SPOILERS: Chuck Episode 4.04 – Short Synopsis

Chuck – Episode 4.04 – Chuck versus The Coup D’Etat

Chuck and Sarah try to become better communicators as they join Ellie and Awesome on a trip to Costa Gravas. A forbidden romance may put Morgan at odds with Colonel John Casey.

This episode brings back Armand Assante as Premier Allejandro Goya.

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  1. So that’s when Morgan tells Casey he’s dating Alex in the trailer. Meh, I’m still iffy on that subject. I wish they hadn’t put it in. 🙁

    But I’m excited this is the one when the crew goes over to the Premiere’s island.

  2. Eh I love the little bearded man but I really don’t like him dating Alex :/ I feel as if she’s too young for him. But the wrath of Casey will be funny to watch.

    • Finally someone who shares my views on this. Not only do I don’t like it, I feel like it’s too early. I want Casey and Alex to get closer as father and daughter before any potentional pli’s come in if at all. Not everyone needs a love interest.

      • maybe alex doesnt but morgan does

      • Doesn’t he? I don’t think so after the immature way he was acting in the premiere (sexting Chuck’s girlfriend, flirting with Olivia Munn’s character are a couple of examples) The elf’s a pervert for crying out loud. If I were Casey, I wouldn’t let him any where near Alex.

      • well your entitled to your own opinion but he treated hanna with respect and the same with alex so he has his moments I guess but I dont think jeff and lester deserve any

  3. “Chuck and Sarah try to become better communicators ”

    I like this. Them being more and more open to each other.

  4. Just a question. Did Sarah Silverman have a cameo appearance in 4.01?

  5. Unfortunately I have to agree that I would not particularly like Alex and Morgan together. It will have it’s funny moments but I would like to see Anna return.

    • I don’t think Morgan and Alex’s relationship in itself is gonna be the main focus. Fedak himself said earlier that them being in a relationship is basically just a great way to make the whole Casey and Morgan relationship alot more amusing and interesting.

      I’m looking forward to it! I think Gomez and Baldwin have a great comic chemistry. Plus it’ll be fun to see in what ways Casey’s protective instincts will show when it’s about his “new” daughter and actually not a matter of national security. He might actually have to talk and give “daddy” advice on things that don’t include guns, bombs and evil organizations.

  6. This looks like a really great episode!!Just bring on some new viewers–they will thank you later!!!

  7. I’m actually looking forward to seeing the two of them together. I’ve had a theory for a long time that Alex was going to be Morgan’s Sarah, if you get what I mean. I don’t see Anna returning any time soon, especially since Morgan rejected her at the end of the Tooth. That rejection surprised me quite a bit at the time because I was expecting Anna to be more or less a regular again once she returned, and that rejection pretty much eliminated all reasons to bring her back any more. Now that I’ve seen where they went at the end of season 3 I don’t expect her to be back. She wouldn’t be able to have a relationship with Morgan anyway for the same reason that Chuck dumped Hannah: she doesn’t know about the spy world. So, there’s really no reason to bring her back. I thought they did a really good job bring Alex into the show and she was easy to warm up to. Although she doesn’t know about the spy world yet, she’s heard too much not to ask any questions and we’ve already seen a few spoilers that hinted that they were going to bring her into the spy world. So I’m looking forward to the whole thing especially since it will bring out the worst between Casey and Morgan.

  8. Ever since we found out that Casey abandoned his fiancee for the job of his dreams, my opinion of the character has gone down considerably. I almost feel like he has no right to be a part of his daughter’s life. He certainly has no right to interfere with her romantic relationships. It also bothers me that the producers would only consider bringing Kathleen back if additional episodes were ordered. They should have planned on dealing with that loose end by no later than episode 13.

    • Chuck's hardcore fan

      Can’t blame casey on this matters . First he has to follows orders from his superior. That’s how in the military works. Secondly, he does not know that he has a daughter.