Got Questions? Leave Your Q’s for Robert Duncan McNeill

Did the Chuck season finale leave you with burning questions? Mel will be talking with executive producer, and “Cliffhanger” director, Robert Duncan McNeill tomorrow for this week’s Chuck vs. the Podcast. Leave your questions below by 12PM Eastern on Tuesday, May 17 and we’ll see if we can get them answered for you.

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  1. Was Decker’s comment at the end of the episode about Chuck getting the Intersect, his father dying, etc. all being part of the plan an important comment? If so, will that be a major part of next season’s storyline, along with Morgan’s new Intersect powers.

  2. Did you direct this episode as if it were a series finale, or was there a conscious effort to leave a few plot lines hanging no matter what NBC decided?

  3. Is Morgan the only intersect for Season 5 or does Chuck get the intersect back again? Because if only Morgan has the intersect, I feel it devalues Chuck and the duo Chuck and Sarah.

    • I second this. It didn’t look like the glasses were smoking when Chuck picked them up, which I think happened to the intersect refresh glasses in season 2. Please, please, tell me that Chuck gets it too, or gets it from Morgan somehow!

      • Remember, they still have the orioin computer. Decker said it was a suppresser and we’ve been there before.

      • Team Bartowski could either break Manoosh out of his underground lab/bunker or they could reverse engineer the Intersect glasses or Papa B’s computer if the glasses that Morgan put on only work one time.

    • Ditto, we didnt see the glasses fry like they did when Bryce updated Chuck intersect (and the intersect suppressing one didn’t fry either) so hypothetically chuck could use them too. And to top it all off Ellie might be able to recreate the intersect and or fix chucks.

      But yes, ask if they will both have it because that would be awesome

    • in my opinion I think the whole idea relates to chuck growth and development as a spy since the first season… chuck was a big mess whose famous quote was dont freak out as something that was a commonly heard from him even with the inttersect. chuck has grown tremendously and has become as brave as his handlers casey and sarah. Will chuck get his intersect back possibly … but i dont think that morgan having the intersect takes away from the show but merely provides the show with the comic relief as chucks character has matured and has grown accustomed to the danger

    • Morgan as “THE Intersect” for an episode – no problem. But for a SEASON?? I don’t mean to be a downer, but it kind of makes a mockery of the whole “Chuck is unique because of his brain – (“special,” Stephen J. reffered to him as) – and thus the ONLY one suited to be the Intersect.”

      In “Vs. the Suburbs,” wasn’t Fulcrum trying to “off” Sarah by downloading it into her? Or does all that only apply to 1.0 and not 2.0??

      Well, I guess if Shaw was able to download it, why not Morgan???? But for me, it still takes away from what WAS a core premise of the show – that Chuck was special and unique in his ability to be able to handle the Intersect w/o it frying his brain.

      And if the glasses worked for Morgan, why wouldn’t the CIA just make more glasses and make a bunch more Intersects?? Seems like if Morgan remain “Intersected” for season 5, then Team Bartowski would want to keep that a secret. Otherwise, what would stop “everybody” (exaggeration intended) from gettin one??

      Can anyone help me understand all of this?????

      Overall, I loved the episode – just (at this point at least) not wild about Morgan the Intersect.

    • I agree. I don’t like Morgan having the intrsect, but I agree with developing Chuck’s character without it. Chuck should have it or no one.

    • I think everybody’s obsessing a bit too much with Morgan. Have faith in the writers – they could simply have Morgan stand up and say “I’m just kidding!”

      My question is: This episode felt a bit rushed with everything that was covered in the story line. Could we have a “true” 2 hour final episode next season? I don’t mean a 1 hour episode 12 and 13 back to back – just a true 2 hour final episode.

      Thanks for a great season 4!

  4. Is there any reason that the sunglasses could not be used on Chuck as well? I know the sunglasses Bryce rigged for Chuck had a self-destruct feature, but it didn’t seem that these were like that, so would there be any reason why the sunglasses could be used more than once?

  5. What’s the deal with Sarah’s new wedding dress? Knowing her character, I know she wouldn’t have settled for something so completely different than what she chose out before, not to mention it included a train!

  6. i don’t like morgan being the intersect chuck’s the main character so he should have it.morgan will just botch things up.

  7. I second the question from Joseph. If Morgan is the only intersect it may keep me from watching, I have invested 4 seasons (including 3 seasons thus far of bluray purchases) in Chuck Intersect and I love morgan and all but Its not what I want to see, a Chuck/Morgan intersect Duo, yes, just chuck yep, just morgan… not so much.

    • Did you enjoy the 4 seasons? Did you live through Shaw? Give them a chance. They haven’t disappointed yet! They should bring Ali Adler back to do some scripting.

  8. Will Chuck get the intersect un-suppressed? And what will happen to Morgan now that he is also an intersect?

  9. Will GB be back for S5?

  10. i don’t like morgan being the intersect chuck’s the main character so he should have it.morgan will just botch things up.will morgan have it permanently for season 5?hope not!

  11. Will Chuck have the intersect in S5?

  12. Let me start by saying I wasn’t disappointed with this episode; however, it did seemed rushed. Obviously Chuck and Sarah ended up married, but in the wedding sequence they were wearing the twist ties as their rings! This led me to believe it wasn’t the “real” wedding. Did I miss something?

    In addition, lovable Morgan, say it ain’t so and that the role reversal will switch back within 1 or 2 episodes. Seriously, between Ellie and Chuck they should be able to make that happen.

    Lastly, can we expect to see Mama B back as part of this “new” spy team? Either way I will be watching on Friday.

    • It is their real wedding, and here’s why:

      1- They put the twist ties around their fingers during their practices; Sarah said her vows, and Chuck was moved to tears, declaring them perfect. That’s exactly what they did at the wedding! We join them just after Sarah has said her vows. You remember that Chuck said at the practice that he would have to revise his vows? At the wedding, he improvised them, and Sarah was moved to tears, and said “Perfect”. And that’s why they also had twist ties around their fingers for the wedding.

      2- The scene that ended with Chuck at Sarah’s bed was to make us think that Sarah was about to die, and that’s why the next scene we saw the church sign indicating a funeral, quickly followed by “Bartowski Wedding”. It was to make us understand that Sarah had been saved and that the wedding was happening FOR REAL!!!

      3- Why bother putting “two weeks later” to a dream? And Chuck showed his ring to Jeffster, saying that he was at his honeymoon for the last 2 weeks.

      4- If the wedding was just a dream sequence, how then can you explain that Chuck and Sarah suddenly had the money to buy the Buy More, since the money was “Volkov”‘s wedding gift to them?

      Conclusion? Chuck and Sarah’s wedding was not part of a dream sequence, it was for real.

    • The thing that threw me was Morgan officiating the wedding. My brain kept me asking, “Is this real or just a dream?” I really didn’t get to enjoy the long anticipated moment until I watched it a second time today. General Beckman officiating would have made the whole thing believable the first time for me. Why the curve ball for an event that many fans had been looking forward to for the past several seasons?

  13. Is the show being renamed Morgan?

  14. I would like to know if Chuck is going to have something to do in the action part of next season… Also I would like to known if Chuck learned from the intersect some moves, perhaps? And, of course WHY THEY INTERSECTED MORGAN?

  15. Are there plans for Dalton or Hamilton to return next season? Also, I, too, am curious about the wedding dress… How many deleted scenes can we expect on the DVD?

  16. Penny Lashinsky

    I did also notice the tie tags on their fingers and that Morgan is the one that married them. He is not a minister. I was wondering if this wasn’t all in someone’s mind. Before it went to commercial before the wedding scene the antedote was not working for Sarah, Chuck said. That is why I think it is a dream or something.

    • 1. Its TV. TV characters get married by odd people all the time. Its a well known fact in TV that you can become licensed to marry someone online. No clue if you can do this in the real world, but its a TV trope.

      2. I think if it wasn’t real we would have some further indication of that. I was disbelieving until nearly the end that that was it, but after it wasn’t addressed I accepted it an moved on.

    • Penny, see my previous post to GraceO.

  17. Does the intersect get out of date in between official updates or does it “learn” as the person it resides in discovers new info? If the intersect is static, how did Chuck flash on Vivian’s mine hideout in Chuck vs the Last Details when it (and she) shouldn’t have been in the last intersect he uploaded from the laptop?

    • Chuck still had the other intersect uploads in his head. They were just suppressed, not gone.

      • True, but they were all pre-Vivian as a villian. Chuck was last re-intersected/unsuppressed by Papa B’s laptop *before* Vivian took her turn for the dark side. Not to mention the fact that in the best case scenario, Papa B made that intersect a year ago, before he died. Chuck’s flash on Vivian’s hideout was of very recent activities – more like CIA Headline News than one year old computer program.

      • True Cay, but there are still a lot of dangling treads about how Papa B’s laptop was put under the driver’s seat of his Mustang and how the car suddenly appeared in the classified ads for Ellie to find. Papa B’s Intersect upgrade wouldn’t have all that recent data unless he or someone else put it there after the time he supposedly died in Season 3. That’s why I’m still holding out hope that Papa B. is still alive and is part of the giant cover up or conspiracy that Decker was alluding to.

  18. My question is do you have an I dea of what type of storyline season 5 will be headed, other than the basics i.e new agency, morgans intersect, new marriage…what will happen with the CIA and or the NSA? Are they out or are they still going to be using general Beckman? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! loved the finale, it was rushed though, I cried <3 CHUCKALLTHEWAY

  19. Chuck showed stints of actually learning from the intersect. ex… all of a sudden understanding russian and parachuting and touching down in the hospital…and casey saying telling chuck you dont need the intersect because he is a great spy… do all these point to chuck just becoming a full fledged spy without the interesect and merely being morgans handler much like Casey and sarah were?

  20. This question is more for the season overall… why did the writes feel they needed to devalue the intersect by allowing so many people being able to upload it… I thought the reason why chuck was able to control the intersect was because he “special” like his father said…i kind feel that with so many people possessing the intersect it took away from the main character and now that morgan has it the intersect now seems to have lost its uniqueness with so many people aquiring it…

  21. 13 shows doesn’t leave much time to start a new major arc (independent philanthropic spies), move ahead with 4 relationships (Sarah/Chuck – family?, Elle/Devon – doctors or spies?, Alex/Morgan – marriage?, Kathleen/Casey – become a couple?), and finish up the back story on Sarah and her relationship with her mom.
    I know it’s more a Chris and Josh question, but do you think Season 5 will focus more on wrapping up the people and relationships in Chuck’s world or just having fun with the missions that come from this clever new plot line.

  22. I really don’t like Morgan being the intersect last episode he “promised” Alex that he was out of the spy game and I want at least one person in the show to be kind of honest. I thought that Chuck was special and that’s why he could have the intersect in the first place? & how can is the show gong to change back to season one if Chuck is just a civilian with no intersect powers? They might as well change the show’s name to Morgan while they’re at it :/

  23. since the start of the show the foucs seemed to have been Chuck and sarah getting married, chuck uncovering his past, mastering the intersect and uniting his family… now that hes done all this will there be more focus on chuck being a spy / handler and on his missions…. being given only 13 epsiodes to make this transition what do the fans have to look forward to now or will the fifth season be a like all five seasons combined with emphasis now on morgans development as the new intersect?

  24. Please tell me chuck gets the intersect back next season. Will Scott Bakula return?

  25. Was the wedding scene a dream and what happened in the weeks that were passed before the wedding and why was Morgan the priest?

  26. Why turn Morgan into an Intersect, personally I don’t think it fits his character I mean he’s the goofball of the team and also is Decker going to be the Big Bad next season. Also is Chuck getting The Intersect back?

  27. In addition to the Bakula/Hamilton/Dalton questions, are there plans for the CAT Squad? Weren’t Carina and Zondra fired as well in the finale?

    • This is really the question that I would love to have answered. Do the producers intend on bringing any if not all 5 of the actors you mentioned back next season. I am assuming that they will, but I would love to know now.

  28. I was very disappointed with the last ten minutes of the show. Why the heck was Morgan the priest? It made no sense at all, and since he’s not a priest they’re not legally married. The whole time I thought it was a dream, and if it was, what a crappy way to end an episode.

  29. I would love to know how General Beckman fits into season 5 please.

  30. receptionitis66

    Did you feel constrained with the one-hour time limit of this episode? Unlike last season, where there were two hour-long episodes to wrap things up, this finale only had one to tie up Agent X, Sarah’s illness, the wedding, Vivian, AND introduce some sort of segue into the next season. Was it difficult to fit all of those into the episode while still doing each story justice?

  31. Ok, now that I chill out a little bit, those are my questions:
    1.Please, ask about the conspiracy thing. I’ve been reading interviews with Fedak and nobody asked about it.
    2. The Morgan’s Intersect is 1.0 or 2.0? Yes, I know he said the “I know Kung Fu” line, but he didn’t show us…
    3. Did Chuck learned dome Kung Fu moves in all this years? I love Chuck Fu, so I want to know if Chuck is going to have true action next season, even without the Intersect.

    From Mexico, Amron.

  32. Will the CIA/NSA be treating Team B as if they were “The Ring.” The way I see it is that they think they can do a better job than the CIA/NSA is doing it.

  33. In the end Chuck is all about family. Will they wrap up Morgan and Alex, Casey and Kathleen, and possibly reunite Mama and Papa B? And Papa B could be the one behind everything aka the “conspiracy” mentioned in the finale

  34. is chuck going to be an intersect in season 5? if not please change it other wise the season will not have any meaning.

  35. How was the motorcycle scene shot?

  36. is there absolutely no possibility that chuck can go past 5 seasons?

    • Stargate SG-1 ran for 10 seasons, and has had two direct-to-DVD movies so far.
      Farscape ran for 4 seasons, and got a 4-hour TV movie to finish their story.
      Firefly only had 13 episodes produced, but still got a major motion picture released to tie up loose ends.

      There are always possibilities.

  37. Just like everyone else. I’m a HUGE fan but I can’t help but be a little disappointed that Chuck lost the intersect.

    Will Chuck get the intersect back? If not he should because the majority of the questions from fans is regarding Chuck getting it back.

    Also, will Chucks father be back? It seems the way Decker reacted to Chuck saying his father was dead was a sign. I’m hoping Chuck’s father didn’t somehow become bad or maybe the CIA is using him now. Maybe they saved him and now they expect him to do anything they ask.

    Also, I agree that the Wedding seemed like a dream sequence to me as well. It felt rushed from the Hospital room to the wedding scene.

    But I still loved the finale. I just wish the Morgan intersect thing wouldn’t have happened. It would have been funny for him to try and get the intersect but it doesn’t work then Chuck puts the shades on…they show the intersect uploading back into Chuck’s brain from his POV and then end it.

  38. Would you comment on the approach for S5? Is there any consideration for the possibility of an order for more episodes should the number of viewers rise? Also, is there any chance that should another network want to pick up CHUCK for another season, the producers/show would make that move? Or are the cast and crew ready to move on to other projects?

  39. It seemed as if this episode was planned to be the SERIES finale…before word came out that NBC would allow at least 13 episodes for season 5…and HOPEFULLY transfer to another network seeing as how NBC has NO idea what it is doing. It was nice to see Casey smile at the wedding..I knew he had it in him somewhere beneath the growl and grunt. But is the plan REALLY for Morgan to have the Intersect for ALL of season 5? I can see it for 2-3 episodes…but CHUCK is the intersect…that is the PLAN mentioned by Decker in the season finale.

  40. I have a burning question that I’m sure will be bothering a LOT of people between now and September…

    Now that Morgan has the Intersect, can he beat Chuck at Duck Hunt?


  41. Is there any possibility of love for Casey and Alex’s mother?

  42. Is there any difference between Chuck’s intersect suppression and the procedure Mary Bartowski did on Chuck in Chuck vs the First Fight?

  43. Will Chuck and Ellie work on the intersect technology together?

  44. I’m disappointed that Morgan was given the intersect. As some others have mentioned, I too was under the impression that the intersect tech required unique hosts with special visual learning skills. I’ve grown to love Morgan, in fact he has become my favorite character on the show, but this really upsets the basis for the show when you start handing out sunglasses to everybody. (When everybody’s special, no one is.) Are you concerned you are devaluing the intersect by giving it to Morgan?

  45. I am rather puzzled that you gave Morgan the interest. As a few have commented above, I too was under the impression that the intersect required a unique host with special visual learning skills. I have grown to love Morgan, in fact he has become my favorite character on the show (for his humor), but giving him the intersect seems to upset the basis for the show. (If everybody is special, no one is.) Are you concerned you have devalued the significance of the intersect?

  46. Why not answer the question which we all want to see answered… Can chucks love for Sarah override the suppressor?

  47. Hi – Love the show, Chuck has to have the intersect!! Morgan having the Intersect is interesting tho. Is Chuck going to discover that its been suppressed and that he still has it? Im thinking of vs the first fight. Is there plan to develop the “more Chucks” theme via Morgan? Thinking of vs Muurder. Is General Beckman going to be back to guide Team Orion? What of Mama B? Thanks! Role on a full 22 episode S5!!

  48. Morgan as the intersect is wrong and I don’t like it at all.The wedding was rushed and very baddly written.We been waiting 4 years for that no bad job.You need to think of a way to fix these bad mistakes.

  49. I like the humor potential of an Intersect Morgan but only for a few episodes. I hope it doesn’t take too long in season 5 for the Intersect to be put back where it belongs: in Chuck! Maybe Morgan can have the Intersect because he is special too because… he’s Chuck brother!

    The whole wedding and scenes that followed it seemed somehow off. Please tell us the wedding was real and not a dream Chuck wakes up from sometime next season and we discover Sarah really died.

    As for the big conspiracy, my theory is that it’s all being orchestrated by Big Mike!

  50. I love that the show refuses to be stagnant. It is always pressing forward into new ground. 2 yrs ago, I was very nervous when Chuck got the 2.0. For the entire series to that point, all he wanted was to not be a spy. Then, he’s re-intersected to be a superspy? But it really worked well and helped propel the mythology forward. The ending last nite may seem uncomfortable today, but the show always puts things right. We KNOW there’s a purpose to everything. The writers rarely leave things dangle and things will fit together eventually. It’ll all be perfect by 5.13. My question is this concept of Team B solving “the plan” Decker mentioned the main storyline on season 5?