Lauren Cohan Teases More About Her Character on Chuck

Matt Mitovich at TVLine has a new interview with Lauren Cohan, who begins a multi-episode arc as Vivian McArthur in Monday’s episode of Chuck. She’s being very careful not to reveal too much about her character, but she does give some clues about what’s coming up:

TVLINE | Under what circumstances do we first meet Vivian?
Basically Chuck and Sarah come to find her [at a masked gala at a British manor] because they suspect her of being linked with Volkoff’s corporation. But then they find out that she’s actually in need of their protection. All of this is news to her, and we begin a journey to find out her… hmm, I don’t like the word “purpose”….

TVLINE | “Agenda”?
Agenda! That’s perfect.

TVLINE | How would you describe Vivian?
She’s kind of a well-educated, bumbling recluse.

TVLINE | Is she welcoming to Chuck and Sarah when they first approach her?
She’s very suspicious of them and what they want out of her. But then she joins forces with them.

TVLINE | Are there any hints dropped that she is harboring a secret?
We don’t know her exact connection to the Volkoff empire, and she… well, I’m afraid to say more.

TVLINE | If Chuck gets picked up for a fifth season, would Vivian be sticking around?
I don’t know. I know I’m on for about five episodes — I’m off for a couple right now, and then I come back. I’ve heard rumors of some really cool revelations, but the only thing is that some of them discount things that have already been revealed on Chuck. But again, they’re not concrete rumors.

(Read the full interview, including how working on The Vampire Diaries prepared her for Chuck, at TVLine…)

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  1. Dang these actors are too good at making us want to know more and then zipping it. I really can’t wait to meet this character!

  2. It seems that Mary Bartowski may not have been as faithful to Stephen as we all hoped. How could Chuck’s brand new half sister compete with Ellie for his affection. The hope the sibling rivalry in the Bartowki/Volkoff clan doesn’t become a killer….

  3. Aw, I was hoping she’d be Sarah’s sister and that “the criminal mastermind” was in fact their mother… oh well.

    • Actually, That sounds way better. Give Sarah a sister that she can invite to the wedding and deal with her mother as well!

      JS Fan

      • So let me get this straight….u want Vivian to be Sarah’s half sister, so Sarah has for father a con man (criminal) and her step father , well not really, is an internetional criminal mastermind….a bit too much???