Following the conclusion of Chuck season 4, we launched the third Chuck Fan Survey to take the pulse of the fandom and compare it to previous results. (survey 1.0, survey 2.0)
General Overview
2131 people took the survey, compared to 2574 in May 2010 and 1507 in November 2009. This represents about 1% of the average visitors per month to during season 4 (around 219,000/mo – forum visitors not included), the same percentage who answered the poll in May 2010.
Of those 2131 people, 61.4% were male and 38.6% were female, a slightly higher percentage of females than we’ve had represented in the previous polls. Perhaps because this season featured Chuck and Sarah together? The results show that Chuck skews more male than female, however, consistent with previous results and NBC’s ratings data.

The age breakdown shows some fluctuation, probably because time marches on and birthdays insist on appearing with alarming regularity. As in previous years, the 18-24 demographic were most represented with 32.3% of respondents falling into that age range. Another 17.7% were 25-30 and 12.9% were under 18, meaning 62.9% of those polled were 30 or younger. This is down from 66.6% in May 2010. Rounding out the demographic data, 8.8% were 31-35, 7.9% were 36-40, 7.8% were 41-45, 5.1% were 46-50, 6.8% were 51-60, 0.7% were 61-70, and a lone respondent – representing 0.1% of the total – was over 71 years old. Of those age ranges, all of them saw percentage increases of May 2010’s numbers except the 31-35 demo which dropped 0.2%. What does this tell us? The (online) Chuck fanbase is aging themselves right out of Nielsen consideration. We need those under 18’s have a birthday!
We again note that because this is an online survey, on a fansite, the odds of reaching older viewers is much lower than reaching younger.
Not every person answered every question, but the bulk of respondents did complete the survey. In the case of Question 6, respondents only saw that question if they answered “Yes” on Question 5. Each question except Question 4 was restricted to one answer per respondent. Click the charts to see larger versions.
Question 1: Which element of Chuck is the main reason you watch?
On a show like Chuck that combines action, romance, drama, comedy, and more pop culture references than the number of licks it takes to get to the middle of a Tootsie Pop, a consistent debate within the fandom is what the main focus of the show is or should be. After months of reading and listening to these debates, it’s interesting to see quantitative data measuring such a subjective item.

Our first poll saw the Chuck and Sarah romance taking the top spot here, while the second poll gave the honor to Team Bartowski in a narrow victory. This time, Chuck and Sarah are back on top with 37.9% of the vote. Not surprising given that their relationship, engagement, and wedding were a major theme this season. Team Bartowski fell to second with 31% of people indicating it was the main reason they watch, followed by The Comedy in a distant third with 10.4% and The Hero’s Journey in fourth with 6.9%.
These four elements have been the top four in all three surveys, which would support a theory that the relationship between Chuck and Sarah, the dynamics of Team Bartowski, the comedy elements, and Chuck’s hero’s journey are the core of the show for the bulk of viewers. Bringing up the rear are Morgan The Magnet with 0.5% and The Buy More with 0.4% of the votes.
Question 2: Rank the various elements of Chuck by MOST favorite to LEAST favorite.
The tough questions continued as we forced fans to rank the elements. Answers were restricted so only one could be ranked at 10 (MOST favorite), one at 9, etc. The results fall in line with Question 1, but show some movement compared to May 2010.

Not surprisingly, the Chuck and Sarah relationship topped the list as Most favorite with 41% of respondents giving it a 10. This is slightly higher than the 39% given last time, and a full 3.1% more than the same element received in Question 1. Another 4% voted it their least favorite element.
Team Bartowski tumbled dramatically from last May’s results with only 25.3% giving it their vote as favorite element (compared to 35% last time). A victim of the the focus on other elements this season? Once again The Comedy and The Hero’s Journey came in third and fourth, respectively. The Buy More has the dubious distinction of being least favorite with a whopping 48.4% of respondents giving it a 1 out of 10. Let’s hope Team Bartowski can increase customer satisfaction next season.
Question 3: Rank these season 4 developments in order of MOST favorite to LEAST favorite.

Surprising no one, Chuck and Sarah get married won this category hands down with 45.8% of the vote. It almost felt unfair to put anything else up against that long-awaited event. In distant second was Sarah goes all Phase 3 on The Belgian with 26.1% of voters ranking it their second-favorite development. Third place went to Ellie’s discovery of Chuck’s secrets and fourth to Mama B’s return.
Anyone who’s been following fan discussions post-finale won’t be surprised to see that Morgan downloading the Intersect was marked least favorite by a majority 38.1% of voters, but 7.8% ranked it their most favorite development. It’s interesting the note that the forced ranking also meant that Roan Montgomery’s return also earned more “1” (i.e. least favorite) votes than it did any other ranking. It’s also surprising that none of the elements earned a majority 5 or 7 ranking. In other words, either we really liked something, or we really didn’t.
Question 4. Which season 4 guest stars were your favorite(s)?

This is a new question for this year, and multiple answers were allowed. Even so, Timothy Dalton ran away with this category with 87.3% of the vote. I think it’s safe to dub him a “fan favorite”. Linda Hamilton took second place with 64.8% of the votes as Mama B and Gary Cole’s return as Jack Burton came in a close third with 62.8%. We missed you, Sarah’s Dad!
Mekenna Melvin and John Larroquette/Mini Anden (in a virtual tie) round out the top 5. It’s worth noting that the sixth place spot went to Millicent Martin with 38.6% of votes. Who’s that? Mrs. Winterbottom, the mother Casey wished he had. Way to make an impression! Ana Gasteyer’s turn as Dasha, with whom Chuck had a tiny weapons stand off, came in last with just 2.1% of votes.
Question 5: Do you feel strongly enough about any element of Chuck to STOP watching if the storyline doesn’t go the way you want?
We like this question as a way to find out if all that “line in the sand” talk is legit. Would you, really, quit watching the show over a storyline? Responses continue to fluctuate from survey to survey. This time, 85.3% said no, they don’t feel strongly enough about any element to quit watching if it doesn’t go their way. This is down from last May when 86.5% answered no. We’ll see what polarized people in Question 6. In case you haven’t already done the math, that means 14.7% of respondents said yes, they would stop watching if something didn’t go the way they wanted.
Question 6: If you answered yes to question 5, which element?

Of the 14.7% who answered yes to Question 5, 53.3% said that the Chuck and Sarah relationship is the element that would cause them to quit watching the show if it doesn’t go the way they want. That’s a significant drop compared to the 72.4% from May 2010 and 86% from November 2009. Apparently Chuck just needed to put a ring on it!
In second place was Morgan the Magnet with 18.4% concerned about that storyline. Frankly, given the uproar from parts of the fandom after the finale, we expected Morgan to get the majority of the votes here. The Hero’s Journey came in a distant third with 7.4%. In May 2010, Team Bartowski and The Comedy were second and third, respectively.
Remember that these percentages are from the 14.7% who answered “Yes” on Question 5, not the 2,131 overall respondents.
Question 7: How do you feel about spoilers?
As we’ve said before, we try to strike a balance when it comes to posting spoilers because we know that not everyone likes them, and even those who do may not want everything spoiled. The results of this question are fairly consistent with previous years: 48.6% said they love spoilers while 33.1% said they don’t seek them out but will read them. Another 16.6% say they hate spoilers and 1.7% don’t trust them.
What can we learn from these numbers? Online Chuck fandom, at least, still skews young and male although the females and older age groups are trending upward. This season the Chuck/Sarah relationship regained dominance in fan focus, and on the show itself. Fewer people are worried about that relationship being mishandled from a fan perspective and fans are really glad the two are finally married. We liked seeing more of Sarah, Morgan’s new abilities (?) are cause for concern, and we loved Timothy Dalton. We liked having familiar faces return, and parents are especially welcome.
This survey was conducted by and measured opinions of fans who visit our site. It was not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with NBC, College Hill, Wonderland Sound and Vision, or anyone associated with Chuck.
Not surprised that Greta Glau was the most popular of the Greta guest stars. Kind of surprised that Greta Munn wasn’t the least popular of them since she didn’t actually do anything.
Thanks Mel! I love when you do these!!! =)
Well i feel dumb! For the favorite guest stars i put Cole Barker! Oops! oh well. Thanks Mel! 🙂
Considering Cole Barker wasn’t an option, I don’t think you did. 😉
Enjoyed the survey–It was good to have a season without someone competing for Sarah—biggest error of the show’s seasons was the Shaw debacle. S&F also have a bad habit of leaving loose ends. I am glad S & F showed restraint when it came to the generation of angs –that seems to be basic to their style. I hope they continue to restrain themselves for season 5.
In the question 4 chart, the percentages add up to well over 100%. Something’s wrong here.
That’s because, as noted, that was the one question where people were allowed to choose more than one answer.
Ahhh…now I get it. Thanks, Mel!
Love it when I can see what everyone’s thinking. The whole Morgan thing better be resolved pretty darn quickly. 🙂 Thanks Mel!
Love your work! As usual the results are very interesting, though a lot of it was as I expected. My biggest shock was not seeing Mekenna Melvin higher up on the fav guest stars list and not seeing ‘The Giant Blonde She-Male’ higher up on the fav elements list.
I’d also be interested in seeing what people most want to see next season. Personally I’d like to see more of Sarah’s background, what we know is still so vague. I’d also would love for Scott Bakula to come back. Since Chuck and Sarah are already married, I think the ultimate resolution to the Chuck story would be to see the Bartowski family finish together.
Hey Mel, I know this is a fair amount of work, but would it be possible to get averages and perhaps variances for questions two and three?
I’m not surprised that more people would tune out of the show if the Chuck/Sarah relationship were reset rather than the Morgansect.
Personally, I wouldn’t stop watching a show if they used a plot twist that wasn’t what I wanted, because sometimes what the writers come up with is much better than I expected.
However, I really hated the fact Morgan got the intersect. I will just have to see how it plays out though.
The big test for me will be even with Morgan having the intersect am I still enjoying the show? Because that is the only thing that really matters -whether or not I am still enjoying Chuck.
I will only know that after I have watched a few episodes of S5.
Hi Gord,
I agree with you totally, i watch cause of chuck and sarah and their journey. Love team b which looking back over the season works better when morgan is not there or is just in support. If you look at suitcase great episode or last details they were very light morgan episodes.
I am rewatching season 1 at the moment and the more i think about it this is as bad an idea as the whole sham. While i liked morgan this season, giving him the intersect will mean hes going front and centre he will as chris fedak said be on every mission it seems partnered with chuck. Thats not why i watch i watch to see chuck and sarah partnered thats the dream team. I have found myself fast forwarding through buy more stuff from season 1 which seems to match that buy more has served its purpose frankly its the worst part of the show.
Morgan as the intersect creates some fears that we will see less chuck and sarah as a team and its going to become the morgan show just as season 3 became the shaw show and ruined the dynamic.
I had hoped that we would have seen a cool sexy couple taking on the bad guys seems we are retrograde stepping into a dull chuck and morgan dynamic. I have to say i am less enthused about season 5 than I was about season 3 when we heard about the whole PLI.
I struggle with the uproar against Morgan getting the Intersect. As long as they don’t focus on his character and use it as a way to explain why Chuck is “special” (As has been claimed in interviews) and Chuck gets it back as well then it should be cool
Also, the opportunity for Morgan/Chuck fighting bad guys together is just too awesome for words! 🙂
sorry chuck and morgan will never be as awesome or watchable as chuck and sarah fighting together – as in first bank of evil and honeymooners. I would prefer to see sarah and chuck beating the bad guys up. In suitcase sarah’s fight was just great on the catwalk and sarah looked incredible. Morgan and Chuck fighting will not get we red blooded males watching. Its likely to make us switch over and the more i watch season 1 the more i am convinced this is as bad an idea as SHAM was the first time morgan gets chucks hero music it likely the first time i turn off. While i loved season 4, i would prefer if season 5 is going to be as bad as it sounds just to remember it for how good season 1, 2 and 4 were. I am waiting to hear what is said at comic con i will not invest in a show only to be disapointed like season 3.
I agree 100%. I have never liked Morgan as a character, but have learned to live with him to help with some of the comedy. I felt the intersect bit as well as him officiating the wedding should have been left on the cutting room floor.
I actually like morgan this season especially but in very small doses and it was about right he was not in every episode that worked. My worry is next year hes going to be in too much and take away from chuck and sarah and ofcause casey i loved last details it was so funny. The team was great. I agree morgan doing the wedding just added to the confusion on it being a dream which made it hard to feel what i should be feeling finally chuck and sarah were married. Yeah its a strange way to lead into the last season with chuck no longer being the hero and what appears less focus on the two main characters chuck and sarah that as clearly this poll shows people watch it for.
I got to be honest, I just rewatched the finale again and I truly loved everything about the episode except those last two minutes. I was so intrigued by the Volkoff developments, hope we see both Hartley and Vivian gain. I think Decker makes a great new villian, and the potential that a conspiracy was/is controlling all their lives is super interesting. And I cant wait to find out what the writers have in store for us in those aspects. That being said, I really really dislike Morgan as the intersect. It just feels so gimmicky and I honestly hope he gets deintersected quickly. Would have been a perfect 10 episode if only it werent for those last two minutes. Doesnt surprise me at all the survey showed what people liked least was Morgan as the intersect. Sorry, long post.