Hey Chucksters, we hope that all our American fans had a great Thanksgiving and are slowly coming out of your turkey-induced coma. Or maybe you’ve been up since midnight in line at the Buy More…er… Best Buy waiting to buy a TV or XBox. Either way, it’s hard to deny that the holidays are upon us. Thinking back over the past 4+ seasons, we’ve shared many holidays with Chuck. There have been Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving-themed episodes over the years, so it seemed appropriate this week to reminisce about some of my favorite holiday-themed Chuck episodes.
Top 5 Holiday-Themed Chuck Episodes:
1) [easyazon-link asin=”B001NY3UHM”]Chuck vs Santa Claus[/easyazon-link] (S2) – definitely a fan favorite! A guy dressed as Santa takes the Buy More hostage and Fulcrum is onto Chuck. Add to that multiple Die Hard homages, Morgan elfing it up, and that final scene in the Christmas tree lot when Sarah executes the Fulcrum agent to protect Chuck, while he looks on in horror, and you’ve got the holiday episode by which all others are judged.
2) [easyazon-link asin=”B004EDS72M”]Chuck vs the Leftovers[/easyazon-link] (S4) – Okay, technically not Thanksgiving because the whole episode took place on Black Friday, but they were eating T-giving leftovers, so close enough! I loved this episode for Timothy Dalton and his warm-and-fuzzy-one-minute, ruthless-killer-the-next persona. You may think your family holidays are awkward, but can they compare to playing charades (Lawrence of Arabia!) with your estranged mother and her international arms dealer and multiple murderer “boyfriend” in your living room?
3) [easyazon-link asin=”B00101XNYI”]Chuck vs the Nemesis[/easyazon-link] (S1) – Bryce is back! And so is Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Morgan reaches new levels of ecstasy over Ellie’s sweet potatoes, much to Anna’s disgust. Bryce agrees to turn himself into the CIA and Chuck arranges the transfer to occur in the Buy More on Black Friday. When the transfer goes bad, the Buy Morons are forced into a “Pineapple” situation and the store is evacuated. Chuck’s safety then hinges on his ability to speak Klingon. What’s not to love?
4) [easyazon-link asin=”B000Y0Q5U0″]Chuck vs the Sandworm[/easyazon-link] (S1) – The first holiday-themed episode! Chuck sees a bit of himself in Lazslo, a CIA computer prodigy that turns out to be a bomber, and the Morgan-Chuck bromance hits its first snag when they fight over Morgan’s immaturity. Luckily all is reconciled in time for them to wear their customary two-person Sandworm costume to the big Halloween party. To add to the fun, we get Sarah in a slave Leia costume, and Devon wearing nothing but a fig leaf.
5) [easyazon-link asin=”B00498V2FQ”]Chuck vs the Aisle of Terror[/easyazon-link] (S4) – Another Halloween episode, guest-starring none other than Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund. His doctor-with-a-deadly-mind-destroying-virus is scary, but not as scary as the things that are in Jeff’s head as personified by Jeffster’s Sugar-Plum Fairy-scored “aisle of terror” photo montage of horrifying things such as feet, old people, otters, and babies in snail costumes (is it a baby, or a snail?).
What do you guys think? Did you like these eps, or did you prefer other holiday themed ones?
What about the second Christmas episode [G]?
Tell us the episode name and why you liked it 🙂
Like the picks but the guy that took over the Buy More was not wearing a Santa suit.
Is it a baby, or a snail? I don’t know…
The Santa Claus was the first episode I watched, then I had to see all the episodes before it and I have not missed one since. It has to be the winner. 🙂
It may not be top 5 but Sizzling Shrimp: the the Bartowski” Mother’s Day” should be up there. It was the first episode I saw and I have not missed one since so it must be at least A winner!:)
I’ll always love Chuck. vs. the Crown Vic – the very first Christmas themed episode…Casey’s romance with the car, caressing and polishing it. Sarah killing her alarm clock with her knife. Captain Morgan. Chuck blowing up the Vic. Casey’s sick look. Chuck gifting Sarah with a new alarm clock. Favorite moment is the close where Chuck and Sarah dance to I’ll Melt With You.
Oh and Sarah accusing Chuck of being a flash faker.
And the first Firefly reference in the show with the car being “Shiny”
Are the Valentine’s Day episodes “Chuck Versus the Suburbs” and “Chuck Versus the Masquerade” anyone’s favorites?
I just watched Masquerade yesterday, and that’s the one that came to mind as a favourite.
The incredibly guilty look on Sarah’s face when her coat gets caught and pulled off followed by two beats before the angel wings pop up. The look on Chuck’s face when he gets an eyeful of her outfit.
Also the amount of Valentine’s Day geegaws littered all over the apartment and Chuck and Morgan deciding that they haven’t gone overboard.
And finally, General Beckman’s reaction to Chuck’s “Love Machine” custom tee shirt, which for some reason he didn’t think to change out of before the briefing.
Ned wasn’t dressed as Santa, Big Mike was.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking too.
My bad! LOL, I kind of blended the two ideas together! I clearly need to re-watch that episode sooner rather than later 🙂 This is what happens when I write posts late at night!
Rewatching a CHUCK episode… ALWAYS an Awesome Idea!!
I only own S1 and S2 sadly. . .but Netflix is sending me S3 and S4. . .but I have to wait a few days inbetween each disk instead of being able to watch them over and over in rapid succession.
One of these days I’ll buy S3 and S4.
Chuck vs Santa Claus is still my favourite episode of the series, let alone my favourite holiday episode.
1.Santa Claus:One of the best episodes of the series!
2.Nemisis:First time we hear pinapple!
3.Leftovers:Kids love me!
4.Gravitron:good but Chuck is an idiot in this one until the end!
Ahhhh pinnapple!!! makes me laugh every time :D!
Love Chuck vs the Santa Claus especially when Chuck gives Sarah the Charm Bracelet..so cute ..
I like Cay’s list, but I will admit that I thought “Chuck vs Santa Claus” was kind of an off-title. It would have been more fitting if Ned had in fact been dressed as Santa, or at least had a Santa hat. Or, since Big Mike was dressed as Santa, maybe they could’ve played up that significance as another B-plot to the episode. Y’know, as the “macguffen.”
All things considered, I think more accurate titles could’ve been “Chuck vs the Christmas Rush,” “Chuck vs the Grinch” or even “Chuck vs the Season’s Greetings.”
I probably would switch out “Chuck vs the Sand Worm” with “Chuck vs the Crown Vic,” as that comes to my mind when we mention holiday episodes. Specifically for reasons mentioned already, and, once “Chuck vs the Santa Suit” comes out, you could conceivably use the Christmas-themed episodes as pinpoints in Chuck and Sarah’s relationship. In “Crown Vic” they agree to be good friends, in “Santa Claus” we witness two key scenes of how much they both care about each other, and now in “Santa Suit” we’ve got them as husband and wife!
*Also like Garnet’s suggestion of including “Chuck vs the Sizzling Shrimp” as it does indeed, feature a signature Chuck holiday, if only for Chuck and Ellie at the time!
I definitely agree on the naming of Chuck vs the Santa Claus, because after not seeing it in forever, when I went to write this post, I confused that it was Ned wearing the suit and not Big Mike because the title didn’t make sense with Big Mike wearing the costume.
I’ll have to re-watch Crown Vic as well as it’s been a while and I always forget that it had a holiday theme – I always just remember Chuck blowing up Casey’s car and Morgan with Anna’s parents, but not the holiday party at Buy More.