Friday Five: Chuck New Year’s Resolutions

Here we are, on the last day of 2010! Are you looking ahead to your goals and resolutions for 2011? Or just to tonight’s revelry? While procrastinating my own list of resolutions (“stop procrastinating” is on there somewhere), I started thinking about what the characters on Chuck might put on their own lists.

  1. Chuck – Complete a CIA physical training course. Just one. Maybe defensive driving. No need to go overboard and start with Krav Maga, but attain some physical skills that aren’t reliant on the Intersect.
  2. Sarah – Plan a surprise baby shower for Ellie. Phase one: research how to throw a surprise baby shower.
  3. Casey – Reorganize the weapons cache in Castle and teach that imbecile Morgan how to fire a gun. With bullets.
  4. Morgan – Spend more time with Alex and less with Halo: Reach. Or teach Alex how to play Halo: Reach.
  5. Ellie – Learn Japanese, since it would appear that the baby will speak the language.

What do you think the characters on the show should resolve for 2011? (Note I said the characters, not the actors or the writers or the grips.)

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  1. Chuck- to man up and be the secure hero what we all know he is capable of with or without the Intersect.
    Sarah- to add her decorating touch to the apartment or be more spontaneous as when she took Chuck to the farmers market in Ring II.
    Casey- to put more time and energy into his relationship with Alex and possibly her mother Kathleen.
    Morgan- to be as interested in spending time with Alex as he is in going on missions.
    Awesome- to be more awesome and less wimpy when it comes to spy stuff.
    Ellie- to be willing to accept her family’s spy background.
    Beckman- to pay a personal visit to Team Bartowski to find out how their sense of family makes them so effective as spies.
    Big Mike- to propose to Morgan’s mom if he hasn’t already.
    Jeff & Lester- to schedule their first public Jeffster concert.
    Alex- to teach Morgan some self defense moves.

    • But Big Mike, er, Morgan, lost the ring in “Cubic Z”… though I have to wonder if Chuck did give it back to Morgan.

  2. Way to Donovan! May I add one more?
    Mama B, Put Volkoff behind her and have a relationship with her family.

  3. I only have one new years resolution and its for Chuck and that resolution is more shirtless and/or wet Chuck. Ladies are u with me. 😉

  4. Chuck – Get a teaching position in computer sciences. If you want to start a family, you can’t be Waziristan for months on end.

    Sarah – Start a home-catering business. We know you can fillet a fish and cook an omelet.

    Casey – Give Kathleen a call. Put your grunting to good use.

    Morgan – Stop pointing the muzzle at yourself and Casey.

    Ellie – Neurological research. New moms are already on call 24-7 without having a hospital constantly paging them.

    Awesome – Start your own walk-in clinic. We saw how you parlayed Jeff’s abscess and Lester’s gout into a bustling operation.

    Beckman – Lose the uniform for a night and rekindle the flames with Roan.

    Alex – Do for Morgan what Sarah did for Chuck. You both win.

    Papa B – Come back to life. Tommy and his team of Fulcrum medics did wonders for Bryce. Where are they when you really need them?

    Mama B – Tell Alexei to “Volkoff” and go back home to your family.

    Lester – Makeover time, dude. The do just doesn’t work.

    Big Mike – Deep-six the cheese danish. Phone calls to Valerie Bertinelli and Jared.

    Jeff – Detox and a stint at Betty Ford.

    • Are you suggesting that Beckman should cheat on the nameless man from “Chuck Versus the Tooth?” Scandalous!

      • He meant nothing to her. You know spies. He was probably on a short-term undercover operation.

      • That was hysterical!!!! I loved during the bloopers when the man came out behind beckman and Yvonne started laughing! Bonita kept such a straight face!!

    • Wait but what did Sarah do for chuck that Alex should do for Morgan???

      • I suppose Sarah gave Chuck a reason to strive to be more than a slacker working at the Buy More, but considering Morgan is now manager and part of Team Bartowski, that seems like a moot point.

      • True, the differences between Chuck and Morgan need to be taken into account. Chuck is more pensive and cautious, Morgan is more gung-ho and naïvely fearless. Sarah came along early in the story and triggered the metamorphosis, Alex came along when Morgan was already a work in progress. But Morgan needs that person in his life who will believe in him, help him overcome his weaknesses and validate his strengths. That is what I feel Sarah did for Chuck.

  5. Chuck: create a new proposal plan and come clean about ALL lies.
    Sarah: spend more time with Ellie
    Casey: call Kathleen or Alex or both!
    Ellie: one word- baby(:
    Awesome: cut Chuck some slack and help him propose to Sarah
    Morgan: call Alex(: <3 learn how to shoot a gun with real bullets. Obviously Call of Duty doesn't help!

  6. Chuck: train to defend himself sans Intersect(though I think the Intersect will do that if it’s now working the way I think) . Tell Sarah that he’s tired of being the only one who works at thier relationship and that he wants her to be more open with him and ask her to explain her behavior with other men .

    Sarah: Get therapy for those Daddy issues. Apologize to Chuck for trusting Shaw so easily. Be more open .

    Casey : look up Kathleen , apologize profusely and pick up where they left off. Say good things when she asks you about what you think of Morgan.Consider retirement options-maybe wedding planning.

    Morgan: Call Alex, tell her there were bad guys there (since she’s clued in to some of the spy stuff) and that her father was helpless and paralyzed inside and he was trying to get her out of the line of fire.

    Beckman: dump that guy we saw in her bedroom and give Roan a reason to stop drinking himself to death.

    Jeffster: add a drummer to thier band-maybe one of those too perect looking empoyees at the Buy More.

    Ellie: give birth without threatening to castrate overeager husband.

    Awesome: learn how to be less awesome after baby is born because trying to be on 24/7 with no sleep might make him drop dead from exhaustion.

    Mama B: Beat Volkoff to death with Shaw’s corpse. Have little talk with Sarah about how if she ever hurts her son again she’ll be begging to die by the time she’s done. Kick Mama A’s butt for her remarks in baby store. Get 20 years back pay for her family from the CIA not to mention recompense for bad guys trashing Ellie’s first wedding so that Chuck had to pay for 2cd one.

  7. Jeffster- Sign with record label (Third Man Records, perhaps?), release long-awaited album

    Mama B- Get restraining order from Volkoff. He’s a creeper. You’re too good for him.

    Chuck- Be a man and propose to Sarah. If you don’t take her, she’s mine.

    Awesome- Bring up Baby Awesome in your Awesome ways.

    That guy that changed his name to Captain Awesome- get a cameo (I know, this doesn’t count, but it’d be funny. It’d be like if Tron Guy made an appearance in “Tron Legacy.”)

    Big Mike- Become a spokesman for Subway. You’re a natural. (See “Chuck Vs. The Dream Job,” right?)

    Morgan- Spend more time with Alex. Remember: if you break her heart, Casey breaks your everything.

    I better get off this comment board now…

  8. I was thinking one of Chuck’s resolutions would be to pick a font for his 5 year plan.
    Sarah – find her dad again so she can invite him to her wedding.
    Morgan – get his own apartment.
    Casey – renew his subscription to guns and ammo.
    Big Mike – open a subway franchise.
    Jeffster – play the Hollywood Bowl
    Devon – start a new charity – doctors for nerds.
    Ellie – get to know Sarah better.