RATINGS: Chuck Drops Again?!?

Well this is unexpected. After last week’s all-time low ratings opposite the World Series, Chuck dropped again this week to an 0.8 in the 18-49 demo and 3.1 million viewers overall. Now I’m really curious to see the DVR numbers; do people just not know Chuck is on Friday nights?

Taking a look at the other shows airing in that timeslot, Extreme Home Makeover had the most viewers with 4.86 million and Kitchen Nightmares rated highest in the demo with a 1.5. Obviously Friday standards are different than other nights, and it would appear that viewers prefer non-scripted fare.

For those asking about Chuck on Hulu, iTunes, etc., it looks like Warner Bros. is still negotiating deals for streaming the new season. We’ll post as soon as episodes are available on those outlets.

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  1. NBC is still keeping to their word of not cancelling Chuck before the end of the 13 episodes right? Even though the ratings are dropping?

  2. Wow. That is a stunning number. It’s repeats usually did better than that. How long can NBC stick with this? Is there any chance that we’re not going to see the 13?

    I could sense that the base isn’t excited about Morgansect and the bromance being the featured relationship. But I never dreamed that it would get this bad.

    • The last I heard was that NBC was committed to airing all 13 episodes, but with numbers like this…let’s just hope all that industry talk of DVR numbers becoming increasingly important is true!

      • Mel, are you seriously worried that NBC might pull the plug before they shoot all 13 episodes? I just assumed that we were safe on the ratings front, kind of no matter what happened. I was really hoping to enjoy the rest of the series without any hand-wringing over ratings. Are you telling me that I should start worrying that we may not get to see Chuck come to its proper, intended end? Because I’ve got to admit, that thought makes me freak out, more than a little. :\'(

      • No, I’m not worried that NBC will pull the plug. As I said, the last I heard, NBC was committed to airing all 13 episodes.

  3. Or they just don’t like the whole Morgan/Intersect idea…..SAME!!!! But, I have to watch it until the end…

  4. Extreme Home Makeover…oh my… Let’s hope this all gets better. Would be totally sad if episode 13 wouldn’t make it. This season is supposed to rock!

  5. Well that sucks. 🙁 I’m surprised that I’m actually enjoying this season since I initially didn’t like the Morgansect idea at all. But it is working ok so far for me. Dunno but this season seems fun and with more energy than last season.

    And I think people know Chuck is back, they just don’t care anymore maybe. People tune in to watch Grimm after all. I also think that for a lot of people the Chuck story ended with Chuck and Sarah getting married. If that’s the case I don’t blame them BUT it sucks for those of us who want to see how this new season plays off.

  6. The numbers are disconcerting, but I don’t think we have to worry about not seeing the whole season. Friday night has never been a big TV night, at least in my lifetime…the move to Friday coincided with the show’s final season for a reason. As far as Chuck fans giving up b/c of the Morgansect..well, how many times have “chuch fans” gotten annoyed with storylines and threatened to stop watching…just about every season. Loyal watchers know that these conflicts get set up in the first few episodes of the season and then they all get worked out in a very fan-satisfying way. That’s how it has always been done, so why worry now? This show is like a roller coaster…that’s what makes it fun. Soon, Chuck will be the Intersect again and Gen. Beckman will be handing them jobs. So relax everyone…enjoy the ride, it’s our last.

    • The problem with the roller coaster is that every time we get to the top of the next hill, it’s with less fans.

      In S2, some episodes were watched by over 7 million. In S3, that became 5 million. In S4, 4 million. Now 3 million.

    • Really liked your post. I totally agree that wanting something to be different is not a reason to give up show. Anything could happen in Chuck. I really hope people find Chuck again and ratings get higher in the future. Too bad we international fans couldn´t add numbers before DVD comes out.

      • The reason people give up on a show is when they don’t enjoy what they are watching or sometimes what they think they will be watching. I think the intersect in Morgan to end S4 just ran some fans off and I don’t think they are coming back. I am hoping with the end of daylight savings time we might pick up a few and if they can let everyone know when the arc will shift away from Morgan.

  7. It’s up to the advertisers now. If they can’t sell the ad space, we’re all in trouble.

    Does anyone know how many episodes they’ve shot already?

  8. I have looked for “Chuck”, in iTunes and Hulu; no new episodes. Chuck is one of those shows that appeals to generally the more geek like population base. Don’t these guys who make these show realize there is a whole generation that no longer watches TV shows on TV. They watch but not on the networks time slot but there own. When these shows are not on iTunes or some other source then they are simply passed over. I believe that this new affluent generation looks at TV as a TOTAL waste of time. They love shows like “Chuck” and are even willing to pay on iTunes or other outlets. There are some good shows on TV but few grab you and get you involved like “Chuck”.

  9. NBC cares about only one thing on Friday. Grimm. As long as Grimm is doing good (for a Friday) in that slot, I think Chuck is safe. If they take Chuck away, they would have to move Grimm to 8 or put some reality show at 8. Either of those options could be dangerous for Grimm.

    Of coarse, if they move Grimm to Thursday at 10 this would all be moot.

  10. Agree with M.J. I think it’s less to do with the move and more to do with the horrible plot. I don’t get it, in season 2 the Fulcrum intersect literally kills everyone but Chuck. In season 4, trained spies get it, and hate it. Season 5, morgan, Chuck’s foil gets it… and is completely fine, and can use it perfectly without any problems?

    What the hell?! Are the writers that bored of writing a somewhat complex and interesting plot, a la season 2, that they just say F it, let’s just give the intersect to morgan and have season 1 all over again? I’m giving Chuck one more episode to turn it around.

    • You might want to rewatch last night’s episode. Morgan is most definitely NOT fine.

    • Why do people forget that the Intersect is not the same as it was in seasons prior to 4? Elly changed it to make it work better with human brains!!!! That said, it still isn’t perfect, like Mel said, Morgan is definitely not fine, like the spies weren’t in season 4. Chuck is and remains special. Some folks should watch more carefully…

    • And if you see the previews for next week he is a whole new type of NOT FINE! Frosted tips… i dont think so haha

  11. Even if NBC decides to not air Chuck anymore, it’s in the can, we’ll get it eventually, on home video. I’m not worried….

  12. The sad thing is, I thought this episode was better written, better paced, better edited and so tight and funny w/ all sorts of the Chuck heart that we’ve seen, that I was actually looking to ep 3. I wasn’t loving Morgansect, but I did enjoy last night.

    I am going to believe that bad ratings now lead to great ratings in the end.

  13. And here I thought we were done with agony of ratings. Well we can forget about back 9 and maybe start adjusting for the idea of Saturday burnoff or something. The way things are I’m kind of glad Chuck started airing a month later than usual. I think they are shooting episode 11, so only two left after that. If there ever was a fear of them shutting down production, I hope this fact prevents that.

  14. it may just be that people are busy–i know that’s why i couldn’t watch last night. hopefully nbc will hold true to their word. the last season sounds incredible, and i’m excited to see where it goes.

  15. The Morgansect has gotta go….. Period ….end of story…. Stop messing with
    Chucklore….. Chucks dad said he has a ” Special ” Brain… Chuck is our Hero…
    Give our Hero back his Special Powers…

    • So you think that without the intersect, Chuck is ineffective? Chuck can’t be the Hero without the intersect? I think this week’s episode, as well as the premiere, proves that statement wrong.

  16. Episode 2 is not up on NBC.com, either, as of Saturday afternoon. THis is NOT good. My DVR was unplugged last night (painting the house) and couldn’t catch it. Not sure NBC and Warner are on the same page on this stuff anymore. And if things keep sliding, even with the mess that NBC’s sked is, they might have to pull the show…

  17. Not being able to watch online (on Hulu, etc) is frustrating. I’d love to watch Chuck (and I LIKE this season’s storyline), but I’m one of the many who don’t have TV, and rely on online streaming. I’ve always wished networks had a better way of taking these numbers into account, and now I just wish there was some way for me to watch it at all… I do hope the Warner Bros negotiations are solved soon, so I can watch my favorite show!

  18. Wow with numbers like this it makes you wonder the world series last week really had much impact. I sure hate to think it the Morgansect and focus on bromance. Chuck/Morgan relationship is one the show really hasn’t played with till now and I find it not as bothersome as the Shaw arc and that lasted 6-8 episodes. Although Morgan is acting as a dunce according to CF that the purpose. I was hoping the ratings for once wouldn’t be a damper on watching this season oh well 11 to go

  19. I feel better about where the Morgan plot is going after Friday night’s episode. Especially in the final scene where everything comes full circle with the dialog between Morgan and a certain other character. Now I understand.

    Monday night = new week, enjoy shows, then get ready to work the next day.
    Friday night = end of the week, get out of the house and start enjoying the weekend.

    Chuck has now gone from enjoying the bliss of a Monday night lineup to the despair of landing into a Friday night slot where many shows have been sent to die a quick death by networks. Well done NBC. Please don’t kill our series off till all 13 episodes have run. Still haven’t forgiven you over the Tonight Show / Leno and Conan fiasco. Thank you however for at least allowing Chuck to end with a real ending though.

    • “… the bliss of a Monday night lineup…” Ah, how quickly we forget how much we blamed Monday’s “brutal timeslot with so much competition” for the ratings last year. 😉 Mondays were rough on Chuck, but I always maintained that it held up well in that timeslot, better than anything else NBC threw in there (including The Sing-Off this season). IMO it should have stayed on Mondays, but nobody asked me!

  20. what i don’t get is why you were taken by surprise on the ratings. you were surprised last week as well by the number people not liking the first episode. when you saw the results of the finale last year, i believe it was you, asking people to give it a chance. seems they did and didn’t like it enough to come back. it seems to me less people are willing to wait for the big payoff with poor lead ins. morgansect has had an influence as well i think.

  21. As long as NBC doesn’t pull it from the schedule as they apparently have promised…im not at all concerned with ratings. Really, who cares? As for those of you still complaining about Morgansect, Chuck is special, and so on, if u watched last nights episode, you should have noticed Morgan is far from handling it fine, and is definitely having some problems. I’m actually surprised they explored this so soon, I thought it wouldn’t come up for awhile.

    I thought the episode would have negated some concerns. So looks like I was right and some people won’t be happy till Chuck has the intersect back…despite what the show is quite obviously telling us, in regards to Chucks “specialness” and hero status.

  22. The episode was better,but it is horrible that Morgan still has the intersect. Ratings will probably pickup when Chuck gets the intersect back (FAST!!!!!!!!) and NBC starts to really promote Chuck. Hope all 13 are aired!

    • NBC isn’t going to use any air time to promote Chuck. Maybe a quick 10sec shot to let folks know it’s still on.

      But basically, NBC put Chuck on Friday night in order to run out the string.

  23. As much as the showrunnners have pushed Morgan’s character on the fans over the last couple of seasons running up to his having the intersect, the more the fans run away. You may not like it and you may not agree with it, but that is what the issue is. Morgan is not liked as a lead in the show. A lot fans found the wedding as their final episode and have no interest in watching Morgan. I would expect we might pick up some viewers who have gone on as we get closer to the series finally just to see the actual ending.

    • Meh, fans have been shouting much louder about Shaw and the will they/won’t they plots in the last couple of seasons than anything to do with Morgan. Out of the thousands of comments I moderate each season, Morgan has only reason to highest volume for the complainers since the end of season 4, so I don’t think we can say with any authority that Morgan is the reason fans are running away. Most likely it’s a combination of the new timeslot and lack of promotion from NBC.

      • I agree Mel. Especially with the promotion part. That has been a problem for 5 years, no reason for them to change it I guess. The DVD for S4 should have been released earlier to capture new viewers prior to the start of S5, they shouldn’t have delayed the start of the season, again…the World Series? Really?!? That Chuck survived this long is a testament to the fans and folks like you who keep things going. Not TLC from the PTB’s, that’s for sure. Friday is a dead zone. I do like Grimm myself and will keep watching, but most people are tuning in because it’s new…things will level out with that too, I’m sure.

  24. Wow!!! This numbers make me really sad. I was hopefull that we would do better this season..I know it really doesn’t reflect how many people watch the show but it woud be nice if numbers went up to show the cast and crew how much we love and appreciate their hard work to keep our favorite show on the air.

  25. Ummmm… ouch on those numbers. I said last week these numbers weren’t important anymore, and that I was done commenting about them.

    *munches tasty crow and humble pie, washing it down with cold 2% milk*

    Well, I still think NBC will keep the Friday night time slot for Chuck, and I still believe NBC will air all 13 episodes. However, I now think the chances of a few Chuck marathon nights have increased significantly. I would not be surprised, if this ratings trend continues, to see about half the episodes aired on Fridays, then Chuck goes on hiatus until after the NFL is done, then a night or two of Sunday Chuck marathons in the future.

  26. Mel – I want to watch “Bearded Bandit” on nbc.com or Hulu (I missed it Friday night owing to work commitments), but I can’t find it. All they have from this season is the “Zoom”. Wazzup with that? They usually have NBC shows available the next day.

    • Bob, did you see my note above about Warner Bros. negotiating for the streaming rights? Should be settled soon.

      • Yep. I put my glasses on, and there it was the whole time!

      • I hope so. It’s a bit disconcerting that there’s not even streaming rights on NBC.com itself for the episodes, something that should have been settled before episodes even started airing. Or are they just really slow in posting this particular show online at the NBC site?

    • You’re not the only one who has been checking those sites. I missed it too and one would think that if NBC wants to attract more viewers they would have gotten that issue resolved before Chuck season 5 began.

  27. This is really disheartening, I really thought the numbers would be up. I do put a lot of blame on NBC simply not advertising the show. I get that it’s the last season and all, but to quite literally not advertise for Chuck is just ludicrous. We’re on episode #2 and I did not see one ad previewing this weeks episode, not one. NBC simply doesn’t care about Chuck, they really don’t. Such a shame.

  28. I thought the season premiere was one of the weaker episodes of the series. Maybe a lot of viewers agreed and decided not to bother tuning in for this week’s episode which was a lot stronger. Hopefully people will find out it gets better and tune back in next week. The show also is struggling to fit in all of its minor characters and plotlines each week. We get Ellie but not Awesome or vice versa. Alex has yet to appear nor Beckman or Mary Bartowski.

  29. Can’t stand that Morgan has the intersect. Thought the show was great before this. Name of show is Chuck!

  30. The three issues that have impacted Chucks ratings in different ways have all been mentioned. Moving to Friday was always going to have a major impact. Chuck and Sarah getting married will also have lost a few viewers who were very focused on the romance and saw this as a logical end. The third and obviously the reason for this latest dip is clearly Morgan. We all know there was a great deal of resistance to this direction and it wasn’t mild and it wasn’t an insignificant number. Following this story arc will have stopped quite a few watching the season five premiere and for the rest of us who absolutely hate this story line the opening episode only validated and worsened these fears so more viewers were lost.
    I didn’t watch episode two initially because for the first time I just wasn’t looking forward to it. I was left so cold and irritated by the opener that had this been a new program I would never have gone near it again. Obviously this isn’t new, it’s Chuck, and obviously I was always going to crack and watch this episode and I’m glad I did because it was a lot better than the first episode and felt more like the show we all love.
    To all the Morgansect haters out there let me say just this, I’m one of you, and I won’t pretend that I didn’t want to drown him every time he was on the screen, but the moments he wasn’t there were worth watching and there were real signs that the series has a hell of a lot to offer still. So if you stopped watching because of Morgan, and I know lots of you did, give it another go, I think it’s going to be worth it.

  31. Well…what should we expect? The show has been moved on Friday (Death Slot). NBC has specifically explained that they made Season 5 only to thank the fans for their support; otherwise, Season 4 would’ve been the last. I don’t think the ratings are really significant anymore; I mean NBC showed “Chase” even when the ratings were abysmal…

    And while I don’t hate Morgansect, I don’t really care about it….and maybe that’s the problem; Morgan has always been a supporting character, and now he’s apparently taking Chuck’s place (though you can clearly see that the Intersect is frying Morgan’s brain). For some, it could be hard, shall we say, to accept. But while I don’t hate it, I won’t be displeased when that arc is over.

    I liked ep. 2 much more than the first one. Casey and Gertrude are very funny together. And it’s always lovely to see Chuck and Sarah moments (loved that “jogging” scene near the end. And I don’t know why, but it seems to hint that Team B will probably go their separate ways at the end of the show…

    I like what I see so far.

  32. Why all the negitive Chuck should and desevers added episodes lets get the bback 9 .

  33. I’m sick of hearing everyone blaming NBC over the switch to Fridays. Remember, Chuck was an awfully rated show basically from seasons 2+. NBC would have easily been able to justify cancelling it after every season, but they didn’t, and thanks to them we’ve been able to enjoy 4+ seasons of our favorite show.

    I HIGHLY doubt NBC would cancel it at this point. I would not, however, be surprised if they moved it at mid-season to a Saturday night burn-off, or to just releasing the eps on Hulu at the very least.

    Let’s stop panicking, enjoy the 11 episodes we have left, and let Chuck live on forever in our hearts and DVD players.

  34. People always have a tendency to blame the shows stories when the ratings go down.

    But you know a lot of terrible or mediocre shows get huge ratings so often times quality has little to do with it.

    Last week most people were saying The World Series was the reason for the low ratings but this week it got even lower.

    Any speculation as to why the ratings are this low is just speculation.

    Unless you personally know Nielsen viewers who use to watch this show and the reasons they quit watching it’s not wise to offer speculation.

    I myself am quite surprised the ratings are this low but i can’t say why that is.

    Any speculation we offer is very likely wrong.

  35. ,Maybe if they didn’t have a piss poor story arc about Morgan being the intersect then, possibly, maybe we’d have better ratings. I hate Morgan is the intersect, it’s ruining my favourite show.

  36. Blame NBC, blame Obama’s speech, blame the writer’s strike, blame Nielson, blame winter storms, blame the World Series… What’s next, blame corporations and Wall Street?!? Oh wait, someone has already taken that one. I agree that NBC was a poorly run network prior to Comcast’s purchase (and may still be, juries still out), but we all seem to have short memories. NBC used ad space around Superbowl XLIII (which had 98.7 million viewers) to advertise Chuck, and the following episode had an 8.54, which was the highest rated show besides the pilot. Why have 5.44 million viewers gone since then? Even if you contribute 25% of the drop (1.36 million viewers) to bad advertising and another 25% of the drop (again, 1.36 million) to the Friday switch, that leaves us with 5.82 million. That would have blown Kitchen Nightmares out of the water. I’m not saying I have the answers, but maybe it’s time we stop blaming outside forces, cause IMO it doesn’t hold a ton of merit. Has anyone read an article on what Swartz and Fedak think of steady ratings decline? I’d be curious.

  37. I don’t know what the real deals are behind Chuck’s dropped ratings, but I personally am holding hope that enough people will give the S5 storyline a chance once they start to see the real interest it brings -if they didn’t already think it was interesting.

    Personally, because Morgan CLEARLY is not handling the intersect well, it’s a sign that Chuck is the only one that can really handle it. So, I am warming up to the whole “Morgansect” storyline, as it’s not only another chance to re-affirm Chuck’s special talent, but also a way to add dimension to Morgan as well.

    AND these are just the first two episodes with many more surprises to come…don’t give up on CHUCK!

  38. Wow I was really surrpisd by that 20% drop. I can only assume that maybe as this is the last series people think ratings dont matter and dont watch,
    I am not going to lie and say that I loved Morgansect but I did really like in this episode that they are showing that morgan cant use the intersect like Chuck can and that again proves how special Chuck really is. I loved how they set it up too in that it was Chuck that notices it and not Sarah or Casey abd then Chuck telling them that he was fine etc.
    I really liked that this episode as it also shows Chuck fighting without the intersect but also at the end training and that shows just how great Chuck can be.
    If anyone knows of any fans that stopped watching then please get them top try again Morgansect is not as annoying as it could have been and from this episode may mean that it wont be around much longer.

  39. It seems pretty clear now that Morgansect is not long for this series. It’s malfunctioning and will need to be removed, right? Sooner the better. This was a baaaad idea. The can say they are going back to their roots with Chuck using his brain to figure things out, but let’s remember….. HE HAD THE INTERSECT. That’s the whole point of this show right? Get it back Chuck!! For all our sakes

  40. I think a little part of it is that TPTB have promised this to be a blow out season with things changing all the time. I know one of the reasons I’ve been such a fan of Chuck is that it is escapist fare that doesn’t (or didn’t!) make you concerned about what’s coming up. I also don’t like watching part 1 of an episode when I have to wait to watch part 2 (I prefer to record it and watch it when I can watch both parts together). I think Fedak and Schwartz should dole out a few more spoilers so we have a clue where they’re taking this season.
    Just my own two cents….

  41. Looks like Morgan is ending up just like the two Greta’s in Chuck Vs A-Team. I guess Morgan isn’t special like Chuck either….. As far as the ratings, as long as NBC keeps Chuck on til the end, I’m happy. Besides. I really like Grimm.

  42. Wow there sure is a lot of angst about the ratings and what it represents. I’m in NZ and Chuck was pulled of the air due to low ratings and they finally returned it to our screens mid S4 buried at 10.30pm on a Thursday. Fortunately technology has allowed me to watch all of S4 and the first 2 of S5. So yeah ratings suck and times to view our fav show change but we still get to see a great show. Is Morgansect my favourite storyline – no, but it’s not that bad. I still thought there were some great moments in the episode (and some down right awkward – TMI Casey!!!). Have some faith guys. Fedak and co created a show we love and they know that and will finish it off in style. Until then – if more viewers is really that important then we have seen that Captain Awesome makes a pretty amazing spokesman!

  43. so sad to hear this..=(

  44. I’m a high school teacher and have a dozen or so kids who are “Chucksters” who talk with me about the show. Only 1 knew it switched nights to Friday. I’ve literally seen 100 promos for Grimm and Whitney, and 2 for Chuck. I am aware they will promote the new shows more than one in its last season, but seriously, nobody knew it moved. NBC really dropped the ball on a great show throughout the entire 5 year history. Chuck should be going down in history as one of TV’s great series. Instead, we got cancelled, not cancelled, 13eps, now add more, monday, now friday, etc.

  45. Chuck has such a worldwide fan base, if they were to open up NBC, or Warner Bros or Hulu to Europe, they would see a dramatic increase in viewing numbers. Have you not seen the Thank you video? They are no where near all from the USA. I have to watch Chuck from the UK. I end up live streaming the NBC (WESH) Channel, to see it at midnight (in the UK). I still see all the bloody adverts etc, xD

    But, the main question is, why do you have to be a US resident? If they were to open up to Europe, there will be a so many more viewers. And so many more adverts would have been watched.

    Chuck Season 4 hasn’t even been scheduled in the UK on ‘Sky’ yet..
    They should have ANY time slot on Sky/ Virgin Media, and they would get more views. Why have you got to be so thick NBC?! lol

    • NBC has broadcast rights to the US only. They don’t make any money off Chuck airing in any other country; that goes to Warner Bros. International viewing is one reason WB can afford to give the show to NBC at a very low cost, though, so international fans DO make a difference in the end.

      • Well, thats all well and good, except they don’t make any money from people like me who live stream, or other friends of mine who torrent, just to see the Chuck episodes.. xD

      • And that is why we don’t allow links to illegal methods of watching Chuck. 😉

      • Which is understandable.. But if i was being ‘legal’ for Chuck, I would have only started watching Season 4, as it comes on DVD, which was a few weeks back for us. Which blows =/

  46. WE just got power back in CT, so we missed Friday. Any updates on where/when it will be available for viewing on line?

    (Also wondering whether CT’s power issues affected the ratings)

  47. Guys, please don’t abandon Chuck. The show still needs you. If the ratings continue to drop, I’m afraid it will be pulled! 🙁 And I really don’t want that to happen because I still find the show enjoyable. Yeah like many morgansect was not ideal for me, but it really isn’t that bad. I actually find the storyline this FINAL season sort of exciting and a bit fresh with Morgan going loco… plus I want to see the Casey/Gertrude arc live on my TV every week this year. Come on, do it for nostalgia sakes at least!

    • Totally agree with you Stargazer! Can’t wait to see what happens next. Hopefully Morgan will get his little bearded butt kicked. I say this in a loving way of course, as I’ve always liked Morgan, but he definitely needs to be “de-intersected.” There are great things in store for this final season… I’m soooo looking forward to Cheryl Ladd as Sarah’s mom. Saw her recently on NCIS and she looked great! Also, still hoping for the return of Scott Bakula…he’s too awesome to leave dead. On Chuck, anything is possible :-). Keep watching everyone!

  48. Also waiting to watch on-line! Very frustrated that can’t access it!!! Blech!

  49. The season will finish airing, and I am certain that soon NBC will sort out the streaming issues so that we can all catch it online at NBC.com. I am sure this time next year, I will own the 5th season DVD and put it on the shelf in a place of honor alongside the other 4 seasons.

    For the people who haven’t seen it, or for those that were just so frustrated that they didn’t pay attention. Yes, Morgan has the Intersect, but from where I am standing, the show is still called Chuck, and Chuck is most definitely the hero.

    Chuck saved Morgan at least twice last episode, and our geek with the skinny arms managed to assist on taking out alot of baddies without any Flashes. The episode closed with him working out alongside his superspy wife Mrs. Bartowski. He is doing just fine without the Intersect. So if you haven’t been watching, please tune in and give the show the chance that it deserves.

  50. So, 13 episodes is all we get no matter what this season, right? No back-order what-so-ever?