Chuck Season 4 Premieres in Latin America July 6

Good news for our Chucksters South of the border! Chuck season 4 will debut on the Warner Channel in Latin America Wednesday, July 6. Thanks to MCLCloss for the head’s up!

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  1. Like i was going to wait… But now i can watch it again, thanks for the heads up.

  2. Now we can see Chuck in Costa Gravas!

  3. Finally!!
    not that i haven’t seen the whole season(at least twice) yet….but that’s…humm…what’s the best way to say it?….AWESOME!!!!

  4. ultimatechucklover

    Will the people on Hulu put the episodes on there because my mom erased all my dvr ones. I only have two episodes on my ipod too. I can’t live like this! lol

  5. Cool, it starts here in New Zealand tomorrow, should be fun.

  6. FINALLY!!! Oh, and it seems they already moved it to Fridays. Well, as far as they didn’t change the schedule without fair warning as the past season, everything is going to be fine.