Friday Five: Songs For Casey

KrisWatchesOn returns this week with another musically-inclined list for you, this time focusing on Casey. Enjoy!

This week, a tough assignment Chuck fans! I’m continuing my Friday Five music trend (the sheer volume of great music that has played on this show means that multiple lists are required!). And because Casey deserves just as much attention as the other members of our Chuck family, I now unleash upon you the top five Casey songs.

Top 5 Casey Songs

Here we go, from the bottom up.

5. “The Hi-C” – Chuck versus the Fat Lady

Call me a cheater as this probably doesn’t count as a true Casey song. I don’t care. It’s a great moment for our angry hero and there’s at least one musical note in it, so therefore it’s making the list. Casey’s ability to hit a high C (as part of a mission of course) is admirable. And I love the reminder to the audience that yes, this man had a life before spying. So how did John Casey go from sweet-faced choirboy to scary spy? Hmm, I smell the potential for an epic flashback.

4. “MMMBop” – Chuck versus the Cougars

Adam Baldwin as Casey in "Chuck vs. the Cougars"

Yes, I went there. Sarah’s high school reunion sets the stage for a lot of crazy moments, but nothing makes me laugh harder than the sudden cut to Casey playing DJ, clapping along to this 90’s classic. Equally funny? The reaction shot that follows. Chuck looks confused, Sarah just a bit disgusted. Is Casey trying too hard with his cover or is he actually a closet Hanson fan? I can’t be sure. But I do thank the writer/music supervisor who forces me to ask that question.

3. “Love On The Rocks” – Chuck versus the Undercover Lover

So good they played it twice in one episode! Let’s face it, Casey seems like a Neil Diamond fan (his possible weakness for Hanson notwithstanding). So when he’s obviously heartbroken over a lost love, this song seems like a natural choice. Still, it’s sad to see our gruff hero reduced to a drunken, burrito-eating, sad-song-loving mess (with no pants!). How to make the audience feel better? Bring the song back a second time during Casey’s triumphant return to form. Better yet, play it as Casey steps out of a pool… in a tux, no less… making women all over the world wonder where the heck Adam Baldwin has been all their lives.

Adam Baldwin in a coffin in "Chuck vs. the Couch Lock"
Dead Man's Party

2. “Dead Man’s Party” – Chuck versus the Couch Lock

Okay, so Casey’s funeral wasn’t exactly a party, thanks to its sparse attendance (the man really needs to make some friends outside Team Bartowski, preferably ones who don’t want him dead). But this song, which bookends Morgan’s hilarious eulogy, will forever remind me of John Casey and his crazy, crazy eyes. Oh Morgan, it’s amazing the dead man’s party wasn’t for you.

1. “We’re Not Gonna Take It” – Chuck versus the First Kill

Poor Casey, flunking a recruitment test in an enemy-infested building. To add insult to injury, he’s then kicked out of that building before he can even fire a shot. And so the battle begins without him, to the strains of “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” Sarah is under heavy fire, Chuck has been captured and Casey… well, Casey has suddenly appeared in Chuck’s line of sight, just outside the window. Cue one of his most badass moments to date. The music slows to a halt as our fake window washer pulls out his shotgun and blasts his way into the room. “Looks like I passed that test!” Indeed, Casey, indeed.

So that’s my list for the Colonel. Anybody else want to weigh in?

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  1. These songs haven’t been heard in the show [yet], but I’d definitely have the following for Casey:-

    1. Shoot to Thrill: AC/DC

    2. All over You: Jim Byrnes [dirty, hot down blues!]

  2. That was fantastic.

  3. “Love on the Rocks” is the one I associate w/Casey. “A glass of Scotch and a bit of Neil” or something like that. And how they re-use the song as Chuck and Casey emerge from the pool, the way it cuts abruptly at “Then they really have you” just as the bad guys draw weapons on them. Classic “Chuck” moment.

  4. I’d still love to have a moment for Casey – with George Thorogood’s song
    “Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job” – playng as Casey walks past the Nerd Herd desk at the Buy More… as he gives Jeff, Lester, Fernando, Skip and the other nerds a look of disgust and distain.

  5. What about the song in helicopter when Casey is chasing Chuck’s nerd herder in the Suburban. I think it was Gone Daddy Gone.

  6. Epic list. Great choices.

  7. “Teddy Bears’ Picnic”? I know. Indulge me. 😉

  8. Best Casey song;

  9. That is one great list, KrisWatchesOn, Hi-C and all! Love it.

    You’re right, in a show that averages 5.8 tons of great music per episode, it’s easy to overlook the songs we should immediately attach to Casey. Love on the Rocks was smile inducing then and now. How could we forget “Ah, a little Neil!”? It went so well with his Johnny Walker.

    • Glad you liked the list! Chuck has definitely introduced me to an amazing amount of awesome music. And it’s always great to read the comments and check out what I might have missed 🙂

  10. “We’re Not Gonna Take It” is more Sarah’s song for me because of that fighting scene… I simply love that song 🙂