SPOILERS: Meet Another Person from Sarah’s Past

In this week’s spoiler column, Ausiello has a little bit of Chuck scoop for us. He reveals that in addition to Sarah’s mother, we’ll be meeting someone else from her past who played an important role in her life: her former handler. His name is Ryker and he’s described as “stoic”; the counterpoint to her warm, huggable mom?

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  1. Why would Sarah ever have had a handler? Was she ever an asset?

  2. Jonathan Frakes would be perfect…

  3. Are talking about Sarah’s handler or Sarah’s mom handler?
    I’m a little confused.

  4. Okay, so we get anything we want in the last season, right?

    Ryker is his first name. His last name is Coburn, Casey’s (stoic) twin brother. Where Casey is a less-controlled angry man, Ryker’s energy is contained and focussed. And of course they’re highly competitive. And of course Ryker has always come off as being better than Casey their whole lives (he was born first).

    This also explains how Sarah already knew Casey from before.

    Now, that was a fun way to start my day! 😉

  5. I always thought Sarah was handled by the person who recruited her, that black guy Graham

  6. Sarahs’s Handler or also ex lover?????

  7. You know what would be awesome? If Keanu Reeves was cast as Ryker. We already have Trinity, let’s get Neo on the show!

  8. Dang. We’re gonna get all these Sarah-centric episodes at the end of the run huh? Better late than never I guess. I’m excited.

  9. Definitely Sarah’s ex-lover…she always gets involved with people she works with, remember? 😛

    Though it bothers me why Sarah would need a handler. Wasn’t she always an agent, never an asset? Chuck required a handler because he was originally not CIA…but Sarah was always CIA since the end of vs the Cougars…

    Oh well…ret-con seems to be the norm here. 😉

  10. Sarah Walker … Our Sarah Walker… HAD A HANDLER?! Is that even possible? I mean, like Derrick said, wasn’t she always CIA? If she was one of the best agents, why would she need a handler? That really doesn’t make sense. Still, that will fill in more of Sarah’s past. That will be good for all of us right?

  11. TVline scoop said “He’s in his early 40s, stoic, and answers to the name Ryker”

    ummm..trying to think of some good guys who fit that desciption

    my dream would be Nathan Fillion, but, alas, that will not happen..

    my list

    1. Bruce Campbell (Hail to the King baby!)-if he is not too busy with Burn Notice
    he is older than 40, but he is BRUCE CAMPBELL!

    2. Harry Tang or Emmitt Milbarge-doesn’t really fit, but would be very funny

    3.Pierce Bronsnan–little older than early 40, but it’s Remington Steele and James Bond!


    I am drawing a blank, help me out people…lol

    make some guesses or suggestions