Chuck Nielsen Searches for Nielsen Families to Boost Ratings

A new fan renewal campaign is underway looking to find Nielsen families and ask them to watch Chuck. aims to boost Chuck‘s ratings by asking fans to find out if someone they know is a Nielsen viewer, then ask them to watch Chuck on Monday nights. The process is pretty simple, making it easy for Chuck fans to implement:

  1. Post on Twitter, Facebook, etc. asking if any of your friends are Nielsen viewers.
  2. Ask them what they watch on Monday nights.
  3. Ask them to tune in to Chuck live.
  4. Say thanks!

Could it work? Quite possibly. Get more details at

Psst…we know there’s a Nielsen viewer who posts on Get over there and send in your location so they can add you to the map.

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  1. hey they could even dvr as well as watch live cuase of the counting twice thing and have double the impact

    • ultimatechucklover

      I agree i at least watch the episodes like ten time NO JOKE! lol I would watch it even more if i knew they were counting dvr too. 😀 Just saying!

  2. (head slap) We should have been doing this ages ago! Question, is there a way to become a Nielson viewer if you aren’t already or is it up to them to choose?

    • They have to choose you so it’s truly a random sample of people who watch crap reality TV.

      • The more I think about this whole situation with the Nielsen system, the more I think the whole shooting match is a load of bunk. 25,000 people determining viewing for a nation of 300,000,000? Surely to God there are more than 4 million people watching Chuck in the U.S.!

  3. ultimatechucklover

    Where can you get Nielsen because i have been looking for a way for Chuck to rise from the dead once more! 🙂

  4. Hey this is Shelby aka @sheebs08 from Thanks for the article, Mel. I really hope we can rally the Chuck fans and the TV viewing world in general so yes if you know anyone with a Nielsen box please send them our way! If not start your own “Nielsen Tree” today ask three people and have them ask three people…and so on. Somewhere down the line chances are you will stumble upon a Nielsen household. Thier personal info will not be used so they don’t have to worry abut that. Thanks again! Save Chuck!

  5. While I don’t wamt to be a killjoy or anything, wouldn’t it have been smarter to start a campaign like this several weeks ago when the ratings started to plummet rather then piling it all on with 3 episodes left?

  6. Former Nielsen employee here. I’ve posted on this forum before regarding how Nielsen works. More than happy to go over it again if asked, but essentially what Nielsen reads is a unique inaudible audio signal that is embedded into every program that is broadcast. As I’ve mentioned before, Nielsen knows there numbers aren’t truly reflective of viewership, but that’s not what makes them their money. When they interview and select families for Nielsen viewership, they’ll ask questions about soft drinks, alcohol consumption, clothing, etc… They then turn arou d and package that information to sell to consumer package goods companies (think coke, pepsi,etc…) for huge profits. Tv ratings is just what they’re known for…because nobody else really does it. They also own things like Billboard Magazine, ShoWest in Vegas and many many more media outlets. Be careful, because if a family is found out to have disclosed themselves as Nielsen viewers, they’ll automatically be kicked out of the sample.

    • I got a phone call 3 weeks ago that asked me if anyone in my house drank or smoke. They asked me like 6 questions and thanked me for my time. Was that the Nielsen and does that make me a viewer? I have Chuck playing all the Tvs in the house and we never flip during commercials.

      • If you’re a Nielsen viewer, you’ll know it.

      • Doesn’t work that way. If you’re picked to be a Nielsen household, they’ll send technicians out to your home and physically wire their Nielsen boxes to the speaker on the back of your TV.

  7. It’s not only how many people watch the show in the USA, there’s also TONS of people that watch this show all over the world, and they can’t do anything to prevent cancellation.

    A few months ago, I saw a list that says Chuck is the 1# most downloaded series, even more than Dexter..!

    I’m from Spain, and this just piss me off. If they could count international viewership, this show would be far from this situation.

    (Sorry for my English :P)

  8. Am from Canada and I watch every Monday night. It’s a shame about the Nielsen box. It’s popular all around the world. I bought the season 1 to 3 and I pre-ordered season 4. I hope that helps to save the show. It’s the best show on TV.

  9. So just saw someone post as me above ^^ which is crazy sense I didnt post that. They didnt say anything bad but still find it funny someone would impersonate me. LOL Anyway love the comments both good ones and bad to me the buzz is what we were going for. Bringing attention to a flawed system is all we can hope for. Do I think we can find all the nielsen families? No, but simply building buzz about a system that is way behind the tims, Yes thats something we can do.
    “Will the real Shelby please stand up” *Raises hand* 🙂

  10. Swear it wasn’t me….Im posting from on campus but idk that that matters. Whatever not trying to make a big deal of it just was informed someone posted with my name so I came by to check it out.

  11. This is a very BAD idea. This could do more to HURT the show rather than help it. The point of Nielsen is that they want you to be anonymous. Once Nielsen figures out that a household is not so anonymous anymore, they will simply remove you from their sample. I don’t see how this will help the show.

  12. I’m not seeing how this is a good idea. The whole point of a Nielsen viewer is anonymity and this campaign is actively looking for them. Out of 25,000 households I don’t think it would be hard for Nielsen to actively pluck out the people who are gaming their system. Especially with that map.

    Statistically they could throw out the entire Chuck sample if they know a few are tampering with it.

    • FYI…not sure where this 25,000 household number is coming from but the actual number of households that are actually metered/sampled is 5,855…yep that’s it folks…less than 6,000 people determine what the viewing habits are for all of America. Now they do have the write-in diaries that could make up the rest of that 25K, but the fast overnights are only calculated using the Nielsen boxes…and that’s the 5,855 number I just gave you.