SPOILERS: Chuck Episode 4.02 Official Synopsis

NBC sent out the press release with the official synopsis for Chuck episode 4.02, “Chuck vs. the Suitcase”, which airs September 27 at 8/7c:

CHUCK AND SARAH TRAVEL TO FASHION WEEK IN MILAN TO RETRIEVE A HIGH-TECH SECRET WEAPON — KAROLINA KURKOVA, LOU FERRIGNO, AND ISAIAH MUSTAFA GUEST STAR — When Chuck (Zachary Levi) and Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) go undercover in Milan, Chuck realizes the “Achilles’ Heel” in their relationship, but must set personal issues aside for the mission. Meanwhile, Morgan (Joshua Gomez) recognizes a fatal flaw that compromises the new Buy More. Elsewhere, Casey struggles to put down roots in Burbank. Bonita Friedericy, Vik Sahay and Scott Krinsky also star.

Hmmm…the Achilles’ Heel in the Chuck/Sarah relationship? And Casey’s trying to domesticate? This should be interesting.

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  1. Sep 20 is not coming fast enough!!!! I seriously NEED Chuck!!

  2. I don’t think Chuck will ever get used to Sarah having to flirt with other men while undercover. That could make it difficult for them to work together. After 2.5 years of having to watch her be with other men (Bryce, Cole, Shaw) I just can’t see him being ok with it. He strikes me as the type who’ll always, on some level, be insecure with the relationship.

    The “Achilles’ Heel” could also have to do with how bad they are at lying to each other.

    Alternatively, it could also have to do with the fact that Sarah is still a spy and Chuck promised Ellie he’d stay out of the spy life.

    • this is just pure genius and awesomeness. i can really tell now that chuck spending time with his cheeseballs will be a goner.=)))

    • The flaw in their relationship might be that Chuck hasn’t told Sarah about his dad’s secret base and his search for his mother.

  3. I agree with Mel. Me thinks it has to do with Sarah trying to seduce someone, with Chuck of coarse being jelous. Although I can see how that would bother him.Would you really want to watch your girlfriend have to be all passionate and stuff with another guy? EW!! Here’s a thought: What if it is in fact CHUCK who has to seduce someone, not SARAH? That may explain why the one model (what’s her name again?) and Yvonne were filming that catfight scene on a runway that Kristin from E! spilled. ONLY 10 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!

    • and maybe we’ll see a fight between ferrigno and chuck because chuck has to watch her flirt with him!! that makes sense!! that’s what i think is there achilles heel.. i guess

  4. Nooooooooo not the Achilles heal!!!!!!! CHARA FOREVER!

  5. Ok, I’m not getting the whole Achilles Heel metaphor. Can someone please explain exactly what that means? From the other comments I’m understanding that it’s some kind of obstacle and isn’t a good thing. But what exactly does it mean?

    • It’s a reference to a figure of greek mythology named achillies who was completely invulnerable except for his heel which is where he had been held whilst dipped ina river. So someone’s achillies heel is the one weakness that can destory something otherwise undefeatable

    • The term “Achilles’ heel’ comes from the ancient Greek myth of the hero Achilles. When he was born, it was foretold that he would be killed by an arrow, so his mother dipped the infant Achilles in the river Styx to give him invulnerability. But when she did so, she held him by his heel, leaving him with one vulnerable spot – Achilles’ heel. And Achilles did indeed die when an arrow hit his heel.

      Today, “Achilles heel” is also an anatomical term, referring to the big tendon that ties together the calf and the heel in the human leg. It is indeed a vulnerable spot – if someone cuts through your Achilles tendon, you’re not stepping on that foot for a long time.

      But anyway, the way “Achilles heel” is being used here is as an idiom – it’s a common expression used to refer to a big weak spot or vulnerability.


      • Thanks guys. I understand it now. Well, if it’s an important weakness in their relationship, I’m sure we’ll be seeing Chuck talk to Sarah about it.

        For what Mel said, yeah, Chuck will always be somewhat insecure about the relationship. But this season, now that he’s a spy and a man and all, I don’t think he’ll be as insecure as he was in seasons 1-2. Also, if she has to seduce some guy, he should know that it’s only work and therefore he shouldn’t be too worried about it.

  6. I do not know how they are going to handle the chuck and Sarah relationship specifically but based on comic con they will be happy. I think every episode may be like the back season of season 3 where she tells hum age loves him, spy will, move into together, etc. I think they will have to work through issues to be stronger, that is it just a little false angst. But at least it keeps the relationship real and fresh and honest

  7. It would be fun to see a role reversal in this episode where Chuck has to flirt with the models and Sarah is the insecure one in the relationship.

    • I think this would be a better twist. We have seen that Chuck can be jealous of Sarah (although he didn’t seem to have a problem when she was all over Manoosh), it would be great to see the other side. We have seen Sarah’s jealous streak over Hannah in The Mask so I think she may have issues when it comes to Chuck using his seduction skills.

      I’m sure they will work it out though.

    • that might explain why Yvonne and Karolina Kurkova were seen filming a catfight scene on a runway, as spille by Kirstin from E!.

    • We’ve already seen some of Sarah’s jealousy in Chuck vs. the Seduction as she argued with Roan Montgomery about Chuck’s seduction skills. However with them dating exclusively now it would be interesting to see how they can deal with the situation without it undermining their relationship.

  8. They were in love from the beginning. And that managed to survive her having to gey cozy with Bryce, Lon Kirk, Cole Barker, Shaw, Manoosh. And don’t forget that in addition to non-spy relationships with Hannah and Lou, Chuck had to get close to Sasha Banachek and Jill Roberts for professional reasons. Neither likes seeing the other do this and I’m sure each squirms at making the other unhappy, but I think they can withstand these occasional work-related necessities.

  9. I’m thinking Chuck while realizing the problem, or the Achilles heel as they put it, will be kinda less emotional while Sarah, whose always worn the pants int he relationship might be a little more so about it then Chuck. I know everyone says they’re going to happy this season I just don’t see how yet.

    Morgan getting into trouble already is going to be a hoot. And Casey? Why should he struggle with putting roots down in Burbank? It’s home to all of them. But I think it means with his family there Kathleen and Alex I can imagine some thoughts and doubts. Poor guy talk about complicated. Can’t wait 9 more days till Chuck guys I can’t believe it. 🙂

  10. I’m thinking Chuck while realizing the problem, or the Achilles heel as they put it, will be kinda less emotional while Sarah, whose always worn the pants int he relationship might be a little more so about it then Chuck. I know everyone says they’re going to happy this season I just don’t see how yet.

    • Well, I’m of the opinion that the weakness that Chuck will perceive in their relationship will be that Sarah now is more emotional about it, and that SHE is the one who won’t be okay with Chuck having to “seduce” or “enjoy” the attention of a female spy or antagonist.

      Let us not forget that Chuck is supposed to be “matched” with Karolina Kurkova’s character during that episode, and maybe (probably?) Sarah will react very badly to that, since she’s feeling that he is “HER” Chuck, and now is always afraid to lose him (as illustrated in the back 6 and the deleted scenes of Season 3). Maybe, because of that, she will do something that would put the mission in jeopardy? Maybe she will show her displeasure to him, and Chuck will perceive that it is now a weakness, professionally speaking? After all, Zach Levi said that this season, the problems between Chuck and Sarah would come from outside sources.

      Hope, TPTB said we would be very happy with Chuck and Sarah’s relationship this season, but think about the pattern used during the last 3; at the beginning of the season, everything is well between them, then during the early/middle of the season, there are bumps, or quarrels, or problems, then, they get over it, and they end up stronger and more in love with each other than before. That’s most probably what will happen this season too, though this time, they are a couple and openly love each other.

      And don’t forget that Yvonne Strahovski said that, even if they get more couple-y, they are still learning to be a couple, and that will bring some tension.

      I wouldn’t be surprised to see some unpleasant scenes (though what could be more unpleasant than Sham?), but it will end well!

      • I know I know, but somehow I just don’t feel on print, but when it premieres I think I might be more satisfied with how it plays out on screen. We’ll see how it goes and maybe I’m just paranoid. :/

      • Agree Robert. Sarah has never been in love before and had a place to call home. Seeing Chuck have to seduce someone will invoke feelings that Sarah has never had to deal with before. Her first experience with jealousy.

      • Agreed! I think that could be the issue. It is her first time dealing with jealousy since they are together.
        But I would also add that Chuck could notice that Sarah also feels even more insecure because officially they are nothing more then boyfriend-girlfriend. We all remember how she seemed to like when Chuck put the fake wedding band on her finger on “Honeymooners”.

      • I think you’re on the right trail here, Cat. The stresses of these situations will serve as bonding devices, and will serve as catalysts for matrimony. The jealousies and the keeping of secrets are going to shake things up between them just enough to keep anyone from getting too comfortable with the status quo (the shack-up) but not enough to split them up. At some point Sarah will certainly have to get involved in the search for Mama B. She is an enthusiastic player in such matters, which we saw with her pro-active searches for Papa B in seasons 2 and 3. In the end they will see that honesty serves them best and how essential they are to each other. And they can draw from that the confidence in each other necessary to take the next big step in their relationship.

      • I was going to say that their “Achilles heel” is that they’re not married, yet. But I like your idea a lot, Robert. Sarah always has had this tiny bit of a jealous, possessive streak in her.

      • The idea that their Achilles’ heel is that they are not married/engaged yet has also come into my mind. And if it is so, it would fit with the next episode, Vs the Zircon B (?), and they would get engaged at the end of it?

        For all we know, it could be both ideas! But I like your idea also, Joe.

  11. What does TPTB stand for?

  12. Meaning channel executives and overseers or the producer and the writers of the show?

  13. My second child is due on the 20th of Sept, could you delay showing Chuck for a few days……….

  14. Watch “Chuck” in real time and tivo the childbirth. Just kidding.

  15. There are still a lot of things Chuck does not know about Sarah. It does not seem she is anxious to tell him personal things about her past. The lies he constantly tells Sarah have also got to be damaging ther relationship. I hope we do not have a lot of angst generation, I have been a faithful fan for all of the previous seasons but some things on the show are wearing thin. One of the unique features of this show over most others (and it is not good) is the angst factor can go for several episodes. Lets keep them together through thick and thin. Make this the best season ever–until season 5,6,7—–

  16. Correction: As Old Darth and Mel know, I was kind of a faithful fan!!!

  17. Isn’t Chuck’s Achilles heel a pretty girl with a broken cell phone?

  18. I have a feeling that some of the previous themes in the show will still be hangin around… and now impacting on our romantic couple.
    Things like the priority of friends and family over orders.
    – Does the job always have to come first?

    The call of duty [ sacrifice] against self interests.
    Shooting somebody – well anyone not named ‘Shaw’.
    – Chuck still can’t or won’t use a real gun. He’s not a killer.

    The thrill and adventure of the spy life – over wanting a life much more normal and domestic.
    And – well there’s always the fact that Sarah Walker will never be normal.
    All these things have floated between Chuck and Sarah in the past.
    Anyone one of them would certainly start to create stress on their relationship… whatever the direction – I only hope we start to get
    some serious dialogue and discussion between Chuck and Sarah, in an attempt
    to finally establish some meaningful communication!

  19. Of course, Chuck’s love for Sarah is going to be his Achillis’ heel–why do you think the number one rule of being a spy is “Spies don’t fall in love”?

    We have seen Sarah agonizing over breaking this rule for three years now because she knows what it means to break the rule. It seems only fair that Chuck has a “Now I see what you mean” moment.

    It is one of those “existential spy dilemmas”. Is it more painful to get what you want or to not get what you want?

    And is that too heavy for a comment on an episode synopsis?

  20. there achille’s heel i think is that they want to protect each other but don’t protect themselves and they get mad at each other for not protecting themselves…..i guess?
    maybe it’s because chuck has to watch sarah flirt with other guys. idk i’m jus guessin 🙂

  21. So I take it no one else is excited that Lou Ferrigno’s listed under the guest stars?