We’re back with more Chuck fashion scoop from costume designer Robin Lewis-West. This week we go all the way back to season one, then fast forward to the end of season 3 and take a dip in season 4.
Verkisto, who I believe has constructed her own version of the Wienerlicious costume, wanted to know which shoes Sarah wore with that outfit. Looking for added authenticity? Early on Sarah wore black flats, but in later episodes Robin went the practical route and put her in Skechers like these. On a sidenote: finding good, clear shots of footwear is TOUGH.
Several people have inquired about Sarah’s white dress from when she played restaurant hostess during Chuck’s meeting with Dr. Wheelwright (and Mama B) in “Chuck vs. the Aisle of Terror”. Apparently Chuck wasn’t the only one who wanted to take that dress home! It’s by BCBG Max Azaria and is currently available in pale yellow (and on sale) at Bluefly. You might be able to find the white version on eBay or at a consignment store.
Dean wondered where he could find Chuck’s jacket from “Chuck vs. the Subway”/”Chuck vs. the Ring Part 2”. We’ve answered that before, but here it is again: Robin reports that the jacket is by G-Star Raw, purchased at the G-Star store on Melrose in Los Angeles. G-Star Raw is available across the country, but it looks like that particular jacket is part of an older collection that is no longer in stores. There are lots of other options for jackets by that brand, or you can check out eBay.
Speaking of Chuck’s jackets, Erica wondered if Robin and her team were able to just put tall, lanky Zac right into off-the-rack jackets or if altering was required for the spectacular fit. Robin says that they do indeed alter his jackets, as they do almost everything the cast wears.
Next week: Sarah’s mission watch and more! Got a burning question? Drop us a line and we’ll do our best to get it answered.
If I had to pick a fave Sarah outfit, it would be the dress she wore at the backyard cookout in the “Suburbs”. But as Chuck so aptly put it in “the Truth”, I like them all.
Thanks again for answering my question! I don’t had another one at the moment….
“don’t have”
I wanna know who designs Sarah’s jacket in Chuck vs. The coup d’etat,when she discovers where Chuck take those questions of comunication.This scene happens in castle, sorry I wrote too much! haha
Do you know where I can find: the blue dress Sarah wore au the very end of the pilot / the tan jacket she wore in vs the honeymooners? If you want a really toughy, what about the ring Chuck flashed on in the pilot? Thanks so much, even if you don’t know.( VIVA CHUCK!! <3
Thanks, Mel! And is that a gauntlet I hear being thrown?
(Trust me, me in a dirndl would not be a pretty sight. But those shoes might work.) 😉
Consider it thrown! 😉
How about Chuck’s watch for Season 1 & 2 and the majority of Season 3?
Casio, I know, but I’ve been trying to find one with the black metal wristband and I can’t find one. Is it just Casio or it’s more outdoors-y brand, G-Shock?
I would love to know who makes the suit Chuck wears in Anniversary for job interviews and again in First Fight on the plane. It has the most beautiful purple lining!
Does anyone know where to get the white dress Sarah Walker wheres in Chuck Versus the Cat Squad?
this dress