Friday Five: Guest Stars We’d Like to See Return in Season 5

Mel’s Note: I’ve been sick as the proverbial dog for the past two days, and my brain is functioning just well enough to remember my password here. Fortunately, Chuck fan Don submitted a Friday Five a while back that is guaranteed to get us thinking. Enjoy!

With the final season of Chuck upon us, what a great time to revisit some of our favorite guest stars from seasons past! Here are the actors/characters I would like to see return:

  1. John Larroquette – all time favorite guest spy. This man is hilarious – wish he was a regular!
  2. Timothy Dalton – all time favorite guest bad guy…maybe back as a good guy now?
  3. Scott Bakula – all time favorite guest father…and/or Gary Cole if Papa B can’t be brought back to life.
  4. Armand Assante – all time favorite guest dictator. Come on! One more trip south of the border!
  5. Brandon Routh – all time favorite guest spy-turned-bad-guy. Love him or hate him, he made quite an impression!

What do you all think of Don’s list? Who do you hope we see again in season 5?

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  1. Brandon Routh? Seriously?

    There is still an open story line with Jill. I’d much rather see her.

    • most defineately to the open story line with jordana brewster….she’s on the run somewere out there….like to see a story line of her returning to terrorize chuck/sarah

      • seriously whats with hatin on brandon routh his charachter pushed chucks potential and later made a great villain unlike other fans im not quick to hate charachters that come between chuck and sarah

  2. I’d rather see any of Chuck’s ex-girlfriends instead of Brandon Routh.

  3. Mini Anden(Carina) S2 and Jordana Brewster(Jill).

    Carina is awesome and Jill because i wanna see Sarah kill her 😀

  4. Serously you put Brandon Routh in you must really be unwell ( I would rather be blead from my liver by Afghani Warlords) and what about Gary Cole or Cat squad members Mini and Mercedes. I also agree with Yvonne, Mckenna would make a great 4th member of the cats.

  5. 1.John Larroquette – Liked him is S4 but I’m good if he’s doesn’t return.
    2.Timothy Dalton – I think he has to pop in at least once in S5
    3.Scott Bakula – Sorry, no. Papa B has to stay dead.
    4.Armand Assante – Nope
    5.Brandon Routh – Seriously? He is not an “all time favorite” anything. (I’ll stop there but I could go on if you like.) Why bring back the worst character in the history of characters unless, you want to make an episode people don’t want to see? So, no. Please Dear God, NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    My list would have:
    1. Jonathan Cake
    2. Micheal Clarke Duncan
    3. Millicent Martin
    4. Timothy Dalton
    5. Richard Burgi

    • I really can’t think of five I’d like ot have return.

      1. Richard Burgi. Another Firefly villian turned Chuck villian. He supposedly has one of the Norseman devices and Chuck’s DNA–in the motorcycle helmet. If Carmichael Industries becomes a thorn in the goverment’s side, how can this guy not become a threat? I can see a scenario where the Charmihael and Vebanski companies start out as competitors and then work together against a common foe towards the end of the season. Hey… this plot worked great for Season 4, why not again?

      1. Jonathan Cake. I love that guy. The first guy who actually recognized Chuck’s potential as a spy. It’d be neat to see his reaction to Chuck now.

      2. Jordana Brewster. Just curious what happened to her. Plus she’s potential employee material for Chuck’s spy company.

      3. Mini Anden. Wouldn’t she have gotten fired like Team Bartowski and looking for work?

      4. Mercedes Masohn. See Mini Anden. Carmichael Industries could do worse than having its own CAT Squad.

      5. Linda Hamilton. Of course.

    • Lol! 🙂 Breathe, Captain, breathe. I agree and also like your list. In particular, Millicent Martin; it would be great to see her reunited with her son. I would add Gary Cole. Forgive me, who did Richard Burgi play?

      • Burgi = Clyde Decker

      • Thanks; I realised after I posted. So you want more conspiracy???? Or maybe a resolution on the conspiracy?

        I think Roan needs to come back again too. Someone needs to distract GBecks from all the non CIA spy work going on at the Buy More. :p

    • Aw come on! We have to have Brandon Routh come back for just one last episode!! We could call it “101 ways to kill off Daniel Shaw” or better yet, “Casey vs Target Practice”…

  6. Substitute Chevy Chase for Brandon Routh and you’ve got perfect list. I loved the whole Roarke Industries storyline. I still think the last 4 or 5 shows of season 2 is some of the best television writing I have seen.

  7. Where the heck is Jill? I would LOVE to see that loose end tied up!

  8. John staring on a Broadway show right now
    Heard discussion about Tim would be nice
    Chris is tired of Papa B questions he dead but in a flashback episode be nice
    Armand doesn’t add to mythology but as a client would be OK
    Brandon would IMO put a stake into the heart of all remaining fans watching

    Jill be OK I along with any Cat Squad members would like also see if Matt B is available for flashback scenes Gary Cole and Moma Walker be awesome

  9. Oh and one more thing, FEEL BETTER MEL!

  10. Matt Bomer, everybody!
    I’ve been watching White Collar the last few weeks and he’s just awesome! 😀

  11. Team Bartowski is going to need all the help they can get!

    1) Mama B (+Papa B?)
    2) Jack Burton (+Sarah’s mom?)
    3) Carina (+Zondra?)
    4) Jill
    5) Alexei (+Vivian?)
    6) Greta (+Greta?)
    7) Bryce Larkin?
    8) Actor Ben Savage
    9) Actor Christopher Lloyd
    10) Cameo/Guest spot from Robert Duncan McNeill!

  12. Waiting to see the doctor, so instead of reading ancient magazines, here’s my list:

    1. Matt Bomer – he was there in the pilot, I think he should be there in the final episode, even if it’s in flashback form.

    2. Scott Bakula – this show is so much about family, and we know Linda Hamilton is returning, so let’s get Papa B back somehow.

    3. Jordana Brewster – she feels like a loose end still.

    4. Mini Anden – she’s become more and more integrated into Sarah’s story, so having her back feels natural.

    5. All of the bad guys – kind of cheating to lump them all under one heading, but wouldn’t it be fun to revisit the rogue’s gallery of everyone Team Bartowski has defeated over the last few years?

  13. Mel I hope you’re feeling by the time you read these:)

    NO Brandon Routh. He’s like our Voldemort. It’s a reminder of a season that kept me in perpetual upset.

    I’d like to see –
    Devon’s parents
    Sarah’s dad
    Hartley Winterbottom’s mother

  14. I agree with others in regards to Jonathan Cake. He would be better than another appearance by Armand Assante.

  15. Off the top of my head… Scott Bakula (even if flashback), Jonathan Cake (awesome and British), John Larroquette (great in both episodes so far), Timothy Dalton (good or bad), and Jordana Brewster (just because I want it ‘confirmed’ that she didn’t join any bad-guys).

    • Whoops, how could I forgot Matt Bomer… Replace my John Larroquette with Matt… Unless you can make a new Saturday Six (just don’t read this until tomorrow)?

  16. I wish Kristin Kreuk would come back. Not as a love interest for Chuck though. Maybe as a computer nerd/tech geek for team Bartowski. I know chuck is a computer geek too, but he’d be too busy on missions.

  17. I’m not sure she can add too much to the story arc, but Heather Chandler remains one of my “would like to see again” characters. I think that Nichole Ritche did a surprisingly good job of her role.

  18. 1. Tricia Helfer – I loved the moments between Casey and Forrest in Chuck vs the Broken Heart. I was a little disappointed by learning that Carrie Anne Moss would be the love interest of Casey. I totally ship Forrest and Casey (I know… it’s weird).I think that it would have been interesting to see Forrest interacting with Chuck and Sarah after the 49B thing and the fact that Forrest failed with her mission and with Ellie after the bachelor party.

    2. John Laroquette – because Beckman and Roan are really funny when they are together.

    3. Matt Bomer – like Mel said : he was in the pilot he need to be in the last episode

    4. Scott Bakula and Linda Hamilton – It would be nice to see them together in at least one scene of Chuck

    • but if casey was with forrest he would never have a “real” relationship because she is all work, and caseys character would never be able to grow n my oppion.

      • You mean if Casey was with Forrest since chuck versus the broken heart ? Because I’d like to see them together now not since that episode.

  19. Would love to see any of the previous love interests come back, (Cole, Bryce, Hannah, Jill – especially Jill), just to see how they play it out now that Chuck and Sarah are married.

  20. As far as I’m concerned, I’m interested to see again:

    -Cole Barker (would be nice to see him interact with Chuck and Sarah, as spy partners, and as a married couple)
    -Jill (some unfinished business…heck, she could be with Carrie Anne Moss’ agency)
    -Mama B.
    -Hartley Winterbottom (T.Dalton is priceless)

    I’m not interested to see:

    -Bryce Larkin; he is DEAD. Let him stay dead.
    -Papa B.; as much as I like him, he is dead also (unless in a flashback).
    -Daniel Shaw; as far as I’m concerned, we have seen him too much already. He is in a CIA prison, let him stay there.

  21. What about Chuck’s ex girlfriend Jill? Or maybe Captain Awesome’s dad? Hopefully they finally introduce Sarah’s mom this season. That would be cool.

  22. Bryce Larkin!!! He was the most intriguing character on Chuck. And, well, such a treat to eyes.

  23. I’d like to see more of Cole, I liked him most of Sarah’s PLIs. I’m probably one of those few who believe that Sarah had a crush on him and it was Cole who made her realize that Chuck’s the one. I also liked his episode-arc, even though I hated the whiny and useless Chuck.

    I sort of agree with Routh, Shaw was a good villain(not as good as Roark or Volkoff) but his character was so badly written before that(and he almost ruined Sarah) and his motives weren’t all that believable.

    It’d be nice to see a bit of Bryce too and I agree with the rest of the list.

  24. My top 3 are Bryce, Jill and Carina.

    Bryce and Jill are such integral parts of Chuck’s history – I would adore to see a scene with all three of them together. They could do a Stanford flashback. Also, having Jill come back with Chuck and Sarah married would be great viewing, and I really feel like Sarah and Jill need to have a kung fu fight. Just once.

    Carina’s just for fun.

  25. Matt Bomer in flashback form, and Scott Bakula not in flashback form (I’m still not convinced that he died). 😀

  26. 1 – Carina (Mini Anden) – always a fun show with Carina around.
    2 – Vivian Volkoff (Lauren Cohan)
    3 – Bryce Larkin (Matt Bomer)
    4 – Jack Burton (Gary Cole)
    5 – Hanna (Kristin Kreuk)
    6 – Kathleen McHugh (Clare Carey) I would like to see Casey(Alex) and Kathleen back together.

    Not a reoccurance, but I would like to see Chris Fedak in a cameo

    • Thank you! I am glad I am notthe only one who wants to see Casey and Kathleen together in the end! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  27. Wow! Great suggestions all; Now here are mine

    1. Jack Burton (in a confrontation with Sarah’s mom, played by Cybil Shepherd)
    2. Harley Winterbottom (with his mother and daughter in tow)
    3. Hugo Panzer (working for Gertrude Verbanski?)
    4. The guy who fwll out of the aerial tram in Switzerland (I can’t remember his name)
    5. The C.A.T. Squad (they were fun!)

  28. How could anyone’s list not include Mini Anden? Besides, in episode 3 it will be revealed that Carina is Sarah’s sister!

  29. I want to see:

    1. Daniel Shaw. He’s not dead!
    2. Jill Roberts
    3. Colt
    4. Manoosh
    5. Papa B. but only in flashbacks. He’s dead.

  30. No love for Alex Coburn? I would love to see her reaction to Morgansect.

    It’s almost impossible for me to pick just 5, but here’s a go.
    CAT Squad
    Timothy Dalton
    Mama B
    Papa B (probably in flashback)

    Of course with the exception of Shaw, I like everyone else on the other lists. TPTB have done such a great job of casting guest stars, there are very few I wouldn’t want to see back. Unfortunately only 13 episodes, and I doubt they will make everyone of them with a recurring guest star.

  31. I am surprised that Summer Glau was not on the list. I would love to have her back to throw a wrench into the works.


  32. I’d like to see
    -mama b
    -papa walker
    -cat squad

  33. I would really love to see Harry Tang. Now that Morgan is the intersect it would be really interesting to see Harry’s reaction to Morgans new skills.

  34. 1. Anna Wu
    2. Papa B [in flashbacks if necessary]
    3. Big Mike’s brother
    4. Sarah’s Mum
    5. Sarah’s Dad [love Gary Cole!]
    6. Mrs Winterbottom [another visit to “Somerset”!]
    7. Jonathan Cake
    8. Clyde Decker

  35. Chris Fedak said that season 5 would contain a different perspective to the show, only he knows what that entails. I want to see what was left open to be tied off. If their dead, leave them dead and if they were captured leave them in prison. Here’s my list

    1. John Larquette – lots of laughs & style
    2. Gary Cole – Sarah puts his talents to work for the good with their spy team
    3. Fred Willard & Swoosie Kurtz – they were hilarious
    4. Jordana Brewster – Jill returns as a villian to terrorize Chuck/Sarah
    5. Timothy Dalton – Hartley Winterbottom at his best

  36. – Linda Hamilton and Morgan Fairchild (would love a scene with mama B and mama W, where they just dont get along), – Mini Anden (just love Carina), – Harry Tang (he was so hillarious), – Tim Dalton (would love to see him with his mom and daughter), – Jordana Brewster (i think Jill and Sarah have some unfinished business)

  37. – Linda Hamilton and Morgan Fairchild (a scene with mama B and mama W, where they dont get along), – Mini Anden (love Carina), – Harry Tang (he was so hillarious), – Tim Dalton (would love to see him with his family), – Jordana Brewster (Jill and Sarah have some unfinished business)

  38. 1. Julia Ling. Please. As much as I love Alex and wouldn’t want to split that up, and its hard to see how Anna fits if not as Morgan’s love interest, I still think it would be really nice if she returned to the buy more, became one of the gang again, and all was forgiven and moved on from.

    2. John Larroquette. Yes please! I agree with Mel, I could have seen a lot more of Roan Montgomery and been plenty happy.

    3. Scott Bakula and Linda Hamilton. Even if its a flashback. It would be nice to see them play a scene together. My hope is that someone out there cares as much about the survival of Orion as they did about the survival of Bryce Larkin. I would honestly have no problem with him being alive. But a flashback is good too.

    4. Gary Cole. I like to see Gary Cole in anything. Plus, it sort of suits the bit above, and meeting Sarah’s mother. It might be nice if there was some kind of Bartowski family reunion.

    5. Jonathan Cake.

    Others I wouldn’t mind seeing, but am not going to be all pouty about if I don’t get to. Christopher Lloyd, Fred Willard/Swoozie Kurtz, Timothy Dalton, Rachel Bilson, Nicole Richie, Jeff Fahey (yah, I know we haven’t had him once yet, but a multiple-episode arc would do my fine for old Lapidus).

    People I do not feel the need to see again, for various reasons. Jill. Bryce. Daniel Shaw. Daniel Shaw. Daniel Shaw (please, do not bring back the worst thing to ever happen to Chuck, under any circumstances).

  39. Johnathan Cake; Loved him plus Morgan never met him and he knew Chuck was the intersect would be great big surprise for him.

    Jordana Brewster; hated the way the story with her never ended

    Brandon Routh; love him or hate him, well I loved him and his return would be great

    Morgan Fairchild/Bruce Boxleitner; A new baby arrived and the awesome’s haven’t not possible

    Matt Bomer; I know Bryce was killed twice, however, I really did love his character and can’t see this show ending without the reason it all began.

    Honorable Mention

    Nathan Fillion; okay so he never has guest stared but I’ve always thought he should. clearly he has connections with both Adam Baldwin and Zach Levi. Plus he is awesome!

  40. Mini Alden
    Jordana Brewster
    Vinnie Jones
    Chevy Chase (i forget what happened to his character)

    • He was killed in the castle holding cell by Miles one of Casey’s Team members and a member of the Ring.

  41. Clyde Decker kinda ticked me off… and I know that was the point of the character, so the actor obviously played it well but that being said I prefer villains that are lovable in a twisted way, like Volkoff. And while I am kinda interested to see who has been controlling their lives I hope they wrap that story plot up quick.

  42. I don’t know why everyone hates Brandon Routh so much! I love him! His plotline was so interesting, I mean I know he nearly split up Chuck and Sarah for good but I think we all knew that that wasn’t really going to happen. I think he made a great bad guy, and I would LOVE to see him come back in season 5, I’ve been wanting that every since he left. I think it would be a great to see him come back for just one episode, not an arc. I’m with everyone else that I don’t want him back for a whole story arc, but just one episode like Jill would be fantastic! And taking Shaw out of the equation, I also love Brandon Routh, so yeah, definitely should have him back. It would be great.

    • I completely agree with you. I thought Routh was fabulous as Shaw. The writing left a little to be desired (I am still completely baffled as to what his motivation was for going to the Ring. He’s not supposed to be stupid and yet he went right to them knowing full well that THEY were the ones who sent Walker to kill his wife. Made ZERO sense to me) but Routh did a fantastic job with what he was given. He always kept that creepy edge to the character, whether he was bringing Walker coffee or helping the Battlestar Gallactica Lawyer (lol, I can’t recall the actor’s or the character’s name now!) get out of the elevator scene.

  43. ROB RIGGLE! He did not get enough time to be on the show. PLEASE find a way to bring him back to life and get him on screen.

    He didn’t even get any scenes with Casey, which was completely unfair. I would love to hear stories from Baldwin about how he liked working with a REAL MARINE! 🙂