Happy Thanksgiving, Chucksters

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, and we wanted to take a minute to say how thankful we are for YOU, fellow Chuck fans, and for the show that has brought us together. Group hug!

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here’s hoping none of your relatives brings the leader of a global crime network to dinner.

  2. I am thankful I found this site to share my thoughts, tears and love for Chuck! A happy, safe and blessed Thanksgiving to you all.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Chuck fans out there.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Mel, Liz & Cay & to everybody associated with Chucktv.net.
    Thank You for the work that you do, in providing us all with this great site to talk Chuck
    We may not all always agree but you give us a place to talk & to vent about the show.

    Finally, God Bless everyone & may you all enjoy the start of the Holiday Season


  4. Mel have a happy Thanksgiveing.




  5. Happy Thanksgiving to U guys!! we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Argentina but I’m still vey thankful for everything u do for all Chuck fans and for this amazing Nerd family we all belong to because of Chuck 😀

  6. Thank you so much, Mel. You and Gray and Liz are the best.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all the CHUCK-A-Holic’s, i celebrated by watching the first 4 episodes of the season with my own little marathon 🙂