“Big, gun-loving, commie-hating, forgiveness.â€
I can’t say enough great things about Adam Baldwin. He manages to load more emotion into a grunt or a hairy eyeball than any other actor I can think of, but this episode gave us another glimpse of another side of his actorly repertoire: physical comedy. Watching him lurch around like Frankenstein’s monster, switching from near-catatonia to dangling Morgan like a…dangly thing, just doesn’t stop being funny. And his history of being betrayed, and the way those betrayals have made him into the curmudgeon he is today, is nothing but touching.
Back in 1999 Iran, Casey’s team betrayed him, and the mission, and the country—but by the end of this episode, Casey has found a new team that he knows won’t betray him. Watching him gradually trust even someone like Morgan, and start to connect with people who might actually show up at his funeral, was a really nice miniature character arc. Using Morgan’s tiny antics to highlight Casey’s foibles was just icing on the cake.
As Casey learned (or re-learned) to trust his friends, Chuck nearly went dark. Last season, the show hammered home the threat of Chuck losing his humanity, so I was really impressed by the subtlety of Chuck’s emotional arc in this episode. General Beckman told Chuck: “You’ve put duty above emotion. Using Colonel Casey as bait? Usually it takes an agent years to put his teammates in harms way.†Chuck made that leap without even realizing it—perhaps it was a momentary glimpse of his pragmatism, but I think it was also evidence that he trusts the team so much, he assumed no harm would come to anyone. After all, with friends all things are possible.
By the end of the episode, Chuck realized (again) the risks of his job, not just to himself but to his extended family. For that reason, he decided to ignore Ellie’s desire to see their mom, and put everyone’s safety above her maternal urges. I definitely see where Chuck is coming from, but I felt bad for Ellie, too: Chuck always seems to do exactly what she doesn’t want him to do. Luckily, Mama B’s phone call has brought Chuck back to the quest. I wonder if she’s evil, or undercover, or something else. I wonder if her arc parallels Chuck’s: is she working for Volkoff to protect her family?
The BuyMore plot…well, there wasn’t really a BuyMore-specific plot, and I think that’s for the best. Jeff and Lester’s dumpster-sleeping habits are funny, but they didn’t drag down the pacing. And it was a nice bit of character-continuity. Jeff’s willingness to rescue Casey, and not over-think the fact that he was dressed in military garb in a downtown dumpster, unconscious (and that he called work instead of someone else), fit perfectly in with his world view.
One last great thing: Chuck and Sarah getting along without talking about their relationship.
• Casey on President Clinton: “Not that I like him or his mouthy wife.â€
• Jeff: “If you have the mata to battle the others plainswalkers.†Indeed.
• Morgan’s entire eulogy, which he delivered fabulously.
• Chuck: “They put a tracker on a what? No, god no, don’t shoot it!â€
Cat: “Meow!â€
• Jeff: “Don’t worry Casey. I know that dumpster.â€
• Awesome: “Ah, couch-lock. He over-medicated…Just get his heart rate up.†This is terrible, terrible medical advice.
• Morgan: “Ow! It’s like slapping a car!â€
• There were so many hilarious lines, but they’re less funny written down.
And Pieces:
• Awesome and Ellie are having a girl.
• Casey trying to wake up was very Uma Thurman in Kill Bill.
• The gold-heist plot was very Three Kings. That’s a great movie, by the way, that you should rent immediately.
• Alex seems to have inherited her father’s sass. “Have fun playing Halo for the rest of your life.†Zing!
• I’m very impressed that Chuck has managed to get so many guest stars this season. I’m not quite sure I understand why they made that a priority, though.
Four out of four downtown dumpsters.
(Thanks for your patience this week! Next week’s review will be much more prompt–I’m scared that if I’m late again, Casey will eyeball me to death. And then who would review Chuck, Fringe, and the Vampire Diaries for billiedoux.com, as well as here on chucktv.net?)
I think they made guest stars a priority to attract viewers
Yes, unfortunately that’s probably the case. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but if they really want to attract more viewers, right now having a whole bunch of big name guest stars isn’t the right method. Sure, it’ll help a little, but if they really want to attract more views, then they would change the time slot to a different night. That is the best thing they could do for the show. Air it on a different night with less competition.
This was a very entertaining episode. I liked how it involved most all of the cast, and even those who were only involved in a small way had a significant impact. Ellie and Awesome – with their announcement of “it WILL BE a girl!” along with Ellie’s confirmation/approval of Chuck’s search for Mama B and Capt. Awesome’s phoned-in Rx for “Couch Lock.” And Jeff and Lester had – I think – one of their best episodes in regard to CHUCK. Not alot of Jeffster, but enough – and FUNNY – in a way that related to the overall story, and not just about them being the goofballs that they are.
Regarding guest stars, I can’t think of a program that has had more well known guest starts in the last few years than Chuck. The list of guest stars is lengthy and quite varied. I think that’s one of the great “assets” of CHUCK.
One last thing, the intro. of Casey’s team (and then Morgan later on) with the name and the skill set reminded me of “The Losers” a movie that was released this past summmer.
Still 19 more episodes left to enjoy this season!!! 🙂
My favorite line is “Scare him. Get him angry.” Reasonable advice if it were really Jeff with couch lock, but when it’s Casey, it’s a completely different story.
I agree the guest stars are to tap into different fan followings (let’s get advertising on WWE! b/c Steve Austin will be guesting), but I really wish they’d use the $$ instead to bring back Julia Ling. Especially in light of all the actual screen time some of the guests have had. (Balki?)
My favorite ”I’ll be in the dumpster” from Casey I was rolling on the floor for ages on that one it was hilarious.
I must’ve been watching a different, but I thought it was BORING and I’ve been disappointed with this season.
Even factoring in the fact that I was prepared to not like this season as much as season 3, I’ve been underwhelmed. Last season had so much character growth and change that there was no way this year could feel as satisfying to me, but I haven’t found any episode to be even “very good” so far.
To me, episodes 1, 2, & 4 were good, but nothing special. Episodes 3 & 5 were 2 of the weakest episodes of the last 2 years.
That said, I’m THRILLED about the 11 extra episodes!
I have to disagreed with you. To me…This season 4 episodes so far is the best relative to season 3.
Sorry Sam,
But I also have to really disagree with you on this episode. It was probably the best of this season so far. Agreed Episodes 1-3 were not quite up to par with previous epidoes of Chuck that we have come to love but considering the amount of content the have had to squeese into them, especially episode 1, and the amount they had to leave on the cutting room floor they still worked well and I’ve enjoyed them all.
Of course everyones opinion matters so thanks for your comments. Sorry you didn’t like it.
At least we agree on the great news of 11 more episodes.
C’mon Sam, I thought it was great. it was funny, action packed, tense, emotional, romantic, everything you could want, and you didn’t like it? *shrugs* well, maybe your idea of a good episode is something different I guess. but that episode was awesome best of the season.
I agree completely. I made a similar post on Sepinwall’s site, so I hope this doesn’t get me in trouble, but here’s my stripped-down criticism of the entire season so far: The scripts all have ignored what really happened last season.
Note to Fedak, Schwartz and anyone else who cares: What really happened is that Chuck developed a tough side. He got angry and kicked ass because he wanted to, not because he had to. Zac’s cold delivery of those sarcastic lines to Shaw (“your friendly nerd herder can also help you with…), makes Chuck a different man. He’s been through a lot. He watched his fathered murdered, for God’s sake. That is a major character development that is now being played off as though it never happened. No continuity at all.
The relationship with Sarah is pablum. “Hi, honey. I’m home!” Really? Are you kidding me? He should still be suffering some angst. He should still be waking up in the morning expecting her not to be there and amazed that she is. He should be telling her that. He should be stroking her hair as she sleeps, gazing at her in awe of what he’s found with her. He should be afraid to let her go. Even to the point of irritating her, since she’s not the sentimental type. Ellie and Awesome have more moments than the stars of the show — and after waiting so damned long! It’s like they’ve been married 40 years.
We were all tired of the back-and-forth, will they, won’t they crap from last season, but they did, didn’t they? And they did it with passion. Where’d it go? The best scene of the entire series is Chuck finally telling Sarah he loves her. Great writing, great acting, great direction and fantastic use of Temper Trap in the soundtrack.
Emotionally resonant — permanently emblazoned in my mind. We need more.
After the idiotic romantic seesaw, the only way to do that is to put one or the other in real jeopardy. One has to be frantically concerned about the other. I could tell you how to do it, but that’s what writers are for. You’ve been great so far. Just make sure you’re doing the same show that we ended last season with. There’s no going back. Whatever you do, get out of the Rob and Laura Petry mold. They had to sleep in twin beds, back in the day, to get past the censors.
Frankly it’s not much different with Chuck and Sarah in the same bed. I’m not suggesting they get all hot and bothered every episode, but it’s not like they haven’t gone there before: Chuck vs. the Colonel was a very natural progression of the relationship. And Chuck is a little bit butch these days. Let’s see it. He can still be funny in a very snarky way.
It’s great that Zac is a brilliant physical comedian in addition his easy way with glib dialogue, but this is not the Dick Van Dyke Show. Everybody’s focusing on Casey and Morgan’s character development. What about the show’s main characters? They say Morgan is the new Chuck, geeky and learning the ropes, and that’s great. But if Morgan’s the new Chuck, what the heck does that make Chuck?
God, I wish anybody from the show actually read these posts. They need to do something quick, or they’re going to lose all the momentum from last season. It can’t just be all whining about mom.
I disagree 100%. Chuck still has moments when he’s in awe that he and Sarah are together and Sarah still has moments when she freaks out because she’s making this commitment, but both of them ARE committed and are enjoying being together. Now that Chuck’s relationship with Sarah is on fairly solid ground, he’s dealing with the mother who abandoned him 20 years ago that he just found out is not only still alive but is also a spy. Not to mention his father’s death bed request that he find her. Chuck’s character development is that he’s able to progress beyond the “will the hot girl ever want me?” phase from season 1, be in that relationship, and not have it consume his every thought. It’s time to tackle his next big emotional issue: Mom.
I’m liking S4 a bit more than 3 just because there’s no more ‘will they/won’t they’ with Chuck and Sarah, and there’s no super angst. Well.. not nearly as much super angst. :/
I personally liked this episode. A real good one for growth between Morgan and Casey, and then of course Alex.
quote: I can’t say enough good things about Adam Baldwin. quote. You hit the nail on the head Josie, he’s awesome, I’ve always been a sucker for men of few words who are men of action AB is no exception. I love that he’s able to say so much with just a look or a grunt. The man never fails to impress me. 😀
The story clipped right along fast paced, hilarious, action packed, full of gorgeous AB badassery (which I can never get enough of) Sweet moments, and moments that me on the edge of my seat. Ultimately the best episode of the season.
Btw Josie, thanks for the review. 🙂
Uh I posted a comment but it’s not showing up. Help please.
You’re posting too many comments too quickly. The anti-spam software is flagging you.
Hey, it’s not my fault I’m a fast typer. I guess I inherited that from my mom. 🙁 Sorry I’ll try to go slower.
Very interesting psrspective on the Casey growth in this episode. I agree completely with your assessment of Casey’s growth. At least based on the 4 rewatches that I have had of this episode so far. I definitely need to watch it a few more times before next week’s episode.
The one aspect of this show that I really appreciate over many other shows on television is that the characters don’t stand still. You look at any procedural or sitcom out there and you would be hard pressed to find one where the characters aren’t basically the same that they were when the show premiered. Yet with Chuck we have watched these characters blossom, mature and grow significantly.
When I was watching S1 and S2 I never would have thought that I would be seeing Morgan involved in spy missions and being partnered up with Casey or that he would become a character I would care so much about. After a few episodes in S1 I started to find Morgan rather annoying and would not have cared if they dropped him from the show. Now I can’t imagine the show being on without him. He really started growing starting with the tail end of S2. I think the only characters that haven’t grown on this show are Jeff and Lester.
I want to add that I think the Sarah/Chuck scene at the end showed real progress in their relationship as well. They are actually communicating. I guess Dr Fred’s book has some merit after all.
So far S4 is shaping up to be the best Chuck ever. Those people who watch House or DWTS or those stale CBS comedies don’t know what they are missing.
Mel it must be driving you Liz and Gray crazy having the podcast downtime with so many great things to talk about – including this exceptional episode. I hope Gray recovers quickly.
Who would have thought in one week we would have one of the best alltime Chuck episodes and a supersized episode order to give us 24 great episodes of Chuck.
They say things happen in 3’s, I can’t wait to see what great Chuck announcement awaits us next. Chuck/Sarah engagement? Return of Papa Burton for an episode? Return of Rhone Montgomery and/or Carina? So many possibilities for more good Chuck news on the horizon.
ALL HAIL JOHN CASEY!!!!!! This episode was so hilarious, with the mid-air strangle, Casey eye-balling Morgan all through the funeral, Jeff and Lester in a “Weekend at Bernie’s” homage, and last but not least, heck, ALL the Morgan-Casey scenes were hilarious. This, fellas, is why I love “Chuck.” (Having an epic BABE like Yvonne Strahovski also helps. If she was a president, she’d be BABEraham Lincoln!) See you next Monday……..
I agree completely and I would also like to add that there were few great team moments. When Chuck tried to explain to Beckman his plan, Casey was encouraging him by that quick look like “go on, you can do it” and Sarah´s pride in her eyes was also noticable. I loved it. I love how characters grew, especially those three.
The best quote of the episode was Casey to Morgan: “You break her heart, I break you’re everything.” Classic Casey.
Other highlights:-
1. Casey in full dress uniform AT LAST! [Yum!]
2. When Casey is thrashing & lurching around in the dumpsters, the camera is on his face. I don’t know if it was deliberate homage, but this particular camera style is a copy of the face-cam antics of UK comedy duo ‘Mitchell and Webb’ when they do the ‘Sir Digby Chicken Caesar’ sketches. Anyway, I was ROTFLOL!
3. I love that Casey had [or was] the A Team. Of course, 20 odd years ago; Adam acted in a film with Mr T [‘DC Cab’]. Adam’s character at that time isn’t a million miles away from Zac being Chuck.
*Cheers* totally agree. 😉
Oh, and one more thing: Zac, let the hair grow a little. The curls were sexy, and the new do is a little too Kipp Steadman. Yick.