This week’s Friday Five comes from Chuck fan Paul B., and highlights the stellar non-verbal acting we see from Yvonne Strahovski on a regular basis.
There is no doubt that Chuck is compromised by his emotions; however, overall, one could make the argument the most emotional member of Team Bartowski of actually Sarah. Yvonne Strahovski has a remarkable talent of being able to sell the tone of any scene with her facial expressions. There is at least one in every episode, but here are five of my favorites:
- The Pilot, when Chuck helps out the ballerina – We all knew that this is when Sarah first got soft on Chuck; too bad it took three seasons for her to admit it to herself.
- Chuck vs. The Subway, when Sarah learns that Chuck has infiltrated the Ring base – The beams of pride emanating from her face seem to just shoot out of the screen.
- Chuck vs. The Best Friend, when Sarah believes Chuck has been killed – I don’t know about you, but the look of pure agony in her face gave me a mini heart attack.
- Chuck vs. The Lethal Weapon, when Chuck and Sarah are talking in the courtyard at the end – Sometimes the blankest of stares can say the most. Who needs dialog?
- Chuck vs. The Honeymooners, in the train compartment at the beginning – After so much disappointment and heartbreak, it was nice to see an expression of utter delight on her face. Boy, what a smile!
I wonder what Yvonne has left in her repertoire for this season?
One that I don’t think was mentioned here was when the newly promoted Col. Casey had locked Sarah and Chuck in Castle and Chuck said. “What, we can’t request a cozy cell with two beds?” and Sarah replied “Two beds?” and the look was priceless. . .of course they didn’t get to kiss because Jeffster blew the power.