Chuck vs. the Podcast 94: Frosted Tips

We finally get to see bullet time on Chuck, and things heat up with Gertrude and Casey. A major development with Jeff Barnes, and… pantsing? Chuck vs. the Frosted Tips gets thumbs up from Gray, Mel, and Liz, and we’re all incredibly excited about what Chuck writer Phil Klemmer says will be a very strong run of episodes coming up!

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We also discuss the ratings, the lack of Chuck online, and what could be some potential good news about air dates before the holidays.

BREAKING NEWS that didn’t make it into the podcast: NBC announced their mid-season schedule, and Chuck will be airing its 2 final episodes back to back on January 27, 2012. Don’t worry, we’ll have some post-finale send-off interviews to soften the blow.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates – @chucktvdotnet, @prlsoflizdom, and @GrayJones.

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  1. i love these podcasts! i look forward to them every week! Thank you so much you guys!

  2. ultimatechucklover

    Where are you guys at with the whole thing with hulu and nbc not posting episodes anymore? 🙂 I just need to know because i don’t have tv write now and i won’t be able to watch it if i can’t get online…

  3. Did anyone else think the scene of Morgan negotiating with Verbanski was an homage to Die Hard? There was a bearded character in the movie who tried to negotiate with Hans Gruber like he was a business client, putting his feet up on Gruber’s appropriated desk and generally acting like a jerk, just as Morgan did. I think he even called Gruber “boobala.”

  4. I really liked this podcast because all of you really liked this episode and you could tell. Can’t believe there’s only 10 more left 🙁 Crap, Kleenex time again 🙁