SPOILERS: Sarah’s Backstory and Awesome Family Espionage

Ausiello has a couple of quotes from Chris Fedak talking about Chuck season 5 in this week’s spoiler column.

Question: This is yours in exchange for a Chuck scoop. Also, hope you feel better. —Laura
I already have a dozen of those, but it’s the thought that counts. And it’s that thought that earned you this scoop: An upcoming episode will feature Chuck and Sarah going on their first Buy More business trip. “It doesn’t sound exciting at all,” executive producer Chris Fedak acknowledges, “but let’s just put it this way — it involves an Embassy Suites.” Still underwhelmed? Fedak reveals that “we will learn much more” of Sarah’s backstory when the show returns.

Question: Chuck spoilage, please? —Jaime
Ellie and Awesome are going to get more immersed in the spy world in Season 5. “They know about Chuck’s spy life now,” Fedak explains. “They know about the [freelance spy] company. Things have changed. It’s much more of a family story.”

“Much more” of Sarah’s backstory! Yay!

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  1. “we will learn much more” of Sarah’s backstory when the show returns.
    OMG..i can’t wait …o/…=D

  2. Yes! One of the things I hoped for in S5! :3

  3. Great news about Sarah’s backstory! Ep. 4, right?

    It would be nice to hear Sarah talking about her family to Chuck. And in a luxury hotel, while they are spending the night together…that would be great!

    Can’t wait to see season 5!

    • Not necessarily ep 4, Robert. Fedak just said we’d learn more about Sarah’s backstory this season.

      • It’s even better, then, Mel!

        I’m really curious to see how Chuck will react; maybe it will shake him a little? He loves Sarah deeply, but maybe he is still a little bit “naive” about her past? Or he will be there for her? Or both?

        Very interesting!

  4. Does anyone think the back story will be about Sarah’s early days as a spy, or about her mom. I don’t prefer one over the other, but Sarah was a different person prior to meeting Chuck, so her history as a spy in her earlier years might be as interesting as finding out about her mom.

  5. “Chuck and Sarah going on their first Buy More business trip” I’m much more interested in this then seeing Awesome & Ellie in the spy world, we saw a taste of that in season4 and to me they are as boring as possible
    As for Sarah backstory, those episodes are always nice : Cougars, DeLorean, Wedding Planner.. i’m sure this last one will keep the tradition and is going to be great 🙂