SPOILERS: Chuck 4.07 Short Synopsis

SpoilerTV has the short synopsis for Chuck episode 4.07, “Chuck vs. the First Fight”:

Chuck goes on a rogue mission to avoid confronting Sarah after their first real fight; Ellie looks into the Bartowski family’s past.

This is the episode I saw them filming part of a few weeks ago. Linda Hamilton and Timothy Dalton both guest star.

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  1. Hoo boy…Hold on to your chairs, folks, ’cause I got a feeling from even this short description that the ride’s gonna be bumpy from here (in a good way) 😀

    • I agree on the Hoo boy part Matt. But in away, I’m sort of welcoming the change *ducks from incoming missles* lol.

      • Resuming my post from above, have C/S ever had a major blow out fight before? I know they’ve had many desagreements, but I don’t recall a big fall out of any sort. 😕

      • Well 1.11 and 2.4 come to mind. I won’t be shooting missiles Though I had no problem with relationship focus. I think it was important to show C/S achieve a balance in personal side of relationship. I think now we will see opposite taking place with the spy story driving the relationship how it effects their professional side using Momma B the catalysis 🙂

      • Big falling out: Prague in “the Pink Slip”. Fisticuffs: she kicked his and Morgan’s butts dreesed as a ninja in the pilot, and roughed him up in the bathroom after he doused her burning souffle in “the Helicopter.

      • Normally I agree with you Doctor Bob, but this time I think only the one in Prague counts. The Pilot and the Helicopter were fights, but certainly not relationship fights.

      • Point taken. Meanwhile, I did manage to think of one physical altercation that coincided with the relationship blowout: she takes down the unarmed Chuck with the bow in “the Three Words”.

      • They had a decent argument in 1.11 (Chuck vs The Crown Vic), and some sporadic heated discussions here and there, not to mention the major falling out between Seasons 2 and 3, but since getting together, Chuck and Sarah haven’t had what I’d classify as a real knock-down, drag-out slobberknocker of an argument. Had to happen eventually. 😀

  2. Wow. This sounds like they may be splitting up Sarah and Chuck for the whole episode :(. Is this the dreaded split up we have all being fearing? I am hoping not.

    • No, they’re not split up during the whole episode. The scenes I watched them shoot involved Chuck, Sarah, Mama B, Dalton’s character & Ana Gasteyer’s character and are probably from around mid-episode.

    • I’m hoping not to, but I think it is =S

    • Don’t forget, Schwartz & Fedak have said several times that they learned their lesson from last season about breaking up Chuck & Sarah or putting anyone between them…I think this is just part and parcel of creating a believable story in that any couple, under the best or worst circumstances, has blow-ups now and then.

      • If everything was always “lovey-dovey,” then it wouldn’t be a REAL relationship. You’re right on the money, my “Chuck-lovin” friend! This isn’t a love triangle or a love trapezoid – it’s a lovers’ spat!!

  3. The hard part about avoiding Sarah if she is not on a mission is going to be that they live together…even though he will be on a mission, Sarah will always be there when he gets back haha

  4. “First Fight” confirmed for dual meaning. And nobody at all was shocked. I wonder what the heck the fight could be? After our last few episodes of resolving somewhat poorly created character drama, it’s got to be something good.

  5. Everyone seems to panic whenever there’s talk of any Chuck and Sarah issue, but guys, everyone involved with the show has said for sure that nothing is gonna break them up. If there was no conflict at all, it’d just be boring. I’m actually excited about this episode. Mama B plus Timothy Dalton plus Ellie actually starting to look into her family’s past? Good stuff!

  6. This will be the first episode with Timothy Dalton. Sarah will likely be angry and disappointed all over again with Chuck as she was in Predator. Hopefully whatever fallout results will be short-lived.

  7. Well, we knew this had to come because there are always bumps in the road on “Chuck.” My guess is that the “fight” has something to do with Chuck’s mom. Perhaps Sarah thinks Chuck’s mom is bad while Chuck wants to prove her wrong – thus the rogue mission. Hope the fight gets resolved quickly…

  8. Yesss, to be honest for me at the moment they relationship needs real fight. Real fight means, that emotions true emotion will burst out, from wherever they are hidden. That they start saying, what they are thinking. Still it is not the best form of communication [and they – especially Sarah – are such poor communicators ;)], but I’m guessing it will be better then what we have now.

  9. Well, you know the best part of a couple’s first fight is the making up afterwards. 😉

  10. Ellie looking into the family past – wow anyone think that Ellie is going to find out that Chuck is still a spy in this episode?

    I think at the least she is going to find out about Mama B and Papa B’s spy lives.

    You know if I was ruler of the world, I would declare every day would be monday and that there must be a new episode of Chuck every monday from this day forward.

    Sorry cast, crew and creative team of Chuck, but to give you a break lets make it the first 200 days of the year must be new episodes – the other 165 can be repeats.

  11. I’m wondering if this has anything to do Mama B. If the other Team members feels like Ma Bartowski can’t be trusted but Chuck would risk everything to find out the truth, then there may be a price to pay for all this.

    I heard once that TPTB said that once people find out about Chuck’s quest for his mother they’re not safe. And in the Couch Lock Casey is the first to have a brush with death, Aisle of Terror would concern Sarah (judging from her standoff with Ma B) and maybe it’s all Volkoff would be sending a message to Chuck not to come after him or else his family will be in danger. So that’s my theory.

    • You could be onto something there Hope. Is it Monday yet????

      This is when time travel would be awesome don’t you think….

    • Hmm, could be.

      Here’s mine:

      In 4.06, Mama B, during their face-off, tells everything about what happened in her past to Sarah. Maybe she will even try to scare her away from Chuck.

      Sarah will tell Chuck everything (He’s angry, doesn’t want to believe Sarah, doesn’t trust her on this, hence, the first fight) at the end of 4.06.

      In 4.07, he leaves, frustrated, and trying to prove Sarah wrong, and gets captured by “The Belgian”

      Beckman asks Sarah why Chuck is missing, and she tells him that they had a fight. Beckman is p-off, benches Sarah, and dissolve their professional partnership, because their relationship is affecting their missions. Beckman will send an official team to get Chuck back (Casey and Greta:Summer Glau?)

      At the end of 4.07/beginning of 4.08, Sarah finds out that Chuck has been captured, and she drops everything to find him (she cannot contemplate the idea of living without Chuck (she wants to marry him, etc.), a la “Chuck vs. The Broken Heart, and she will prove how much she loves him.

      • Interesting. And remember what Sarah said to the sleeping Chuck at the end of the last episode. “I love you Chuck, and NOTHING will ever change that.” Love has its ups and its downs – so why not expect to have a few downs? Otherwise this would get BORING!! And remember that old saying – the best part of a lovers’ fight is the making up part afterwards. So don’t sweat it people!

  12. Sounds great! From the spoiler though it sounds as if the first fight stems from Episode 6 though? Could it be that, that is the episode in which Sarah and Mama B are pistol to pistol with one another with Sarah thinking shes rogue given Episode 5 has quoted Chuck as saying, “I don’t think my mom is one of the good guys.”

  13. does anybody think that the aise of terror where the toxin makes our characters have waking nightmares be an episode where we see all our heroes worst fears. What if the standoff between mama b and sarah is sarahs waking nightmare because that would mean that she is scared that mama b could potentially take away everything from sarah, and chuck is everything to sarah, and that is what leads to their first fight. The fact that deep down sarah is scared of losing chuck in this quest for mama b where no one knows her true motivations and chuck and sarah may disagree on whether or not it is a risk worth taking. Chuck promised his dad, but chuck does not realise that he has ellie, awesome and morgan as well as sarah but sarah in her mind chuck is everything and so there could be a disconnect there, just a thought.

    • That nightmare inducing toxin thing just reminded me of Scarecrow from Batman Begins, I’m wondering if it’s a reference…

  14. aaaaaarrrghhh..! i got excited with the spoiler…! cant wait for that episode to happen! wohooo! and after the fight, hmmmm MARRIAGE!? hehhehe..i love this show..!

  15. According to informations from various web sites, Chuck and Sarah broke his relationship on episode 8.

  16. i been reading a certain website myself. It someone that not to keen on this site i sure you know who i talking about Mel. But their so sure of their spoilers about a split not a breakup i might add but a physical split. They sound real sure of themselves and what going to go down. They used the word epic and will go down i history of the Chuck fandom this person said.

    • PS they also said the split has nothing to do with Mama B. And I quote

    • Why is this other website “frowned upon”, or disliked? Do they make up false spoilers? Or are they just mean?

      • Oh, I see now. I just visited this website and they are really mean. And I am not talking about “shipper” stuff like mean to “Charah” ideas, I mean they are aggressive towards other Chuck sites. And they curse a lot. I am not gonna go back there.