This season Chuck will feature a character named “Greta” at the Buy More, with the twist that Greta will be played by a different actor or actress every week. At Comic Con, Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak were pretty pleased with themselves for coming up with this plan, but when I suggested that Greta was an acronym – G.R.E.T.A. – they perked up even further. Will the name end up being an acronym? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, let’s have some fun deciphering what that acronym could mean.
- Guaranteed Rockin’ Extra Tactical Acrobat – because surely the Gretas will get to show off their fight skillz.
- Government Raised Extra Terrestrial Agent – you know they’re breeding agents in Area 51.
- Gorgeous Random Emergency Training Agent – spy training never looked so good!
- Graduate Research Engineer of Theoretical Atoms – sometimes grad students need to pick up some extra cash.
- Greatest Reason for Erik (Estrada) To Appear – can’t you see the CHiPS homage now?
Do you think any of the above are even close? What do you think GRETA might stand for?
Government Resource Employed as Technical Advisor
Great Role for Every Television Actor
Glorious Ride Even Though Abbreviated
“Government Resource Employed as Technical Advisor” is a great one indeed.
“Government Resource Employed as Technical Advisor”
“Great Role for Every Television Actor”
Perfect. 🙂
Great Role for Every Television Actor that’s genious!
Government Robot Experiment That’s Awesome
Give a Role to Every Talented Actor
Generally Ridiculous Extra Tantalizing Audience
Good-looking Replacement Everyone Talks About
Grimes Risks Enmity To All
Gifted Rising Emmy Talent Abounds
I’ve got it!
G.R.E.T.A. = Geek Reinforcement Exchangeable Teaching Agent
So, what do you think?
LMAO!!! That’s great!
Training istead of Teaching works better.
G.R.E.T.A. = Geek Reinforcement Exchangeable Training Agent
General Replacement Extra Tactical Agent
Gastric Residue Emits Toxic Aroma
oops, sorry about that,
General’s Rotating Emissary, Temporary Assignment
there, that’s it.
Ewwww…. doctor Bob!
Open the window, it’ll go away.
What about
Governmental reinforcement for evaluation and tactical assessment/advisory ?
What do you all think?
It’s probably something simple, like General RETail Agent.
General recon and espionage training agent
Yes! I’d bet money that this is it.
Government Representative and Electronics Technician Agent?
Haha, it’s amazing how much fun it can be to wait for a new season.
My attempts at deciphering the possible “GRETA” acronym:
Glorified Risk-seeker Escorting Troubled Agents
Generalist Rank for Ever-adapting Task Agents
Go Research Every Thing Already
Here are my fav ones at the moment:
Government Retail Environment Training & Assessment
Government Retail Environment Training Assignment
Government Retail Environment Tactical Agent
The first one works really well for me because Greta could be the reason that Chuck and Morgan are back at the BuyMore. It may be their job is to evaluate the Gretas on their ability to blend into a retail environment! 🙂