SPOILERS: Chuck Episode 4.08 Short Synopsis

MSN’s short synopsis for Chuck episode 4.08, “Chuck vs. the Fear of Death”, is here!

Chuck tries to prove himself by going on a hazardous mission; Casey and Morgan try to cover when the “Buy Morons” investigate Greta’s (Summer Glau) identity.

This episode airs November 15 at 8/7c.

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  1. Hmm…wonder if this is the beginning of how Jeff and Lester (maybe?) eventually stumble upon the spy operation?

    • I hope that’s not the case. I think Jeff and Lester discovering the truth would not be like it was with Morgan and kind of throw the show off-balance and ruin what they have let alone add to the show. Sounds interesting though, I thoroughly am enjoying how Chuck has evolved from a college frat boy world outlook on the world, to a serious grown man who’s becoming very aware of what he is doing and that it isn’t a joke. Bravo on the story and character progression there.

  2. Does this mean we need to start referring to the CIA/NSA Buy More employees as the Spy Mores and the regular Buy More employees as Buy Morons, and anyone not in those two categories as Jeffser?

  3. What about Sarah ?????? Not mentioned in this episode ?????

    • She’ll be in it no worries. 😉 ThougH what’s this hazaderous mission that chuck’s on?

      • I have read in various forums and websites that Chuck and Sarah are separated in this episode and finish his relationship.

      • First of all, anyone saying that C/S WILL break up is lying to you. That’s all speculation at this point.

        They may very well be split up in their work and probably still fighting from 407 but it will be resolved in 408 or 409 (my almost certain spec 🙂 ). There is no way that Schwartz/Fedak will keep them separated for any long period of time at this point.

      • Great! The most annoying romance in my life is finally over!

      • And what romance might that be?

        I’m just wondering since Chuck and Sarah’s is most definately not over and neither will it be as long as Chuck is on the air.

      • I think hes trying to prove his moms innocence

  4. OH NO!!!! Chuck is no longer TV guide’s cover poll nr.1.

    We are SECOND!!!! LETS VOTE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot lose this cover!!


  5. I hope C/S do not break up–I am so tired of that—at the same time I do not trust F&S–I hope the episodes do not take a downhill turn in what may be the last season.

  6. Chuck is trying to prove himself? What does that mean? To himself? To Sarah? To his mom? I thought he did that (proved himself) already from about the Final Exam episode on. This has me intrigued.

  7. Gazing into my Zirconium Sphere, I’ll make a long range prediction. This will not be the last season. The show will eventually jump the shark when Frost gets back together with Orion (who didn’t fake his death this time but was reanimated. [the machine was right upstairs]). S&C will re-unite and the FOCS Agency (Pronounced “Fox”) (Frost, Orion, Chuck & Sarah.) will accept a series of private sector missions around the world such as rescuing the Arab Princess, freeing prisoners from a soviet era re-education camp that time forgot, etc. (perhaps a Pacific Island where a VERY old Japanese soldier is still defending against an Allied invasion). John Casey will retire and Gretchen will fade off the roster because Adam and Summer will be involved in a project to revitalize Firefly. …or maybe not. 🙂