The special edition of TV Guide is always a hot collectible at Comic Con, and this year it’s even hotter as the cast of Chuck grace one of the four covers! Other features shows are The Big Bang Theory, Fringe, and The Vampire Diaries.
All four collectible covers will be distributed at the Warner Bros. booth, #4545, on the convention floor throughout Comic-Con, beginning on preview night, Wednesday, July 20, and continuing through Sunday, July 24.
- For those not able to attend Comic-Con in person: Fear not! All four collectible covers will be on sale from July 21–28 at newsstand checkout wherever TV Guide Magazine is sold and will also be available at additional newsstands thereafter. The special issue can also be ordered online beginning July 12 at
Get more information, and see all four covers, at
Bitchin’! God it just makes the fact I can’t be there feel even worse but at least I get to stare at the pretty picture. On my computer screen.
So we can pick it up any time from Wednesday to Sunday at the WB Booth?
Last year they were part of the packet you got when you picked up your badge. If you don’t get the cover you want, you can go to the booth and exchange it.
Nice to see Chuck finally get a well deserved TV guide cover.I will have to get mine at the checkout line.
I am sooooo goinh to try and get that!!!
Wow Mel. At first I thought, “Pick up a copy for me.” But then I thought ask Warner Brothers if you can get permission to use the cover photo on the website for Season 5. That is such a cool picture of our heroes!
Can we order that here in Europe? I’d like to buy it.
Mel, can you resell and ship it?
Let me see how many I can score and I’ll get back with you, OK?
Sure. It’s the closest I can get to being there 🙂
“Blue Steel” never gets old. I guess it’s “Green Steel”, though. 😉