie with her trusty frying pan. And. . .of course Carina did subdue the Colonel in her own way. But I think the most important thing to note with all of his defeats or set backs is that with Alex he would never think of fighting Alex. . .she is his daughter after all.

      They could bring Carina and Anna back so that Morgan has 3 to choose from, but I think that with him already rejecting Anna that he’s done with her and the only one that could possibly sway him from going for Alex would be the leggy Swedish beauty that is Carina. . .

      • Christopher Yang

        That’s great news that Alex will be back, more family dynamic is great.. it’s already one of the shows stronger points and one of my favorites. Alex disabling Casey came as such a big surprise and it was able to bring a touch of comedy in a scene that jerked your emotions at the end. You’re right about Casey, I had forgotten about Sarah and him when they were wary of each other. And another, Chuck taking him down the the tranqs. Such comedy that was.

        Onto Jill. I was already under the impression Fulcrum was a small part of the ring, but I’ll keep that in mind on my next Chuck marathon. Regardless, even after all her misconceptions Chuck at there last moments together as a person to a person both freed her and gave her the ring back. The rings purpose to pawn in for money, for something untraceable to and buy her necessities to live while on the run. The scene seemed to insinuate that she’d be hiding from Fulcrum. That scene tied in to one of Jill’s more memorable quotes (earlier in the episode), that pretty much set one of the main themes for Season 3…

        “They changed me. Promise me that you won’t let them change you.” My guess is that she went rogue since she hadn’t gone back to hurt Chuck. It seems that Chuck’s intrinsic trust that people will do the right thing, seeps through to those that spend time with him. It happened with both Sarah and Casey near the end of S2.

        I’d like her to come back good and influenced by Chuck’s example, maybe save Sarah’s life and all the while being totally happy and supporting Chuck. Jill couldn’t give Chuck the love or trust he deserved, but she saved the one person that best could.

        Anna Wu: I think you’re right about her. If she shows up at all, I think it would be for added comedic value for a Morgan-centric episode. My hope is if they do any love triangles for Morgan, the take total advantage of the comedic value that would enable and avoid angst.

  26. Carina
    Jack Burton
    Jill Who turned herself in to the CIA so she could work in an underground facility dedicated to helping people. Chuck negotiated the deal.

    laslow who teamed up with manoosh and Daniel Shaw make a killer bad guy team

  27. I’d love to see Jack Burton again so we can learn alot more about Sarah’s past. The only thing is Gary Cole is a pretty sought after actor so it might be tough to get him back.

  28. I’d love to see Kathleen, Alex’s mom again. Alex I know is coming back and I’d like (don’t hate me) Shaw to return more evil and crueler then ever in revenge against Team B. Why not? Heck, he was a terrific villain. Jack Burton would be fun to see again. I didn’t like Carina much, and last but not least Papa B via flashbacks I miss Scott Bakula so much. 🙁 🙂 Can’t wait for September and I wonder what new adventures are in store for our family of spies?

  29. 1. The bar piano player from ‘Chuck vs. the Seduction.’ (The actual one in the scene!)
    2. Jack Burton
    3. Papa Bartowski (If Bryce can do it, why not Orion?)
    4. Ilsa (Casey’s love interest)
    5. Rowan Montgomery

  30. Five characters;

    1) Jack Burton – to complete the Samantha Lisa mystery or walk Sam down the aisle,but I guess the second part is impossible for season 4 since it was mentioned before that no wedding vows will happen this season.
    2) Jill Roberts – to see Chara together.hehe
    3) Carina Miller – funny moments Morgan/Alex/Carina
    4) Papa B – for flashbacks
    5) Laszlo and Manoosh – as the bad guys

    Did not include Shaw,though he will be a good villain but he is also a hindrance to Sarah’s character.

  31. Ted Roark. (flashbacks with Papa B)

    • Ted Roark didn’t die, did he?

      • Christopher Yang

        On Season 2 Finale, Roark got a bullet in the head from the Ring double-agent. The same one that then killed all the Marines that were hanging out in the Castle, sparing Casey’s life, because Casey had saved him before.

  32. Daniel Shaw because he’s hands down the best villain the show’s ever had.

  33. 1:Carina for sure, Her get your head out of your ass comment had me in stitches
    2:Cole mmm maybe as long as C/S tell him very clearly their an exclusive couple and stick to the spy stuff. I always liked Cole but that butter that muffin crack made me want to crack him over the head.
    3:Papa Burton, an untapped character that can go a long way to exploring Sara’s past.
    PS: keep C/S together thanks, they don’t need to get married tomorrow but enough of the angst.

  34. I didn’t like Shaw as a good guy and Sarah’s love interest but i loved him as a villain and the twist in his story was great. i think he should be brought back for season 4 to finish his story. did he die after sarah hit him in the finale or was he sent to a CIA facility? i want answers from season 4.

    • Even if he were alive, would he be an independent villain? The Elders have been taken in so the Ring is hamstrung, if not altogether done.

      I’m really curious about what they intend to do for villains in Season 4. Simply creating a new sinister organization would be stale. Regardless, I’m fairly certain Orion’s base will be connected to future opposition.

  35. i want hannah to come back, but as a love interest for morgan.

    • Christopher Yang

      The Hannah character was awesome, I agree. And it was, to me, a bright spot in the angst blemishing first portion of the season. I was rooting big time for Chuck to stay with her. I was so tired of the Chara drama, and how Sarah treated Chuck irked me something. It would have worked fine if she didn’t fall so easily and unconvincingly into Shaw’s arms.

      If it wasn’t Sarah, I would have been happy with Hannah. She was a straight-forward character and dreamy.

  36. Five people I would like to see in Season 4

    Jack Burton – Season 4 is all about family. Give Sarah a father’s love. More awesome – Chuck through the help of Orion’s intel finds out where Jack Burton is and convinces him to come and meet Sarah.

    Jill – Her story remains sort of unfinished. She must see Chuck/Sarah as a couple. Or if she comes back evil – a Sarah/Jill fight.

    Carina – simply because she is awesome and has an amazing dynamic with the whole of Team Bartowski

    Vincent – he is the “Mummy”for crying out loud. IMO best villain on Chuck.

    Shaw – if only to pay the price for murdering Papa B. Maybe he escapes, comes after Team B and gets killed by Sarah in the process. Talk about closure.

  37. Chuck-a-lish-us

    I agree with all of those things except for Harry Tang. Even though he was awesome in the 1st season, he couldn’t come back because he left “Chuck” for “Dexter” (another show named after the main character), so I’m pretty sure his retirement from the show is permanent.

  38. Good FF Mel

    I would replace Manoosh and Tang with Roan Montgomery and Carina Miller.

  39. Has anyone heard whether Zac will be directing another episode in season 4?

  40. Anna Wu and Jill Roberts. How the in the name of the Intersect could you forget Anna?

  41. please bring back anna!

  42. Chuck Bartowski

    1. ILSA TRINCHINA (from “Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover”) – now that Casey’s daughter has Morgan… why shouldn’t Casey fall in love with his best gal too?

    2. VON HAYS (from “Chuck Versus the Break-Up”) – I thought he was memorably quirky and hilarious. Bring him back already.

    3. TED ROARK – Not gonna lie… even though he was shot, I really miss seeing him on the show. Chevy is on “Community” now, but still… he was fantastic and an instant-classic villian. Bring him back SOMEHOW.

    4. JILL ROBERTS – If there’s gonna be ANY romantic foil for Chuck & Sarah: the only gal worth spending more time on is Jill. She brings back the nostalgia perfection of Season 2 and is just a great character to base stories around.

    5. JACK BURTON – LOVE HIM. They must bring him back already. I’m positive they will. He’s too good not to revisit again. Maybe he and Chuck’s mom should fall in love? haha ;p

    Honorable Mentions:
    HUGO PANZER – Just to have him fight Casey.
    HANNAH – She was a total sweetheart and my friend really loved her. They disposed of her too quick. Bring her back as a foil between Morgan & Alex.

    PAPA BARTOWSKI – Anyone else find it extremely sad that he & Chuck won’t be able to enjoy TRON: LEGACY together? 🙁

    P.S. Bring ADAM BRODY on the show and give him a character already for goodness sake. I yelled it out at COMIC CON 2009 and everyone cheered and the panel seemed to like the idea but I still don’t see him anywhere!!


  43. 1. CARINA! Smart, sexy and loads of trouble!
    2. Ted Roark. He was an awesome villan! Deliciously evil.
    3. Rowan Montgomery just for fun.
    4. Jack Burton. There’s unfinished biz there. I want to know more about Sarah’s past.
    5. Papa B. in the form of flashbacks. We need more Scott Bakula!
    6. Jill Roberts. God we need closure on that storyline. She could really throw a monkey wrench in things!
    7. The Buy More. I am gonna miss the Buy More!

  44. I think that everyone is overlooking Casey’s two best love internets.

    Ilsa Trankina (Spelling?) From Chuck Vs the Under Cover Lover

    Kathleen McQuew From Chuck Vs the Tic Tac (Alex’s Mom)

    Also Agent Forest (The 49B) From Chuck Vs the Broken Heart

    Those would all be worthwhile people to come back.

  45. erika matullano

    I like Jill Roberts, Jack Burton, & Kathleen McQuew From Chuck Vs the Tic Tac (Alex’s Mom)… But I don’t really like shaw’s character… I don’t want him in season 4… I just want more charah moments… Hahaha Thanks!!!

  46. 1. Corina for a Morgan/Alex love triangle
    2. Jack Burton so we can know more about Sarah; just bring on her Mom & sister too
    3. Graham so we can know who ordered Sarah’s red test
    4. Casey’s ex-fiance (alex’s mom) I would love to see her reaction to Casey being alive
    5. Manoosh to get revenge on Chuck for turning him over to the CIA

    **Thought about Jill & Hannah but I dont want any tension between Chara. I waited 3 seasons for them to be together and I dont want to go down the break up road with them.

  47. I agree with all of these…and Carina. Love her!

  48. – Jack Burton (I don’t think we need him right away but sometime in the future like if C/S are engaged)
    – Carina Miller (She tends to be the first kick in the pants for Chuck and Sarah’s relationship, telling him Sarah likes him and then she loves him, she should come back and convince them to spend their lives together so Jack can come back.)
    – Tyler Martin (Dude’s awesome! He’s like Aldous Snow.)
    – Jill (She really needs to see C/S together)
    – Bryce (I’m such a huge Bryce fan but I guess his storyline is over since we’ve moved on from Fulcrum to the Ring and, ya know, he’s dead.)
    – Laszlo (I’ve been waiting for him to just break out again and go crazy on Team Bartowski)
    Oh and of course BOLOGNIA!! Morgan’s mom was awesome and there’s no explanation for her not being in the show.

    But really the number one person I want to come back is SHAW! (Can you just see the sarcasm radiating off the screen?)

  49. You’re forgetting about David Coleman from Chuck vs the Dream Job 😛
    Although hes more of an alter ego of sorts

  50. La Ciudad, Carina, Alexis White, Alexandra Forrest, Manoosh