Friday Five: Chuck in the Air

When this posts, I’ll be cruising at 30,000 feet, heading South for back-to-back conferences. I’m spending a lot of time up in the air this month, which got me to thinking about the many awesome airborne scenes we’ve had on Chuck. Here are my favorites.

  1. Chuck vs. the Anniversary – Sarah attempts sexting while Casey is in the lav. Hilarious, adorable, and sexy all at once, this scene showed us that Sarah wanted to work to keep her relationship with Chuck fresh, in spite of their frequent separations.
  2. Chuck vs. First Class – Chuck’s fight with Hugo Panzer in the cargo bay was a highlight of an episode that saw him separated from his team. I liked the creativity of keeping Sarah and Casey connected to Chuck, especially Sarah taking control of the plane, although they were thousands of miles apart. Too bad he didn’t get to use the nun chucks.
  3. Chuck vs. the Honeymooners – Casey and Morgan flying coach. Comedy gold.
  4. Chuck vs. the Gobbler – Mary Bartowski and Sarah Walker have a heart-to-heart as they head back to Volkoff’s lair. This scene gave us some insight into what Mary gave up for her mission, but I think it also pulled Sarah back from the path she was heading down, returning to closed off Agent Walker.
  5. Chuck vs. the Helicopter – Chuck landing that helicopter and citing hours playing flight simulators was a neat follow-up to him saving the day with a computer virus in the pilot. Nerds rule!

Which airborne scenes are your favorites?

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  1. 1. Casey, in the helicopter with the Gatling type gun. WOOF!

  2. Chuck Vs. the First Fight

    “Tiny weapons stand-off”

  3. “Chuck vs. the Other Guy” (3.13) Chuck and Casey fly to Paris to save Sarah from Shaw. Casey telling Chuck that before he was the intersect, he was smart and that would be the way he’d determine where to look for her.

  4. Chuck Vs. The Other Guy – Casey’s pep talk to Chuck, he finds Shaw/Sarah without the intersect

    “…before the intersect, you were smart. You’re gonna look at the file & find Sarah. It’s what you gotta do.”

    (*Note – not nearly an exact quote but you recall the scene, I’m sure)

  5. Volkoff and Chuck in Volkoff’s jet fighting with tiny weapons

  6. I love all these scenes(: I never realized how much time was spent on planes! Haha I don’t even notice half the time!(:

  7. Bringing Generalissimo Goya back from Costa Garvas after his wife made the overthrow attempt and deciding he was going to room with Casey, “the Angel of Death” — the only person he trusted to protect him.

  8. Chuck Vs The Helicopter is still one of my favourite episodes; and not just from season 1. It set up the bond of trust between Chuck and Sarah way back in the second episode.

  9. Chuck, and “Tuttle” in the air with “girlfriend”. We get a callback to Ring2 with the Sweedish slip – “I didn’t have to break my thumbs”, we get the tiny weapons fight, and we get an Alias reference.

    Also should mention the flight back from Costa Gravas when Ellie tells Chuck how much she appreciated what Chuck did to save her and Devon.

  10. Chuck versus the First fight! hilarity ensues on the plane…

    Bad Woman: What are you looking at?
    Chuck: Not that scar, or that scar. Neither one of those scars. Or your, or your mole…mole.
    Bad woman: That is beauty mark.
    Chuck: That is what I meant by mole. Beauty mark… tomato, to-mah-to. You’re so stunning I can’t even look away.

    Tuttle: Oh cool, a tiny weapons standoff!
    Tuttle: Here, catch!

    Tuttle:Plus, what could she possibly do with those tiny– No no no no no, please don’t don’t don’t don’t! I’ll tell you everything you. My home address is 17 Tally Place road, my dog’s name is Kipper, and I had my first sexual experience watching Lawrence of Arabia. I’m not proud of it… I-I came from a broken home.

    Chuck: We can’t get in the cockpit. You find any parachutes?
    Tuttle: I found one! Oh Charles, Girlfriend’s moving!
    Chuck: Hurry up, we gotta find another parachute.
    Tuttle: There’s not another one. I’ve looked everywhere.
    Chuck: What are we gonna do?
    Tuttle: I’m just taking the piss out of you. Of course there’s another parachute. Who ever heard of a plane carrying only one parachute?

  11. Yes No school because of the tsunami warning, soo dat means I can watch more chuck.

  12. My favorite Chuck in the Air moments are not only the Sarah sexting scene(I NEED THOSE PICTURES) but the Indiana Jones references with the running Nerd Herd guy. Those made me smile.
    While I’m here, I have to bring up something:
    There’s a movie coming out called Limitless that I have reason to believe is a Chuck knockoff, just not as awesome. There’s a scene where the main character says “I don’t know how to fight” and an Intersect-esque bit ensues, followed by the character saying “or do I?” Anyone notice this?