“Neuroscience hurts.â€
A friend of mine once gave me this niblet of relationship wisdom, courtesy of his mother: All men want to feel needed, and all women want to feel special. Chuck is a complex guy, though: he wants to feel both special—spy-worthy, that is—and needed by Sarah. What Chuck doesn’t understand is that it’s not the Intersect, or his massive brain that can handle the Intersect, that makes him special. It’s his ordinary qualities that make him seem exceptional to her, along with his sweetness and loyalty and humility.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the Theme of the Week is castration, and the Symbol of the Week is Jeff’s tie getting chopped in two. Bear with me: I don’t mean actual castration—everyone gets to keep his penis! I mean metaphorical castration. Chuck lost his Intersect, Casey lost his missions, Jeff and Lester…well, I won’t wonder what they lost or when they lost it. Both Chuck and Casey struggled with facing the loss of what seemed to define them.
For Casey, that loss was a revelation. For all of his bluster about an itchy trigger finger, Casey was most troubled by what he never thought he would possess, and so could never lose: his friends and family. As always, kudos to Adam Baldwin, who packed a huge emotional wallop into just one line about Afghanistan and Iraq. Just the way he sat up straight and drank his coffee…okay, I’ll stop mooning over him now.
Chuck, though, is stuck between a rock and a hard place: he wants to be a spy, “doing great things, doing them with [Sarah],†and he worries that without the Intersect he’ll lose the new identity he’s been building for the past four years. He worries he will no longer be special, no longer be needed.
We know that’s not really true. Chuck had some good ideas on his mission, even though he’s not an ace fighter. He’s perfectly capable of being a very effective spy without the Intersect—but neither he nor Sarah can see it. When Sarah declared that Chuck isn’t a spy, she hurt him. More importantly, she revealed to us that she doesn’t fully understand just how special Chuck really is.
That tension, between Sarah’s fears and Chuck’s dismay at knowing about those fears, is the real cliffhanger. Sure, Chuck’s been kidnapped by a fake-diamond-buying Belgian (Egad! Belgians!) who wants the Intersect (or maybe the info therein, I wasn’t quite clear on that). I suspect Chuck will survive the kidnapping. But will Chuck and Sarah survive her revelation?
Meanwhile, back at the BuyMore
Dr. Rye (or Rob Riggle, if you’re a Daily Show fan) tried physical, psychological, painful, brutal methods on Chuck, to no avail except comic relief. Jeff and Lester broke Greta almost instantly with their creepy creepiness.
I’d heard in the early part of the season that the writers would be inserting a Greta into most episodes, and that’s why I’ve been referring to the random one-off BuyMorons as Gretas, regardless of gender or nametag. That long, long set-up all led to this moment: Summer Glau. While I love Summer Glau, and I’m incredibly impressed by the way her legs seem to have grown to Amazonian lengths, the BuyMore plot felt sort of empty to me. Funny, yes. Relevant, not so much.
Although we did get a miniature Firefly reunion. That’s worth an entire subplot of set up, isn’t it?
Bytes: (I tried not to go too crazy with the list this time, so if I missed your favorite quote, add it in the comments!)
• Chuck: “Do you ever wonder if this is all life is going to be? BuyMore, Burbank. The best years behind us.â€
Jeff: “Whoa, whoa! That sounds like candor.â€
• Dr. Rye: “I don’t believe that the psychological rock can be hoisted off the Intersect by watching kittens play with yarn.â€
• Chuck: “We are digging deep into his mind right now.â€
Sarah: “It looks like he’s hitting you.â€
• Chuck: “Aside from the fact the place is populated with a crowd of international psychopaths, the air is fresh, and the chocolate—so milky!â€
• Chuck: “I’m not afraid of your phony Russian accent or your finger-gun, okay?â€
• Lester: “We won’t be stopped, and we can’t be stopped, and we won’t be stopped.†Did anyone else think of that
• Greta: “The psychotic one follows me with a webcam, narrating the tracking and hunt of the Greta marmot.â€
• Dr. Rye: “Are you a spy, or are you a guy with a spy girlfriend?â€
• Jeff: “Why did she transmogrify into a woodland creature?â€
• Casey: “This is the best damn spy team in the world. We are strong.â€
And Pieces:
• I love the blatant Subway product placement. Thank you, Subway, for giving us more Chuck!
• Our tax dollars at work: Spies watching YouTube videos of kittens and idiots.
• Did the ceilings look really low in the scene with Chuck and Dr. Rye at about the 40 minute mark, including commercials? Or am I just not used to seeing ceilings, ever, on TV?
• How brilliant is it that the writers chose to soften Casey up not by giving him a love interest, but a daughter? He took her advice, too, about helping his friends.
A solid episode with lots of great emotional development. Sure, the BuyMore plot wasn’t great (but it had Summer Glau!) and the spy hijinks…well, they weren’t supposed to be important. It’s Chuck’s reactions to them and his situation that matter.
Three and a half out of psychological rocks.
(Think I’ve got it all wrong about the castration theme? Check out more of my egregious errors at billiedoux.com.)
You didnt mention Casey and Greta’s short grunting match lol 😛
This was a great episode, i dont know much about Rob Riggle but his character was pretty cool, which shocked me toward the end, i guess we wont be seeing him again =/
My only problem is that more and more people know about the Intersect
OMG! I laughed so hard when Casey and Greta started grunting. lol Oh! And I must say that I’ll miss Agent Rye. He was a fun character. And as to the promo for next week CHUCK. OMFG! Finally we get to see the BAMF that Sarah Walker really is, especially when she feels that “her Chuck” is danger. Pissed off Sarah FTW! 🙂
Jeffster may have been highly annoying this episode, but I have to give credit where credit is due with this line:
Jeff: My life would be a never-ending Cialis commercial if I had her.
That line from Sarah totally hurt Chuck (a verbal sock in the gut, if you will), but I can understand where Sarah’s coming from: she’s taking Frost’s “Protect him” to heart (as if she needed to be told that).
Rye annoyed me a lot. And I think he was totally skeeving on Sarah, with the grapefruit perfume line and how he was looking at her after interrupting the massage scene.
Totally agree, the potentially best line of the episode or certainly Jeff’s best line -“My life would be a never-ending Cialis commercial if I had her” and cue the new Sarah slow-mo entrance…. and those boots…. 🙂
Sarah: “Don’t be a hero…. Just come back home save to me!…”
great episode again, this show keeps getting better and better, interesting thought about the mental castration , is a plausable theme, looking foward to next week, looks like we see sarah in full on bad ass spy mode , i think ellie will play a crucial part in chuck getting the intersect working again, after all the she is a neuroscience surgeon. shame about rye getting killed , the only thing is they could use the guest stars more often like they did in episode 3 bringing back steve austin and nicole ritchie
Sarah ticked me off with her ”No you’re not a spy Chuck!” I was like; she did not just say that! He’s trying hard and his look of shock and I guess betrayal looked like she hurt his feelings way to go Sarah.
It was a great episode that Agent Rye dude was a fun sociopath to watch he obviously had a few screws loose but he was fun and The Belgian was down right scary. He’ll make a good opponent to the gang I’ll wager. 😉
Casey being a little worried about being deployed made me want to give him a hug, his confrontation with Greta had me grinning. I wasn’t thinking *Casey and Greta* I was thinking *Jayne and River* it was awesome. 😀
Looking forward to next week pretty much a Sarah episode from the look of it.
with the your not a spy chuck I think she only said that to protect him
Yeah it really did hurt him though. However, he is the one who thinks that being a spy means kicking $$$. Its not about that and Sarah sees it. Besides i am totally sure that Sarah and Chucks relationship will survive no matter what. True, their jobs define them but i think that their love, their special something will be more powerful and they will sacrifice their job in order to be together. Check back with me, but i am pretty sure that Chuck said he would rather be with Sarah than have the Intersect (in the lift scene). He finally realized that the Intersect comes second to Sarah. After all, she is his one and only love.
Sarah was speaking the truth and only said it at that time in order to get Chuck to think through his actions before he did any more. She wanted to say the same thing when they were in the bedroom but chose to encourage Chuck instead in his quest to get the Intersect working. You could tell she wanted to dodge the question. This points back to how they still need to work on their communication skills but are too afraid they may hurt each other with the truth. Chuck is still too insecure in the relationship and Sarah too hesitant.
Chuck has never been a full fledged spy without the intersect. All his training has been based on him having the abilities of the intersect. Sure, he is smart and proactive but lacks control over his emotions. In the end, when Chuck was on the gondola and fearing for his life, he knew Sarah was right.
and when she said he wasnt a real spy the look casey gave was priceless
When Sarah declared that Chuck isn’t a spy, I sensed an unspoken subtext to that declaration, which is “You are more to me than just that”. Emotions were running high and she was fighting him tooth and nail to keep him out of danger. She could have blurted out “no, you’re the love of my life” but was in a business meeting where that would have been inappropriate, so she edited herself. Chuck clearly didn’t pick up on that subtlety and took offence. I think the relationship can survive a miscommunication if that’s indeed what it was. Their relationship has blossomed over the years in an endless sea of miscommunication. Also, this is the second time that a Nicholas Wootten-written episode has had the misfortune of following a Judkins-LeFranc ep. While the “Fear of Death” was a competent programme, both it and his earlier “Cubic Z” lacked a certain sparkle, if you will. Perhaps this is only an illusion and the incomparable Judkins-LeFranc is just a hard act to follow.
I can’t agree with your thesis, that Sarah wanted to say: you’re more than a spy. She said exactly what her behaviour was constantly saying during all season 4: that Chuck is not her partner when spy action starts, but still an asset. It wasn’t declaration of love at all, not a healthy one.
Episode was great, but there was to much comedy. It made more sense to make Chuck look vulnerable, but all this test ware shown as a joke. There was no real fear of death or any danger.
Actually, I concur with your observation.
It wasn’t that Sarah doesn’t think that Chuck is a spy without the Intersect, it’s just that Chuck is more vulnerable, and that is pretty friggin scary.
It’s like if my girlfriend went to a very dangerous place without protection, I’d probably do anything to either be with her or make sure she has a way to protect herself.
Sarah wasn’t saying that Chuck isn’t a spy without the Intersect, but rather, I think she just wants to make sure that Chuck isn’t in mortal danger when she can’t protect him.
Doctor Bob, I totally agree with you about the way both Wooten-written episodes have felt. Something’s just a little off in both of them. On a show that really does manage to run on all cylinders most of the time (comedy, action, spy/tech stuff, relationship drama) both Cubic Z and Fear of Death feel like the are missing something. I don’t quite know what it is, but they seem adequate without being engaging. I know that all shows have certain episodes that are either “set-up” (where not much happens, but there’s a promise that something amazing will happen next week) or “stand-alone,” (where what happens doesn’t really move the meta-arc storyline forward) and both of the Wooten episodes have felt like set-up episodes to me. Which isn’t terrible, it’s just not terribly interesting to watch an hour of set-up and then wait a week for the pay-off.
You are kindly forgetting, that last person that told him: “you don’t have flashes, you’re no longer a spy” was… Daniel Shaw. It’s so nice Sarah almost quoted him :-/ .
I disagree that Sarah’s comment about Chuck being a spy will drive a wedge between them. For the past two episodes, she has supported his decisions, backed him in his efforts when she truly doubted that they were the best choice. Both have turned out badly.
They were nearly blown up in the destruction of Orion’s lair. And, now Chuck has been kidnapped.
During the massage segment, she reaffirmed that Chuck Bartowski is great on his own, without the Intersect. That seems a much more powerful acclamation of her belief in him that supporting him as a spy. His realization that his love for Sarah is more important than the Intersect, as he dangles from the gondola, certainly is telling. And, as Chuck sits in the chair, hands and feet bound, with the Belgian approaching, I’m sure her original words –and her belief in his as a man not a computer/spy — are ringing much clearer to Chuck.
I’m pretty sure he’s questioning his abilities to be an effective spy at that moment, as well.
What a great episode! They way you see the problems as castration, I also sensed something like that! And the “No, you’re not!-line by Sarah, OMG!
Not directly Chuck related, but I have to say – I love the Firefly references from both Chuck and Castle this week.
Getting River and Jayne back together was nice (wish they had more than one conversation) and Mal speaking Chinese b/c of a TV show he really liked was priceless.
I was not impressed with the Spy More stuff at all and for the most part only found it mildly amusing. I thought the spy activities with Agent Rye were funnier than the Spy More stuff.
The set up for next week’s episode was the best part of this episode for me.
For comparison I have a feeling that this episode is the Beefcake and next week’s is the Lethal Weapon of this season.
Also if I’m not mistaken this is the same writer who wrote Cubic Z, which also had very weak Spy More scenes. Maybe they need to team him up with another writer.
Yeah the Buy More and two certain reptiles have over stayed their welcome.
Sarah: “What are you doing here…in our home?”
Both “our” (as a couple) and “home” (as a permanent dwelling) as said by Sarah. Good stuff. (And her outfit at the time was a bonus, of course.)
“Where did you learn that?!”
“Star Trek.”
No, not really. Love the show though.”
“Well who doesn’t?”
Chuck’s had alot of people tell him he’s not a spy and Sarah has always supported him, so when she says “Your not a spy…” in front of his peers and boss it hurts him badly. She could of said yes your a spy, but with out the intersect you can’t defend yourself. I have to say though she was desperatly trying to find a way to keep him safe so I understand where she’s coming from. I think Chuck will also in time.
No one seems to be getting it. Sarah has never seen Chuck as a “real” spy. She yelled at him in Predator (right ep.?) for getting himself into a situation where she coudn’t protect him, she was about to leave with Shaw until she found out that Chuck didn’t kill the mole. He was her asset and it was her job to protect him for 3 seasons, even causing Shaw to question her “Most handlers push their assets to perform . . .”. She can’t make the mental leap from asset to spy and can’t get over her own abandomnent issues to let him fly on his own and develop his own skills, intersect or no. She absolutely meant what she said this ep. and you could see that she was lying in the bedroom when she said he was a spy. Hopefully we’ll see the writers deal with her issues some this season. Why should the man be the only one with issues?
Jeff: “If I had her, my life would be a neverending cialis commercial!”
*Commence slow-mo entrance of Sarah into the Buy More*
Sorry, but I have to disagree with those loving this episode. I felt it was one of the least consequential epsiodes of the series, instantly forgettable.
Summer Glau wasn’t anything special, and what a golden comedic opportunity was wasted with the idea of JEFFSTER getting suspicious of someone or something at the BuyMore & Morgan & Casey having to cover. So much more could have been mined out of that (think when Morgan & Casey had to find them & bring them back earlier this year, or when Casey kidnapped/brainwashed Lester last year).
As for the main plot, after all the emotion and action for Chuck in last week’s best-episode-of-the-season this one felt like light-weight fluff. Agent Rye was annoying, playing basically the same role he played last year on Gary Unmarried as Jay Mohr’s gung-ho marine brother. I was glad to see him shot.
Oh, and by the way… they don’t cut off your penis in castration; they cut off your testicles. Cutting off the penis is called a penectomy.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this episode was weak.
I felt it squandered a lot of the tease from the end of vs. the First Fight. It wasn’t until the end of the episode that it really picked up to the level I was hoping to see the episode start at.
Just a note on what “phase three” could be or is referencing, back in the Operation Condor days it was multinational group of South American military state assassins who traveled the world killing people who were deemed subversives (communists generally). I’m not really sure what this would mean for Chuck but if anyone has any ideas or if you think its relevent leave a comment.
I too thought this episode was weak. I thought they could have done a much better job with the spy story to build up more tension and suspense.
I loved this episode so much, it was very funny and also very emotional as well. Loved the way how Sarah was trying to cope the fact that she can’t be there to protect Chuck and man, sincerely i wished she could have shed some tears too :p You said that Sarah doesn’t fully understands how special Chuck is, i think she just blurted it out just because of pent up frustration and worry, she knows that she screwed up and she needs to fix this asap. So i won’t be that harsh with her (at least not yet :)).
You know i have a crazy idea about this. If you noticed so far all Chuck’s flashes were in a certain colour tone (brown/orangeish sort) but since he got that thing, whatever it is, from the PSP his mom showed him, his botched flashes have 2 different colorations, brown and also greenish. I just got this crazy thought and let’s say that Intersect 2.0 reacts mostly with the methodic half of the brain, now this new update he got (even if it’s an update) deals more with the emotional half of the brain. It seems when he tries to flash the two keep on bonk on each other, like they try to nullify each other, so i think there’s a missing link there that Chuck needs to put together the 2 intersects? I dunno it seems pretty crazy, but hey i wanna share this with you guys, maybe u can tell me if this makes sense lol.
Rob Riggle was awesome!!!!
(my face after episode) That was unexpected. Holy cow. WHAT A CLIFFHANGER. The “Get-A-Greta” thing was just hilarious. Same thing with Jeff’s Cialis line. See y’all next week..
The rock isn’t Sarah. That’s just twisted and goofy. The key to removing it won’t be Chuck getting rid of or over her. It will be HER being in danger. His fear isn’t for himself (As we saw on the Halloween episode.) It’s of loosing her. I bet he’s going to be shown, or hallucinate her in danger and have the mother of all flashes.
….. Huh. We WERE shown his greatest fear just two episodes ago. I didn’t even notice until I was typing out this theory. That’s some nice foreshadowing there Chuck writers.
…. or you guys suck if you don’t go with this. Either one.
Actually that is what I have been thinking. In my mind through out the series the only time Chuck has done things he never normally would do (ie: kill a man in the case of Shaw) was when Sarah was in mortal danger. I think it is going to take an event like that for the “Rock” that is currently on the intersect to be moved off and get the intersect working again.
In this episode many have said that Sarah saying to Chuck that is is not a spy without the intersect is true. At the end of the day we know that Sarah cares deeply about Chuck and she does not want him putting himself into situations where she can’t protect him …. from himself in some cases. Past episodes have shown that Chuck does not normally do well as a spy when the intersect stops working (for what ever reason). Hopefully in later episodes we will see Chuck get some more training so that he will have to rely on the intersect less.
When I first saw this episode, I thought it was the worst episode in the 4 years. It started slowly and senselessly. I saw it twice before I decided that I liked it. I agree that it was filled with peaks and valleys, like the gandola ride to Gystad. But overall, it was a great episode. Because it proves the point that I made two weeks ago. It is the Relationship, that drives this show. And it always will be.
As far as the castration metaphor, only a woman would write that. It is a misandistic viewpoint that women have that is not correct. The correct term is emasculation. Sarah was not castrating Chuck, she was emasculating him; but she was right in doing so because she is the only one who has something to lose if he’s gone. Casey, Morgan, and the rest of the family lose a friend but Sarah loses her life if he dies. But it isn’t really emasculation that is the issue, it is domestication and family does that to you.
Misandistic, had to look that up. Thanks for giving me a new word even though you left out the r. Misandry-the hatred of men or boys. I don’t think most women have that viewpoint or we wouldn’t worry about our relationship status on facebok so much.
Emasculation- the removal of the genitalia (castration) of a male, notably the penis and/or the testicles. So they’re the synonymous. (Both definitions come from Wikipedia btw)
My opinion is that it is not The Relationship that drives this show, it is the relationships. Your 2nd to last line is noteworthy. “Casey, Morgan, and the rest of the family lose a friend but Sarah loses her life if he dies.”
1. Casey in this last episode admitted how painful separation from Burbank would be.
2. Morgan would lose a life-long friend and that is nothing to dismiss lightly. He was the reason the intersect came back the first time it malfunctioned.
3. Ellie, my God, Ellie loses a little brother, how could you treat her relationship with Chuck so lightly? She raised him! She made him give up the spy life because at that point they only had each other.
Sorry about how long this post went on. You’re entitled to your opinions, but this past episode did not prove them.
You are right that I left out the r in misandristic. When one is talking about a metaphorical castration, the correct term is emasculation, not castration. Just because something is a synonym doesn’t mean it means the same thing. Emasculation connotes more of a psychological castration which is what the episode seems to have been about.
The reason, I indicated that most women have that viewpoint, ask any women who has been cheated on or has a friend who has been violated and the first they say is the cheater should have his b*lls cut off.
I stand by my statement that Sarah is the one who will lose her life, if Chuck were to be killed. She fell in love with Chuck, the man, not Chuck the intersect. She sees Chuck’s status in the Agency in the correct way because of that. He’s not a con man (her dad) nor is he a superspy (Bryce); he’s an ordinary guy (his words) whom she thinks is great (her words) but she correctly states that he’s never been on a mission without the Intersect. That is the gist of this episode.
I have to agree with Eowyn – Sarah is NOT the only one with something to lose. That’s incredibly insensitive to the other relationships that the show has built over the past 3 1/4 seasons. Chuck is so much more than a boyfriend: he’s a brother, a friend, a confidante, a colleague, and a son.
Its not insensitive to point out that Sarah and Chuck are the two main characters in the show. It is also not insensitive to point out that Sarah has no one else in the group who will give her a ‘normal’ life after their spy life is done. It is not insensitive to point out that spies don’t have a real life unless they have someone who will provide that balance in their lives, just ask Valerie Plame Wilson. It doesn’t matter, who raised you, people grow and move on. If this were real life, do you really think that Ellie would be that devastated with her brother’s death, especially since she has a new baby on the way? Morgan is starting to grow a pair, now that he is the BuyMore manager and has a new girlfriend; would lose a friend but he would live his life. Casey would move on the next mission, he would have to because he is soldier. Sarah would be devastated, plain and simple.
Sounds like SOMEBODY wasn’t hugged enough as a child….
Everyone has interests in Chuck’s health and Sarah is definitely one of them with fewer people able to fill the void that a “mentally broken” Chuck would leave especially in regard to the progress she has made to humanizing herself. To say though that Ellie wouldnt miss Chuck is pretty harsh she may have awesome and another on the way but everyone (not just these two even the buy morons) would lose with a “broken” Chuck.
I guess my expectations were too high for this episode based on all the nerd hype about it featuring Summer Glau. I found it a bit disappointing and actually more enjoyed Rob Riggle’s cameo.
Also couldn’t they have found even 30 seconds for Ellie and Awesome to be doing something with Papa B’s car to keep that plot line alive and give those 2 an appearance in the episode? There was no Big Mike either.
Budget Cuts Ron, Budget cuts. We saw this last season as well and since as far as I am aware the budget cuts are still in place were going to see the same this season. I think they have done a wonderful job of the show with less money, its almost like you don’t see it when you look at the show. And if you did not know that they had those budget cuts, I don’t think you could tell that there was less money to go round so to speak.
Agent Rye is what we should have gotten from Shaw and didn’t. He was incredibly hyper but he at least knew how to get out of a vault without help andhis pursuit of Sarah was limited to commenting on her scent. He actually seemed to realize that Chuck was worthwhile without the Intersect (unlike Shaw) but he was sent there to get the Intersect back and that’s what he was going to do so the fact that he found it impressive that Chuck brought a loupe and took a gemology course on the plane didn’t deter him from his appointed task(again unlike Shaw who was easily deterred from training Chuck ).
The Buy More story had to happen since the Greta thing was the really obvious CIA anomoly left . The Stepford spies could be ignored as just really efficient but different peopel who rotate in and out with the same name (including one man) would even be noticed by the regular customers after a while.
Hope full Chuck being kidnapped will make them wake up and realize he needs to be trained to operate without the Intersect in case of emergency . This should’ve been realized after the Beard.
Did agent Rye fall into a snow bank and live?? Tune in folks–cannot wait for Sarah’s fight scenes–Yvonne and the choreographers do great work with the fights!!
Somebody somewhere said the reason it was possible that Shaw could’ve survived his gunshot wounds is because he fell into the cold river water and it helped slow down the blood loss. How much colder than a river is a deep fluffy snow bank? Hmmmmm….
There may not be a mental/psychological rock at all. I think the governor may be interfering with the flashes. I think whatever Mama B uploaded into Chuck may have made the governor unnecessary or may not be compatible with the governor. I remember reading a while back that Fedak said the governor will be featured again this season (see http://www.digitalspy.com/cult/news/a259239/chuck-exec-promises-governor-plot.html?rss). Maybe this is it…
Fear of Death : interesting & exciting to watch especially with Sarah showed her emotional side. But too bad for Chuck. still a softy type of guy. Without intersect made him more lady like…….Ellie showed more manly than Chuck in this is scenario…….I know the writer want to have some comedy in him and in the series. But made Chuck a lady like ..well not soo good after to watch after he had gone through season 1,2, and 3.. He should have learn something manly.
In addition, Chuck intelligent is depreciated as compared to season 1 and season 2. It seems Morgan has become smarter than Chuck in this Season.
Anyone else find it kinda odd that in that second promo clip Casey looks like hes in a detention cell, in the promo stills hes helping her and in the last episode it looked like him and Morgan were all in for finding Chuck with her?
I was so looking forward to a “X out of Y itching trigger fingers”!, and then… Psychological rocks… Pfft, they are way overrated 😀
“More importantly, she revealed to us that she doesn’t fully understand just how special Chuck really is.”
Nah. Sarah was just speaking the absolute, maybe-hard-to-hear (for Chuck and for some of his fans too!) truth. Yes, Chuck is capable of being a pefectly good spy without the intersect. But without the basic skills to defend himself and others, he simply isn’t a spy right now. He’s resourceful, intelligent and has the heart of a lion – but a lion without teeth won’t last long in the jungle.
I’m hoping the resolution of this arc is that we see Chuck acknowledge his dependency on the intersect, and commit to actually learning the skills he might need should he ever be in this situation again. If he ends up being saved by the intersect again, it’s just sweeping a real problem (and potential risk) under the carpet.
Question about Casey:
What is with the whole Katherine deal? She must know that her daughter is developing a relationship with her father? She must have some sort of feelings about her ex-fiance being alive? Did I miss a reference to this?
I loved that cutting Jeff’s tie was somewhat a call back to River slicing Jayne open in the opening of a firefly episode (can’t remember which one, time to go back and watch them again…maybe Ariel, the line is “You look better in Red” though).
I dont know what to say. This blog is fantastic. Thats not really a really huge statement, but its all I could come up with after reading this. You know so much about this subject. So much so that you made me want to learn more about it. Your blog is my stepping stone, my friend. Thanks for the heads up on this subject.