Vote Chuck In Final Best In Show Poll

Chuck made it to the championship! Beating off the likes of Supernatural and Community, Chuck is in the final round of Hulu’s Best In Show competition. Voting ends Monday, April 4, so get clickin’!

is up against Fringe in TVLine’s Renew Our Show poll, with the twist that FOX renewed Fringe late Friday, after it had won its semifinal round.

BuzzSugar has also decided to get in on the traffic bait of running a “save our show” poll, with Chuck so far in the lead it’s not even funny. OK, it’s a little funny. Drop some votes over there when you get a chance and let hem know Chuck fans are watching!

Needs an uplifting, motivational montage to accompany your voting? Check out this awesome video by infinitefandom, recreating Chuck‘s credits in the key of The Greatest American Hero.

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  1. chuckfanfromBarbados

    CHUCK fans are the best that lead is unbelievable! Keep voting 🙂

  2. The Hulu poll appears to be accepting votes now even though it doesn’t show standings yet. I’m voting anyway. With any luck, they have Buy More techs on the job! 😉

  3. Long time reader, first time poster.

    Gotta love Chuck fans, we are an organised bunch whenever these polls go up, 3100 votes to 320 as the next closest.

  4. Another poll link if i’m allowed!

    Frnge fans don’t really need this one this time, so this should be ours!!

  5. Thanks, Happy to help with the fight for season 5.

  6. Wow Chuck has 90% in the hulu poll so far.
    Keep up the good work guys!

  7. Awesome montage/promo! GAM was one of my favorite TV show’s in th 80’s and that is still one of my TV Themes of all time. I’m definitely sharing that one on FB before next week’s episode to remind everyone to watch Chuck. Many Thanks! 🙂

    • Yes, the video was very well done. Chuck certainly has a lot of the heart that was present in Greatest American Hero.

      Someone should try doing Chuck scenes to Scarecrow and Mrs King theme as well. Although it would have to be titled Chuck and Mrs Bartowski.

      • Great comment Gord, I knew I liked you for some reason…you just named the only other TV show I ever was obsessed with until Chuck. I was in love with Bruce Boxleitner at age 16. Man, I feel old, oh yeah, that’s cause I am. 🙂

  8. ultimatechucklover


  9. With “Chuck” doing so very well in all these polls, it has to bode well for renewal for next season, I would think. Either Chuck fans are relentless in their voting, or there are really a LOT more Chuck fans out there than the Nielsen ratings show. I personally think it is a combination of both.

  10. Just because we’re ahead now doesn’t mean everybody should stop voting. Our stupendous lead is being eroded rather quickly as I’m typing this.

    Please, please, please get over to the Hulu Best in Show page and don’t stop voting until we’ve won! Dexter and Co. mean business.

    • And get the word out by any means possible. Tweet, knock on doors, put up billboards, accost passersby in the street. Well, maybe not that. We need help!

    • Hmm. I added another comment but it disappeared somewhere. I’ll repeat slightly and add something else. Sorry for going over the same territory if both comments show up.

      Please get the word out to all Chuck fans to help with the voting. Twitter, chat rooms, whatever.

      And International fans, your day may just be beginning right now. Please take over the voting while we on the dark side have a nap and a break. That’s the literal dark side, not the metaphorical one. (Although I understand they have cookies.) 😉

      • Okey dokey! (^.^)b
        You may sleep in peace. Leave it to us..

      • Everbody did a good job overnight. If we keep this up, we’ll at least be able to hold the current 77/78% until the end.

        Thanks! Obrigado! Gracias! Merci! Austublieft! Tak! Gracie! Danke! Dankon!

        That’s it, I’ve run out. 😉

      • Two more!

        Shi shi, and the ever-popular domo arigato! 😉

  11. We can do it… especially since international fans can help out!!! Let’s go Chucksters!!!

  12. HA! We’re winning them all. How awesome are we, Chucksters?! 😀

  13. Hey !
    I’m Nicofac, from (a french website).

    I would like to know how many votes do you do in one hour on Hulu Bestinshow with a Imacro ?

    Just for information 😉 (to know if my computer is very bad or not ^^).

    And I really love all you do on this website ! It’s increidble ! Keep going, and if you have time, go on Hypnoweb !

    See you soon,

  14. Um… We’re tanking, guys. Hello? Anybody?

  15. That video is absolutely amazing. Greatest American Hero was one of my favorite shows back in the day. The choice of images from Chuck episodes was flawless. Awesome job, man.

    As for the Hulu voting, I have added a few votes of my own, but I’m not sure whether they all count or it only counts one vote per computer. Anyway, at the time I’m writing this, Chuck is 65% over Dexter’s 35%.

    Another place where everyone should leave a post is the Guest Book on the Chuck & Sarah’s Wedding site. This looks like an official NBC site (right?), so I guess it’s a way for them to keep track of people’s response to the show. At the moment there are 606 pages of comments. Cool, no? 🙂

    Cheers from Brazil,

    • Hey, Cibby! Thanks for helping in the vote. Do you know what else helps? I found some nice samba mixes on YouTube to listen to while I vote and am now a fan of Pixote. 😉

    Keep voting Chuck fans! We’re losing our lead (Chuck %65 Dexter %35). I just voted for an hour and a half straight at an average of one vote every 5 seconds. Lets keep the pressure on them and show NBC how much the show means to us! Lets go international fans. Our voice can be heard in this poll unlike Nielsen.

    • YESH!!!!!! Us CHUCK fans need to keep clicking!!!! Chuck’s percentage is dropping more and more each day!!!!

  17. Chuck is the one show that puts a smile on my face each week. I’m a huge fan of the actors,writers, and crew, and would love to see the show continue on for many more episodes. I would like to thank the cast for their appearances at Comic Con each year, and their positive attitudes and spirited energy.

    Great work Chuck and Co.

  18. I love this video! so well put together and fun as hell too!

  19. We Won!!!!! Yay!!!