SPOILERS: Episode 4.06 Title & Update On Couple Getting Engaged

Spoiler TV reveals that the title for Chuck episode 4.06 is “Chuck vs. the Aisle of Terror”. Another marriage reference? Are they just screwing with us now? On top of that, Kristin at E! has eliminated one more couple from her “who’s getting engaged?” spoiler, leaving Christine & Owen from Grey’s Anatomy and…yes, Chuck & Sarah. She promised to reveal the couple here at 9AM PST tomorrow (Tuesday). Try to get some sleep tonight!

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  1. Maybe it’s refering to all the names/files along the aisle in Orion’s lair? Who knows – but I can’t wait to find out!! On a side note, Mel is there going to by any organized fan plan to help amp up hype for the new season?

    • We’re working on some ideas, but to be honest, nothing that’s been suggested sticks out as being both unique and simple enough to make an impact.

      • I think the best way to promote Chuck is just have people you know watch it with you. I have 3 new fans ( two 17 year old boys and a dad) watching season 1 with me right now. They were on a flight to Maine from Seattle and they happened to catch the episode “Chuck vs. Operation Awesome” on that flight. so they asked me last night if I have ever heard of the show Chuck? They thought the episode that they saw was soooo cool. I said that I thought they needed to see the pilot episode and we ended up watching 4 episodes from season 1 and they are in the living room right now watching the rest of season 1. =0)

  2. Everybody loves Chuck and Sarah, so I guess they are not going to walk to the aisle, at least not for now…. but I keep my fingers crossed!

  3. The House fans don’t love Chuck and Sarah.

  4. And, that would make perfect sense with teasers being deceiving. That statement would seem to eliminate Chuck and Sarah, since pretty much everyone loves them. But, if House fans are still holding a grudge about the poll, then everyone would love Chuck and Sarah except House fans. Voila.

    A reason why it might not be Owen and Christina: a spoiler has been out there for a few weeks now saying there was going to be a wedding in the Grey’s season premiere or something, which would certainly seem to go against part of the original title of the teaser article that said “no one will see it coming”. That statement, however, would make perfect sense for Chuck and Sarah, since mostly all Chuck fans think it’s too early for a wedding. I agree with that. It is too early, for a WEDDING. I can’t believe how many readers have been making that mistake. The original article said there will be a SURPRISE ENGAGEMENT and then PLANNING FOR A WEDDING. Not a SURPRISE WEDDING. There’s a big difference between those two scenarios. And, a surprise engagement and planning for a wedding would make perfect sense for Chuck and Sarah. Now, this would seem to eliminate Owen and Christina, right? Well, maybe not. Remember how teasers are always deceiving? The following statement was inserted into the teaser article when I believe the final 3 were revealed, which was after the original article was posted and before the final 2 were revealed: “could this actually apply to two couples?”. That’s right, TWO. For all we know, maybe both couples are getting married or one is getting married (Owen and Christina) and one is getting engaged (Chuck and Sarah). I’m not making any promises or guarantees, but I hope I’m right.

    As far as promoting the show, I agree with Liz. What I’ve been doing is simply asking a person sitting next to me in class during a break if they’ve ever heard of or seen the show. If they’ve either never heard of it or have heard of it but never seen it, I tell them a little about it and and tell them when it airs. Also, there’s a video on Youtube that is pretty good to show to new fans who have never seen the show. The video summarizes the concept of the show, summarizes what’s taken place in seasons 1-3, and kind of updates the viewer for season 4, although it could use some help there. You would also have to give the new fan some background info before they watch it, such as some stuff about who Bryce was. If you search Youtube for “Chuck’s emails to Ellie”, I believe that’s what it’s called, you should find it pretty easily.

  5. I’ve been trying to post a comment but it isn’t appearing when I refresh the page. I don’t know why.

    • Tyler, your comments often get flagged as spam because they’re so long. I pulled it out of the spam queue and approved it, so you should see it now.

  6. This sounds like a Halloween referrence to me. I counted the weeks from the September 20th opener, and week six puts us on October 25th, the last Monday prior to Halloween. I can see the aisles of the Buy More set up with horror displays. If so, I’m glad to see that they are doing holiday-specific themes this season, something I missed in season 3.

    • Not a bad thought. That’s definitely a possibility.

    • Good call, Bob. It would be awesome to see another holiday-themed episode.

      • I just saw on Wikipedia that there is a week off between eps 5 and 6, so no “Chuck” on October 25th. If it does turn out to be a Halloween episode, It won’t air until the day after (November 1st). Not sure what Wikipedia’s source is for this scheduling info.

  7. Once again, here are the titles we know of so far for season four.

    4.01 Chuck Vs. the Anniversary
    4.02 Chuck Vs. the Suitcase
    4.03 Chuck Vs. the Cubic Z
    4.04 Chuck Vs. the Coup d’etat
    4.05 Chuck Vs. the Couch Look
    4.06 Chuck Vs. the Aisle of Terror
    4.07 Chuck Vs. the First Fight

  8. Update–I don’t think it’s Chuck and Sarah getting engaged–Ausiello just made this post on Twitter about 4 minutes ago:

    “Some big GREY’S ANATOMY news coming in T minus 45 minutes and counting…”

  9. Both Kristin and Ausiello confirmed that it’s Christina and Owen from Grey’s Anatomy. Just like we knew all along.

  10. Robert Englund (Freddy Kreuger from Nightmare on Elm Street) has been cast in this episode. It’s a Halloween themed episode according to Michael Ausiello.