Summer Rewatch: Chuck vs. the Other Guy

Happy Friday! The Summer 2011 Rewatch continues as we move into season 3 with “Chuck vs. the Other Guy”. Join Happydayz and your fellow Chuck fans to watch and chat beginning at 8/7c tonight.

CHUCK QUESTIONS SHAW’S EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING – BRANDON ROUTH GUEST STARS – Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahvoski) and Shaw (guest star Brandon Routh) reunite to find the Ring operative behind the death of Shaw’s wife. Sarah has faith that Shaw is ready for the mission but Chuck is worried about his emotional stability. Meanwhile, Morgan (Joshua Gomez) considers leaving the Buy More. Adam Baldwin, Scott Krinsky, Vik Sahay and Mark Christopher Lawrence also star.

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  1. my favorite 5 minutes of any show or movie is in this episode. when morgan comes home to chuck drinking up to after chuck and sarah talk and kiss and right before the elevator mission scene…”you’re still chuck, you’re still my chuck” best…moment…everrr!!!

  2. so many epic moments in this episode!Chuck and Sarah finally become a couple with the ‘I fell for you after you fixed my phone and before you start defusing bombs with computer viruses’ moment, Casey’s ‘before the intersect, you are already smart’ and of course the ‘shut up kiss me’ ending! Which chuck-and-sarah fan wouldn’t cherish that, right?