SPOILERS: Schwartz & Fedak Talk 4.13 and the Back 11

TVLine.com has a new interview with Schwartz and Fedak who answer some questions about last night’s episode and drop some clues about what’s coming up. Here are the highlights:

  • Sarah DID say “yes” to Chuck’s proposal.
  • Mama B and Volkoff will be part of the back 11! In fact, they’ll be in multi-episode arcs.
  • They didn’t outright confirm it, but it sure sounds like Vivian is Volkoff’s daughter.
  • Vivian is not part of a love triangle with Chuck and Sarah although her interaction with them sounds like it’s going to be more than just superficial.
  • Robin Givens’ character, who first appears in 4.16, not only makes Casey an offer he can’t refuse, she has “secrets” that even Beckman doesn’t know.

What do you think? Excited?

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  1. From what I read it seemed like they’re committed to having a wedding at the end of this season, which is good news.

    I don’t really see how/why Vivian and Volkoff are part of the back 11 currently since they destroyed the Hydra network and he’s in prison. I think they may just push Volkoff a bit too far since Dalton is such a great villain.

    • The CIA has a copy of the Hydra database. The network of contacts and sources in that database still needs to be dismantled.

      All great supervillians are required to escape at least once. I think that’s in the evil overload handbook.

      • Agreed… the greatest villians always escape to return again to battle our heroes (It’s a rule). Volkoff I’m sure could and will “arrange” an escape for himself (Dalton has been GREAT! this season), any chance he could spring Shaw as well to do his evil bidding? Although the showdown between Volkoff and Chuck will be hard to top after last nights episode. Best 10 minutes of Chuck.. ever… Oh yes…. definitelty… a great battle of wits between two very smart characters…

        Yep, the hydra network needs to be dismantled. It’s up to our heroes to work on it.

        No doubt Sarah said yes…. none… 🙂

    • Seems to me that “Hydra” would imply something that is multi-headed. Could it be that Volkoff is only one of the leaders of the Hydra network ala the Ring? Maybe the other leaders want him back.

    • If they having the wedding at the end of the season, it’s not a good thing imo. Let’s not rush this. Let’s concentrate for a 5th season and they can plan a wedding then. I mean they took 3+ years to get engaged, it’ll be a bit strange to get married so soon? I know that Sarah wants to marry Chuck, but the CIA is still there….if if i were Sarah, i wanna get rid of the CIA for good, start from scratch with Chuck, no secrets, no stakeouts, generals to be saved.

      • because chuck is always on the bubble, it seems like everything is rushed but if you pay attention to the time line, its not. In Chuck vs. the anniversary, he says its their “6/9 month anniversary,” and in that same episode Ellie announces she’s pregnant. That means that by the time she gives birth, they’ve already been dating for 16/18 months. It seems rushed to us but i’m sure by the end of the season, it’ll have been several months.

      • I totally agree with you. It’s like what happened right before the season premiered. Everyone was saying that it was too early for a proposal, but I knew it wasn’t because you had to remember that they’ve been in love since the pilot.

      • Ok i guess the timeline is good for them to marry, but i know that Fedak is moderately poistive about a new season, if he’s gonna make them marry at the end of this season, for me it’s an indication that he doesn’t feel that positive anymore. I know u guys wanna see them marry, but i prefer this and work hard for a 5th season where Ellie will go all out for his lil bro wedding. I guess i’m in minorance here, but i prefer see a Casey/Kathleen reunion by 4.24, we got lots of Charah, poor Casey has been reduced to be the fat kid of the team, even Morgan has more screen time!!!! But hey i’ll be happy anyways if we see Chuck and Sarah marry, that’s for sure 🙂

  2. I’m sorry was there any doubt that Sarah said yes last night?

  3. no she definitely said yes

  4. Maybe Vivian will be the stoker type “I have a crush on Chuck” type that Hannah was suppose to be last season. Kinda like Volkoff obsession with Mary

  5. Will Vivian create jealousy in Sarah? That could make for some great comic moments. The only problem is Chuck and Sarah are now engaged so their relationship is now more solid than ever. Seeing insecurities in Sarah could be quite funny, especially if Chuck is just plain unaware that Vivian likes him (thus he’s not encouraging any of it).

    • Well let’s say Vivian becomes Chuck new asset, he is her handler, so he needs to protect her, to train her too in this new world she got into, this means he has to keep tabs on her a lot , stay near her and such, maybe she will play part of his girlfriend for a mission….Chuck being obnoxius as usual ,won’t get that all this will create some unsecurities with Sarah, at least the beginning, and we will see Sarah giving Vivian the green eye every time she’s with Chuck, act less as an agent and more as a jealous fiancee…well if they do this correctly, it will be funny like hell, but not for too long, and Sarah needs to get on board with Vivian and her protection.

      • I think ur right shes got to be chucks asset and sarah will start out all pro but im sure the jealousy will start,should be funny

  6. Who is Vivian ? Did I miss something ?

  7. Personally, I beleive that Vivian is going to be Volkoff’s daughter. The only question will be who her mother is? Mary??? Supposedly, Chuck is going to take a big interest in protecting Vivian. Will it be because she’s his half-sister?

  8. I see in the full interview that the response regading Papa B is “he’s still dead”. That’s not quite the same as saying he’s dead end of discussion. Never say never!

  9. Remember back before the fall season started when there was rumored to be a proposal that ended up being some other show (can’t remember which one now). Schwartz and Fedak said that it wasn’t Chuck. Those crafty lads.

  10. This interview just makes we count how many sleeps until the next CHUCK episode. Can’t wait!

    I do take Josh Schwartz request seriously though…we CHUCK fans have proven our ability to keep CHUCK alive…we need to continue to spread the CHUCK love and get other people watching the greatest show on TV. Tweet, FB, Watching Parties, Sharing DVD’s and all the great partners like Emmy4Yvonne.com and WeGiveAChuck.com and the greatness of chucktv.net makes us a powerful voice to TPTB.

    Chuck Me!

  11. Not surprised at all that Sarah said yes. Usually when the girl kisses the guy like that, it means yes. Besides, we already knew that she would say yes because of the last scene in the Cubic Z. If they do a jealousy thing with Vivian and Sarah it would be really funny, but I can’t imagine it lasting very long because all Sarah has to do is show Vivian the engagement ring and that’s that. Also, I’m not sure why the question of a love triangle was even asked. They’re engaged. Just saying. Also happy to hear that Volkoff and Mary will be back. Dalton’s been a fantastic bad guy and I want to see Mary kick more ass. I’m also interested to see what they do with Robin Given’s character and Casey. Really looking forward to the back 11.

    • Imo Vivian wil become Chuck’s asset, so that means she needs to be protected, he needs to stay near her, keep tabs on her, and Chuck being so charming and of course obnoxious to what happens around him, won’t prolly notice Vivian starting to like him ALOT and Sarah giving the green eye to her like crazy. As i said before, if they do this correctly but not for too long, this has comedic potential 🙂

  12. Just to add a point to the “fight for five”, I’m not really concerned about there being a season five due to that fact that by my math they only need 22 episodes in the fifth season to reach 100, Networks generally don’t give up on a show when it’s so close to the 100th episode mark. Just one thing concerns me, I’ve been a Smallville fan since its started and have recently gotten disinterested due to the fact that the only thing they can do that they haven’t done is end it. I know chuck is nowhere near that episode tally but I hope the day where you watch a new episode and think you’ve seen it before doesn’t come for chuck.