Friday Five: Reunions We’d Like To See On Chuck

With the news that Zachary Levi’s Less Than Perfect co-star will appear on Chuck this season, I got to thinking about other cast reunions I’d like to see.

  1. Nathan Fillion – You knew he was going to be #1!  Nathan was the lead on Firefly, which co-starred one Adam Baldwin as Jayne, the grunting, gun-toting, knitted-hat-wearing malcontent. Wise-cracking Nathan would be perfect as a charismatic CEO who needs Team Bartowski’s help preventing corporate espionage. Naturally he’d try to romance Sarah, be revered by Jeffster, and butt heads with Casey.
  2. Andrea Parker – She was Zac’s partner in crime on Less Than Perfect, the ambitious, sarcastic, gorgeous schemer who plotted with Kipp Stedman on a weekly basis. In addition, she played Ms. Parker on The Pretender, a cold as ice agent whose mission was tracking down Jared. With a pedigree like that, she’d fit right in on Chuck as part of whatever mysterious organization Orion was tracking.
  3. Zach Braff – Sarah Lancaster has been on several series, but one of her most recognizable roles is as Lisa The Gift Shop Girl on Scrubs. Now that the show has ended its run, how about bringing geeky funny guy Braff on as a Greta? Have Ellie stop by the Buy More during that episode for optimal reunion fun.
  4. Poppy Montgomery – Joshua Gomez was part of the Without A Trace ensemble for a season, playing a techie. As a special agent in the Missing Persons Unit, Montgomery played drama for 7 seasons. Wouldn’t she be perfect as the agent who helped train Sarah? We could see her in a flashback and again today when we revisit Sarah’s backstory.
  5. Summer Glau – What, you though I was going to skip her? Puh-leeze. With her geek cred, of course I want her on Chuck. Wouldn’t she be awesome as Morgan’s arch-nemesis? They could be opponents on Call of Duty who end up working together as techies on a mission. Sparks will fly!

Who would you like to see reunite with a Chuck cast member on the show?

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  1. Reunions would be awesome perticualy on the Firefly level. not just for old Tv show reunions but old faces we’ve seen in the past seasons. Like Jack Burton, Jill. ect. Those would be fun as well. Is it too much to hold on to Papa B at least for a small cameo?

  2. Since Linda Hamilton will be Mama B, maybe the producers can get Ron Perlman from “Sons of Anarchy” to guest star as a villian and it would be a great “Beauty and the Beast” reunion.

  3. All great suggestions. With respect to Summer Glau, you suggest nemesis for Morgan, but I was thinking about her as a memesis for Casey’s daughter Alex. Perhaps a villain who captures Alex while she is out on a mission. Then of course we get Casey involved in conflict with her.

  4. #1 for me is Gary Cole. I really would love to see him back this season somehow. Besides wanting to know more about Sarah’s family I think he is a great actor and loved DeLorean as an episode.I’d love to see more of Schnook and Cop Face!!

    • We’re talking about reunions with former co-stars from other shows. We had a Friday Five a few weeks ago listing people we want to see return to Chuck, including Gary Cole.

  5. Then how about Taye Diggs (Daybreak with Adam Baldwin)? He would make either a great Greta, super-cool good guy spy, or incredibly smooth evil nemesis.

    And, oh, joy! Ryan Reynolds qualifies! Sort of! (Although he might be hard to get right now.) An episode of Scrubs (Sarah Lancaster) and one on X-Files (Adam Baldwin). Okay, it’s a stretch, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.

  6. why not a villain reunion instead

  7. Until you mentioned Poppy Montgomery, I had been torturing myself as to which actress should play Sarah’s sister, the other “little blonde lobster”. They are both pouty-lipped blondes, Poppy is a few years older than Yvonne, and, serendipitously, they are both Aussies!

    • I like that idea, but I can also see her being a former mentor to Sarah.

      I was also thinking how much I would really like to see Agent Vincent back. Supposedly he died in the attack on the Drive-In, but we never actually saw him die, and the guy was already established as a survivor.

      After all he was shot, poisoned, blown up in a helicopter and run over by a car.

      I really think he makes a great nemesis for Agent Carmichael.

    • I always thought that the story about the little blond lobster as simply that, just a story. Sarah seems to be the only child to me. But I’m sure that the writers of epic epicness could figure out a way to actually have that story be true and have her pop up in an upcoming episode.

  8. What about the reunion of Jason Statham and Yvonne.
    After watching the Expendibles, Jason would make a dangerous villian.

    • Yes, and they have already had on several from the cast of the expendables.

      Dare to dream what about Robert DiNero who was also in Killer Elite – man if they could get him that would be quite a coup.

  9. I agree that Gary Cole needs to make a return! I would love some more backstory on Sarah. Maybe they could cast someone as her mother? I don’t know who, but that would be awesome! I would also LOVE for Ryan Reynolds to make an appearance, but we all know that isn’t very realistic 🙂

    • I agree bring back Papa Walker. If they have a wedding episode, then he should show up to give away the bride.

      If they have an engagement episode, maybe Chuck should track him down and ask his permission to marry Sarah. Much like Awesome asked Chuck’s permission to marry Ellie.

  10. What about David Boreanaz as some kind of former casey friend/foe? I know the two were only in a few episodes together on Angel, but the chemistry was good and the one liners plentiful.

  11. Summer Glau, Jim Parsons & Kunal Nayvar and others from “The Big Bang Theory”, Ryan McPartlin & Adam Brody (The O.C.) would be awesome too! 🙂

  12. Well, sticking with Firefly alums, Gina Torres would be good. She has experience playing a super-spy on Alias, and could make a good foil for Sarah.

    • Yes she would be a great nemesis for Sarah.

      I wouldn’t mind Agent Forest coming back. Imagine her running into Devon and Ellie and cleaning guns with Casey again.

  13. Saw some good ideas on here but the least is Zach Braff as a Greta, dont get me wrong hes cool on scrubs (to an extent, before it gets annoying) but i cant see him as a spy type, maybe some geek in trouble perhaps?

  14. I’m not sure this counts as a reunion as Linda Hamilton is just a guest star, but I would go bannanas if they could get the “Governator,” Arnold Schwarzenegger, to do a guest spot. It would seem pretty natural that a spy of Chuck’s caliber would meet up with the governor at some point during a mission in California wouldn’t it?

    P.S. if they can’t get Arnie, maybe they could get a look-a-like and show him at some function or another.

    • Since Schwarzenegger isn’t going to be the Govenator for much longer they may be able to pull him in for an episode later on in the season, but you never know, he may want too much bloody money.

  15. FINALLY!!! Thank you Mel for putting Summer Glau on the list! Although I would’ve personally put her at #1 then Fillion. . .but that’s not really important. The only thing you forgot to put on there is her beating Col. Casey in some way. haha

  16. gregory smith unite with sarah lancaster who worked together on Everwood (Ephram and Madison), be great to see him appear as sarah’s old bf – they had great chemistry on Everwood – he is the opposite of Awesome, artsy, subtle, witty, might even help draw new fans as Everwood had a very fanatical following at one time