SPOILERS: Scoop on Timothy Dalton on Chuck

TV Guide’s Mega Buzz has some scoop on Timothy Dalton’s character on Chuck, joining the fun next Monday:

I’m so excited to see Timothy Dalton on Chuck? Would you call the role Bond-like? — Miles
Dalton’s role is a little more Hot Fuzz than Licence to Kill. He plays an inept MI6 agent and former handler of Mama Bartowski. He and Chuck search for evidence that will clear his mom’s name, which quickly lands them on the wrong side of Volkov’s men and their hilarious torture devices.

The torture device I know about is pretty funny, and when I asked one of the actor’s about it while I was on set s/he couldn’t help laughing when giving me clues what it was. Just one more reason this episode is going to rock.

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  1. If it has the same quality of the last two episodes I will be the happiest girl in the world 🙂

  2. Why did she need a handler if she was already a spy?

    • Handlers aren’t there just for training, well at least thats what i think from watching and playing spy related media lol

      • Oh, ok, thanks!


        Chuck is no longer TV guide’s cover poll nr.1.

        We are SECOND!!!! LETS VOTE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot lose this cover!!


  3. OH NO!!!! Chuck is no longer TV guide’s cover poll nr.1.

    We are SECOND!!!! LETS VOTE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot lose this cover!!


    • Catarina, where do you go to find this current score? I know where to vote but not where to view results.