SPOILERS: Chuck Episode 5.05 Title

SpoilerTV reports that Chuck episode 5.05 will be titled “Chuck vs. the Hack Off” and involve a commune. A commune of hackers?

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  1. Also the episode will be Directed by Zachary Levi, he confirmed it in a pod-cast with Kevin Smith yesterday

  2. OK, I’m keeping score here…looks like so far we’ve got:
    5×1: the Zoom
    5×2: the Bearded Bandit
    5×3: the Frosted Tips
    5×4: the Business Trip
    5×5: the Hack Off
    If I had Doc Brown’s DeLorean, I’d set the date for October 21st since it can’t get here soon enough.

  3. ikr!? its taking too long to get herreee. and i hate they wont play reruns during the “offseason”

    • Me Too I wish they would run during the summer….I’m so sick of the reality crap

      • me too. its crap and i dont think its fair that most shows get their repeats played inbetween seasons(some are overkill and on many stations) and chuck gets nothing for five months.

  4. Arggghhhh I seriously can’t take the wait anymore!!! It’s KILLING me!! And the writers or whoever are just so kind as to release teeny tiny little bits of spoilers that they know will drive us fans crazy!!!!! October needs to get here NOW!!! @_@

  5. Ive been watching season’s 1 to 3 all over the summer and im waiting for my season 4 dvd to be shiped over i cant wait till season 5 airs.

    Ali from ENGLAND

  6. if there is hacking i suspect jeff and lester…

  7. I hope the hacker is Hannah