PHOTOS: Chuck Episodes 4.13 & 4.14

NBC has released a couple of photos from Chuck episode 4.13, “Chuck vs. the Push Mix”, and more from episode 4.14, “Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible.” Yet none for this Monday’s episode. Curious, no?

Chuck vs. the Push Mix: Busted!
Chuck vs. the Push Mix: Also busted!
Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible: Casey to the rescue!

Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible: Roan stops by to hang out.
Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible: Captured?
Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible: Montgomery. Roan Montgomery.
Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible: They don't look happy.
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  1. Anyone else find it curious that Morgan looks like he’s wearing a trechcoat with nothing under it?

    Also curious: they aren’t showing Sarah’s left hand and seem to be doing it intentionally. I’m reading too much into this, but I don’t care.

    • You can clearly see Sarah’s left hand in the last and 3rd from last photos, and no ring.

    • They do show her left hand and it looks like she’s not wearing a ring but they are on a mission so even if they are engaged she probably wouldn’t wear the ring while on missions depending on their cover.

    • I was trying to see if sarah wore the ring. couldn’t see it but then again she’s on a mission so i don’t think she’d wear the ring. then again you know that ring might do some damage in a fight 😛

  2. Don’t tell me that they are going to make us suffer until at least episode 13 for him to pop the questions.

    With this couple, SARAH JUST ASK HIM ALREADY!


  3. Considering 4.14 is Seduction Impossible.. I’m guessing some Chuck seducing may happen (or vice versa) and they get in a tiffy about it.

  4. HAHA it looks like they’re in India! Or, at least it does from what Roan is wearing. And yeah, it does look like Morgan’s not wearing anything under his Trench.

  5. Maybe it’ Morgan’s turn to flash…

    sorry, couldn’t resist.

  6. I think Sarah and Chuck are on a fight or in a misunderstanding stage in the last photo.

  7. a little off topic, chuck vs the balcony had the same venue in chuck vs the three words. in three words the place is where chuck, sarah, casey and carina attended carl and carina’s party and in the balcony it’s the same place where the gang attended the wine tasting party. and now this photos, they remind me of the place where casey/angel dela muerte was caught by ring and was rescued by chuck and sarah. now in this photos it’s casey who’s gonna rescue chuck and sarah…in the same place. :))) (am i this addicted to chuck???)

  8. now thinking about it… it really does sound alot like season 3… anyway on to the subject of the proposal… i think it can be pretty obvious that there isnt an engagement up until this point of this episode… however does anyone else think that chuck and sarah by the end of this episode are going to sort out their differences and then maybe chuck will propose? I remember seeing somewhere in an interview with Chris Fedak or Josh Schwartz, that they said the proposal is going to happen at a time where you don’t expect it. Now just thinking it, most people are think the proposal is going to happen in episode 13, but what if it was in episode 14?

    • I tots agree with you!!!!! Maybe in episode 13, the last ten minutes of it, Sarah finds out something that will turn around C/S relationship. For example Sarah being preggo or something like that, that makes Chuck propose later!!!! Kiristin dos santos had a poll ,recently, stating that one of the tv girls will get preggo later in da season, and guess what sarah was in it!!XD

    • This is season 3 all over again. In the end of episode 13 Chuck beats volkoff and the next couple of episodes will set up volkoffs return for the last 3 or 4 episodes. Look for some kind of problem to develop in the episodes 14-18 to be solved in the finale. (chucks brain in season 3) Season 3 was great but I am still hoping the writers make something unexpected happen.

      proposal is 100% 4.13

  9. The very last one, so artistic. I need to know how the lovers and the lothario end up in chains. Can’t wait!

  10. ya,obviously they’re in a lovers’ quarrel…what am curious bout is why isn’t chuck saving themselves by flashing when he & sarah are chained?

  11. I’m thinking there will be no proposal on episode 13, because on episode 12 and 13 chuck will see a diferent sarah and that may cause some troubles between them, i think chuck is very sad right now, all the things that are happening to him, i mean i know sarah motives are good and that she’s doing it for chuck but man, on the gobbler promo when sarah kicks casey from the building chuck cant believe what he saw, i think there are limits, i consider casey a part of chuck family, and the fact that sarah did something like dad wont get out from chuck head just like that, i think that will put chuck on a very difficult situacion because he loves sarah but not that side of her, obviusly the proposal will happen, we all know that, but in my opinion not in ep 13, possibly 14, i can see Montgomery help them on that situacion. Let chuck be happy!.. poor guy, he needs some peace!

  12. The proposal would have to be in ep 13 or 14 I don’t see how they could have it any later because ep 11 was pretty much about the proposal so I don’t think they can hold it off much longer?

  13. I seriously hope Chuck and Sarah are not talking about their relationship again. By the look on the photos, it looks like they do. I hope I am wrong.

    • I think they are, and I think that Chuck isn’t going to propose to Sarah anymore. We saw too many failed proposals already and I think Chuck’s not going to like the ‘old’ Sarah, just see the way he looks when Sarah kicks Casey out of the window.

  14. Chuck and Sarah almost look like they are in the process of taking a giant step backward in their relationship. Bummmmmer!!!!

  15. ultimatechucklover

    We have to remember that Chris Fedak and Josh said themselves that they are most likely not going to split Chuck and Sarah away. So i think he will realize what Casey said to him before “you don’t need the perfect place just need the girl.” Hopefully Chuck will take that and just propose ALREADY!!! lol And about the Casey situation the new promo that just came out on Casey tells her to do it. So when he says that there’s really nothing she can do, because if Volkoff doesn’t see some sort of sign that he is dead then he will do something to Sarah. 🙁 So let’s wait and see i am sure their will be advice from Roan on helping Chuck FINALLY PROPOSE ta the girl already!! 😀

    • ultimatechucklover

      Also if you watch the promo once more haha you will see when the Volkoff agent hits Chuck in the back of the head Sarah almost LUNGES forward to see if Chuck is ok but she backs off because of her cover! 🙂

  16. Ahhh the white dinner jacket!! The pics are hillarious especially the one with Roan tied up in Red. At first glance it looks like he is wearing a onesie.

  17. Ahhh the white dinner jacket!! The pics are hillarious especially the one with Roan tied up in all Red. At first glance it looks like he is wearing a onesie.

  18. This is season 3 all over again. In the end of episode 13 Chuck beats volkoff and the next couple of episodes will set up volkoffs return for the last 3 or 4 episodes. Look for some kind of problem to develop in the episodes 14-18 to be solved in the finale. (chucks brain in season 3) Season 3 was great but I am still hoping the writers make something unexpected happen.

    proposal is 100% 4.13

  19. The road to the engagement is getting long and arduous. No way I will look on 4.13 as fantastic without the engagement. Get them together permanently and then include Sarah in at least a little more of the comedy. I think the storylines are getting permeated with anxiety caused by anticipation of the engagement. Let’s get on to the action and comedy and put the couple together.

  20. Man this is gonna be TIGHT, ROan is a smooth man, maybe he will have tips for popping the question, hopefully they will have time to but with lexi volkoff up in sarahs grill it might be a toughy. i guess we’ll just have to wait it out. 🙂

  21. After the events of The Gobbler, Chuck I thinks that Sarah crossed over to the dark side, willing to do whatever necessary to complete any mission and he in his own mind is re-thinking their relationship. I dont think that he realizes that she loves him so much that anything is within the realm of possibility if it make him safe and secure. Chuck needs to get a grip and just love her. Enough is enough already!

  22. Im loosing my mind… Give us chucksters a new episode NBC… And of course, a fifth season!

  23. i think sarah or chuck r gonna seduce sombody.Roan is back=the top seducer. he was in an episode in season 1 or 2 cant remember. he learned chuck how to seduce and kiss.

  24. If they stretch the “proposal,” which has basically happened already THREE TIMES (1)Sarah to the “sleeping” Chuck in bed – “If you asked me for real, the answer would be YES (2) Chuck on the balcony where the only things that didn’t happen before they were interrupted is the “4 word question” and the slipping the ring on her finger, and (3) Even in the cell at Castle, Chuck is ready to propose again until Sarah announces shes’ leaving to take down Volkoff. And I’m sure there was probably a 4th in there somewhere I forgot.

    The point is – JUST GET ON WITH IT! To keep stretching out what has basically “already happened” in mind and heart if not “in toto” regarding the WORDS, is just stretching out the inevitable. And honestly, rather ridiculous. If the DO get engaged sometime this season – and who knows – TPTB may wait until the last 10 minutes of episode 24 for more “epicness,” and if we are fortunate enough to get a 5th Season, I could see the transition from engaged to married going through all kinds of contrived obstacles and hurdles.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE a 5th Season – am doing everything I can to help it happen – but if it’s going to be a “how many different things can we bring up to cause problems with what we know is inevitable” season long story arc, it’s going to be miserable.

    Just get them together – not just like they are now as a couple – but as a committed, REAL “couple,” and carry on with the spy escapades from their. The “journey” to their eventual/inevitable marriage I fear may be stretched out too long – and (perish the thought) to the point of cancellation. When on the other hand you could have them together – REALLY TOGETHER – MARRIED – and dealing with the issues that come up in that stage of their relationship as married spies.

    It seems like when CHUCK was the most popular with fans, especially in Seasons 1 and 2, it was when it was more light-hearted fun. Let’s bring that back again, but this time with Chuck and Sarah as Mr. and Mrs. Bartowski. And PUH-LEASE let’s not stretch it out any longer than it has to. That’s when the viewers start falling away as (unfortunately) they have every season CHUCK has been on the air.