How Chuck Gets Edited

Editor Matt Barber put together a video of himself editing last night’s episode of Chuck, “Chuck vs. the Masquerade”, that gives us a glimpse of the time and effort involved to take 7 days of film and turn it into 42 minutes of awesomeness. Take a look:

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  1. Funny that we get a ‘how it was edited’ after an episode that had a few parts that were poorly edited. That horseback riding scene was just so..

    Anyway, pretty cool to see!

  2. haha i totally agree! You could SO tell that the horse riding was fake. Its like in The Lord of the Rings, where they wouldn’t let their stars ride horses, so they rigged this fake horses head and a rocking seat to make it look like they were riding.

  3. Jeez, I’ve always kind of wanted to do this sort of thing, but now I’m afraid that I will develop claustrophobia or some sort of anxiety from being in a tiny room for so long. I now commend Matt Barber even more than I did before.

  4. I’m more interested in how he did that sequence with “real” Sarah and “mind” Sarah in “Phase Three”… but I guess this works, too.

  5. Wow, I would not want his job. It looks way to stressful.
    It sure gives me a whole new appreciation for what the editor goes through to put together this amazing show.

  6. Thanks for sharing this. It’s such an interesting process from editing what was shot, to what the audience actually sees. Major props to Matt and all his work!

    PS. Here’s hoping what looks like a gaming session (Dunk Hunt?) scene between Sarah and Morgan makes it into the deleted scenes!

  7. That was really cool! I want to be an editor someday so I really enjoyed that!

  8. OMG! That was amazing! I never knew that each episode takes almost a MONTH to produce. What a boatload of work and attention to detail, too. Kudos to the editors!

  9. It seems the editor has to make 3-4 different versions of the episode (network cut, producer cut, director cut, ect.) Sure a lot of people to please… 😉

  10. Thanks Matt! I hope that you were able to get some sleep over those 25 days. An amazing amount of work goes into those 43 minutes. Thanks for sharing what you do!