NBC just released the official synopsis for Chuck 4.21, “Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner”, set to air Monday, April 18 at 8/7c:
IN ORDER TO CATCH A THIEF, CHUCK AND SARAH MUST ENLIST SARAH’S FATHER AND CON THE CIA — GARY COLE AND MEKENNA MELVIN GUEST STAR — When Chuck (Zachary Levi) and Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) get conned out of their wedding money, there is only one man they can turn to for help — Sarah’s conman father, Jack Burton (guest star Gary Cole). Meanwhile, Morgan pressures Casey (Adam Baldwin) to face Alex’s (guest star Mekenna Melvin) mother. Ryan McPartlin, Scott Krinsky, Vik Sahay and Bonita Friedericy also star.
Who would dare con Chuck and Sarah?!?
How on earth do two people with CIA intel on just about everyone alive and knowing full well the schemes employed by the likes of Jack Burton get duped like that? Oh well. Yay for Sarah’s dad coming back!
Am i getting this right the CIA taking away the chance for them to use CIA money to pay for their wedding? If that is right what the heck are they mad because they actually fell in love when she was just there for a handler position? That better not be the reason!!! :Z
Still no trace of Mama Burton in the synopsis.
Yea they already said there will be no Mama Burton sightings this year.
This is kinda random, but since we’re talking about money and salaries, does anyone know what happened to the orange orange? They don’t talk about it at all anymore, and it’s across the lot from the buymore so it couldn’t have burned down at the end of last season.
It wasn’t needed after Chuck became a full fledged spy. It was only there so Sarah could stick near by and keep an eye on the Asset.
Plus they did a new “CASTLE” under the Buy More.
Also the orange orange was sarahs cover and now everyone knows shes a spy so there is no longer a need for her to have a cover
The only thing I remember was that they said they did not need it for Sarah’s cover anymore.
Why they need to con the CIA??? is the thief an agent? or Beckman pulled the funds for the wedding for a better use? I mean if that’s the reason, they have no grounds on claim that money, since it’s not theirs in first place. But if someone get they money that CIA allocated for theri wedding, well good thing Jack is back!
Maybe to con the conartist who got their wedding money, they need CIA cash to use as bait and the only way to get the money from the CIA is to con it out of them.
To tell the truth, I’m just looking forward to seeing schnook, Jack and Sarah pulling another con together. I hope they bring in cop face too.
I’d hate to be on a PO’d Sarah Walkers bad side, sounds
like a dirt nap to me.
Yes I’m surprised she just doesn’t take the same approach with the con artist as she did with that Thai embassy official in Phase 3.
“you got me, I’m just a needy girl who wants her dream wedding and knows over 200 ways to kill you – afraid yet”.
Does anyone else here see the irony of Sarah, the daughter of con man, letting herself and Chuck getting conned out of their wedding money? lol At least we get to see Sarah’s dad again. Gary Cole is awesome!!!!! 🙂
I know this is a bit off topic but… Wohooo! Chuck just won Hulu’s Best In Show!! There, I just had to get that out.
Thanks for the Hulu update–really good news! I think the money was their personal money—This should be a fun episode–the last time her Dad showed up it was a really good episode.
Chuck and Sarah look like a real couple, they match perfectly.
Their chemistry is nothing short of AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope in the succeding episodes……that sarah tell the truth of her identity…i’m still confused about her real name…her co-schoolmate said it’s jenny,,afterwards it’s sam…..ahhhhh it gives me a headache knowing that she said that he said her real name(sam) on daniel shaw,,saying his the only person that she care much about…hey in the past episodes how about chuck,,,,,,i hope they talk about it
and by the way i miss the only outfit that i definitely not going to forget…in valentines day that sarah walker wore….a red eve gown with a angels wing behind her back…saying suppliessssssssssss ^_^
The promo is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
In my opinion Gary Cole is one of the top 3 or 4 guest stars of all the seasons–He is back at a time the show needs him.