We have two pieces of Chuck scoop today: first, SpoilerTV reports that the title of episode 4.12 is “Chuck vs. the Gobbler”. This episode will likely air in January, so it’s not Thanksgiving-related. Maybe some sort of eating contest?
Second, Ausiello gets clever in his final spoiler column for EW with this nugget:
Question: I’m in need of some Chuck spoilers to make my day better! —Natalie
Ausiello: There’s a major twist at the end of next Monday’s episode, and it involves him [Timothy Dalton] and her [Linda Hamilton].
It is a huge twist, worthy of kicking off November sweeps, but it’s probably not what you’re thinking. Speculate away!
As long as they don’t do something like “T-Dalt is Chuck’s real father.. that would just be wrong..”
hi there.
schwartz and fedak already say that scott bacula is the father.
no way to change that in a recent interview.
até já! 🙂
No, but Chuck and Ellie have an unknown half-sister and he’s the father!
… Fortunately the Chuck writers would never go that far down the Alias road. Or at least I hope not…
Hopefully they wont!… Have they said anything about T-Dalt being or not being Volkoff? =P
I’m pretty sure that 4.10 (Chuck Vs. the Leftovers) will be Thanksgiving themed. It’s scheduled to air in late November.
Once again, if you’re keeping score at home, here are the Season 4 titles that we know of right now.
4.01 Chuck Vs. the Anniversary
4.02 Chuck Vs. the Suitcase
4.03 Chuck Vs. the Cubic Z
4.04 Chuck Vs. the Coup d’etat
4.05 Chuck Vs. the Couch Lock
4.06 Chuck Vs. the Aisle of Terror
4.07 Chuck Vs. the First Fight
4.08 Chuck Vs. the Fear of Death
4.09 Chuck Vs. Phase Three
4.10 Chuck Vs. the Leftovers
4.11 Chuck Vs. the Balcony
4.12 Chuck Vs. the Gobbler
Timothy Dalton is MI-6 [ British Secret Service] so I would highly doubt that he is also going to be Volkoff….
I keep thinking about the Princess Bride – and the dread Pirate Roberts….
Who was, Who is, or Who could be the nafarious Volkoff?
At this point in the season – I don’t think TPTB have given us nearly enough hints or clues, that we can accurately speculate what’s going to happen, nor where the story is going to lead our characters!
*** Especially now that they have 24 episodes to work out for S4!!! ***
If you were trying to sabotage an organization… what better way to do that, than to run it? [ Hints of Schindlers List] Mary Bartowski has already told us that her situation is much more complicated….
She has said “volkovs most reliable buyer” and “have you told volkov” but really how much is that worth. Good point though about Schindlers List though I would kinda like to see that and it would explain why she and Project ISIS don’t officially exist, why she couldn’t get home again (too busy and safety issues) and why she turned over the stuff from last week.
Ooh now thats inetersting..
Dad…you are Orion!
Mom…you are Volkoff!
this is getting was to Alias for me. Sydneys mom was the BIG Boss also, though the name escapes me at the moment). And she too was misunderstood as to where her alliances were and ended up being good by the end. Mama B left her kids 20 yrs ago. knows nothing about them, and up until chuck went looking, she cared less what they were up to. I hope she is bad thru and thru. Linda Hamilton can pull it off a Bad *ss *itch role better than most. im hoping to seem some Sarah/Mary cat fights.
I think you may be on to something here. She is a deadly, pathological, rogue agent. I think I’ll call her DPR.
Or is she rouge, the easiest way to control illigal arms and such (while benefiting from the research yourself) would be to have one of yours do it. That way you would know who the players are and what they have, remember Beacon was crushed and who ever said Beckman knew everything either? Or maybe its an MI6 thing?
I don’t know why but ever since the powers that be said that Dalton was definitely not Chuck’s real father I’ve been to wonder if he was one of “family of spies” Steve talked about — maybe an Uncle?
But then again, I’ve also increasingly thought that Mary might be the real Volkoff.
According to the spoiler that Mel already posted from TV Guide’s Mega Buzz, “(Dalton) plays an inept MI6 agent and former handler of Mama Bartowski. He and Chuck search for evidence that will clear his mom’s name, which quickly lands them on the wrong side of Volkov’s men and their hilarious torture devices.” So how much we should expect from Dalton’s character? We can only guess but he sounds like a step down from Papa B.
Maybe he is Mama B’s version of Cole Barker. Someone she was attracted to but ultimately rejected in favour of her Bartowski.
How about Dalton was an original collaborator with Stephen on the original Intersect. He was in effect a “Q”. and he introduced Mary to Stephen.
Papa B’s name has yet to be mentioned in Season 4 and I don’t see how it can be ignored the entire season.
OK let’s get crazy with speculation here: Papa B is not dead, Shaw is not evil. The shooting of Papa B was staged between him and Shaw. Shaw’s going rogue was real, but he was not going rogue against the good guys in the intelligence hierarchy, rather against insidious elements at the top. We don’t always seem to know who is corrupt and who is not within the command structure. We saw this with the naming of the seemingly good Eve Shaw as a target worthy of elimination in Sarah’s red test. Who would order this and why? Admittedly, Shaw would have had to engage in a dangerous and elaborate charade for this to pan out, but I don’t put anything past the creative minds at Schwedak Inc.
Shaw is a four letter word. Let’s leave Shaw tucked away somewhere never to see the light of day again!
Uplink says—You are right–Chuck could have at least asked his mom if she heard of Dad’s death.–How could it not come up? I wonder if episode 13 will still bring the Mama B arch to an end and episode 14 starts a new one? Matrimony?? I hate the upcoming series interruption–hope it is a non-angst break.
The most likely line of reasoning is that Volkoff Industries is, essentially, another front operation. All of the big bads in Chuck have been rouge parts of legitimate spy operations. Fulcrum and The Ring were essentially insiders gone bad or over-zealous types. That seems to be the show’s world view: We’re our own worst enemy. So Volkoff could probably be some CIA-MI6-KGB operation to maintain the status quo of the world order.
They may be secret lovers or both are truly working for Volkoff. Hey Mel, when do we meet the big bad?
Papa B. is Chuck and Ellie’s father…
Dalton’s Character and Mama B had a child…
DANIEL SHAW!!!! rofl… 😉
I have also wondered why Stephen Bartowski hasn’t been mentioned yet? Like when Chuck was in the car with Mama B (When she drove him to Wheelright). It seems like it’s something that’s gotta come up sooner or later…
I could see a scene maybe in 4.13, where we see Mama B, Chuck and Ellie visiting Papa B’s grave.
my thinking is that at the end of the episode Mama B is going to try Timothy Dalton to Volkoff because she knows he would be alot of use to Volkoff
Oh my gosh!!! What a creative bunch you all are….I loved reading every one of these speculations. It’s almost as much fun as watching the show…almost.
I wonder if Timothy Dalton’s character is related to Steve Bartowski…similar hairstyle, the sweater. Love this show.
Okay…Since we are going into this whole conspiracy theory thing how about this? Volkoff is actually the puppet master over all. They control the Ring, they controlled Fulcrum and Mama Bartowski has been the leader all along. Sarah and Casey find out so Sarah decides to tell Chuck that she loves him so that he will trust her to the point that she can use him to lure is mother out of hiding which has culminated in last weeks episode. The Sarah and Chuck relationship has been a lie all along to help chuck with his intersects ehem “inability to perform” and also to get Chuck to the point that he himself could find the leader of Volkoff and lead Sarah and Casey straight to him/her.
How do you like them apples?
Haha if this speculation came to be true.. The wrath of the fans would kill the show for good 😛
Yeah if it turns out that Sarah and Chucks relationship is a lie all along i think the fans would kill the scriptwriters :D.
I’d buy the first half. Mama B “knows all there is to know about Charles Carmichael” and Volkoff knows that “the ring was eliminated”. Sounds like a perfect scenario for Mama B to be at the head of Volkoff/The Ring/Fulcrum. However, I think that the Chuck/Sarah relationship is legit. On a separate note, we also need a visit from Katrina this season.
The problem with Mama B being Volkoff is that in two previous episodes her relationship to Volkoff as “some kind of kept woman” was established. First by Heather Chandler who saw her with Volkoff and then by Pres Goya.
Then at the end of this season, it is revealed that the leader of Volkoff was in fact Bryce Larkin, who after going deep undercover, in fact never returned for Chuck’s wedding, and instead was another fulcrum agent, with the entire fight at the end of season 2 being a twisted security test, kind of like one ran in season 3 by the CIA. Sarah as well is revealed when triggered by her keyword, rhubarb, is in fact a long-term CIA sleeper double agent, with the sole purpose of bringing down Bryce Larkin’s covert activities assigned immediately after Bryce faked Chuck’s cheating at Standford, explaining the previous history and Bryce’s supposed ability to appear to go “rogue” but then get fully reinstated no questions asked. Casey reveals to be a double agent in the end for Volkoff,explaining the ridiculous number of past people Casey has worked with have appeared to have “gone rogue” when rather they are trusted Ring allies that Casey is forced to work with as long as Volkoff remains in power. PapaB’s death was coordinated by a benevolent Shaw to help him go truly off grid from Volkoff. Sadly, MamaB was too much under lock and key by Volkoff that she cannot escape like PapaB, explaining PapaB’s genius intellect but failure to “find” MamaB in so many years, and how the Intersect was really a distracting deadly trap from Bryce Larkin, so MamaB could escape.
Since we are coming up with crazy theories this is mine…I think Chuck will end up killing his mom in the season finale. You heard it here first!
Yes, I’ve thought that too. I’ve been thinking that the writers would have a hard time topping a villian like Shaw. What could be a better topper than finding out the Mama B is the ultimate villian? I do hope that we’ve seen the last of Shaw though.
still holdin out for a christmas episode, even though no episodes are airing in december 🙁
Same, especially now that the relationships are real. We might get a valentines day one at least? It would would be interesting to see if Chuck remembers this time around.
Yeah that would be sweet considering that the last Valentines day of Chuck and Sarah was a bit booooring :D. I hope for a lot of Chuck/Sarah sweetness there and life-endangering situation for both of them where they fall even more in love. That would be uber sweet 😀
Maybe 4.08 will be Thanksgiving and 4.10 (Leftovers) is refering to Christmas dinner leftovers rather than Thanksgiving.
Many Christmas shows air in late November.
I’m going with Timothy Dalton being Papa B to Mama B 😀
What if … at the end of the episode MEB and Tuttle start speaking Russian and it’s revealed that she was a Russian spy planted in the US in the 80’s.
Okay, I do find it very odd that Papa B hasn’t been metioned, but you know what bothers me most is that at the end of every season they take down and agency but never once do the agencies get mentioned again! Also I’d like to know if Papa B’s secret solo agency has a name and how log he’d been in it. I hope they bring him up…he’s a character in this story that need sto be uncovered also anoher odd thing is how the “govenor” was such a big deal at the end for 3 to 5 episodes and then they completely forget about it…we saw it once this season in the first episode I believe. Ugh the writers are quite trickey to understand! What could the twist be I doubt it would me Mama B and Tim being sexually involved
haha but I think it has to do with something they could be hiding from chuck in order to “protect” him? Maybe I don’t know it hard to tell but I definenetely think Ellie is going to be more involved than you think and so the bear Mama B brought Ellie I think had a listening device a bug in it and a tracker that Ellie would have and Mama B could keep and eye on her since she’s pregnant…oh also Sarah and Mama B might have a past with each other I THINK!!!
I think the reason they haven’t brought up Papa B yet is that they just have too much story to tell in establishing Mama B’s character. Remember this last episode was the first time that Chuck and her meet. I think as the relationship between Chuck/Mama B/Ellie progresses we will see some discussion of Papa B.
The only thing I can say about the governor is that in episode 1 Chuck had three watches (I assume governors) to choose from in his bedroom. My guess is that he or someone else reverse engineered the one Papa B. made for him so that he’s not dependent upon just one governor to stay well. The implication for me is that the governor is no longer an issue for Chuck since he has several backups.
LOL!! Love all this speculation! All of you have great idea’s. If you look back on the history of the show, there seems to be a theme that has been pretty consistent. That is whatever the villain/evil organization involved they almost always use somebody from Chuck’s life/past to get to him or information from him. Be it Ellie, Jill, Bryce, Devon, Morgan, or even Papa B all were used in some way to get something from Chuck. The question is are they aware of it or not? In the case of Jill she was completely aware of how she was being played to get close to Chuck and did so maliciously. In the case of say Devon he had no idea was terrified. I think it will be the same with Mama B. The question is…..does she know about it 😉
As for Timmy D….Wild Card. Not really sure what to make of him yet. Tho I tend to agree with an earlier poster about being “in the family of spies” I like the theroy of him being a long lost relative of some sort. In any case I’m looking forward to seeing him on the show he’s a fantastic actor.
Yes the still pictures we have seen of Timothy Dalton definitely suggested a family link. His facial mannerisms and of course that sweater sure seemed Papa B-like. Maybe he is Papa B’s half-brother.
How would this be for back story: Papa B’s father was a CIA agent who spent some time stationed in London. Met a beautiful MI6 agent who he didn’t know was pregnant when he left to go back to the States.
Vs the Gobbler – I wonder if that could be the name of the villain. An homage to Batman who had villains like Riddler and Joker.
Maybe an Uncle Bernie kind of character – mean disposition and a mean appetite.
haha! i kinda like the idea of the poster that at the end of this season chuck will kill his mom bcoz she is indeed bad..lol.. and chuck is having a hard time doing it bcoz mamaB will kill everyone getting her way, and she’s about to kill sarah who is pregnant btw! hehehehe… of course this wont happen but who knows.:D i still love chuck wherever the story goes..VOTE for chuck guyz!
hahahahahaha…..nice theory!!! but never goin to happen!!!!!!!! mamab is a good mommy.she is sarah conner she can save the future!!!!!!!