Chris Fedak Spills on Ellie, Mama B, and the Back 11

Rick Porter from Zap2It has a new interview with Chuck executive producer Chris Fedak who talks about those back 11 episodes, Ellie’s growing involvement in the story, Mama B’s return, Volkoff, Morgan and more! Here’s an excerpt:

A lot of fans are eager to see more of Sarah’s backstory. Is that in the works?
We’re really excited to do more with the Sarah backstory, because it’s very interesting. We have plans there, yes.

Ellie has come to the forefront a little more this year, and I’m guessing what’s in her dad’s car will pull her a little deeper into Chuck-world, right?
She’s realizing that her absentee parents were absent for a reason, and the family business in a way is espionage. It’s definitely something she’s resistant to. Sarah Lancaster really taps into that regular person, the good person who’s been drawn into this world — much like Chuck in Season 1. We’re working on some exciting places for Ellie to go, because she’s not just any other person. She’s a Bartowski. And as we’ve seen over the past four years … they’re a special bunch. So we have some fun places and some big changes coming up for Ellie.

(read the entire interview here…)

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  1. Woohoo… Sarah’s back story… can’t wait.

  2. Somehow I’m not really impressed nothing on Casey? really? C’mon they’re butchering him this season I want BA Casey again not domestic Casey always shafted aside for C/S and Morgan. 🙁 I don’t like this at all.

  3. I really, REALLY want to see the morgan/Die Hard reference. That and more BAMF Sarah. 🙂

  4. Hey, more Sarah backstory is always great. I really wanna know where she learned to fight like she can and I wanna know what happened to her mother.