Chuck In the UK?

We’ve been getting a lot of queries about when Chuck season 4 will resume in the UK. Unfortunately, we don’t have the answer to that. From what UK Chucksters have told us, the channel that was carrying Chuck (Living Network) was recently sold to Sky who appear to be taking a while to settle their scheduling. Rest assured, as soon as we have a definitive answer, we’ll post it here. In the meantime, UK fans can purchase episodes from iTunes UK the day after they air in the US. (Sorry US fans, still no Chuck on our iTunes.)

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  1. I really don’t understand why the UK version of iTunes can carry Season 4, but the US iTunes, and can’t…Has anyone heard any word on when that’s gonna get resolved?

    • Unfortunately not. I hope it’s soon, though. I can’t do screencaps until I can get a clean copy from Amazon.

    • Maybe they are worried about syndication like “The Big Bang Theory” and don’t want to jeopardize a possible contract in the upcoming year. I’m guessing syndication pays quite a bit more than Amazon and iTunes. It may also affect the number of DVD(s) and Blu-Ray discs sold.

  2. And in other news: Comedy Central in Holland & Belgium is continues to broadcast Chuck, now that the 1st season here is almost over, the 2nd season starts February 9th, airing every Wednesday at 11pm.

    Ofcourse the real Chuck fans know where to get the latest episodes from to stay up-to-date 😡

  3. And I don’t know where that angry smiley just came from

  4. Im from the UK and thus dont have the option to watch Chuck on TV. I’m a devious little nerd mind you and am completely up to date with season 4 😀

  5. real chucksters know where to go for new chuck but i do hate the way US networks and NBC do their programing,ordering 13eps and then ordering some more and then having weeks or months between airings the uk way is so much better for the fans just get 70-80% of the season in the bag and then start airing it with no brakes at all just as VIRGIN TV did with season 1 of chuck and season 2 which ended its run in the UK at the back end of 09 then season 3 started in the US and i just stopped waiting for UK tv channels to air chuck and watched it when and where I could

    I know that chuck started in the US in sept07 with the last 2 eps airing in jan 08 in the UK we,ve been lucky in that from our point of veiw ohuck started in mid 08 so our veiwing has been compressed into less than 3 years

  6. Chuck season 4 still isn’t on iTunes or Amazon. And they wonder why it’s the most pirated show. Well, gee, if people know it’s out there and want to watch it but no one makes it available, then people don’t have much of a choice. It’s a very simple concept: if you don’t give people any or only a few options, then what do you expect them to do? Nothing legal, that’s for sure. But it’s not the people’s fault or problem.

  7. Although I do download the episodes at the USA-pace, I do still watch the UK broadcasts, so I don’t feel too guilty… Living TV were airing new episodes of season four about two/three weeks after the USA aired the same episode.

    However, though I don’t have any actual evidence to back this up with, except for checking the TV schedules up to Thursday, 24th Feburary, I think it’s gonna go back to the way it was with Virgin 1 and showing the season once the entire season has run its course in the USA.
    (Still in the UK,) I know Lie to Me has been repeating the episodes shown before taking a break before they start showing new episodes in a few weeks, and Fringe was set to resume in the UK this month, but has been pushed back to April for unknown reasons… These two examples, though not really related to Chuck’s return, do make me think more so that the UK will have to wait for the USA to finish the next eleven episodes before we get a look-in again…

    But, again, just to make it clear, everything I’ve just said is not based on any definite information (unless stated), and so is entirely speculative.

  8. wow we are pretty lucky in australia, up to ep 3 season 4 but i am up to date thru other methods

    • I have an older DVR with a small hard disc, so the “other methods” allow me to clear it off and get new content. Always buy the blu-ray discs when they come out, to show my support. Can’t wait for the blu-rays for season 4. I’m glad they fixed the funky menu problems they had in seasons 1 and 2. The quality of the season 3 discs were much better in the video department, as well.

      • True, I buy the DVD’s and already have bought some items from NBC’s store, just to show my support, still, living in Holland, the episodes beeing broadcasted here are from season 1 and soon season 2, so sadly I’m kind of forced to get the newest episodes from download websites.

  9. I’m also upset about not being able to download season 4. Could it be partially because Chuck is produced by Warner Bros., & aired by NBC? (licensing $$) Have first 10 episodes of season 4 before turned off of Amazon. They wonder why ratings are down…only have latest 5 on are nonexistant.