Friday Five: Favorite Chuck Episodes of All Time

Mel’s Note: Cay takes over the FF this week with a discussion of her favorite Chuck episodes of all time.

Since the season finale a few weeks ago, I’ve had time to reflect on the path of our favorite show over the past 4 years. I was thinking about which episodes are my favorite of all time and came up with a list. Interestingly enough, all are heavy mythology episodes, many of them season finales (or possible series finales), with lots of suspense, high stakes, and important family moments for Chuck. Here are the episodes that made my list:

  1. Chuck vs the Other Guy (3.13) – This episode had it all – suspense, humor and romance. My favorite Chuck scene of all time is from this episode – where Sarah and Chuck have their magnificent heart-to-heart after his evening of liquor fueled Guitar Hero. Chuck confronts and kills (?!) Shaw on the bridge in Paris to save Sarah. She wakes up in the hotel the next morning with him watching over her and the Eifel tower visible from the window – definitely a fabulous hour of TV!
  2. Chuck vs the Pilot (1.01) – As this is the episode (of course!) that I always show to friends to get them hooked, I’ve probably seen it two dozen times and it never gets old. The first time it aired live, I was so impressed with the writing and the characters as well as the humor that Chuck was my favorite show by episode 2. Four years later, the episode has stood the test of time and continues to be entertaining no matter how many times I see it.
  3. Chuck vs the Subway (3.18) – Ellie finds out about Chuck’s secret life (well, most of it!), Shaw returns from the dead, Ellie, Awesome and Morgan team up to save Chuck, Sarah and Casey, and Shaw kills Papa B… This episode was so well written and scored that the suspense is palpable, even after multiple viewings. I was yelling at the TV throughout this episode when it aired live!
  4. Chuck vs the First Fight (4.07) – The introduction of Timothy Dalton, first as Gregory Tuttle, and then as Alexei Volkoff, continued the debate over whether Mama B is good or evil as well as bringing us one of the most fascinating and entertaining guest stars to ever grace the show. Chuck and Sarah are forced to confront some important relationship issues as well as family issues when Orion’s lair is destroyed and Mama B’s allegiances remain unclear. Even without all the other subplots, the stellar acting of Dalton is enough to elevate this episode into my top 5.
  5. Chuck vs the Ring (2.22) – Chevy Chase, one of Jeffster’s biggest (and greatest) performances, a beautiful beach wedding for Ellie and Awesome, and Chuck seizing control of his own destiny and uploading Intersect 2.0 made this a finale to remember and had us buzzing all summer long. “Guys, I know Kung Fu” – Chuck. “CHUCK ME!” – Casey

What are your favorites? Tell us in the comments!

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  1. Aside from replacing “First Fight” with “Honeymooners”, I can get behind this list of favorites. 🙂

  2. Chuck VS the Colonel. Forever.

  3. Wow. None of your episodes are in my top five.

    Seduction (by a large margin)
    Phase Three
    Imported Hard Salami

    • Is there a tie that binds your favorite episodes? Obviously different things appeal to you. I liked all of those episodes, but they were just average in my book.

      • itabashi zangitan

        You can’t really ignore the Jill-Fulcrum story arc.

        2.06 – Chuck vs the Ex
        2.07 – Chuck vs the Fat Lady
        2.08 – Chuck vs the Gravitron

        That is some of the best Chuck episodes YOU WILL EVER WATCH.

      • I think that there is a Charah component to all of my favorites. But that’s not really why. They are all for different reasons.

        Seduction was simply funny. It also had the most dramatic scene in the series for me. When Roan asked Chuck “But you have to ask yourself… is she worth dying for?” And he said, “yes.” Wow. Just… just wow. I could watch that scene a thousand times.

        DeLorean was also funny. Without the Buy Moron slapslick that the show too often passes off as humor. And it was the first time where Chuck knew that he had to protect Sarah as much as she protected him. That was a theme they kind of got away from and I’m not sure why. It was gold.

        Hard Salami was for the scene when C/S are fighting in the trunk — as equals. It was a scream.

        Colonel was the climax of the series, IMO. At that point, they tried to start over. When I think about the show, I try and forget about the 1st 13 of S3.

        Phase Three was the first time we saw Sarah as pure bad-ass, will do anything for the guy she now loves. The scene where they juxtaposed Sarah in Chuck’s dream vs her pleading with him in reality was so well done that I’m surprised it hasn’t won awards.

        I enjoyed Subway very much. I agree it was probably the most intense. I have a hard time separating it from Ring II and that wasn’t nearly as good. The big bad organization that they had been at war with is destroyed when Casey and Morgan capture 5 accountant types in a stairwell? Come on guys, lol.

      • Agree, except for Phase 3.

    • the suburbs
      the first kill
      Phase Three
      the wookie

  4. phase three…nuff said

  5. Here’s my list.

    1. Phase Three
    2. Honeymooners
    3. Colonel
    4. Other Guy
    5. Cougars

  6. 1. Cougars
    2. Truth
    3. Pilot
    4. First Date
    5. Colonel

  7. In no particular order (because they’re all good)

    Phase 3
    First Date

    I would like to say that Other Guy would make the list, but it doesn’t crack the top 20. Which is a shame because it should be at the top of the list.

    • I’ve always wondered what your top 5 was. 😉 All good choices. There’s a thread that runs through these, isn’t there? 😛

    • What didn’t you like about Other Guy?

      • Oooh, don’t get him started! 😛 **ducks and runs**

      • Far too much story before OG to be magically “fixed” in one episode or DYLM. DYLM especially required far more setup to be a meaningful moment in TV lore. Instead it’s more of a “Thank God we can finally move on” moment. I could go on about Sarah being a prime candidate for a Darwin Award or Chuck’s climatic moment meaning nothing, but that enough for now.

      • See what I mean.:)

  8. No one likes the Cliffhanfer?!
    I love it!!!~~
    3.Phase three
    5.the other guy
    Actually I love all of Chuck episodes!!!~~

  9. Chuck vs subway
    Chuck vs ring part 2
    Chuck vs ring
    Chuck vs other guy
    Chuck vs cliffhanger
    Chuck vs beard
    Chuck vs first fight

    Damn I’ve gone over my limit lol well these are my top five….(plus two)
    But the top two are like one long episode so I can get away with it :p

  10. Here’s mine:

    1- Vs the Colonel
    2- Vs Phase Three
    3- Vs The Other Guy
    4- Vs the First Date
    5- Vs the Wookiee

    Special mentions to:

    1- Vs The Honeymooners
    2- Vs The Cliffhanger

  11. 1.Pilot
    5.Broken Heart

  12. I’m definitely going to go over 5, but my all time fav’s, the ones i never get tired of (in no particular order):

    Ring part 2
    Phase 3
    (and most of season one and two 🙂 – haha )

  13. I can’t pick just five

    1) Other Guy
    2) Honeymonners
    3) Pilot
    4) Phase III
    5) Colonel
    6) DeLorean
    7) Cougars
    8) Push Mix
    9) American Hero
    10)The Three Words

  14. Okay. Top 5 proved more difficult than I thought so I’m taking the Pilot as a given (you know; it’s in there but doesn’t count as 1 of my 5 :p ) the rest, in no particular order:

    First Date
    Seduction Impossible
    Wedding Planner

    Interestingly, 4 of the 5 are from Seasons 3 & 4. But then I’ve always thought that, even though these seasons had their issues, they both contained some of the best episodes of the series.

    Also, on the face of it, this list looks like all Chuck and Sarah episodes; they are really Team Bartowski episodes. In each one Casey is either rescuing or being rescued (apart from Subway where they all need rescuing 😉 ).

    This, of course, is just my opinion. 🙂

    • Wedding Planner would likely be my #6 or #7. It is an excellent episode. 😉

      • There are so many that hover around my top 5. I think Colonel, Tic Tac, The Other Guy Seduction and First Fight all had a shot at being there. The ones I chose are the ones that I could watch multiple times without skipping any part of it. A lot of excellent episodes slip down the list due to too much Emmett or Tang or Lester or ….someone else. 😉

  15. If I’m being honest, I really don’t know any of the episodes by their official titles (Chuck vs. ___) save a few. I think I have their numbers down, though!
    1. Season 3 Episode 12- Reasons? Chuck tries to win Sarah back, confesses his love. So sweet and romantic yet also lots of action and suspense.
    2. Chuck vs. Imported Salami (Yeah I remember that title!… I think)- Reasons? Bryce returrnnnsss, Chuck breaks it off with Lou after Sarah kisses him (awwww)
    3. Season 2 Episode 22- a classic.
    4. Season 4 Episode 23- Idk, just something about that episode drew me in. Maybe it was the first one I really enjoyed in a while and I’m a sucker for cliffhangers! (Especially ones that involve Chuck and Sarah needing to rescue one another =))
    5. Ugh there are so many episodes floating around in my head that I just can’t chose… Season 2 episode 21? Season 4 episode 13? Season 3 episode 2? Season 3 episode 18? I really don’t understand why everyone disliked season 3 so much. I personally loved it and didn’t even mind Shaw that much.

    • I thought Shaw made a horrible member of the team, but a GREAT bad guy 🙂

    • I really love season 3 as well. personally I love the second half the most because it is well just “Awesome” 😉

  16. 1. Chuck vs. The Honeymooners
    2. Chuck vs. The Cliffhange
    3. Chuck vs. The Push Mix
    4. Chuck vs. Seduction Impossible
    5. Chuck vs. The Colonel

  17. receptionitis66

    Chuck vs. the Colonel has been my favorite and has remained my favorite since it aired! I’ve watched it about 20 times on iTunes.

    • I need to watch that one again. I do remember liking it and obviously it is in many people’s top 5. When I looked back on the episodes, most of the last 4-6 eps of both S2 and S3 were pretty incredible! It was really hard to pick only 5.

  18. 1) Chuck Vs The Dream Job
    2) Chuck Vs The Predator
    3) Chuck Vs the BreakUp
    4) Chuck Vs the Nemesis
    5) Chuck Vs the First Fight

  19. Gotta say American Hero; Chuck lays it on the line to Sarah, yet he maintains his loyalty to Casey and to top it off he saves the life of his rival. This episode was the game changer.

  20. My favorites (although I like them all):
    1) Chuck vs. the Ring
    2) Chuck vs. the Dream Job
    3) Chuck vs. the Colonel
    4) Chuck vs. the Push Mix
    5) Chuck vs. the Other Guy

    Chuck vs. the First Date
    Chuck vs. the Santa Claus
    Chuck vs. the Beard
    Chuck vs. the First Fight

  21. 1)Dream Job – the perfect Chuck episode
    4)Subway/Ring Pt. II (I know I’m kind of cheating)
    5)Other Guy

    Honorable Mention:
    6)Santa Clause
    7)Intersect (Pilot)
    8)Alma Mater
    9)Phase Three
    10)First Date
    14)Wedding Planner

  22. Man, it’s really hard to choose just five among the best. It’s probably easier to choose the five I like the least…

    The ones that come to mind first are:

    – Pilot – I absolutely love this episode; it makes you fall in love with all of the main characters instantly, especially Chuck, of course. 🙂
    – Santa Claus – Maybe the one that best mixes the Buy More B-plot with the main plot (because the whole episode takes place in the same setting? :P). Also, the decision Chuck has to make, of telling the false cop/Fulcrum agent about the Intersect to save his friends and family, always strikes me as one of his greatest moments in the show.
    – Beard – The Chuck-Morgan heart-to-heart is one of my favorite scenes EVER. Bravo, Director Zach. 🙂
    – Phase 3 – Give an Emmy to Yvonne already!
    – Ring – Great season finale.

    Others I love: Nemesis, Honeymooners (the ending scenes alone make up for some of the best “Chuck” moments), Marlin, Salami, Colonel, Subway… The list could go on and on.

    • This. I know they are not ordered here, and without a doubt first on my list would be the ring, second probably santa claus, third beard. But this is my list of 5.

      Although it breaks my heart not to include ‘subway’.

  23. By the way, did you know that the British magazine SFX gave “The Ring” ELEVEN stars on their review of the episode? As far as I can tell, it was a first-and-only event. In their own words: “Bet you never knew we had a rating system that goes all the way up to 11. But what better time to wheel it out than for an episode that a) is just so bloody fantastic and b) features the return of Jeffster! (…). The episode isn’t perfect (…) but episodes don’t need to be perfect to warrant an 11-star review. The good bits just have to be so good you don’t give a flying triple kick about the little niggles.” (SFX 184, July 2009) I hope it is OK to include such a lenghty quote here; I think they make an excellent point as to how to choose your favorite episodes.

  24. 1. Santa Claus
    2. The Ring
    3. Wookiee
    4. Cougars
    5. Marlin

    These are the episodes I seem to watch over and over again.

  25. Phase Three
    Wedding Planner
    Push Mix
    Believe me this got really hard to call after the first two.

  26. Nemesis
    First Fight
    Other Guy
    First Date

    I recognize that there are7 in my top 5.

  27. My top 5:
    1.Phase 3
    2.Subway/Ring 2(they aired together.)
    3.First Date
    4.Other Guy
    T5.Santa Claus
    T5.Cubit Z
    T5.Couch Lock
    T5.First Fight
    T5.Push Mix
    T5.Best Friend
    T5.Dream Job
    T5.First Kill

  28. 1. Honeymooners: just plain fun, best episode of S3, and the scene in the end with Chuck, Sarah and Beckman is one of my absolute favorites.

    2. Colonel: Best episode of S2 in my view, very well written.

    3. Pilot: another well-written episode, best of S1.

    4. Delorean: well written, good integration with buy more, Sarah backstory.

    5. Cliffhanger: Best of the season (or midseason) finales and best episode of S4.

  29. My top 5:

    1. Phase 3
    2. Beard
    3. DeLorean
    4. Best Friend
    5. Santa Claus (stylistic choice)

  30. there’s never ONLY FIVE of them! Phase Three, The Colonel, Honeymooners, Push Mix, Helicopter, Cliffhanger… I just love this show BIG TIME!

  31. I can only do a list of two at the moment with possible contenders. I’m doing a full Summer Rewatch so perhaps if this topic could be revived before S5 starts, I can give my final definitive list.

    Until then:

    The Pilot (AKA vs. The Intersect)
    The Nemesis

    possibles (subject to change):
    The Delorean
    The Tic-Tac
    The Couch Lock

    Oh, the commitment! 😉

  32. In no particular order:
    1.01 Intersect
    2.22 Ring
    3.14 Honeymooners
    4.09 Phase Three
    4.11 Balcony (unusual pick, I’m sure)

    Honourable Mention:
    1.04 Wookie
    1.08 Truth
    2.02 Seduction
    2.21 Colonel
    3.09 Beard
    3.10 Tic Tac
    3.13 Other Guy
    3.18 Subway
    4.01 Anniversary
    4.07 Suitcase
    4.13 Push Mix
    4.21 Wedding Planner

  33. I think that there are more than 5 top five episodes that everybody has. The reason for this is that C/S relationship evolved so long that it has its great moments in every single episode. Indeed Phase Three was one of the most intense ones, in season 2 there are more than 5 best ever episodes and season 3 from Chuck vs. the Other Guy was a blow. Debating over which episode is better is useless since we all LOVE the show and we know that once it is gone every minute from Chuck will be our dearest.

  34. Thank you for finally doing the obvious friday Five option

    Here is my list

    T2. Alma Mater – this is a controversal one but it was just a great episode. this is the very first episode of chuck i saw (sorry got on the band wagon late) and i is the best of the 1st season.
    T2. Subway/Ring Part 2 – these can be counted together. they aired together and are sold on itunes together so they are one episode. this was a truly great one. I have watched it 107 time on my ipod and probaly atleast 20 on the DVD’s. It had the vilan the dastardly plan the death that was needed.Just Great.
    3.Ring – ellies 2 weddings roark casey going bad ass with his military buds and then casey realizing that that fabric clashed with the bunte (what ever that is)well done episode.
    4. first Fight – needed one from season 4 to round it off. debatabaly the best of season 4. I think Fear of Death and Push Mix are right up there with this one for the season 4 rankings
    5.Other Guy – also truly great and very touching. my mom cried when chuck shot shaw. i have rewatched this again and again.

    Wondering why a tie for 2 cuz i have a #1
    Drumb roll please.(For those ofyou actually drum rolling you are a try chuckster)
    1. Chuck in general!

    Mel you should do one for top 5 funniest episodes and serious episodes and hartfelt episodes…

  35. 5. Chuck Vs. Push Mix-Funniest JEFFSTER! moment
    4. Chuck Vs Other Guy-Chuck Vs. Shaw pt.1
    3.Chuck Vs. Phase 3-GIANT BLONDE SHE-MALE FTW!
    2. Chuck Vs The Ring- “I Know Kung Fu”
    1. Chuck Vs. Tom Sawyer- Rush, Missile Command, and this line:
    Casey: They’re not gonna come. They have jobs, and families-
    (Chuck nods “no”)

    Chuck Vs Pilot-Where it all began
    Chuck Vs. Beard-Best Buy-More, Zac’s directing talent unleashed
    Chuck Vs. Colonel- Do you know how many people wanna be in Chuck’s Chucks at the top of the episode?
    Chuck Vs. DeLorean-Ferris Bueller references, General Lee at the end, just Morgan’s best episode
    Any others?

  36. Phase Three
    Other Guy
    I’m noticing a pattern in my favorites…all Charah moments perhaps? Yup(: gotta love em\'(:

  37. 5 best episodes for me…
    1. phase three
    2. pilot
    3. the other guy
    4. colonel
    5. Last Detais


  38. This is going to be hard not to put up ten , but I will give it a go…

    Phase Three
    Other Guy
    Fake Name


    Seduction Impossible

  39. phase three
    other guy
    first date

  40. I’ve only seen season 1-3 but my top 5 (So far) are:

    1. Vs The Other Guy
    2. The Pilot
    3. Vs The Best Friend
    4. Vs The Beard
    This is harder than I thought! There’s so many I want to put in but:
    5. Vs The Hard Salami

    Honourable mention to:

    Vs The Honeymooners
    Vs The Seduction
    Vs The Truth
    Vs Santa Claus
    Vs The Suburbs

  41. Not a single person said Chuck vs. the Gobbler. I think that episode has some truly touching moments in it for example the plane scene with Mama B and Sarah and the playing of Miike Snow’s Silvia in the background. One of my fav. Chuck moments ever 🙂