Friday Five: Best Cat Fights

Mel’s Note: Cay brings us this week’s Friday Five, and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it first!

I’ve always been drawn to shows with strong female leads, especially when those women could hold their own with the guy,s mentally and physically. Indeed, some of my favorite shows over the years reflect this preference – Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alias and Chuck all feature strong women capable of taking out an opponent (or two, or the undead) single-handedly. Chuck has proven to be particularly full of strong, kickbutt females. Obviously we have Sarah Walker, but we also have Carina and the rest of the C.A.T. squad, Anna Wu and a dozen other women on the sides of both good and evil that have graced the screen since season 1.

I thought it would be fun to rank my favorite fights involving the lovely ladies of Chuck and, just to make sure that the guys don’t zone on us this week, I figured that I’d do “cat”  (or should I say C.A.T.?) fights!

Top Five Chuck Cat Fights:

1. Sarah versus Smooth Lau (Best Friend, S2) – This has got to be one of the best fight scenes of all time! After Sarah gets ambushed in the garage by the TRIAD member, the two of them fight it out inside a luxury car using various parts of the car as weapons.  A seat belt and a CD will never be just a seat belt and a CD again. Seriously epic!

2. Sarah versus Heather Chandler (Nicole Ritchie, vs the Cougars, S2) – This fight had it all – high school rivals, pretty dresses, high heels….and a locker room full of showers! While we always root for Sarah, all of us who didn’t have much fun in high school were really pulling for her here to knock the snot out of “the mean girl” from high school that made her (our) lives miserable back then. After knocking her out (by throwing a knife to knock over a Cougar head which falls on her), Sarah then has to walk back into the gym full of her classmates, soaking wet, barefoot, and bloody, to accept her crown as “Reunion Queen”. Go Cougars (gotta love the choice of mascot, too)!

3. Sarah versus Carina (Wookie, S1) – The first time we meet Carina, she breaks into Sarah’s room and Sarah takes her on using a bar of soap in a sock as well as a vase as a weapon. They destroy most of her room (poor goldfish!) until Sarah realizes who she is fighting and they decide to work together.

4. Sarah versus Lizzie the schwarma girl (Marlin, S1) – This is one of the few fights Sarah hasn’t won. She and Lizzie duke it out in the Weinerlicious over Big Mike’s marlin, which happens to have both Ellie’s engagement ring and a radio receiver/recorder that may contain Chuck’s secret identity hidden in it.  Lizzie gets away with the Marlin and locks Sarah in the freezer. Later on, they duke it out again on the roof and Sarah finally prevails.

5. Sarah versus Zondra ( C.A.T. squad, S4)  – As Sarah and Zondra concentrate on pounding each other in the gym in Castle while accusing each other of being a mole, they both realize a minute too late that neither of them was the one who betrayed the C.A.T. squad on that fateful mission. Amy joins the brawl, knocks Zondra out and attempts her escape. With some help from Chuck, the C.A.Ts manage to bring down Amy in the Buy More with the cord from a curling iron.

Can you guys think of any I missed? What were your favorites and why?

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  1. Sarah versus La Ciudad in Tango! That was the first one, I think. Awesomeness!

  2. How about Sarah and the model from Suitcase on the runway?

    • Agree. The catwalk cat fight was far better than the fight with Zondra in my view. (Side note: has “five best Sarah fight scenes” been done before?)

      • Mea culpa, how did I forget that one? Probably because the beginning of season 4 was so long ago and I don’t have the eps on DVR, so I haven’t seen them in eons. I knew I was probably missing some from the first half of season 4. Thanks for filling in my blanks!

  3. Sarah vs La Ciudad (Tango, S1) gets a special mention because it was the first and only cat fight in her Wienerlicious uniform.

    • I take that back. You mentioned the fight with Lizzie the schwarma girl in the Wienerlicious… don’t forget the one on the roof of the helopad.

  4. Sarah vs Sydney (Angie Harmon) – Operation Awesome, season 3.

  5. I surely expected the catwalk fight to make the top 5! If for no other reason, the music alone was great 🙂

  6. La Ciudad fight should be on the list. However I think the one versus Smooth Lau was probably the best.

  7. I agree with the Smooth Lau set-to taking the No. 1 position, but Sarah’s final punch in The Suitcase (slo mo, natch!) where she leaps into the air to add her body weight to it is just a visual treat.

    Great idea for a list, Cay. Should have been a top ten, though, apparently. There’s enough worthy material. Maybe we need to have a Tuesday ten? 😉

  8. How about Cat fights I would have loved to see.

    Sarah vs Jill and Sarah vs Agent Forrest.

  9. Speaking of fights I would have loved to see – I wasn’t a Chuck fan site reader at the time, so I may be stepping in a hornets nest – but, had Kristin Kreuk been cast differently, she could have been an awesome pugilist for Yvonne Strahovski. Fresh off of filming “Street Fighter,” she would have had the chops for some serious small screen fisticuffs, if she had been cast as some kind of spy rather than a civilian computer tech.

  10. @smartas86

    I don’t remember who Forrest was but Jill would be great, and still possible.