Did the Chuck season finale leave you with burning questions? Mel will be talking with executive producer, and “Cliffhanger” director, Robert Duncan McNeill tomorrow for this week’s Chuck vs. the Podcast. Leave your questions below by 12PM Eastern on Tuesday, May 17 and we’ll see if we can get them answered for you.
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Morgan having the intersect???????…. Retrospectively, the intersect is for people that have special brain that can accommodate the information store in the computer. Look back at season 1, CIA try to recruit students/people that have such ability. Otherwise, they will die when their brain try to absorb the intersect. Even Sarah brain can’t expose to the intersect. Only people equip with special brain can have the intersect. Now it seems everybody can have the intersect. And now Morgan has special brain. So he can have the intersect. It seems the writer of Chuck has lost the basic concept/story line of chuck…… Thanks God, Chuck season 5 will the finale season. Otherwise it will become too illogical to watch it.
I feel season 5 could be more interesting if the glasses that Gen Beckman gave Chuck would have the capabilities to give all of them the intersect. Then the team could fight against greater opposition. I believe now they can build the Chuck character as a Bruce Wayne prototype. Bigger toys for the team to play with it could be very interesting season if done right.
Do you know if Chuck will get 22 episodes so that it reaches syndication? Do you know how the Buy More Bureau (BMB) will operate? Do Chuck & Sarah get all the ex-Volkoff workers to handle the backroom business of the BMB or will their be ex-CIA/NSA agents being recruited?
Chuck will reach syndication numbers with the 13-episode order.
No, it won’t. They need another 9 episodes to reach 100 episodes.
Season 1: 13,
Season 2: 22,
Season 3: 19,
Season 4: 24,
Season 5: 13
That is not how syndication works
My apologies. Then I’m happy Chuck will reach syndication numbers with this last season.
why did they put the intersect to morgan???
who wrote sarah’s wedding vows? it was so sweet
Why after freeing Hartley from the truck did Chuck leave his helmet in the rig? Seemed like he left it on purpose, since camera showed him taking it off and putting it down.
My wife said the same thing… I thought this too. Was it just tbhe way this scene worked out?
It was only useful to stop the truck when Chuck used it to communicate with Casey and Mary.
So, when Decker, said the glasses he used on Chuck was a “suppression” device, I suppose that means Chuck still has the intersect, just can’t access it. Like what happened earlier this year and his mom did it to him
Tell the PTB, a Morgan intersect is fun for maybe two episodes, then we need Chuck back.
Will Chuck ever get the intersect back?
Will Chuck get the intersect back? Although I will love seeing Morgan with it.. my favorite parts of the show are when Chuck gets to do the action stuff. I still want to see Chuck in action too.
Was Chuck singing the Imperial March in vs Last Details the closest thing we’ll get to a Musical Chuck? We crave just a little more sing-songey for future episodes you direct 🙂
I really appreciate the way Vivian’s character was a reference but not the focus, THANK YOU!!
Why was Morgan the priest, and not the best man? And why did Sarah wear that dress, and not the dress she’s supposed to wear?? :S
Btw AWESOME season finale! Can’t wait to watch the 5×01!
Now that the end is in sight for Chuck, as a TV show, is there any possibly that we could see this fabled cast in a Big Screen version of Chuck in the near future? It seems like it has all the ingredients: Action, Comedy, Special Effects, and a lovable cast! A big budget big screen version of Chuck could be awesome!
Will awesome and ellie see an expanded role in the new operation bartowski under the buy more for season 5?
Now that Team Bartowski are no longer CIA/NSA agents, but rather private agents for hire, have we seen the last of General Beckman?
I still maintain it is a dream wedding.Morgan CAN NOT marry Chuck & Sarah legally…period. (He said something like “by the power invested in me by the gallactic federation?? or something sci-fiy)IT WAS A DREAM. They may go with the ending we saw as in Team Bartowski leaving the CIA and going into business for themselves, but Morgan can not be the intersect..Please God no.I like Morgan, but only when it is as a secondary character.Morgan is better as a third wheel, not the main forcus. A little Morgan goes a long way.Too much Morgan ruins Team B chemistry.He was messing with the chemistry of Team B and he was better off doing recon from Castle to help the team and not in the field and I thought that was where they were going with Morgan saying he was not going into the filed anymore. Let Ellie be a Castle fixture too, helping the team and trying to figure out how to un-suppress Chuck’s Intersect.. Let Chuck be the focus without the Intersect for awhile. Let him learn to be a spy without it.Let him train to learn to fight.If TPTB feel the need to have Morgan be the Intersect, please NO KUNG-FU just let it be information, like season one Chuck.Morgan knowing Kung-Fu is just stupid.
Actually the first part is totally not true. ANYONE can marry you. Its the marriage certificate that is issued by the state that makes it legal and binding. A couple can walk into pretty much any county clerks office and apply for and get a marriage license. I think it was brilliant to have Morgan marry them so as to remove the entire religious aspect right out of it.
We all know the budget for the show is often too limited to do really elaborate action sequences like in the past. But, I really appreciated that money was put into the motorcycle scene.
What are our chances in Season 5 to see scenes like that again?
At the least, I would love for Chuck to have that motorcycle permanently.
How do you plan to put a fresh spin on the Intersect and avoid retelling season 1 stories now that Morgan has it?
I agree with Kelly’s comment above. The last act of the show HAS to be a dream that Sarah is experiencing from the hotel bed. Earlier in the episode, Morgan is speaking to Sarah about how Chuck saved him from bullies when they were kids by threatening the bullies with the Gallactic Federation which Morgan then says “there is no such thing”. In the final act, Morgan is shown as the minister who marries them by the “power vested by the Gallactic Federation”.
Morgan also tells Sarah in the hospital bed about what Chuck has been doing to try to save her life and we can assume that he tells her that Chuck is in trouble with the CIA.
With this information being absorbed into Sarah’s brain while in the hospital from Morgan, she then dreams of the wedding sequence, the wedding present of millions, and then Morgan becoming the intersect.
In my opinion, season 5 will start with Sarah waking up in the hospital room with Chuck holding her hand and season 5 will end with Chuck and sarah REALLY getting married.
That’s my take anyway. Great episode to a great show…
Agreed on the wedding part because of what Morgan said to Sarah in the hospital. Leaving the wedding & having Morgan being the driver could have been real & not a dream-maybe??? We will all find out in September-can’t wait. One thing is obvious by all the comments regarding the end of this epiosode, is that Mr.Fedak & Co. have really messed with alot of minds. Probably the way they intended. Anyway, it was a great episode and I can’t wait for season 5. Thank you NBC…
Mel & Liz-looking forward to your podcast this week!
Hi Mel and hi to all other fans of chuck.
I´m such a huge fan of chuck.
No matter how the shows going on because it will be great and it still have been the best show I´ve ever seen. Thank you for renewing the show for a fifth season. I´m so happy.
And a very lot of thanks to Mel and your team for that great site, because this way I got informed of very important news about chuck, even if I come from Austria and the show has been canceled there. Unfortunately.
So chucksters. Have a good day and hopefully we will see more of chuck.
is the wedding bet chuck & sarah legal?morgan’s the one officiating it & frankly i don’t think he’s got the license to do it…fr intergalactica of what?
Why Morgan??? okay…you better get the Intersect back to Chuck.. Chuck is the only special person who could have that. Will there be a possibility for a full season 5? I mean.. this show is great!!! HOw can you give it only 5 when other crappy tv shows last 8-10 seasons?
How is it that Bryce Larkin possesses Chuck’s current email address in the pilot? It’s not as though they exchange Christmas cards.
Is Orion just a code name, or is it really an acronym for something much larger than one man?
What did Jill Roberts do after Chuck cut her anklet? I mean besides exiting the building.
Was Hannah an operative? If so, whose side was she on?
Was Kathleen McHugh’s dad a cop? That would go a long way toward explaining Casey’s fondness for the 1985 Crown Vic. (wink, wink. nudge, nudge.)
Was Daphne Peralta really a grifter, or was that all a test to see how well Team Chuck could perform without CIA resources?
Did General Beckman try (& fail) to break up Chuck & Sarah during season 3?
Is Carina Miller the love child of Diane Beckman and Roan Montgomery?