Are Chuck & Sarah Getting Married? (SPOILERS!) (MAYBE!)

Kristin at E! has a zinger of a spoiler posted today that’s got everyone talking. She posted the following:

You know how some shows like to drag out storylines for their core couples, and make a big deal about wedding proposals and such?

Well, this one is going to slap you upside the head with some surprising deliciousness, ’cause it’s gonna come out of nowhere…

Sources confirm to me that a fan favorite couple (this may be an understatement) on a fan favorite series (again, this may be an understatement) will be planning a wedding in the coming season. And when it is revealed they are engaged, it will cause millions of viewers to audibly squeal. That’s not a prediction, that’s a fact. Here’s what I can tell you:

  • The couple is pictured above. (If you’re reading this story on our mobile site, you best get to the regular E! Online pronto.)
  • They are loved by most—but not all—fans of that show.
  • They are not currently engaged. (So that should rule out one couple for you smarty-pants sleuths).
  • There won’t be a big lead-up to the engagement as far as my sources know. It will be sprung on us.

Got any guesses? I bet you do…

So hit the comments section, STAT! And show me how smart you are.

Now, the fun part. While I can’t come right out and name the couple who will be headed to the aisle this season, I won’t leave you hanging: I will eliminate one couple from contention for every 500 new followers I get via Twitter. So tell your spoiler-loving amigos to start following me @kristindsantos, por favor! And make sure you are following me, too, because that’s probably where I’ll be axing couples from the list above.

How is this relevant to our interests? Chuck & Sarah are one of the couples pictured in the article, and therefore a possibility for the answer. I can see Chuck the show doing something like this, but it feels too early. Even if they time jump to cover summer (like they usually do), it will only have been about 4 months since Chuck & Sarah got together at last. Then again, if it’s right, it’s right. But on the fifth hand, does anyone not like Chuck and Sarah together (see clue above re: the couple being love by most but not all fans).

FYI, Kristin has amassed 500 followers as of now and eliminated Sookie & Bill (True Blood) and Julian & Brooke (I don’t know which show they’re on One Tree Hill).

Updated 08.12.10: Kristin has eliminated Chuck & Blair (Gossip Girl) from the list.

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  1. Julian and Brooke are on One Tree Hill on the CW.

  2. I think julian and brooke are from one tree hill…
    that’s awesome, but I think its too soon for that…

  3. I don’t think it’s chuck and sarah because of the comment she made about they are loved by most– but not all -fans of the show. Believe me..everyone loves chuck and sarah together. Their separation last season because of shaw caused the biggest fan uproar. So as I said I don’t think it’s our favorite couple getting married. But oh wouldn’t that be incredible.. we can still wish.

    • Agreed.

      Which Chuck fan does not love Chuck and Sarah (or Charah, or Suck, according to Zach Levi and Josh Gomez)?

      I don’t think that this spoiler is about Chuck and Sarah.

  4. Julian and Brooke are from One Tree Hill.

    I don’t think it’s Chuck and Sarah, as much as I would like it to be. Honestly though, it doesn’t seem necessary at this point. They’re committed to each other, they live together, and work together. At this point the marriage is just a piece of paper.

  5. Regarding the most but not all fans, I think there are some, like me, who are rather indifferent, and like the show more for other reasons. Some of those are the geekiness, the comedy, and the action.

    On the other hand, I wouldn’t be completely against it either. I just don’t like when the main focus of the show is on the relationship, and then there’s a rocky period, or a triangle, and all the shippers go absolutely nuts (see last season).

  6. Ever since they have provided the title for the premier, I have been thinking what better time for Chuck to pop the question then the anniversary of when they first met.

    They really have been in love since the pilot “I fell for you after you fixed my phone and before you started disarming bombs with computer viruses”, so to me it doesn’t feel all that early.

    • I’d love to see Chuck and Sarah getting married. Kristin is saying that it’s a possibility, and Mark Christopher Lawrence has said (to Zach Levi’s dismay: “I don’t think you were supposed to say that!”) that in Season 4, there’s gonna be a baby and a wedding.

      We know who’s gonna have the baby (Ellie and Awesome), but who’s gonna get married?

      I guess we’ll see!

      • Big Mike Tucker and Bolonia Grimes. That’s why MCL let the secret slip.

      • I would love to see Big Mike and Bolonia happily married. That would be an opportunity for another big BuyMore party.

      • I don’t completely agree with the statement that we know it will be Ellie and Awesome having a baby. Thought it probably is the most reasonable sounding I don’t think they are the only possibility. They will probably throw a wrench in Chuck and Sarah’s relationship. (sorry fellow shippers!) One of the possibilities, though probably unlikely, is that Sarah would be the one pregnant thus complicating Chuck’s life and quite possibly their relationship too. Also aren’t we forgetting Morgan might have a new love intrist in Casey’s daughter though I seriously doubt they would pull her getting pregnant, it could happen! Hey if you haven’t noticed already writers will pull almost anything!

        Also don’t forget they didn’t say they people having the baby couldn’t be the ones getting married too. If Kristen means Chuck, an unexpected turn of events such as a new baby might persuade him to propose rather soon! (oh how the shipper in me would love that!). Keep an open mind!

      • Sarah Lancaster told me at Comic Con that Ellie is pregnant this season, so I think we can lockdown that spoiler.

  7. While I think that it’s definitely inevitable that Chuck and Sarah will get engaged & married, I doubt that it will happen this season. As has been said numerous times by numerous people, the primary story focus this season will be the search for Chuck and Ellie’s mother (and perhaps with that confronting the threat or threats which Stephen had been trying to protect her from). Having Chuck and Sarah get married or engaged this season–particularly if it happens early on–would in my opinion create too much of a diversion from the issue of finding Mama Bartowski.

    I believe that if Chuck did pop the question this season, it would not be until the season finale, in one of the last scenes if not the very last scene.

  8. I think it’s Owen and Christina from Grey’s Anatomy. Shonda Rimes told Ausiello there would be a wedding on the fall season premiere of Grey’s.

    • I also think it’s going to be Christina and Owen (Grey’s Anatomy) that end up married this season, I think it’s a little far off base for Chuck and Sarah but who knows….

  9. One can only hope. I don’t see how a wedding would change
    Chuck and Sarah’s situation except to make the fooling around
    legal. Doesn’t bother me but I guess there are still some prudes
    in the world.

  10. Come on….that’s no notice at all, first how a Portuguese girl will now this first than lot’s of amoerican fans of chuck, im portugues and this frase “So tell your spoiler-loving amigos to start following me @kristindsantos, por favor” she’s tell to tell all your friend’s to follow her in twitter why? and in the image there is no blonde girl’s come one could never be Sarah….

    Now if they will get married? yeh i believe that….

    • Peter, you must not be familiar with Kristin. She’s American but married a Brazilian. She’s reported TV news for E! for 10 years or more now, so she’s not some random blogger. Maybe you aren’t seeing the same image we do (?) but the top left photo on her post is of Chuck and Sarah from “Chuck vs. the Sandworm”.

  11. I saw in the new TV Guide today that there is going to be some sort of wedding on grey’s anatomy and they listed the pair in one of her photos. I don’t think Chuck and Sarah will do that….YET haha

  12. Everyone loves Chuck and Sarah though. And I agree that it would seem rushed. HOWEVER, I totally see Chuck and Sarah’s engagement as something out of the blue, even on accident perhaps. Something like Chuck accidentally dropping an engagement ring he took from some bad guy and having Sarah find it and saying yes; I can totally see this happening, seeing as their relationship has “never been normal”

  13. Just watching season 1 and 2 over again… DANG I miss Chuck’s old hairstyle.

  14. I think it might be Chuck and Sarah because two days ago Kristen said she was going to the Chuck set the following day. We know that Chuck and Sara won the top couple and Chuck one the SOS poll proving hence the understatement and I know people have said that they are moving too fast but they have been in Love for three years now (on and off and even then it was never really off) so I dont think so.
    Plus at Comic con Fedak and Schwarts said we would be Very Happy with chuck and Sarah.
    Not saying it definateley is but I think about 80% it is Chuck and Sarah.

  15. Gringo Chuck Fan

    I’m having trouble believing that this was meant to be a hush hush surprise… and if so – that they’d let something this BIG get leaked…
    But – if it turns out to be true – BOY would that ever make S4 exciting.
    I think its something that will happen eventually for those two.
    Season 4 starts with a surprise engagement… mid season could explore fun filled stress planning a wedding – maybe even on again off again wedding dates – then somehow they get married near the end of the season.
    I think many folks could live with that.

  16. OH! So it’s definitely not Julian&Brooke, Lois&Clark, or Sookie&Bill..whoever they are 😉 It says on her twitter account. PLUS: Kristin was just at the set of Chuck, so it could be a possibility 🙂

  17. I HOPE SO! It would be wonderful but at the same time sad…we wouldn’t have that feeling of singleness’ as they would when they were dating and could end the relationship without the government getting involved….haha….so to speak! Oh well can’t wait CHARAH!

  18. I’d be suprised if it was Chuck and Sarah, because of how long they’ve been “dating”, but lets be honest – they’ve each known the other loves them since probably mid-season 1. So its like a 3 year romance. And not only would it come out of the blue for us, it’d also be a shock I guess to Ellie, Awesome, Casey, Morgan etc.

    I think, like many people have said here, that there’d be a proposal at the end of the season between them, but if Schwartz and Fedak brought it in early, they know what they’re doing, and I wouldn’t be disappointed. They’ve not disappointed me yet.

  19. I think it is a very real possibility that it is Chuck and Sarah for several reasons Kristen wrote on the 10th august that she was visiting the set of Chuck the next day and and then on the 11th she posts about a couple getting married.
    There are the comments about the couple and the show being a fan favourite, and then saying that maybe an understatement, I mean they did win the best couple (before they were one) and the SOS poll.
    We had Chris and Josh at comic con saying the fans would be very happy this year.
    The part that when it said about drawing out the engagement thing do you think that it could refer to the fact that they have only been living together for a couple of months or so. I know there are people that think that may be 2 quick but com on they have been in love for 3 years on and off (well not off really).
    Admitedly I was confused about the nearly all fans would be happy but the ony thing i could think of is that there are some people that apparently think it should be chuck/casey (according to Fan-Fiction anyway)
    So i would say I think about 80%sure its Chuck and Sarah

    • Very, very good point there about Kristin.
      I think you might have just solved that one there, pal. Let’s hope you have anyway 😀

  20. i doubt it would be sarah and chuck, its too early and its quite a big spoiler to let out before its even aired

  21. Ausiello reminded us today in his spoiler column of a blind item he posted a while back: there will be a “shocking” wedding this season. He also says that the show in question does not air on NBC. Are these spoilers related?

    Kristen from E! does know how to stir up speculation. Her Mask spoiler last year drove fans nuts…which I think contributed to fans ultimate dissatisfaction with the episode.

  22. I’m leaning toward the scenario that Matt posted above. A Chuck and Sarah engagement toward the end of season 4 seems more plausible. A wedding seems a little too soon considering the mission of finding Mama B.

    • Maybe; but have you considered the idea of Chuck finding his mom, and she’d be there for Chuck and Sarah’s wedding?

      It would parallel Chuck finding Steven Bartowski (Thanks to Sarah) and having him there for Ellie and Awesome’s wedding in season 2, wouldn’t you say?

  23. Umm, maybe it’s will and Emma from glee? That would be completely shocking to glee viewers… I’m just guessing? I think a lot of people like them. But not all.
    Well, I guess we will see, huh charah fans?
    Btw, does anyone here not like charah?

  24. Marriage wouldn’t be a very big deal at this point.

    I think the bigger shocker would be if Sarah gets pregnant.

  25. Didn’t they also say that this season of Chuck will ‘focus on family?’ While that obviously includes the search for Mama B, a Chuck/Sarah engagement or wedding certainly falls within the realm of family!

    I want to see it happen, and if its this season, then great! Another reason it might happen this year is maybe the writers and producers feel they are on borrowed time? Given how late the last two renewals were and all…

  26. My guess is Michael & Holly. Since Steve Carell is leaving after this season, and Holly is coming back, it would be the perfect exit for his character. And even though it seems impossible, there are people who like Jan more than Holly.

    I also don’t watch any of these shows besides Chuck and The Office, so I don’t know about any of the other couples…

    • I can’t imagine millions of fans “squealing” if Michael and Holly get engaged. I think she was only a recurring character during one season.

      How about House? I don’t watch that show, but, from what I do know, that couple seems to fit.

  27. I dont think it will be Chuck and Sarah. Ausiello posted a similar story (, naming three networks that the couple was from. NBC wasn’t one of them.

  28. It can’t be Chuck and Sarah because they are loved by all fans. Those who say otherwise are lying because they do not want to admit that the story of Chuck and Sarah is a very important part of the series.He who does not believe it do you need only repeat another Shaw or leave Sarah in the series and will see if I have reason. Who is as a major figure in the poster of Comic Con this year like last year? As Chuck and Sarah. Don’t speculate more because Fedak and Schwarz said clearely this season Chuck & Sarah will make us happy and I like I love to see Chuck & Sarah together as in the last six episodes of season 3.

  29. After reading the statement for the umpteenth time, I noticed the ambiguity. They apparently “will be planning a wedding in the coming season”. So the wedding itself may not happen during season 4, but at least the planning will be going on. “And when it is revealed they are engaged, it will cause millions of viewers to audibly squeal”. So if this does apply to Chuck and Sarah, we will have an engagement and, presumably with Ellie’s enthusiastic involvement, lots of planning.

    • If it happens that way, I will be very satisfied! A wedding for Chuck and Sarah this season, though I would love to see it, may be a little bit fast, even for them.

      But an engagement! It would totally fit with what Schwedak said about Chuck and Sarah fans “being very happy this season!”

  30. I dont think its chuck and Sarah,

    I actually thinks its the Steve Corral character Michael scott, as he is leaving the office at the end of the season and the love interest pictured with him is returning to the show…

  31. well, with the engagement of sarah and chuck i would be happy, but… Talking about they getting married, i dont think so, its most likely for them just to get engaged and maybe plan the wedding. Remember, Zac also said to Ausiello that They will have drama for chuck and sarah just for the purpose to keep the relationship “normal”.

  32. I doubt it is our favorite couple but if it is not then I am not intersted-do not care. I would like to see them get married so the show can concentrate more on the adventure and comedy–One of the surprises of season 3 for me was Yvonne’s comedy–she really did it well. I hope the marriage is Sarah and Chuck–again if it is not –don’s waste my time!!!I am greedy-let’s shoot for an expanded season 4 and an early commitment for additional seasons.

  33. Well Chuck and Sarah have made it to the final four. Here’s to hoping!

  34. I think it very well might be Chuck and Sarah. They’re the only couple I can think of that match all of those criteria. The fact that they mention the fan favorite stuff might be an understatement is a huge hint because Chuck and Sarah and the show obviously fit that. I predicted that they would move in together mid-season 3, and that was more or less right, while maybe being a little late. Of course, if I had known that the first 8 were going to be as bad as they were I would’ve put more length on the prediction. I’m a pretty logical person who’s good at deducing things, and I can see several reasons why it very well might be them. Firstly, for people who are saying it would be early, that depends on how you look at it. Relative to when they became an official couple (Other Guy), it would be early. But, we all know that they’ve been in love with each other since the pilot, as proven in the Other Guy when Sarah tells him she fell for him a long time ago. Relative to that, it would be perfect timing, especially if they jump time for the summer because that would mean that they had been living together for 3 months. Secondly, planning a wedding makes perfect sense. F&S do want to keep a little bit of tension between them while keeping us fans happy at the same time. Everyone knows that planning weddings can be quite stressful. So, take Chuck and Sarah, who are already living kind of a double life, and add wedding planning to it. That would be a perfect way to put some tension in there while keeping us fans happy. Third, for the question of why would F&S leak something this huge so far before the premiere? When you think about it, it also makes perfect sense. At Comic Con this year, Schwartz said they had learned some things. One of those things was undoubtably that the show does a whole lot better in the ratings when they’re together versus apart. So, what’s the best way to get the fans crazy excited about season 4? Leak something really big and good about Chuck and Sarah, but leak it in a vague and unclear way that causes just a tiny bit of doubt so that the fans aren’t sure what couple they’re talking about. That triggers speculation, and for a topic like this, a hell of a lot of it probably all over the internet, which gives the show more positive exposure. It would also cause the fans to recruit as many new fans and viewers as they possibly can during this next month until the premiere. Fourth, the title of the premiere, Chuck vs The Anniversary. Titles of Chuck episodes often have double meanings, and this would be perfect. The title could easily refer to the anniversary of Chuck and Ellie’s Mother’s day holiday, as well as the anniversary of a few other things, such as: Chuck and Sarah’s engagement, their first date (season 2 premiere), or when they first met in the pilot. Fifth, the fact that it’s going to be sprung on us would make sense with the premiere being called the Anniversary. We know that F&S like to drag relationships out across seasons. But at Comic Con Schwartz said we would be very happy, and this would be a very cool surprise to start the season off with. Lastly, the one that says the couple is loved by most fans, but not all fans might be worded in a tricky way. I know that some fans enjoy and like Charah, but they watch the show more for the action and comedy and Charah is not the main reason why they watch the show. This might be what that fact is actually trying to say. Oh yeah, then there’s the fact that this season’s focus will be on family. I know I could be wrong, but to me the fact that they’re saying that the couple and the show are major fan favorites, and then saying that those statements might very well be understatements is a huge hint and almost a dead giveaway. I’m not making any promises, but I hope I’m right just like the rest of us.

    • Can’t be the Bartowski “Mother’s Day” since that was late October. Love the rest of the detailed analysis, though.

      • Yeah, I was actually taking that into account. I know the timing on that wouldn’t be exactly right, but who said they can’t be flexible? That episode was mid-season 1, but they both take place in fall, so who knows. I was going more off of the fact that it would tie in perfectly with his search for mom. Anyway, we’ll see.

  35. Something that’s starting to annoy me: people, please read the article correctly! It doesn’t say anything about a SURPRISE WEDDING. It says there will be a SURPRISE ENGAGEMENT and then PLANNING FOR A WEDDING. Big difference there. And, like I said in my other comment, this fits Charah perfectly. It is definitely too soon for a wedding, but were talking about an engagement, not a wedding, remember? Since they’ve been in love since the pilot, that’s 3 years or seasons, which is perfect timing for an engagement.


  37. I would love it to be chuck and sarah. Only to have sarah break the wedding plans because MamaB tells her if she really love his son he would not bring up a family in the spy world, as she did. In the end of the season MamaB confesses he would not trade those years with her love ones, and having family. And that she does not want her (sarah) to make a mistake, and gives her the blessing to marry her son. Final episode of the show being the wedding.

    We might also see Chuck die in this season, that would definitely break sarah’s heart. Only to discover his death was faked by the enemy to be reprogrammed to be an evil chuck.

  38. Well, it’s been narrowed down to greys, chuck, and the office. I wonder who it’ll be?!

  39. Here’s a thought somewhat related to the whole will/won’t they get married right away….WHAT IF: so Ausillo spilled that Nicole Richie was guest starring in the 3rd episode of the season (also confirmed via Zach’s twitcast) and that she was coming at a time when there was “serious bumps” in Charah’s relationship….the episode is also called “Chuck versus the CubicZ” also spilled by Ausillo….WHAT IF the “serious bumps” part was about Chuck possibily buying a ring whose diamond was cubic zirconia, instead of that of a real diamond engagement ring? Then Nicole, a.k.a Heather, sees it on Sarah’s hand and tells her that it’s not made of real diamond, thus making her mad at Chuck, which results in him buying her a new diamond engagement ring at the end of the episode, as the other one was temporary?? Thoughts anyone??

    • I don’t know I think it might be more of a “all Jenny’s boyfriend needs to know is that Jenny doesn’t like talking about her past” type of bumps kind of like in vs the cougars.

    • Ok, I’m a guy who doesn’t know much about jewelry. When I first heard the title Cubic Z, I didn’t know it was referring to a Cubic Zirconia which was a diamond. Can you please tell me what the difference is between a Cubic Z and a real diamond (if there is a difference other than real vs. fake)? That being said, I think you may have a good theory. We all know the Buy More doesn’t pay that much and we’ve never really known how much the CIA pays him, so I can totally see him buying a fake one temporarily until he has the money to buy a real one and not telling her. It’s also a good theory because that plot would fit the double meaning element (relationship bumps and physical bumps). It would also fit the one tidbit we know about Heather’s part in the episode right now, which is that Heather is going to try to use the relationship bumps to her advantage. In addition, it would fit the crazy plot pattern that they were doing throughout season 3.

      You know, those people who release spoilers can be very tricky sometimes. Of the 3 couples remaining, all 3 are pretty good contenders. Apparently, there’s been a spoiler leaked that Owen and Christina are getting married in the Grey’s premier, but I’ve never known if our article was taking that spoiler into account or not. Then, I noticed something. When Kristin eliminated the 6th couple (the last one she could eliminate) she added a tiny but very significant hint, in the form of a question, to the article that she didn’t have in it earlier: “Could this riddle actually apply to TWO couples?” Yes, two. My guess is that one couple will be getting married, and another will be getting engaged. With the Cubic Z title, I would hope that Chuck and Sarah are the ones getting engaged. Heck, for all we know the riddle could apply to all 3 couples.

      • Thanks Tyler! I agree with the two couples theory. Owen and Christina will probably marry, but Chuck and Sarah will get engaged:-). Cubic zirconia is more abundant, looks just like a diamond, however is much cheaper to buy because it is so abundant. It also isn’t as hard as a diamond, and scratches much easier. In addition, it doesn’t have that sparkle like a diamond, and usually comes in large sizes (who would wear a 3 carat diamond outside?) and inferior settings (that can be easily spotted). Whew! Sorry I’m a girl, we know our jewelry haha 😉

      • Cubic Zirconia ia a man-made diamond substitute, as opposed to the real thing, which takes millions of years of carbon compression to create. So, unlike diamonds, CZ can be produced quickly, on demand, and is not a limited, hard-to-get-at resource. And it’s much less costly than the real thing.

  40. hmm even with the time jump i think that its still early for them to get engaged. i want to see casey get married first (that might be OOC) or big mike and morgan’s mother