It wasn’t until we started this column that I started noticing how many jackets are worn on Chuck. As the Northern Hemisphere transitions from winter to spring, it seemed timely to ask Robin Lewis-West to identify several different jackets for us.
Reminder: Chuck’s gray military-inspired jacket is identified here.
Sarah W. (not that one) asked about Sarah’s (yes, that one) red trench coat from season 3’s “Chuck vs. the Other Guy”. It was a spot of color in an otherwise neutral palette as Shaw revealed his evil intentions. Robin checked her files and reported back that it’s by Laundry. I knew it looked familiar! I have the same coat in yellow. The coat is from the 2009 winter collection so is no longer available, but Calvin Klein makes a similar coat in a lighter-weight fabric that would be lovely for spring.
Jack was curious about the overcoat Chuck wore to seduce Sarah in “Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible.” He looked amazing in that coat; all men should have a coat like that. Unfortunately, Robin said it was a rental from Warner Bros., meaning they obtained from the studio’s huge wardrobe archives just for that scene. If you’re looking for something similar, you want to search for a double-breasted, 3/4-length overcoat, like this one from G-Star.
Kathy can always be counted on to bring some attention to Casey, and here she is again asking about the pea coat the gruff Colonel wore in season 3’s “Chuck vs. the Fake Name”. You know, the one where he lost a tooth. This is another G-Star contribution to the wardrobe, says Robin. Here’s the current G-Star pea coat, on sale. Be sure to wear it with the collar popped and unbuttoned so your shoulder holster isn’t noticeable.
Got a burning wardrobe question? Drop us a line and we’ll do our best to get it answered.
Anybody know the jacket Casey was wearing in Chuck vs. The Bank of Evil? Much appreciated.
Wonderful job as always! Thanks so much.
Anybody know the jacket that Sarah was wearing during the restaurant and train racks scene from season 3 “Chuck vs the Final exam”?
Best jacket is the jacket Chuck is wearing in vs. Proposal & in vs. A-Team. Nice gray one, unique, wish he would stop wearing the dark one he is wearing 100% of the time in his real life and go with that one 😉
Please again!! Sarah’s watch in season 2 (2.03,2.11)