Gray recently hosted a fan Q&A with Chuck writer Lauren LeFranc. A variety of questions came in, some of which have since been answered via other outlets, but there are plenty of new nuggets to be found here.
Something she’d change from S3 if there was a rewind button
- Well we all know how everyone feels about Shaw, but everything that was done in Season 3 was important for all the characters’ growth.  And who knows if Chuck and Sarah would be together if Shaw hadn’t been around… Okay, they probably would be, but still!
Will Lauren be writing any Sarah backstory this season?
- There should be some Sarah backstory coming up, but not sure if Rafe and I will get to write it.  Though every writer, no matter who’s writing which episode, is involved in breaking the story.
Will she and Rafe be writing solo as well as together?
- Rafe and I are a writing team so we are sort of a package deal, as we’re hired together.  So you’ll probably never see a script with only one of our names on it =)
Did casting of Linda Hamilton change how MamaB role was originally conceived?
- Linda Hamilton was perfectly cast for the role of Mama B. Â Enough said?
Yaaayy on Saras back story. Yeah on character study. Juhhuu on the new writers beeing Chuck fans, it’s a lot easier to catch up if you know the story.
Thanks for answering the questions. Lauren could be my new favourite writer. I think its very interesting that they (Lauren and Rafe) are only writing in a team.
I also kind of knew that they would be writing suitcase: 1- seems to be a Chuck/Sarah focused episode along with 4.3 and gives the new writers more time to work on character study.
The more I see about S4, the harder it is to wait.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what the new writers will bring to the table.
So much looking forward to another “Cougars” or “DeLorean” episode! Sarah’s mom! 😉