Chuck Pre-Empted On November 8

NBC just announced that Chuck will be pre-empted on Monday, November 8 for a “Matt Lauer Reports” news special. That means whatever cliffhanger we get at the end of “Chuck vs. the First Fight” won’t be resolved until Monday, November 15. Earlier it was announced that Chuck and The Event will be off the air in December to make way for reality show The Sing-Off.

Before you start gnashing your teeth and saying “NBC hates Chuck”, remember that they just gave it an 11-episode back order. Perspective!

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  1. The Sing Off and Matt Lauer?!?! Come on! I know they gave Chuck the back 11 BUT I won’t forgive them this unless they announce that they are giving Chuck Season 5. Oh well, more time for Christmas stuff in December though. On the 8th I’ll just watch online episodes of Chuck.

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  2. Oh, nos!!! But I guess it’s cool that we’re gonna be getting Lots o’ Chuck in 2011… 14 episodes worth, or thereabouts!

  3. Whos Matt Lauer? lol and whats so important that hes gotta stop my Chuck episodes? 😛
    plus this Sing off thing….pfft lol
    only joking but does this mean that it will continue in January??

    • We should get at least 2 more episodes of Chuck in November (15th and 29th), maybe 3 if they give us one the Monday of Thanksgiving Week. Then we’ll be on hiatus until January along with most other network series.

      • Thanks for the info, Mel! Glad to hear we should be getting a new episode on the 29th (my birthday)! 🙂

      • I thought 4.10 was vs. the Leftovers (Thanksgiving episode), so by my count, NBC will need to run episodes on Nov 1 (4.7), 15 (4.8), 22 (4.9) and 29 (4.10) for that episode to be somewhat timely.

        Mel, do you know when production stops this year? Seems like it will be pretty far ahead of air dates with all of the December pre-emptions. Thanks again.

      • Do you mean “this year” as in 2010 or season 4? I believe they’ll take a couple of weeks off in November for Thanksgiving, then halt again in mid-December for 3-4 weeks before coming back to work on the remaining episodes.

  4. That’s unfortunate…I look at it this way, however:

    Yes, we don’t have that one night for Chuck, and yes, we’ll have the whole month of December without any new episodes, but NBC just gave the show an unprecedented (for Chuck, anyway) back 11 episodes, for the longest season yet! Furthermore, the time off will give us plenty of opportunity to bring new fans into the Chuck fold and get them caught up on the best show they’ve never seen! 😀

    • On a side note, does this mean the only new episodes in November will be on the 1st, 15th and 22nd, or will they also have one on November 29th? I was doubtful they’d have a new episode on the 29th since it’s the Monday after Thanksgiving, but I was also hopeful, since those few of us in Central PA who won’t be spending the day hunting deer have to have something to do! 😀

  5. I see the glass half full: it means Chuck’s season 4 is gonna last much longer 🙂

    • I’m with you Catarina. So we miss a November episode. Come March and April we won’t even remember November – and we’ll have the “extra” episode in our cache!

    • definitely glass half-full, catarina! i’m with you on that…

  6. This sucks. At least they bought 11 more episodes though… Maybee we will be able to buy some too by then(iTunes)? Otherwise I guess there is always hulu… Still depressing :/

    • You can buy season 4 episodes on the Zune marketplace I do believe 🙂

      • Absolutely correct–Every episode of the show from the Pilot all the way up to “Chuck vs The Couch Lock” are available both through the website, as well as through the Zune Marketplace section of XBox Live

  7. Am I nashing my teeth? You bet I am. The singoff sounds just like AI and AGT boring and pointless, I never watch them anyways. this stinks. 🙁

    • yeah im a bit perturbed too. i feel like NBC is always putting chuck on some sort of hiatus. whether it be for football, a new show, the olympics.. they seem to always pick on Chuck. It doesnt help the ratings to keep interupting the flow of the show. Granted we die-hard Chucksters will alaways be there, but its the more whimsicle viewers im concerned about. they might forget to start watching when it comes back. 🙁 its bad enough that NBC continues to give Chuck the horrible Monday at 8pm time slot, and to add insult to injury they barely even advertise for it. On the radio I hear commercials for every FOX and ABC show out there but i never hear a one for Chuck. I do however hear some for the perfect thursday night shows.
      it just aggravates me so much. I mean I am SUPER EXCITED for the 11 new eps. but im not entirely convinced its because NBC is in love w Chuck.

  8. I’m ok with this. NBC has done right by this show twice and I think they realize what they have. I do not fault them for trying new shows during a traditionally poor viewer month for TV in general. I’m willing to “detox” from my favorite show for a month or so with the knowledge that I’ll have more episodes than ever before in the coming months after December

    • Maybe so, but I’m feeling depressed because White Collar is on such a long hiatus and Chuck just came back on. It’s ridiculous.

      • I agree that White Collar has been on hiatus way too long. There are going to be 10 episodes of Chuck this year because the tenth episode is the thanksgiving episode. The tenth episode will likely to be aired on the Monday after Thanksgiving. I am not that disappointed with the pre-empted time slot because there was only going to be ten episodes this year.

  9. Fine. I’ll catch those delightful CBS Monday night sitcoms those weeks that NBC is pre-empting “Chuck”, since I have absolutely no interest in either Matt Lauer or any sing-off. I’d be interested to see what kind of numbers Lauer is able to draw for that timeslot and see how it stacks up against “Chuck” numbers. If this is an experiment on the part of NBC to see if it is more lucrative to air self-produced content as opposed to paying WB’s licensing fee for “Chuck”, I will not be party to it.

    • Oh, that’s right, no Chuck fan should tune in on NBC during december, in order to cause a drop in ratings. And then right back up when Chuck returns in january.

      • I will break out my S1, S2 and S3 sets and watch favourite episodes from years gone by. Just because Chuck isn’t on TV doesn’t mean I have to give up watching Chuck.

  10. I would suggest that we make as much of our Chuck viewing during the dry spell as possible through or’s Video on Demand, so that NBC can see it

  11. Hmmm, probably not going to get a Christmas episode then huh? As hard as it’s going to be to wait for it to come back on, there was bound to be a break at some point(s) this season. I’m still super excited about NBC ordering eleven more episodes!

  12. Why oh why god can’t REALITY TV JUST DIE ALREADY!!! Nothing personal, but 10 years ago when American Idol first came out next to Survivor and Big Brother I thought this was a couple year stint. Now its snowballed into an unstoppable ever encompassing non-reality juggernaught.

  13. It sounds like the Nov 8 pre-empt is for the midterm elections.

    • that is the week after mid term election nov bush

      its going to be the post presidency of bush interview.

      • It would make more sence for NBC to preempt Undercovers on Nov 3 and air it the day after the Mid term elections.

  14. WAIT A SECOND DOES THIS MEAN CHUCK IS GONE FORVER? I’m so confused someone explain it better please IM begging

    • Don’t worry, Sophia…This just means that Chuck won’t be airing the night of November 8th because of the Matt Lauer special. As far as December is concerned, it’s commonplace for shows to take a break during the holiday season since people aren’t watching TV as much, and since the cast & crew need a holiday break themselves. Chuck will be back in January. 🙂

      • You gotta remember that the great people at Chuck work long hard days to bring us this fantastic show (if you have been reading here long enough you will have noticed them shooting at 2 in the morning). They deserve the break during the Holiday season to spend time with family just like we do.


    • As noted in the article above, this is simply a one-week pre-emption. We still have a 24-episode season.

  15. I doubt I can make myself get into any singing show–hope the lack of continuity does not hurt the size of the viewing audience for Chuck–I also hope the last show prior to any break is angst free.

    Inspite of the unwelcome break I hope NBC realizes how much the Chuck fans appreciate the extension of season 4. So far it has been a great season.

  16. Another bad mgt decision by NBC. Very few people will watch Matt Lauer and most news specials are done at 9PM or 8PM central time. NBC is not preempting
    The Event or Chase both of which are doing worse than Chuck in the ratings.
    Why not preempt one of those shows?

    The Singoff will be just another bad joke that will reflect poorly on NBC mgt
    just when ComCast will be getting ready to take over. These interruptions kill
    the momentum of any show and Chuck needs every advantage it can get. The Event
    will also be off in December with Chuck. The Event is hard enough to follow on
    a week by week basis. Being off for a month will kill the show. People will not invest that kind of time for a complicated plot moving back and forth in time if it’s going to be off the air for a month. After all of that promotion
    NBC simply wasted their money and then they do this? It makes no sense and gives Comcast one more reason to clean house when the takeover is complete.

    On the other hand NBC did order 11 extra episodes for Chuck and that is something positive and to be fair Chuck never would have survived this long
    on any other network. At least NBC has kept the show this long and we should
    be thankful for that.

    Question for you, Mel. Is this preemption a bad sign for Chuck or merely a
    scheduling hitch or coincidence we shouldn’t really worry about? Usually when
    a show begins to be preempted, it means trouble. That’s what happened to Mercy
    last year. Any comment? thanks.

    • Nope, not a bad sign at all. Every show gets pre-empted occasionally. Since Chuck has already been given an additional 11 episode order, more than the norm, I think it’s safe to say that NBC is supporting Chuck.

  17. I think this is a good thing. We all know Chuck doesn’t repeat well. The numbers have been really bad for Chuck repeats. This will prevent some 1.1 ratings pulling the overall ratings down. All this does is lower the number of repeats that will air.

  18. Hope, I totally agree with you. I’ve never seen the Singoff, but it does sound exactly like a recycled and much more stupid version of AI. AI is one of the few reality shows that’s actually good. I’m not surprised about there being no episodes in December because most networks just air reruns during that time anyway. But the pre-emption does surprise me a little, especially for the Event. Dumb move there. I can’t wait to see what ratings the Matt Lauer special gets, especially since I’m pretty sure every Chuck fan is going to deliberately avoid watching it. As far as the Comcast takeover goes, I can’t wait until that’s done because I think then Chuck will be handled much better. Comcast must love the show because every Xfinity commercial I’ve seen has Zach in it. He’s like the face of Xfinity now.

  19. jeanne widdicombe


  20. why not show some Season 2 or 3 Replays, so others can catch up, and it can draw more viewers and they might order Season 5.

  21. ALL of December?!?!?!?!!?! Tell me I’m misinterpreting that!

  22. As much as I dislike the idea of not having Chuck for Nov 8th or in December, This means it is more likely that at the end of the season Chuck will be showing new episodes while everything else has ended for the season. It might get some addtitional eyeballs watching Chuck at the end of the season just when they are making the decision to renew.

    A possible ratings uptick at the end of the season would be a good thing.

    That being said, I hope the ratings for that news special tank, so they will be less likely to do that again.

    • In Season 2 which is the only season Chuck had more then one December airing(it had 3)the ratings where climbing each week so maybe December isn’t a good time for a break.

  23. Look at it this way: at least they WARNED us this time. Remember “Chuck Vs. The Best Friend?” I tuned on to it, and ended up getting a speech by President Obama instead. NBC told us nothing about it. At least we’ll not be angry this time when we tune to NBC on Monday and not get “Chuck.” Mid-season hiatuses happen. We’ll just have to make the best of it. See you next Monday….

  24. Guys look it like this. In December the people usually watch less TV due to the holidays. Indeed this will be the time to recruit more Chuckomaniacs so that when it is aired in January the ratings will be sky-high and chuck will have again like 10-15 million viewers hopefully. Indeed it hurts to be without Chuck for a month but keep the nerves and anticipate the new episodes in 2011 :D.

  25. I will miss Chuck too in December. The whole month, wooow. But on the other hand I can watch some previous seasons if I am really hungry for Chuck.
    But I am sure we will survive!!!

  26. mel, chuck will be pre-empted on the whole month of december, and the last episode of chuck before december is on november 29 which is the 11th episode, will we get another long break after episode 13 or will it continue with episode 14 the next week?

  27. will chuck have another long break after episode 13???

  28. That stinks about December!! However, I am oddly excited that it will be pre-empted on the 8th. I will be out of the country and hate to miss a live episode! 🙂

  29. I read that the Matt Lauer “special” report is an interview with former President Bush. Some sort of book promotion perhaps. I never liked the W before and now he is getting in the way of my Chuck…

  30. OH NO!!!! Chuck is no longer TV guide’s cover poll nr.1.

    We are SECOND!!!! LETS VOTE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot lose this cover!!