This week’s Friday Five comes to us from KrisWatchesOn. Enjoy! – Mel
Okay, so we all have our favorite Chuck scenes and episodes. But recently I’ve been thinking about some of my favorite Chuck shots. These are shots that either moved me, made me laugh, made me cry or took me completely by surprise. Some of them I love for the composition and the thought that obviously went into them (I’ll spare you my artsy analysis here), some I love simply for the content. There are probably hundreds that I’m forgetting, so please go ahead and add your own in the comments section.
Here we go, from the bottom up.
5. Chuck versus the Ring – Chuck Uploads the Intersect: Shots of the Intersect room are always neat. You have all of those bright, seemingly random pictures flashing around in a dazzling display. But the wide shot of Chuck uploading the Intersect at the end of this episode wasn’t just cool, it carried a deeper meaning. Look closely and you’ll see Chuck standing in the center of the room at the computer. And off to one side you’ll see the shadow of the slain Bryce Larkin. In this single shot one hero dies, another is born and Chuck, both the character and the show, takes a huge leap forward.
4. Chuck versus the Dream Job- The Elevator: This is one of my favorite Team Bartowski moments and a pretty cool shot as well. Chuck’s dad is forced to head off with the bad guys. Chuck watches, horrified, and suddenly we see Sarah and Casey silently appear in the elevator behind him. That’s a pretty great reveal, one that I didn’t expect. It’s even better since it’s sandwiched in between Dad’s two comments: “Remember how I told you not to trust your handlers? Maybe I was wrong.†Combine that with the wonderful song “Daddy’s Gone†and I dare you not to get goosebumps.
3. Chuck versus the Couch Lock- Casey In the Stormtrooper Helmet: There are way too many awesome Casey shots. All they need is a full-length shot of Adam Baldwin towering over the Buy Morons and right there you have comedy. So forgive me if I have to pick a recent shot, because I just can’t recall all of them now. But here we go: Casey in the Stormtrooper helmet. It was so simple, yet so effective. We all know that Casey is a by-the-book military guy who has no patience for Chuck and Morgan’s inherent nerdiness. So to see him in his finest uniform, sitting straight up with that Stormtrooper helmet on? Comedy gold. No words are necessary for this moment, just a helmet looking into the camera as millions of Chuck fans imagine Casey’s grumbling inner monologue.
2. Chuck versus the Other Guy – A Guy, A Girl and A Guitar: Again, too many awesome Chuck and Sarah shots to count. And while this episode brings to mind that fun final shot of Chuck and Sarah on the bed and the pan over to the Eiffel Tower, I’m taking the earlier shot of Chuck and Sarah back in the apartment just after Sarah confirms that he’s still “my Chuck.†To me, this was the real “Chuck and Sarah get together†moment. Okay, so it’s a bit of a cheat as it’s actually a series of shots. Two close ups: a huge smile on Chuck’s face, then a huge smile on Sarah’s. And then the shot of the two of them sitting in the hallway. No spy stuff, just a regular guy and a beautiful girl in love. Sure, Chuck will save her life later on and they’ll have their big romantic moment in Paris, but I like the sweet simplicity of the apartment and Chuck in his boxers with his silly plastic guitar.
1. Chuck versus the Subway – Ellie’s Reveal: I’ll admit it right now. This single shot just killed me. And so, while I’ve found room on my list for a few bright moments, this dramatic shot has to be at the top. Most of us figured that Papa B. was doomed the minute he told Ellie that this was the last time he’d ever walk away from her. And even if we saw it coming, it was still pretty upsetting to watch Shaw take him out like that. Chuck holding his father on the floor was definitely a sad moment, but it wasn’t until they pulled back to the wide shot and I saw an absolutely devastated Ellie turn around that it really hit home. Maybe it was the song, or the composition that allowed us to see Chuck holding Dad behind her, or just the look on Sarah Lancaster’s face, but they got me. I’m not ashamed to admit that my eyes watered a little. This shot was not just about Chuck’s dad dying, it also reinforced the idea that his spy life has serious ramifications, not just for the team, but for the people they love. Chuck lives in a dangerous world, and with all of the fun they manage to have on this show, I like a reminder of that once in awhile.
So there you have it, Chuck fans. What are your favorite shots? I’m sure there will be quite a wide range, so please sound off in the comments below!
i think the showrunners should have had the song daddys gone on the scene he got shot
They had that song on when Ted Rourke’s men took his father in Season 2. That scene HAS to be mentioned aswell!
Papa B: Remember when I told you not to trust your handlers?
(Sarah and Casey walk up behind Chuck, guns at ready. All Rourke’s men ready their guns)
Papa B: Maybe I was wrong…
Then Casey and Sarah holding Chuck back as Papa B is walked away.
Such a touching moment.
Dude, thats what number 2 on the list is.
I mean when chucks dad got shot
5)Chuck vs the couch look- finding out Casey’s tracker was on a cat. I really wish we could have heard the SWAT guy say “you want me to shoot it?”
4)Chuck vs the ring part 2- finding orions layer then finding out we were gonna meet momma B. How could NBC ever think of canceling this show.
3)Chuck vs the anniversary-the scene where Sarah and Casey think Chuck was killed. “obviously you have no idea who I am if you only sent 10 of your men” LOVE that line
2)Chuck vs the other guy-when Chuck shoots Shaw to save Sarah.
1)Chuck vs the beard- when Morgan finds out. “you are officially rehired as my best friend!” that moment produced so many other great ones. GO COBRA!!!!
On Beard when Morgan tells Chuck there’s a secret CIA base under OUR Buymore. That scene is amazing in every way.
4 is definitely one of my favorite epic moments, the music is amazing. Same with the end of Fat Lady, the whole sequence of Chuck and Jill and then Sarah and Casey running to save Chuck, amazing with that Frightened Rabbit song. Also the end of Nacho Sampler is probably one of the best endings of the whole show, music is key again.
Easily the best!
4 is definitely one of my favorite epic moments, the music is amazing. Same with the end of Fat Lady, the whole sequence of Chuck and Jill and then Sarah and Casey running to save Chuck, amazing with that Frightened Rabbit song
Most definitely one of my favorite moments to date!
Don’t remember the name of the episode or if it’s first or second season… Haha. BUT one of my absolute favorite moments is when Chuck and Sarah are in the closet at Sarah’s work and she kisses and straddles him to avoid being caught by her boss. The stunned look on Chuck’s face is priceless. Hilarious.
it was season 1 chuck versus the truth
The same episode at the end when Chuck tells her is is breaking up with her. After he leaves the Wienerlicious Sarah is just standing there in shock – like her whole world has ended.
OMG the look on Chuck’s face after Sarah straddles him truely is one of the best and funniest scenes in the show’s history. lol I always die laughing everytime I see it.
How about Chuck vs The Best Friend. Chuck “drives” the nerd-herder with the bomb and Sarah and Casey think he is dead. Sarah and Caseys facial expressions and the shots are just so perfect, first when Sarah and Casey see the car explode and in flames (Sarah screams and Casey stares blankly.) Then when Chuck emerges behind them – The tears from Sarah, and Casey snatches the remote from Chuck with a look of both shock and relief ( cos let’s face it, hes always liked Chuck, whether he likes it or not!) The close up shots of Casey and Sarahs facial expressions are so intense but heart-warming at te same time.
Yep! This is the one I thought of immediately.
then there is also their conversation when she said she didnt have anyone in her life that cared
That scene also has one of my favorite Casey lines:
Sarah: Where’s Chuck?
Casey: [Watching the car drive further away] Heroic imbecile took off with the bomb…
The fact that he called Chuck “heroic” to me was the one of the first glimmers of respect Casey had for Chuck.
My all-time favorite Chuck scene: Chuch vs The Beard – Morgan emerging from the Orange Orance freezer. “Bag him and tag him, Sarah…excuse me: Agent Walker.” I was never a huge Morgan fan prior to that episode, but he’s been my favorite ever since.
you are totally right, that shot is so funny, when he finally knows all about Chuck and the spy world!! And when he said that Sarah and Casey where totally amazed, but what i loved the most was Sarahs face after Morgan calls her agent Walker!!!
The scene from Chuck vs. the Colonel where they wake up together. I’m really surprised that hasn’t been mentioned yet…
loved all those. but i have to mention i LOVE the shots (i know there are many) when sarah was captured and drugged by shaw in paris and she is sitting helpless leaning against the cafe building and crying. it is so powerful and yvonne does an AMAZING job as always.
also love the scene in the colonel in the hotel room. i love the moment and they way it was filmed.
The last few scenes of “Honeymooners” remains my favorite, though the last scenes in “Suitcase” are a close second.
Whenever I try to get someone to start watching the show, I show them them Chuck vs. the First Date. The scene where Chuck uses of Morgan’s COD strategy to bluff Colt perfectly captures the essence of the show.
Yay, Pontifex, “building bridges” between Chuck and new fans (sorry, I couldn’t resist the awful pun)! 🙂
Anyway, I love that moment!!!
Great Friday Five! Love, love the ones you listed on the list especially numbers 3 and 4. I agree with you though that 1. Chuck versus the Subway – Ellie’s Reveal, takes the cake and smashes it. The way it was shot, the music and the acting (Sarah Lancaster took an already dramatic scene to devastating levels) was superb.
Also have to mention I love the series of scenes at the end of the Chuck vs. First Date. The Twist by Frightened Rabbit playing in the background as Chuck waits for Sarah at Casa Bartowski all the while the sweeping camera reveals Casey sneaking in ready to kill Chuck. All this interplays with the scenes of Graham using the newly acquired Cypher to download the new Intersect into Agents only to find out (too late) that Fulcrum has it sabotage. It was the perfect way to start the 2nd season
Such a great part of the show – the way Chuck’s two lives (spy and geek) interlink to comic effect. Brilliant!
Way to many great shots to pick just 5. One I thought was really powerful was in Other Guy at the cafe. The tears are rolling down Sarah’s face then she see’s Chuck and the tears just stop.
Plus you can totally tell it’s chuck she’s looking at because her face lights up as soon as she looks at him. 🙂
Another 2 are season one when Chuck and Sarah have a “fountain talk” and he tells her that while he is her asset, they can never be together and that he is going to stop fooling himself into thinking it will happen. Both devastated, they approach Ellie’s door, knock and plaster big grins on their faces like everything is all right. Wow. The second is, second season, the one with Roan. When Roan taunts Chuck into kissing Sarah. Wow! That whole scene is funny, uncomfortable, and very revealing about Chuck and Sarah’s feelings toward each other.
I would love it if this website had a complete list of episodes and synopsis of them. I can’t always remember the seasons and titles and would love to have a reference like that.
Yeah you are right, but i believed that shot is in season # 2.
What – No one’s mentioned the shot of Sarah trying on bikinis yet LOL
I always thought the best shot was from Chuck Vs. Santa Claus when there is a close-up on Sarah’s face as she decides to shoot the Fulcrum agent in cold blood.
Great Friday Five, probably one of my favourites, thanks!!
But as if Chuck vs. The Imported Hard Salami – the time bomb kiss wasn’t on the list!?! it’s probably one of my favourite moments of television
oh and also Chuck vs. The Colonel – when Chuck and Sarah make up in the motel and a Bon Iver song is playing
These are the two scenes I had to replay 20 times!
…this just made me realise how much of a shipper I really am!
I totally agree with you! That is also my fave scenes on the show!!!
The scenes shows how deep Sarah’s feelings are for Chuck!!!
It is very difficult to pick just five, but here are some of mine…
1) “Save you later” (episode 1×13)
2) “my mom’s charm bracelet” (episode 2×11)
3) “you’re still my Chuck” (episode 3×13)
4) “it’s about damn time” (episode 3×14)
5) “if you asked me for real, my answer would be yes” (episode 4×04)
I Live in the UK so I am an episode or two behind you guys but I have to admit have two favourite scenes firstly I love the scene at the end of season 3 episode 19 chuck vs the ring part 2 where chuck is fighting Shaw to blaze of glory by Jeffster this scene is just amazing especially afterwards when Morgan blows up the buy more and when they are at the apartment and Casey takes Alex away from Morgan and says before he blows up the apartment the second scene is in season 4 episode 1 chuck vs. anniversary when chuck uses the EMP to escape Volkoff and when we see Casey and Sarah uses there guns in the dark especially with Casey using the AK-47 also when they do escape and Casey say “everybody alive” Morgan replies “im ok…” and Casey says “anybody who matters” I think this dialogue shows us how Casey still hasn’t come to terms fully with Morgan being on team Bartowski
When Chuck flashes on Shaw’s voice in the Market! So intense! Chuck follows him into the station, but loses him on the platform.
Chuck turns round, cones face to face with the guy he “killed”. Shaw smiles, waves, and the train pushes off.
Absolutely brilliant.
One of my facorites would have to be chuck vs the beard during the scene where Morgan finds out and chuck admits his feelings for Sarah. Thought the dynamic between the friends was great
where he finally says “your right i do love Sarah” and Morgan just smiles
Also Jeff and Lester mr roboto. The scene proved chuck was the perfect mixture of action and comedy
that sence is awesome lol
how about in seaso one chuck versus the nemesis when sarah decides between chuck and bryce and that awesome band of horses song plays
I was hooked during the Date while they were walking to the club and Chuck flashed on the motor cade traveling below in the pilot episode.
The rooftop scene where the Agent was extracting Chuck and Sarah told Chuck she would save him later in the Marlin.
When Sarah was cooking breakfast for Chuck and Chuck was flabergasted in the Suburbs.
The Chuck Sarah Scene at the end of the show in the hallway in Chuck vs the Mask.
And finaly the “if you properly ask me I would say yes” at the end of Coup de etat.
how about the ending of season 4, episode 3… the cubic z? the accident proposal for me is the funniest ever… i watched it thousand times.
Gotta say I love all the ones mentioned but the one that sticks out for me was when in season 3 ( I don”t remember the episode title) was when chuck and Sarah arrive at Papa B’s cabin and at the end when sarah knocks the knife out of the air with the axe Papa b asks if she has an intersect too and chuck says no dad that”s all her
1) when Chuck tells her is is breaking up with her. After he leaves the Wienerlicious Sarah is just standing there in shock – like her whole world has ended.1*8
2) “my mom’s charm bracelet†(episode 2×11)
3) “you’re still my Chuck†(episode 3×13)
4) Jeff and Lester jeffster chuck vs the best friend (2×14)
5) chuck versus the nemesis when sarah decides between chuck and bryce and that awesome band of horses song plays (1×10)
One of my favourites is definitely the flashback scene at the train station in Prague in Pink Slip. It’s so beautiful and sad at the same time – perfection.
“I’m sorry. I can’t.”
well guys i have my own favorites, most of them are from season # 2
5. Chuck vs Operation Awesome: when Chuck is guiding Devon through his ring mission, and at the end Chuck enters the building to help Devon and Awesome just cannot believe that Chuck is such a good spy.
4. Chuck vs the seduction: at the beginning when Chuck and Morgan are at the buy more and the Sarah arrives, dancing through the music in Chucks imagination, and finally she kissed him and chuck says: “mmm… is that a real kiss or just a cover kiss, cause I’m confused right now” and Sarah says: “That’s a we have a national security emergency and i have to speak to you in privately kiss”. And Chuck says: “see i now i felt something … who’s your mama?”.
3. Chuck vs the colonel: when Chuck and Sarah waked up at the motel and they started kissing, just watching chuck so happy and Sarah with her I can’t believe this is happening face. I think that was a crucial moment for both of them.
2. Chuck vs the ring: at the end of the season finale, when Chuck just finished upgrading the intersect and after he bit the crap out of them, Sarah & Casey are totally amazed, they just can’t believed what they are seeing, and Chuck says: “Guys I know kung-fu” and after that Casey says: “Uhh … Chuck mee …”
1. Chuck vs the other guy: when chuck arrives to France and he acts like a hero to rescue her beloved woman from the hands of the bad guy and finally he realizes that the only way he can save Sarah is killing Shaw, at the end he saved her.
Best catfights, seaspn 1 when Sara fights La Ciodad and season 4 the runway fight.
Yeah, you´re right I’d forget those two fights!!
i also have to say that i love one shot from the Chuck vs the pilot: when the action starts at the episode, Sarah is dancing around Chuck and also killing NSA guys, through when they are in the nerd herd vehicle, through when Sarah is on the ground activating that car stop with her knife, through when Chuck deactivated that bomb with that porn site
I also have to add Chuck vs the Isle of terror: when chucks mam shot at him, i was totally surprised, and also amazed about that moment. Really a scary scene for me.
Two best catfights Chuck the runaway fight and the assassin fight season 1, episode 3 La Ciodad
Your forgetting the Jenny cat fight in vs the cougars smack my bitch up playing in the background in a shower with the water pipes burst does it get any better?
Your right I did forget about that one!
Season One: The last scenes of “Chuck vs the Alma Mater”, when it shows he and Bryce meeting for the first time, and at the end as they walk away across the quad the lines from the Oasis song play: “Don’t look back in anger, I heard you say.” I just loved that moment, because Chuck had hated Bryce for so long but finally found out that Bryce had been trying to protect him all along, and then the song tie-in…One of many moments for me where I marveled at whoever was picking the music on this show, because so much of it is awesome.
Season Two: In “Chuck vs the Dream Job” where he goes to Castle and suits up in Casey’s spy gear so he can go break into Rourke’s offices to look for their Intersect. The song (“Luisa’s Bones”) was awesome, and that moment for me was really the moment that Chuck became a real spy. His handlers wouldn’t investigate his hunch about the Intersect, so he took it on himself. Loved that scene. And then it got hilarious, when Chuck shot Casey with several tranc darts to knock him out. “I’m gonna kill you when I wake up.” Adam Baldwin had the perfect mix of menace and comedy there 🙂
Season One: Jeffster singing “Africa” at the end of “Chuck vs the Best Friend”. It was the first Chuck episode I ever saw, and this scene cemented my desire to immediately watch all the other episodes I had missed. The song was good (and hilarious, at times), but what I really loved was the relationship montage with Morgan and Anna and Chuck and Sarah, especially the way Chuck took Sarah’s hand.
Season Three: Anna and Morgan’s dueling intros in “Chuck vs the Tooth”. Anna comes back to the Buymore and gets the slow-motion strut + wind machine treatment, along with Flo Rida’s “Right Round.” Then Morgan comes out in a tux and gets the same thing. I loved the look of shock on Anna’s face, along with the fact that Morgan refused to take her back. As much as I like Julia Ling, I think Morgan was right that it wouldn’t have been good for him to get back together with Anna.
Season Two: Pretty much the entire episode of “Chuck vs the Ring”. From “Domo Origato Mr. Roboto” playing as Casey’s special forces team crashes through the ceiling of the church to Sarah choosing Chuck over Bryce to Chuck uploading the Intersect to “Chuck me!” to that final scene (“Guys, I know kung fu”), this is, in my humble opinion, the best complete episode (loved every moment from start to finish) of Chuck.
Mistake: The third one is an episode from Season 2, not Season 1.
How about the “we’re not gonna take it?” scene? Easily one of my favorite scenes of all time, with the BuyMore rebelling on Emmett and the simultaneous fight in Fulcrum recruiting quarters. Plus, there’s Chuck with the Morgan move and then trying to save that fulcrum guy (“Wait, you’re serious?” “-yes, that’s a horrible way to die!”) and then Casey offended first that Chuck wouldn’t let him cheat on his test and then that the Fulcrum guy called him stupid. Something amazing going on every shot in that scene.
Also, I like the scene where Sarah and Mama B meet in the latest episode. Hilarious spoof of girlfriend/mother-in-law relationship, and then Chuck’s slow realization that his mother and girlfriend actually really want to kill each other… hilarious. And then you parallel that to Ellie and Honey… it’s just great.
The scene where Mama B overhears Ellie and Devon in the toy store and then picks up the bear nearly broke my heart too.
Don’t know about rank no. 2-5 but for me the end of season 3 episode 14 – Chuck vs. the Honeymooners – is the best (so far, not having been able to watch season 4 yet ;).
The setting, the emotional state of both characters, the dialogue (Chuck: “I think I found the one. This is gonna be your favorite song” Sarah: “I like this.” Chuck: “It’s a good start.”) together with nina simone’s Feeling Good – the scene expressed so so much – if you had to put that in text it would be a book… or it’s all said with Nina Simone song… feeling good… 😀
That they even continued from one of the first episodes where Sarah admits that she is not into music… and Chucks uses that (music) to open for Sarah what a normal life, a normal relationship with a normal guy might feel like *sigh* Awesome.
For me the best is simple:
The end of “Chuck vs. Santa Claus”
You have Silent Night playing in the background, she shoots the lieutenant, Chuck is shocked. Sarah looked pissed.
Awesome stuff
Really interesting piece of information, thanks!
Im glad that you all pick some of the truly greatest moments on this show, which proofs Chuck´s fans really know what they´re watching, if you know what I mean. However, I think most of you are not choosing or are lacking of season 1 epic scenes; it is surely the shortest one but it´s the season that defined the entire show. Anyway, here it goes 5 of my all time favourites scenes/quotes which I randomly disposed coz I can´t just pick the better:
Season One, Episode 1 (Chuck Pilot) :”Trust me Chuck.”
Season Four, Episode 2 (Chuck vs the suitcase). “You´re my home Chuck. You always have been.”
Season One, Episode 8 (Chuck vs the Truth) “Listen, I know it´s been a while since you´ve taken your… your bike out for a ride you know? But is time to oil up that rusty chain, up on that seat and start pedalling on the way bro. Never forget how to ride, ok? Lock it out, cmon. Nice”
Season Two, Episode 10 (Chuck vs the DeLorean) “Well he must have done something right. You turned out pretty good.”
Season Three, Episode 8 (Chuck vs the Fake Name) “Who the hell is Bartowski?”
I have chosen these coz most of the above comments already got them all, Im just completing. Still, Chuck is Chuck, and 5 epic moments aren´t enough.