Chuck Season 3 On DVD & Blu-ray Today!

No more Mr. Nice Spy! Chuck season 3 is out on DVD and Blu-ray today, just in time for that marathon before season 4 debuts September 20. Have you picked up your copy yet? Need a reminder of the goodies you can relive with season 3?

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  1. is this dvd of chuck will be avialable in the philippines

  2. I dont know maybe

  3. Went and bought mine first thing this morning! It’s awesome! Great photos inside the case, the blooper reel was hilarious as always, and I really loved the interviews with the cast and crew! They are first rate!

  4. Can’t wait to get my copy!

  5. i bought mine this morning. i wish they had commentaries for some of the eps. id love to hear the directors or cast talk about different scenes and stuff. BUT other than that the DVD is great and i plan to watch it all several times.

  6. Yes I got it after work, but you wouldn’t believe the trouble I had finding it. I went to Wal Mart first -being the closest to where I live and they were all sold out, then I went to the nearest Best Buy and they had a few copies of the DVD set, but no blu rays. I didn’t want to push my luck so I settled for the dvd set for now. Its great to see them selling so well, but it sucks when you are the one trying to find one.

    Soon as I got home I went right to the special features – loved the Jeffster Revolution mocumentary.

    A little disappointed that there was only one deleted scene on the final disc, but there were some great deleted scenes in the other discs.

    Sometimes instead of having deleted scenes seperate, it might be interesting to have an editors cut of an episode – longer than a regular episode, but with some of those deleted scenes incoporated into the episode. I thought the ones for American Hero would have really added to the episode.

  7. I got mine bright and early this morning! It will be interesting to watch again. Makes me realize how much enjoyment comes from the weekly anticipation. If one were to watch them on DVD only, one would miss that. Looking over the package’s episode descriptions and original air dates, I was reminded of the painful, controversial 3 week firestorm between CHUCK VS THE MASK and CHUCK VS THE FAKE NAME.

    One of the great things about CHUCK is the fan/audience experience. Hopefully the story of the fan reactions could be covered in some fashion in future DVD special features.

  8. Tragedy! I pre-ordered season 3 from on APRIL 15 (with one of the renew Chuck for season 4 pushes) and not only do I not have DVDs in hand today, I checked online and they’re not expecting to ship until 9/13, anticipated arrival 9/20, which is to say, the start of s4. Called Amazon and they say they’re having issues getting enough copies in stock to ship out. When I pointed out that the item page says they’re in stock, the response was that the item page was wrong.

    So I’m brushing up on my season 3 using my own taped-from-TV for now, b/c there’s no way I’m going to wait or be unprepared when season 4 starts.

    • My copy was preorded for me as a gift from amazon and i also didn’t get mine today! i was really bummed! stupid amazon!

    • I am really unhappy too about Amazon’s delay in shipment – after we “Pre-Ordered” the set – you would think they would know in advance how many copies would be needed – “hence” the “Pre-Order.”

      I have purchased the on-demand episodes as well so I have been rewatching all summer long, however, I was hoping to use the dvd as promotional with my friends and now that won’t happen.

  9. I searched the internet and noted most HMV and Best Buy stores only have 4 blue rays and more DVDs in each location so I went to get mine at lunch at the HMV in our building. I have all episodes of Season 3 on PVR and had rewatched most epispdes more than once during summer, still I have to get my copy on first day of release to show my support of the show and the cast.

  10. I got lucky in buying my copy of Chuck. I went thru 3 stores before I found the last copy at Hastings. Love the deleted scenes and the Jeffster mockumentary. I’ll be watching all 3 seasons to be ready for the new season.

  11. So the Walmart in Honolulu forgot to order Chuck Season 3 DVD’s and two other TV shows. They didn’t sale out, they were never shipped to the store. Clearly the person in charge of ordering is a Ring sympathizer. Just saying.

  12. I was at the Target store in North Haven, CT when it opened yesterday morning, and made my purchase. I have already watched “Pink Slip” and some of the “Declassified Scenes”. What a treat! The thing I’ve noticed about the few deleted scenes I’ve seen so far is that they fit and flesh out the existing story lines. Season 2’s often depicted differing plot directions that they chose not to pursue, such as the scene where Morgan shows up whilst Chuck and Sarah eat Sbarro pizza and drink the wine that Chuck brought to her flat only to discover Bryce was there. I think that this may be a result of Season 3’s 13-ep story arc having to be so tightly edited that they could only film relevant stuff rather than experimental fluff.

  13. well I dont need the DVD I already got season 3 on itunes

  14. sorry about the duplicate commenting my mistake

  15. Is anyone able to tell if the Blu Ray disks are region coded?

    For some unfathomable reason the BDs aren’t available in the UK unless imported from the US. Series 1 is region free, so I’m rather hoping the new disks are also usable on the right-hand bank of the Atlantic.

  16. Got mine from Amazon this morning. Very cool, though I was a bit disappointed to see that many of the deleted scenes and special features were already online.

    Watched “Honeymooners” and the two part finale. They are as awesome as I remembered, and it got me more excited for Season 4 in 2 weeks!

    One thing though; the video quality was better than Season 2’s set, but it still could be so much better!

    • Good! Maybe I’ll get mine from Amazon tomorrow. I ordered it in June! Can’t wait. Luckily, ON DEMAND had the season finale so I watched the two-parter today. My kids are anxious to watch s3 so they can be caught up for s4 I hope it comes soon!

  17. I went and picked mine up first thing Tuesday morning!! The pictures inside rock and I love te deleted scenes! Watching all these episodes again is getting me super excited for season 4! I just cant wait!

  18. Just got them today!!!! SO EXCITED!

    And this is really picky, but it DID annoy me. In the page of the booklet where they have a picture of each character and the character and actors names, Adam Baldwin is listed as “Major John Casey.” He was promoted to “Colonel John Casey” at the end of S2, or am I remembering the title of “Chuck vs. the Colonel” wrong?

  19. Just got S-3 DVD, almost 50 bucks, ouch! For that much money
    there should have been more extras.