You Know You’re a Chuck Fan If…

It’s a long summer without Chuck, so we thought this would be a good time to deploy an idea we’ve had for a list of ways to tell if you’re a Chuck fan. Feel free to add yours in the comments!

  • You’ve saved every episode on your DVR, even though you also have them on DVD/Blu-Ray.
  • Your emergency code word is…PINEAPPLE.
  • You’ve had a hate on for a song since it debuted on the radio, but after being used on Chuck, you buy it on iTunes. (We’re looking at you, Ke$ha.)
  • In a stressful situation you tell someone “don’t freak out”, then start giggling.
  • “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” is your ring tone.
  • You’ve taken up bonsai as a hobby.
  • You’ve ever eaten a meal consisting of Subway, cheese puffs, and grape soda.
  • You know why the meal above is relevant.
  • You can substitute a grunt for 18 different words.
  • Hearing “Fat-Bottomed Girls” on the radio makes you feel both nostalgic and triumphant.
  • When shopping for a wedding gift, you consider a set of knives, just in case.
  • Your other car is a Nerd Herder.
  • You own a Sleep Sheep. And it has a JEFFSTER! t-shirt.
  • You remember where you were during the Chuckpocalypse.
  • You bought a TRON poster to disguise top secret information.
  • You looked forward to Mondays.
  • Tuesday mornings gave you anxiety attacks.
  • You know what PLI, GBecks, The Governor, Papa B, and Charah mean and can use them in a sentence.
  • You eagerly anticipate a Fountain Scene.
  • You bought a pair of black, thigh-high boots.
  • You’re considering a train trip through Europe for your next romantic getaway.
  • You nicknamed your brother-in-law Captain Awesome out of irony. He doesn’t get it.

Your turn, Chucksters! What’ve you got?

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  1. MyNameIsJeffNImLost

    You subscribe to the RSS feed and laugh when reading “You know you’re a Chuck fan” lists.

  2. When you walk into Subway you think to yourself, what would Big Mike get?

  3. lol@the grunt substituting for 18 different words :p

  4. You expect JEFFSTER! to start playing when you walk into the Home Theater Department at your local Best Buy.

  5. you point out everyone you’ve seen on chuck or music you’ve heard on chuck when you see them or hear it elsewhere

  6. You start counting down the days until season five.

  7. receptionitis66 is bookmarked on your Internet

    Your iPod has a playlist called “Chuck Songs”

    You walk into Best Buy with a Nerd Herd shirt hoping someone will notice

    You have a homemade Nerd Herd poster tacked on your wall

    Not only do you have all the episodes of Chuck DVR’ed to high heaven, any Leno/Letterman interview with Zac Levi, regardless if it was about Chuck or Tangled, is also on your DVR

    Zac’s twitter is a bi-weekly check-in point

    you’re the person people tell excitedly “Guess what?! I started watching Chuck!” because you’re the local Chuck nerd.

    Lastly, you’re proud or say “thanks for the compliment!” whenever someone calls you a nerd.

    • I thought I’m the only person with a playlist called “Chuck Songs” 😛

    • I have a Chuck Songs playlist on my iPod too. I’m up to about 50 songs and, sadly, they’re in the order of the episodes that they appeared in.

      – You say ‘Chuck me!’, as a euphemism for the alternative, openly in public even though your friends don’t get it.

      – You have a running joke with your family where every time one of you grunts with annoyance, the others call you ‘Casey’.

      – You own a Captain Awesome t-shirt and an Orange Orange hoodie.

      • Oh man! I only have a handfull of sont on my “Chuck songs.” Would you mind sharing your list?

  8. I just gotta say, for this one?

    *In a stressful situation you tell someone “don’t freak out”, then start giggling.*

    I did this YESTERDAY.

  9. You call the Geek Squad at you local Best Buy the Nerd Herd and you’ve done it so often that they actually respond to it.

    You automatically do “the Morgan” when hearing the word pineapple.

  10. Your alter ego is a spy named agent Charles Carmichael.

    You’ve checked the theatre room at your local Best Buy for a trap door leading to a secret CIA base.

    You are #notanielsenfamily.

    • “Your alter ego is a spy named agent Charles Carmichael”

      My alter ego isn’t, but my youtube name is 🙂

  11. You believe the word “no” is properly spoken using all the vowels in the alphabet

    • You and your hubby’s secret code to leave a boring party is “time machine”.

      Instead of saying “I just need to run in & grab a soda” when pulling into the 7-11, you say “Stay in car” and your hubby responds “It’s never safe in the car!”.

  12. You walk in to PC World and expect to see a Nerd Herd station.

  13. Cobrastyle is my ringtone.

    And more than once, when I’ve needed a piece of tech, I’ve typed in instead of

  14. – You sing along to the Chuck theme song every time it pops up on the screen even though it does not have any words.

    – As soon as a season finale airs, you start a rewatch of the entire series to see how it all fits together.

  15. You can segue any conversation into being about “Chuck” and not even notice you are doing it. I have done that a few times and kind of scared myself.

  16. You read everything on here including comments an tick off all that apply/ all lol

  17. You still laugh out loud/get a case of the “oh-noes”/become verklempt while re-watching episodes that, frankly, you could probably recite verbatim you’ve watched them so often.

    While doing this, you are planning your next 4-season re-watch opportunity.

  18. You watch all or at least part of an episode once a day or check on the latest news at

  19. * you consider one nerd.
    * you after to scare untied one bawl unrecognizable.
    * you being of any place of the world run the Internet to know its new features.

  20. Created a pdf of all the official title, air date, synposes, complete with dvd cover art for each season, and downloaded to my nook. Helps me keep track, and reads like a short novel.

  21. You consider the four leaf clover Boxers as a legitimate choice, you are much more aware of music in commercials and you tend to give Chuck dvd’s as gifts.

  22. Buy More Bagger

    You say to your Significant Other:

    ” I didn’t ask you ro believe me, I asked you to Trust Me”



  23. You refer to the Geek Squad as the Nerd Herd on accident. (Told my husband a few weeks ago that the Nerd Herd was coming to look at our refrigerator… he was so confused!) 🙂

  24. UnleashTheCasey

    …you use a chuck character instead of yourself for your Gravitar.

  25. You hear Rush’s Tom Sawyer on a classic rock station and you immediately think “music of the universe”, have an urge to play missile command, and you think about how sexy Sarah looked in that nerd herd outfit.

    You keep refering to Best Buy as the Buy More without realizing it.

    You are watching a Boston Bruins game, you see Chara on the back of a jersey and you think – wait they spelled it wrong – they forgot the h on the end of Charah.

  26. – If you hear a song somewhere public, you can name the season # and episode name that it was used in.

    – You have a nerd herd logo wallpaper for your phone

    – You own a buymore shirt and wear it every monday as a tradition

    – Whenever a season ends you immediately feel Chuck-less and in withdrawl… (which is what I feel right now)

    – If your last name starts with a B, you refer to your parents as Mama B and Papa B

  27. If you work at an electronics store that competes with Best Buy, a customer asks you a question you don’t know the answer to, and you say without thinking, “You might want to go across the street and ask the guys at the Nerd Herd desk.”

    That one isn’t made up, either…Honest to God, I actually did that once! 😀

  28. -believe no spy couple on tv is better then chuck and sarah
    -talk about chuck none stop and during renewal time won’t stop talking about it and getting family to ‘save chuck’

  29. you do something cool and automatically say
    Guys i know kung fu

  30. You hear somebody grunt and you wonder was that a number 7?

  31. -I would talk about Chuck all the time until my friends find me annoying…:(
    -I would use some Chuck quotes in my daily conversation, and I’d start giggling
    -If anyone ask about any episode about Chuck, I can refer to the exact episode without the help of wiki
    -I enjoy eating cheese puffs

  32. im lost what is PLI i know the rest

    • Haha! You know you’re a Chuck fan if you’ve pushed all PLIs (potential love interests) out of your mind! You’ve forgotten about them now that Chuck and Sarah are together 🙂

  33. “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” is your ring tone.

    -My phone rang while I was reading this. Guess what my ringtone is…

  34. You consider Kevin Bacon as a piglet, not an actor.

    You get excited when season 4 airs in your Country, even though you’ve already seen it all online….Twice

    • I’ll get really excited if Chuck S04 airs in Hong Kong!~~
      even though I’ve the whole translated S04(I took part in translating Chuck from English into Chinese) in your hard disc!~~

  35. You’ve watched every episode on DVD so many times that in order to get something fresh, you dream up your own fantasy episodes of “Chuck” (a skill that will come in handy during the eternity that will follow season 5)

  36. When every chance I get to listen to my MP3 player I listen to Chuck vs Podcast, or SWFG podcast.

    I cant wait to see coleague at work who watches Chuck so can talk about it in person rather than on the boards.

    Considered getting up in the early hours of the morning to rewatch episodes with
    Chuck TV.

    Cheched on line for air fares and hotel costs to got to San Diego Comic con to see Chuck panel but reconsidered as a: damm expensive from UK and b; with my luck if I booked to go can guarantee that the show would get cancelled.
    You can thank me now.

    • I want to go to comic con too, Zac has a nerd machine panel too, but I’m too young to travel on my own…

  37. You actually know a person named Daniel Shaw and automatically hate him for his name.

    When your first name is really Chuck (and mine is), you insist on your wife saying, “You’re still my Chuck” every day.

    You walk into a Best Buy and ask where the secret entrance to Castle is.

    You insist on a wedding band playing “Mr. Roboto”

    You receive a watch as a gift and ask if it has a tracer or a governor built in it.

    You volunteer to go along on police stake-outs and offer to bring a mixed tape and sizzling shrimp.

    • Whenever I see someone I know in my car I play private eyes and pretend to be on a stakeout!
      Every time you see sizzling shrimp on a menu you have to order it.
      You giggle every time you here the name chuck.
      You call your friend named Casey “Casey and the sunshine band” was actually doing this before that episode “walker flocka flame” is another cool one I use
      You know feel like a bad ass cause you own a crown vic

  38. When you have a Charah wallpaper and a Nerd Herd screen saver on your laptop. And you can’t get rid of the laptop even though it’s breaking down for just this reason.

  39. – You recognize each Chuck star, extra & guest star in other shows and movies and say it out loud annoying ur friends & family: He/she was on Chuck! …or… look aint that Rafe Gruber…also… Aint that Superman? Naeiou, he’s that dang Shaw 🙂

    – When you hear a song you know exact Chuck episode & moment that goes with

    – You named ur pet – Orion / I did 🙂

    – Got Buy More wallpaper/desktop pic on ur computer, laptop, iPhone & iPad.

    – You got Toyota Sienna, the best stakeout car in the world 🙂

    – When ur buying new pair of shades you take a good look if aint that Intersect upgrade or Intersect eraser 🙂

  40. monchthechuckfreak

    ~you posted Chuck quotes from each episode on your Facebook status leading up to the fourth season

    ~when you go to talk to your friends and family, they know when you’re about to talk about Chuck

    ~you have 2 countdowns leading up to season 5 of Chuck, one on your iPod & one on your computer

    ~you compare most couples in movies/tv shows to Chuck & Sarah

    ~you have the Chuck logo & a picture of the cast hanging above your bed

    (the sad thing is I’ve done all of these and most if not all of what previous commentors have posted…)

    • monchthechuckfreak

      also, my ringtone isn’t “Short Skirt, Long Jacket”, it’s the “Mexican Hat Dance” bcuz that’s Chuck’s ringtone for his phone 🙂

  41. When your online poker account is called “Chuck Me 91” and people always think my name is Chuck. It makes it smile!

    Also, I have a Chuck playlist in order in which they were in the show!

  42. You spend hours on end voting in online polls for Chuck or Chuck cast members.
    Vote for Yvonne in this new poll – TV Stars We Want To See As Movie Stars

  43. -You pass out, for whatever reason, and your first words when you come to are ‘I know kung-fu!’
    -You’re at a store trying on sunglasses, and spontaiously start jumping and flinging your arms and legs around.

  44. When somebody you know has an interview with the CIA and you and your friends joke that Casey and Walker are going to show up at your door ready to interrogate.

  45. LOL, I was actually working on my list the same time Mel was and she beat me to it! 🙂 So I’ll add my favorites (apologies if they are duplicates – I’m traveling and internet is sketchy, making it hard to read all the other comments!):

    Your sister tells you that she thinks you have an unhealthy obsession with “that show”

    A good proportion of your music collection is songs that have been featured on Chuck

    You’ve spent more than one entire evening incessantly voting for Chuck in an online poll

    You divide your friends into “Chuck friends” and “other friends”

    You’ve written letters to NBC begging for them to save the show

    You regularly make references to scenes from Chuck in normal conversation with your family and non-fan friends

    You secretly hope to see Jeff and Lester every time you go into Best Buy

    You’ve at least considered naming a child or a pet after a character

    You feel an overwhelming urge to buy yourself a big jug of cheese balls if you’re feeling down

    Your favorite T-shirt is one you bought after you saw it on Chuck

    And… last but not least…

    You are a regular contributor to a Chuck fan site 🙂

    • I named my cats mo and lester so that kind counts…

      • I love when I start talking about chuck to nonfan friends and they just look at me like I’m dumb so I feel the need to explain the whole show from the beginning(:

  46. OMG!~~Chuck fan are sooo sweet!~~
    Can I share this on a Chinese Chuck forum?
    Thank you in advance!~~

  47. you compare something that happened to you with a scene from chuck.
    sometimes you try to make the flash face. especially after watching sarah try it.

  48. I named My Cats after Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker In Honor of My Favorite Characters of My Favorite Show “Chuck!!!”

  49. You know you’re a Chuck fan when…

    – You’re trying to hook up your new DVD player and hope you “flash” on the instructions.

    – Your wife asks you how to spice up the marriage, and you tell her to walk in slow motion with a fan blowing on her.

    – You start picturing what your husband would look like shirtless and using inversion boots…even though he weighs 300 pounds.

    – You grimace at your co-worker’s suggestion of getting lunch at Quizno’s, Jersey Mike’s, Blimpie’s, or Jimmy John’s.

    – You start entering and exiting your house through the window.

    – You salute anybody shorter than 5′.

    – You comment on your spouse’s “bed head” as making funny animal shapes.

    – The thought of pancake-wrapped sausages or frozen yogurt gets you horny.

    – Thanksgiving goes off without a hitch, and you instantly wonder if you’re dreaming.

    – You were depressed for a week because John Casey didn’t get to kill Osama Bin Laden.